Sort by: You've Selected: jean-sebastien-bach. Hier zittert das gequälte Herz" for Winds & strings, › Recitative: "Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen hatten" for Flute & Strings, › Recitative: "Was hat er denn Übels getan" for Woodwind Quartet, › Recitative: "Wiewohl mein Herz in Tränen schwimmt" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Recitative: Des Morgens aber hielten alle Hohepriester" for Flute, Strings & Organ, › Recitativo & Choral: "Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen" for Small Orchestra, › Recitativo "Die Armen sind Verstört" for Woodwind Quartet, › Recitativo: "Ja, ja! for Woodwinds & Strings, › Aria: "Schweigt, ihr Flöten, schweigt, ihr Töne" for Woodwind Trio, › Aria: "Seht, seht! PLAYLIST VIDEO. PLAYLIST VIDEO ... Johann Sebastian Bach: Partita In A Minor For Flute Solo BWV 1013: Flute: Flute [Score] Barenreiter. The title, however, is the work of 20th-century editors. Presto - 9:38 8 for Winds & Strings, › "Golliwog's Cake-Walk" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Gott der Hoffnung Erfülle Euch" for Flutes & Piano, › "Gott der Hoffnung Erfülle Euch" for Trumpets & Woodwind Quartet, › "Graduale" from the Requiem in C Minor (Mvt. (Dolce) - 0:17 2. mercii! 7 pages. thanks a lot! Bourée Anglaise - 10:21 Allemande - 0:172. for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Chorus: "Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied" for Flutes & Strings, › Chorus: "So du mit deinem Munde bekennest Jesum" for Woodwind Quintet, › Chorus: "Stifter der Reiche, Beherrscher der Kronen" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Tönet, ihr Pauken! Contents. Partita in A minor, BWV 1013. Bach wrote hundreds of pieces for organ, choir, as well as many other instruments. - 0.0/10 2 4 6 8 10 (-) - V / V / V - 9258×⇩ - Alix Boivert. wie reißt, wie bricht, wie fällt" for Wind Quintet, › Aria: "Seid beglückt, edle beide" for Winds & Strings, › Aria: "Seinem Schöpfer noch auf Erden" for Flute, Oboe & Harp, › Aria: "Sende deine Macht von oben" for Woodwind Quartet, › Aria: "Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not" for Flute, Oboe & Cello, › Aria: "Sich in Gott und Jesu freuen" for Wind Ensemble, › Aria: "So feiern wir das hohe Fest" for Flutes & Guitar, › Aria: "So hat Gott die Welt geliebt" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Aria: "So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Aria: "Soll ich meinen Lebenslauf" for Woodwind Quintet, › Aria: "Stein, der über alle Schätze" for Flute & String Trio, › Aria: "The soft complaining flute" for Flute, Oboe & Guitar, › Aria: "Tilg, o Gott, die Lehren" for Woodwind Trio, › Aria: "Treues Echo dieser Orten" for Flute, Oboe & Bass, › Aria: "Unser trefflicher" for Flute & Guitar Trio, › Aria: "Unsre Stärke heißt zu schwach" for Piccolo, Flute & Strings, › Aria: "Va tacito e nascosto" from "Giulio Cesare" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Aria: "Vadoro, pupille" from "Giulio Cesare" for Winds & Strings, › Aria: "Vedova" from the Opera "L'avaro" for Winds & Strings, › Aria: "Verachtest du den Reichtum seiner Gnade" for Wind Quintet, › Aria: "Verstumme, Höllenheer" for Wind Ensemble, › Aria: "Von den Stricken meiner Sünden" for Woodwind Quartet, › Aria: "Wacht auf, ihr Adern und ihr Glieder" for Winds & Strings, › Aria: "Wann kommst du, mein Heil" for Flute, Oboe, Horn & Cello, › Aria: "Weh und Schmerz in dem Gebären" for Flute Choir, › Aria: "Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Aria: "Wenn des Kreuzes Bitterkeiten" for Wind Quintet, › Aria: "Wer ein wahrer Christ will heißen" for Flute & Harp, › Aria: "Wer Gott bekennt aus wahrem Herzensgrund" for Flute, Oboe & Cello, › Aria: "Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten" for Winds & Strings, › Aria: "Wer Sünde tut, der ist vom Teufel" for Woodwind Quartet, › Aria: "Wie freudig ist mein Herz" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Aria: "Wie selig sind doch die, die Gott im Munde tragen" for Flute & Strings, › Aria: "Wie wohl ist mir, O Freund der Seelen" for Flute & Cello, › Aria: "Wie zittern und wanken der Sünder Gedanken" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Aria: "Wirf, mein Herze, wirf dich noch" for Flute & Strings, › Aria: "Wo zwei und drei versammlet sind" for Woodwind Trio & Strings, › Aria: "Wohl euch, ihr auserwählten Seelen" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Aria: "Zerfließe, mein Herze, in Fluten der Zähren" for Woodwind Quartet, › Aria: "Zweig und Äste" for Wind Quartet, › Arioso & Chorus: "Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine" for Winds & Strings, › Arioso: "Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe" for Winds & Strings, › Arioso: "Tag und Nacht ist dein" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Arioso: "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Badinerie from the Orchestral Suite No. 5 in D Major for Flute & Piano, › Brandenburg Concerto No. 1722–23 First Pub lication. for Small Orchestra, › Chorus: "Uns ist ein Kind geboren" for Wind Ensemble, › Chorus: "Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten" for Small Orchestra, › Chorus: "Wachet! For Celesta or Toy Piano (G-C 42 keys) (Isida) I. Allemande * #633413 - 0.11MB, 4 pp. Bach, › Aria from "Easter Oratorio" for Woodwind Sextet, › Aria from "Easter Oratorio" for Woodwind Trio, › Aria from Brandenburg Concerto V for WoodWind Quartet, › Aria from the Goldberg Variations for Flute, Clarinet & Cello, › Aria: "Ächzen und erbärmlich Weinen" for Wind Trio, › Aria: "Ätzet dieses Angedenken" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Aria: "Öffne meinen schlechten Liedern" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Aria: "Öffnet euch, ihr beiden Ohren" for Winds & Cello, › Aria: "Ach, nun ist mein Jesus hin!" Arranger : Lichtmann, Jay. for Winds & Strings, › Recitative & Chorus: "Und der Hohenpriester" for Winds & Strings, › Recitative & Chorus: "und es trat zu ihm eine Magd" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Recitative & Chorus: "Und von der sechsten Stunde" for Flute & Strings, › Recitative & Chorus: "Was bringet ihr für Klage" for Winds & Strings, › Recitative: "Aber am ersten Tage" for Wind Sextet, › Recitative: "Du lieber Heiland du" for Woodwind & Strings, › Recitative: "Erwünschtes Freudenlicht" for Flute & Organ, › Recitative: "From Harmony, from heavenly Harmony" for Winds & Strings, › Recitative: "Indessen seufzen wir" for Flute & Harp, › Recitative: "Ja! kind of put you into a trance in a magical place... › Élévation from 30 Pièces pour Orgue for Flute & Strings, › "Matribus suis dixerunt" for Woodwind Quintet, › ¿Porque, eh? BWV 1013 Johann Sebastian Bach. 6 in A Major for Woodwind Trio, › Sonata No. INSTRUMENTATIONS (6) Hide INSTRUMENTATIONS ARRANGERS (4) Hide ARRANGERS . Composer: Bach, J S; Arrangement: Oboe (OB) Edition Information: Nachdruck 2011; Publisher: Zimmermann; Catalogue Number: ZM26290; Language: German - English; Pages: 8; Date Published: 13th Jan 1987; Sheet Music $16.00. Partita in A minor, BWV 1013. 8 No. BWV 1013 Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach wrote hundreds of pieces for organ, choir, as well as many other instruments. der sanften Flöten Chor" for Flute & Strings, › Aria: "Hört doch! 1 in F Major for Small Orchestra. A propos de / Témoignages de membres. 10) for Flute & Piano, › "Meditation" from the Opera "Thaïs" by Jules Massenet, › "Meeting of the Waters" for Harp, Flute & Oboe, › "Mein himmlischer Vater" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Meine Seele hört im Sehen" for Flute, Oboe & Harpsichord, › "Mentr'io Godo in Dolce Oblio" for Flute & Harp, › "Mijn hert heeft altijts verlanghen" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Miniature Overture" from the Nutcracker Suite for Small Orchestra, › "Miserere Mei, Deus" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Miserere" for Woodwinds, Strings & Piano, › "Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake" for Flute & Harp, › "Miss MacDermott" for Flute, Oboe & Harp, › "Miss Mulligan's Home Made Pie" for Flute & Piano, › "Missa Alma redemptoris" for Winds & Strings, › "Missa Ascendens Christus" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Missa Ave maris stella" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Missa Brevis" (BuxWV 114) For Woodwind Quintet, › "Missa Choralis" in D Minor for Winds & Strings, › "Missa De Beata Maria" for Wind Quintet, › "Missa Dum complerentur" for Winds & Strings, › "Missa Laetatus sum" for Winds & Strings, › "Missa O quam gloriosum" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Missa Papae Marcelli" for Wind Ensemble, › "Missa Pro Victoria" for Winds & Strings, › "Missa Quam pulchri sunt" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Missa Quarti toni" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Missa Sancti Gabrielis" for Small Orchestra, › "Missa sine nomine" for Winds & Strings, › "Missa Solemnis" in F Major for Winds & Strings, › "Molto Allegro e Vivace" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Wind Sextet, › "Morning Has Broken" for Woodwind Sextet, › "Morning Mood" from Peer Gynt for Small Orchestra, › "Morte! :D Thank you very much! Performance score. for Flute & Harp, › "Bon Jour Mon Coeur" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Brian Boru's March" for Flute, Oboe & Harp, › "Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella" for Woodwind Quartet, › "But Thanks be to God" for Winds & Strings, › "By Adam's Fall into Sin" for WoodWind Quartet, › "Cachoucha Caprice" for Winds & Strings, › "Cantilène Religieuse" from 7 Pieces for Organ for Flute & Piano, › "Cantino i Popoli" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Canzona Francese" (La Gonzaga) for Woodwind Quartet, › "Canzona La Paglia" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Canzonetta á Quattuor" for Flute Quartet, › "Capriccio" from Partita 2 (BWV 826) for Woodwind Trio, › "Carnival of Venice" Theme & Variations for Flute & Guitar, › "Castilla (Seguidilla)" from the Suite "Española" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Cataluña (Curranda)" from the Suite "Española" for Winds & Strings, › "Cavatina Buffa e Stretta" from "La Cambiale di Matrimonio" for Winds & Strings, › "Chaconne d'Arlequin" from "Le Carnival" for Winds & Strings, › "Chaconne des Africains" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Chamber Trio" for Flute, Bassoon & Harp, › "Chanson d'avril" from "20 Mélodies" for Flute & Harp, › "Charon the Peaceful Shade Invites" for Flutes & Harp, › "Children, Hear Who's Knocking" for Flute & Harp, › "Chinese Dance" from the Nutcracker Suite for Small Orchestra, › "Christmas in Killarney" for Flute & Strings, › "Christmas Oratorio" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Christus Factus Est" for Woodwind & Brass, › "Clamabat autem mulier Chananaea" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Clouds" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Flute & Guitar, › "Coeur Prisonnier" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Colin-Maillard" Nocturne from "Jeux d'enfants" for Flute & Harp, › "Come by the Hills" for Oboe, Flute & Harp, › "Communion" in G Major from 10 Pieces for Organ for Woodwind Quintet, › "Communion" in Gb Major from 10 Pieces for Organ for Flute & Strings, › "Concerto I" in A Minor for Woodwind Quintet, › "Confitebor Tibi" for Flute, Horn & Piano, › "Confiteor" from the Mass in B Minor for Wind Ensemble, › "Conquassabit capita" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, › "Courtly Masquing Ayres" for Flutes & Strings, › "Crucifixus" from the Mass in B Minor for Harp & Woodwind Quartet, › "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, › "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in A Major for Winds & Strings, › "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in B Minor for Small Orchestra, › "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in F Major for Winds & Strings, › "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in G Major for Winds & Strings, › "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in G Minor for Winds & Strings, › "Dance of the Blessed Spirits" for Flute & Strings, › "Dance of the Blessed Spirits" for Flute and Piano, › "Dance of the Reed Pipes" from the Nutcracker Suite for Small Orchestra, › "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" from the Nutcracker Suite for Small Orchestra, › "Dance of the Tumblers" from the "Snow Maiden Suite" for Small Orchestra, › "Danse Villageoise" from "24 Pièces pour Piano" for Flute & Piano, › "Das Zitternde Glänzen der Spielenden Wellen" for Flute Trio, › "De los Álamos Vengo, Madre" for Woodwind Quartet, › "De ta Bouche tant Vermeille" for Woodwind Quartet, › "De torrente in via bibet" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, › "Deo Gratias", Pavan Passamezzo à 6 for Wind Sextet, › "Der aber die Herzen forschet" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Der Kuckuck hat sich zu Tod gefalln" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Des Abends Morgens und Mittags" for Winds & Strings, › "Deus enim firmavit" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Deus in nomine Tuo" for Winds & Strings, › "Deuxième air" from "Le Carnaval de Venise" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Deuxième Rigaudon" from "Le Carnaval de Venise" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Dialogue" from "Livre d'Orgue" for Winds & Strings, › "Dicite in Gentibus" for Woodwinds, Strings & Harp, › "Die ihr aus Dunklen Grüften" for Woodwind Trio, › "Dies irae" from the Requiem in C Minor for Winds & Strings, › "Diligam Te Domine" for Brass & Strings, › "Dixit Dominus" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, › "Domine Deus" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, › "Domine Deus" from the Mass in B Minor for Woodwind Trio & Strings, › "Domine Deus" from the Mass in G Major for Woodwind Quintet, › "Domine fili unigenite" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, › "Domine non secundum" for Woodwind Quartet & Piano, › "Domine, ego Credidi" for Wind Ensemble, › "Dominica in Ramis Palmarum" for Winds & Strings, › "Dominus a dextris tuis" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, › "Dominus Illuminatio Mea" for Winds & Strings, › "Donauwellen" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › "Duetto" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Flute, Bassoon & Harp, › "Dumbarton's Drums" for Flute, Oboe & Harp, › "Easter Oratorio" (BWV 249) for Flute & Harp, › "Entrée des Genies" from the Opera "Zémire et Azor" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Erbarm dich, o Herre Gott" for Flute & Harp, › "Es ist ein Schnitter, heißt der Tod" for Flute & Harp, › "Es ist Genug" (Funeral Cantata) for Winds & Strings, › "Es Ist Nun Nichts" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Esurientes" from the Magnificat in D Major for Winds & Strings, › "Et egressus est a filia Sion" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Et expecto" from the Mass in B Minor for Small Orchestra, › "Et in Terra Pax" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, › "Eternal Source of Light Divine" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Every Valley Shall Be Exalted" for Flute & Strings, › "Every Valley Shall Be Exalted" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Exaudi Domine Iustitiam Meam" for Winds & Strings, › "Exceeding Glad Shall He Be" from "The King Shall Rejoice" for Winds & Strings, › "Fürchte Dich Nicht, Ich Bin Bei Dir" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Facta Cogitatum" for Woodwinds, Strings & Harp, › "Fantaisie ≈ Valse" for Flute & Strings, › "Fantaisie sur des thèmes de Händel et Abbé Vogler" for Flute & Harp, › "Farewell tae Tarwathie" for Flute, Oboe, Cello & Harp, › "Fear A' Bhata" for Flute, Oboe & Cello, › "Fecit potentiam" from the Magnificat in D Major for Small Orchestra, › "Flammende Rose, Zierde der Erden" for Flute & Harp, › "Forlana" from "Le Carnaval de Venise" for Woodwind Quintet, › "Fors Seulement l'attente" for Woodwind Quartet, › "Fossils" from the "Carnival of the Animals" for Winds & Strings, › "Frühlingsjubel" from 10 Gesänge für gemischten Chor for Flute & Strings, › "Fruhlingsnahen" from 12 Piano Pieces for Woodwind Quintet, › "Fuga Fanfare" from "Sonate Pontificale" in D Minor for Woodwind Quartet, › "Fugue" from 6 Etudes for Woodwind Quartet, › "Funeral March of a Marionette" for Wind Quintet, › "Funeral March" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Flute & Strings, › "Garryowen" (Eóghan's Garden) for Woodwind Trio, › "Gavotte" from "Iphigénie en Aulide" for Flute & Alto Flute, › "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" for Flute & Pipe Organ, › "Gloria In Excelsis Deo" for Flute Strings, › "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" for Harp & Flutes, › "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, › "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" from the Mass in B Minor for Small Orchestra, › "Gloria in Excelsis" from the Mass in A Major for Woodwinds & Strings, › "Gloria in Excelsis" from the Mass in F Major for Winds & Strings, › "Gloria in Excelsis" from the Mass in G Major for Winds & Strings, › "Gloria in Excelsis" from the Mass in G Minor for Winds & Strings, › "Gloria Patri" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, › "Gloria Patri" from the Magnificat in D Major for Small Orchestra, › "Glory and worship are before him" from Chandos Anthem No. 2 in F Major for Winds & Strings, › Brandenburg Concerto No. Ne plus revoir cette fenêtre pour la durée de cette session. 8 for Flute & Strings, › "O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion" for Flute & Strings, › "Of Thee I Dream" for Flute, Oboe & Harp, › "Offertoire" from "L'Organiste Moderne" for Winds & Strings, › "Offertorium" from the Requiem in C Minor (Mvt. 5 in D Major for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Branle from "La Noce Champêtre" for Woodwind Quartet, › Cantata: "Das neugeborne, Kindelein" for Winds & Strings, › Canzon "La Negrona" à 8 for Winds & Strings, › Canzon II Septimi Toni á 8 for Double Woodwind Quartet, › Canzon Super "O Nachbar Roland" for Woodwind Quintet, › Canzon super Cantionem Belgicam for Woodwind Quintet, › Canzon super Cantionem Gallicam for Woodwind Quintet, › Canzon Super Intradam Aechiopicam for Woodwind Quintet, › Canzona (Gloria in excelsis) for Woodwind Quartet, › Canzona I in A Minor for Winds & Strings, › Canzona in G Major "Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden" for Woodwind Quartet, › Canzone in G Minor for Woodwind Quartet, › Capriccio I in G Major for Woodwind Quartet, › Chaconne & Variations in C Major for Flute & Harp, › Chaconne from "Les fontaines de Versailles" for Wind Sextet, › Choral Prelude: "Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam" for Flute & Piano, › Choral Prelude: "Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott" for String Quartet, › Choral: "Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier" for Wind Quintet, › Choral: "Ich will daraus studieren" for Woodwind Quartet, › Choral: "Seid froh, dieweil" for Flute & Strings, › Choral: "Wir singen dir in deinem Heer" for Flutes & Strings, › Chorale & Recitative: "Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale & Recitative: "Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale & Recitative: "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale "Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" for Woodwind Ensemble, › Chorale "Wie bin ich doch so Herzlich Froh" for Woodwind Ensemble, › Chorale Partita: "Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale prelude in F Major for Woodwind Quintet, › Chorale: "Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ" for Flute & Harp, › Chorale: "Als Jesus Christus in der Nacht" for Pan Flute & Strings, › Chorale: "Alsdenn so wirst du mich" for Flute & Piano, › Chorale: "An dir, du Fürbild großer Frauen" for Flutes, Oboes & Strings, › Chorale: "Christ lag in Todesbanden" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Christe, du Lamm Gottes" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Chorale: "Christe, du Lamm Gottes" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Darum, ob ich schon dulde" for Flute, Horn & Strings, › Chorale: "Das neugeborne Kindelein" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Dem wir das Heilig jetzt" for Small Orchestra, › Chorale: "Denn wer selig dahin fähret" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Der Leib zwar in der Erden" for Flute & Strings, › Chorale: "Drum fahrt nur immer hin, ihr Eitelkeiten" for Wind Quintet, › Chorale: "Du bist ein Geist, der lehret" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ" for Piccolo & Organ, › Chorale: "Du süße Lieb, schenk uns deine Gunst" for Flute Quartet, › Chorale: "Du süße Liebe, schenk uns deine Gunst" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Du sollt Gott, deinen Herren, lieben" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Er ist das Heil und selig Licht" for Wind Quintet, › Chorale: "Er kann und will dich lassen nicht" for Flute & Strings, › Chorale: "Erhalt uns in der Wahrheit" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Chorale: "Ertöt uns durch dein Güte" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Es bleibt gerecht sein Wille" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" For Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn" for Piccolo & Strings, › Chorale: "Herr Gott Vater, mein starker Held" for Woodwind Trio, › Chorale: "Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir" for Small Orchestra, › Chorale: "Herr Jesu Christ, wahr Mensch und Gott" for Small Orchestra, › Chorale: "Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Herrscher über Tod und Leben" for Woodwind Quintet, › Chorale: "Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen" for Flute & Piano, › Chorale: "Hier ist das rechte Osterlamm" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Ich bitt, o Herr, aus Herzensgrund" for Flute & Strings, › Chorale: "Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Ich rief dem Herrn in meiner Not" for Flute & Piano, › Chorale: "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" for Flute Quartet, › Chorale: "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesus Christ" for Wind Quintet, › Chorale: "Ich will hier bei dir stehen" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Jesu, deine Passion ist mir lauter Freude" for Flute & Strings, › Chorale: "Jesu, der du meine Seele" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Jesu, wahres Brot des Lebens" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Chorale: "Lass deine Kirch' und unser Land" for Wind Quintet, › Chorale: "Lobe den Herren, was in mir ist, lobe den Namen" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Nun danket alle Gott" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Chorale: "Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren" for Wind Quintet, › Chorale: "Nun, werter Geist, ich folg dir" for Flutes & Strings, › Chorale: "O Gott, du frommer Gott" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "O großer Gott von Treu" for Flutes & Strings, › Chorale: "O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Sie stellen uns wie Ketzern nach" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "So sei nun, Seele, deine" for Woodwind Trio & Strings, › Chorale: "So wandelt froh auf Gottes Wegen" for Flute & Harp, › Chorale: "Solang ein Gott im Himmel lebt" for Flute & Piano, › Chorale: "Und was der ewig gütig Gott" for Piccolo, Tubular Bells, Marimba & Cello, › Chorale: "Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär" for Woodwinds & Strings, › Chorale: "Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Von Gott kömmt mir ein Freudenschein" for Wind Quintet, › Chorale: "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" for Flute, Oboe & Cello, › Chorale: "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Was frag ich nach der Welt" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan" for Double Woodwind Quartet, › Chorale: "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan" for Wind Trio & Strings, › Chorale: "Was mein Gott will, das gscheh allzeit" for Flute & Strings, › Chorale: "Was willst du dich betrüben" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Weil du mein Gott und Vater bist" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Chorale: "Weil du vom Tod erstanden bist" for Small Orchestra, › Chorale: "Wenn soll es doch geschehen" For Small Orchestra, › Chorale: "Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält" for Winds & Strings, › Chorale: "Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Chorale: "Wohl mir, daß ich Jesum habe" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus & Arioso: "Ihr werdet weinen und heulen" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus from "Nisi Dominus" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Ändert euch, ihr Klage lieder" for Woodwind Quartet, › Chorus: "Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Alleluia" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, › Chorus: "Aller Augen warten, Herr" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Blühet, ihr Linden in Sachsen, wie Zedern" for Small Orchestra, › Chorus: "Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Christen, ätzet diesen Tag" for Small Orchestra, › Chorus: "Christum wir sollen loben schon" for Woodwind Quintet, › Chorus: "Das ist je gewisslich wahr" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Das Lamm, das erwürget ist" for Small Orchestra, › Chorus: "Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen" for Winds & Strings, › Chorus: "Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf" for Woodwind Ensemble, › Chorus: "Der Herr hat Guts an uns getan" for Small Orchestra, › Chorus: "Der Himmel lacht!