La session parlementaire a dâabord été interrompue, puis suspendue, par le président du Parlement, Sergio Massa. As a result, both parties would run to the elections as unrelated parties. They were joined on 25 March by thousands of pot-banging demonstrators massed around the Buenos Aires Obelisk and the presidential palace. [131][132], Cristina Kirchner is considered to be a populist leader[133][134] and, like other contemporary populists in Latin America, built a system of propaganda to legitimize her actions: the Relato K.[135] This propaganda works around a number of usual themes: the glorification of the state to the detriment of the individual rights; use of conspiracy theories to explain mistakes as attacks from others; blaming neoliberalism for the poverty; and glorifying democracy in speeches while maintaining only the appearance of it (procedural democracy). The rule was followed, with occasional exceptions, by waves of spontaneous clapping or people singing the Argentine national anthem. Seeking to reverse their declining popularity, Néstor Kirchner led the list for deputy candidates at the Buenos Aires province. [24] Julio César Strassera, prosecutor in the 1985 Trial of the Juntas against the military, criticized the Kirchners' lack of legal actions against the military, and considered their later interest in the issue a form of hypocrisy. Cette séquence a insurgé la population et de nombreux tweets à ce propos abondent sur Twitter. [97] The conflict led to disputes with the judiciary. C’est un problème de santé publique très grave », avait déclaré le président Alberto Fernandez, évoquant les 3000 femmes décédées depuis 1983 des suites d’avortements clandestins. [62] The proposal turned out to be unpopular, and was not implemented. According to a criminal complaint by opposition deputy Margarita Stolbizer, his company Valle Mitre S.A. has rented 1,100 rooms per month, for years, at the Hotesur and Alto Calafate hotels, but without occupying them. The government believed the controls were required to prevent the capital flight and tax evasion. [16] She attended high school at Popular Mercantil and Misericordia schools. Julio Cobos voted against the bill, which was then rejected, saying that: "My vote is not in favor, my vote is against". [144] Following the death of her husband, she dressed in black for over three years. Les députés argentins ont adopté, vendredi, le projet de loi autorisant l'interruption volontaire de grossesse, deux ans après un premier rejet de la part du Sénat. As Paraguay rejected the incorporation of Venezuela into the Mercosur trade bloc, she took advantage of the impeachment of Fernando Lugo to claim that Paraguay had suffered a coup d'état and proposed to temporarily remove the country from the bloc. 43 minutes depuis. The country had good relations with other South American nations, and severed relations with the western bloc, a local movement known as pink tide. She said this a few days after accusing the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant of similar assassination plans against her. The bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies by a 207-32 margin. Argentina has voted for change. A number of Kirchnerist officials refused to resign their offices to allow Macri to appoint his own people. [108] Relations were also strained by recent oil explorations in the area, and Kirchner threatened to sue Rockhopper Exploration for it. jennifer … Her public image plummeted to its lowest level since the election in October 2007. Choix de consentement © Copyright 20 Minutes - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par lâACPM, Les perspectives économiques mondiales moins catastrophiques que prévu, estime le FMI, Bolivie : Le gouvernement de transition accuse Morales dâune liaison avec une mineure, Un député argentin embrasse le sein de sa femme pendant une visioconférence, La visioconférence a été suspendue après que le représentant a embrassé le sein nu de la jeune femme, présente à côté de lui, Sâinscrire aux newsletters de 20 Minutes, - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par lâACPM, Résultats régionales et départementales. [29] She won the election. Il s’agit d’Ofelia Fernandez, une jeune députée de 20 ans de la ville de Buenos Aires. [83] Fernández denied the charges, maintaining that it was a set up to undermine his chances in the 2015 general election. These hotels, located in the city of El Calafate, belong to the Kirchners. [86], The TV program Periodismo para todos broadcast information about The Route of the K-Money scandal. [41], When she first took office, Cristina Kirchner replaced the previous minister of economy, Miguel Gustavo Peirano, who had been appointed by her husband as former president. About US$1 million of her assets was frozen while Bonadio investigated the case. [19] The claim has been sent to trial four times, and the judges Norberto Oyarbide, Ariel Lijo, Sergio Torres, and Claudio Bonadio all ruled that she has a degree. The 18F demonstration took place a month after his death. Fernández married her and moved into her house when Cristina was two years old. Girard, Aidenbaum⦠Des démissions et la fin du silence à la mairie ? [27] Her husband had a political dispute with the previous president, Eduardo Duhalde. For the Spanish sport shooter, see. [citation needed] One of those actions was a selective use of state advertising, to benefit the media aligned with the government. She was the third woman to hold the Argentine vice presidency, the second woman to hold the presidency, the first directly elected female president, and the first woman re-elected to the office. Isabelita was the first female head of state of Argentina and of the entire Western hemisphere. However, as a sitting senator, she enjoyed immunity from prosecution. ", "Cristina Fernandez challenged to show her law degree and Timerman described as a 'traitor, "Cristina no es abogada: la noticia deseada de los anti-K", "Bonadio sobreseyó a Cristina Kirchner por su título de abogada", "Cómo fueron los "exitosos años" de Cristina Kirchner como abogada en Santa Cruz", "Los Kirchner no firmaron nunca un hábeas corpus", "La historia de los días en que la Presidenta fue gobernadora", "Constituyentes desmemoriados de aquel 1994", "Cristina legisladora: 10 recuerdos de una opositora mediática y rebelde", "Impidió el Gobierno la interpelación a Camilión", "Fracasó la negociación entre Kirchner y Duhalde", "El PJ bonaerense se resquebraja por la pelea Duhalde – Kirchner", "New Argentine cabinet targeted to face pending agenda", "Argentine Ex-Leader Dies; Political Impact Is Murky", "Argentina's Kirchner to become "first gentleman, "Argentina ex-leader Kirchner to be buried", "Kirchner Achieves an Easy Victory in Argentina Presidential Election", "La Cámpora avanza en las listas del oficialismo de todo el país", "Cristina Kirchner re-elected as Argentina's president in landslide", "BBC NEWS | Business | Argentina's economy chief quits", "Argentina Nationalizes $30 Billion in Private Pensions", "Amado Boudou set to be Argentina's first rock'n'roll vice-president", "Kirchner Fires Central Banker, Steering Into Crisis", "Argentine Bank President Is Formally Dismissed", "Poverty Down in Argentina – But By How Much? [78] The unsolved case was highly controversial. In 1994, she was also elected to the constituent assembly that amended the Constitution of Argentina. [149][150] Eduardo Duhalde said that Néstor Kirchner once confided in him that she had a bipolar disorder, while she was having a violent outburst. Both Fernández de Kirchner and her former interior minister Florencio Randazzo wanted to run for senator for the Buenos Aires Province at the 2017 midterm elections. Given the amounts of money involved, the money was weighed instead of counted to determine the value. The attempt to increase taxes on agricultural exports caused a conflict with the agricultural sector and protests broke out. Most details about her childhood such as her elementary school are unknown. This group included, among others, Néstor and Cristina Kirchner in Argentina, Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff in Brazil, Evo Morales in Bolivia and Rafael Correa in Ecuador. Báez denied any wrongdoing. She was elected to the provincial legislature; her husband was elected mayor of Río Gallegos. [80] This money was illegally provided by Petróleos de Venezuela, the state oil company, to be used for Kirchner's 2007 general election campaign. The operation was carried out by the Central Bank, but judge Claudio Bonadio believes Fernández de Kirchner is the instigator. Vendredi dernier en Argentine, s’est tenu un vote qui pourrait un jour faire date. One of those cases was the Noble siblings case, involving the adopted sons of Ernestina Herrera de Noble, owner of the Clarín newspaper. Vendredi dernier en Argentine, s’est tenu un vote qui pourrait un jour faire date. Menem ended his term of office in 1999 and was replaced by Fernando de la Rúa. Qui est donc Konan Dicoh Mariam, la femme sur la pièce de 25 FCFA? [124] Human Rights Watch claims, based mainly on reports and testimonies made by the ex-secretary-general of Interpol Ronald Noble, that these charges have no grounds. [52] Hugo Moyano, main union leader, who was a strong supporter of kirchnerism, began to oppose the President. Conviction rates for money laundering were almost nonexistent. [27] The Minister of Defense Oscar Camilión was questioned in Congress about the Argentine arms trafficking scandal; Kirchner told him that he had to resign, which he refused to do. [104], She had a rocky relationship with the United States. The investigation remained open for years, and prosecutor Alberto Nisman was appointed to the case. It was attended by nearly half a million people. Au cas où la fonction de président de la Nation devenait vacante, c'est le président provisoire du Sénat qui est chargé de l'intérim. [66] Minister Lousteau resigned during the crisis, and the Peronist governors opted to negotiate on their own with the farmers, ignoring Kirchner's approach. US State Department spokesman Philip J. Crowley said that they were standard tools used in counter-terrorism tactics which were being taught to the Argentine police during the joint operation, and asked for the return of the seized materials. The company received tax breaks to pay its debts, and was selected to print banknotes of the Argentine peso. Confus, Juan Emilio Ameri a tenté de sâexcuser, expliquant quâil pensait ne pas être connecté à ce moment-là . As a result, taxes were not increased, and Lousteau resigned by April 2008, only a few months after he had been appointed. Investment in these areas decreased, and the generation and distribution networks suffered. [70] People also protested the 2012 Buenos Aires rail disaster, the conflict between Kirchnerism and the media, rising crime rates, and the tight currency controls. Pour la première fois, un président en place s'investit directement sur le sujet de l'avortement en Argentine. [66], The protests were highly polarizing. [36] Media observers suspected that Mr. Kirchner stepped down as president to circumvent the term limit, swapping roles with his wife. [156] On 5 October 2013, doctors ordered Kirchner to rest for a month after they found blood on her brain caused by a head injury she received on 8 August 2012. With the support of the other presidents, Paraguay was removed for a time, and Venezuela was incorporated into the Mercosur. Un député argentin a été suspendu jeudi pour avoir, lors d’une session parlementaire en visioconférence, embrassé le sein de sa conjointe à … The price of public services remained subsidised, the country lost its self-supply of energy, and she renationalized energy firm YPF as a result. To win in a single round, a presidential candidate in Argentina needs either more than 45% of the vote, or 40% of the vote and a lead of more than 10 percentage points over the runner-up. [66] The activist Luis D'Elía interrupted one of the demonstrations leading stick-wielding pro-government supporters, who attacked the participants. Their dispute continued during the 2005 midterm elections. She was elected national senator in 1995, and had a controversial tenure, while her husband was elected governor of Santa Cruz Province. A victory at the 2013 midterm elections would have given such majority, but the party was defeated in most provinces. [110], When Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio was elected as Pope Francis, the initial reactions were mixed. During her two terms as president, several corruption scandals took place and subsequently her government faced several demonstrations against her rule. She was the running mate of Alberto Fernández (no relation), who was elected president. She was re-elected with 54% of the vote, followed by socialist Hermes Binner, 37 points behind her. [64] The costs of energy imports increased the trade deficit and the inflation rate, and power outages became frequent. [27], Néstor Kirchner was elected president in 2003, and she became the First Lady. [12][13] On 30 September 2020, the federal criminal cassation court confirmed the corruption trials of Kirchner, ruling the former president’s objections to be inadmissible.[14]. In Kirchner's case, this step was omitted and the gland was removed directly. [89] De facto president Jorge Rafael Videla, who was convicted and given a life sentence in 1985 and pardoned years later, received a new life sentence in 2010. The government established currency controls that limited the power to buy or sell foreign currencies, especially American dollars. Journalist Franco Lindner interviewed the psychiatrist who treated her without revealing his name. The Kirchners were highly unpopular at the time, and people rejected their policies and governing style. [120] On 27 December 2016, Federal Judge Julián Ercolini ordered the freezing of US$633 million of Fernández de Kirchner's assets and approved charges of illicit association and fraudulent administration against her. Campagnoli was suspended as a prosecutor, accused of leaking information, and abusing his authority. This firm, informally known as "La Rosadita", would have sent the money abroad to tax havens, using shell companies. It was criticized as an authoritarian move, as there was no negotiation with Repsol. Monde Un député argentin embrasse le sein de sa femme pendant une visioconférence. La législation proposée permettrait aux femmes … â Mis à jour le 25/09/20 à 12h52. Details of the case were explained by businessman Carlos Kauffmann and lawyer Moisés Maiónica, who pleaded guilty. Instead, his wife was the candidate for the Front for Victory party, becoming president in the 2007 presidential election. There have been claims made that she never graduated, and that she may have worked as a lawyer without having a degree. [71], Buenos Aires and La Plata suffered floods in April, resulting in more than 70 deaths. On 27 October 2019, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was elected vice president, making her the first former head of state to assume the Argentine vice presidency. However, with 13 challengers splitting the vote, Kirchner won the election decisively in the first round with just over 45% of the vote, compared to 23% for Elisa Carrió (candidate for the Civic Coalition) and 17% for former Economy Minister Roberto Lavagna. Sergio Massa, a former cabinet minister of the Kirchners, won in the Buenos Aires Province by nearly 10 points with his new party, the Renewal Front. [32], On 14 November, the president-elect announced the names of her new cabinet, which was sworn in on 10 December. [79], Several scandals took place during the Kirchner administration. la femme du président argentin Une opération de l'armée colombienne pour libérer l'otage des Farc aurait échoué il y a une quinzaine de jours, le camp ayant été retrouvé vide. It was not called by specific politicians or social leaders, but by the public using social networks. Le président argentin, élu en octobre 2019, a rappelé qu'en soumettant ce projet de loi il remplissait "une promesse" de campagne électorale. 13 minutes depuis. L'arrivée du président Argentin Mauricio Macri et sa femme Juliana Awada à Hambourg (Allemagne) pour le G20 [3] There have been more than 500 people sentenced, and 1,000 convicted, in a process that was unprecedented in Latin America. Ma conjointe est sortie des toilettes, je lui ai demandé comment étaient ses prothèses et je lâai embrassée, car il y a dix jours elle a été opérée pour des prothèses mammaires », sâest défendu le député de 47 ans qui devrait connaître dans un délai de cinq jours la sanction infligée par le Parlement. ", "PERSUASIVE PROPAGANDA DURING THE 2015 ARGENTINE BALLOTAGE", "The President Of Argentina Compared Her Country's Default To Violence In Gaza", "Definitivo: el paso a paso de cómo Cristina abandonó el luto", "President Cristina Kirchner expected to resume activities Tuesday", "WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton questions the mental health of Cristina Kirchner", "Hillary Clinton rings Cristina Fernandez and apologizes for the cables", "Argentina's Fernandez sent home, never had cancer", "Blood on brain, rest ordered for Argentine leader", "Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to have surgery following head injury", "Ofelia Wilhelm, la madre de Cristina, de empleada estatal a jubilada VIP", Cristina Kirchner dijo sentir envidia de la Furia Roja, "Néstor Kirchner fue distinguido post mortem como Doctor "Honoris Causa, "Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recibirá el Doctorado Honoris Causa", "Dilma Rousseff se emocionó al condecorar a Cristina con la "Orden del Sur de Brasil, "Condecoraron a Cristina Kirchner en Ecuador", "Cristina encabezará un acto en el que recibirá la condecoración de Palestina", "President García awards the Order of the Sun to Argentinean head of state", Official site of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, 2011 Argentina–United States diplomatic crisis, Supreme directors of the United Provinces,ández_de_Kirchner&oldid=996810740, Collars of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, Knights Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, Members of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies, Recipients of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, Recipients of the Order of the Sun of Peru, Women members of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from December 2020, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 28 December 2020, at 18:51. [32] The transition from Néstor Kirchner to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was also the first time a democratic head of state was replaced by their spouse without the death of either. [16] Néstor Kirchner died on 27 October 2010 after suffering a heart attack. [68], After four months of conflict and having the majority in both houses of the Argentine Congress, the president introduced the new taxation bill. Néstor Kirchner did not run for reelection. [93], Soccer broadcasting was nationalized on the program Fútbol para todos and then filled with pro-government advertisements. Argentina's Kirchner and Pope Francis meet in Rome", "La nota completa que Página/12 intento borrar", "One year on, Nisman death still roils Argentina's Jews", "Cristina Kirchner 'creating as many problems as possible for the new government, "Cristina Kirchner refuses to attend Mauricio Macri's inauguration", "Former Argentinian President Cristina Kirchner indicted over currency trade that lost billions", "Kirchnerite businessman arrested; faces charges of money laundering and fiscal fraud", "Argentina ex-minister arrested over cash bags at monastery", "Argentina ex-leader Cristina Fernandez charged in corruption case", "Argentina Reopens Probe of Kirchner Related to 1994 Bombing", "Argentine ex-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner charged with treason", "Argentina ex-leader on trial for alleged cover-up in bombing", "Argentina: Far-Fetched 'Treason' Charges Against Ex-Officials", "Interpol enterró el corazón de la causa por el Memorándum con Irán: punto final a la historia de las alertas rojas Nuevo informe que demuestra que CFK y Timerman nunca intentaron beneficiar a los iraníes", "Former Interpol Chief Says Argentina Bungled Investigation of '94 Attack (Published 2017)", "Argentina: A New Political Party Further Divides the Opposition", "Macri ally gains ground in Argentina Senate election against Fernandez", "Argentina's Macri Wins Big Endorsement in Midterm Elections", "Argentine Congress welcomes 24 new senators this Wednesday", "Is Populism Making a Comeback in Latin America? Federico Elaskar, owner of the firm, confirmed Fariña's claims in another interview. It also claimed the farmers were staging a coup d'état against Kirchner. [128] Esteban Bullrich was the candidate of Cambiemos. [96], Cristina Kirchner claims that journalistic objectivity does not exist, and that all journalists act on behalf of certain interests. ", "Según Unicef, hay 5,6 millones de chicos pobres en la Argentina", "El kirchnerismo recupera el control del Congreso", "Argentina tightens dollar exchange controls", Cristina apela a la sintonía fina para disimular el ajuste, "Moyano llenó la Plaza contra la "soberbia abrumadora" de CFK", "Argentina Agrees to Pay $9.7 Billion to Paris Club", "Argentina's government blames 'conspiracy' for defaulting on debt", "Saying Argentina has defaulted is 'an atomic nonsense' underlines Kicillof", "Leaders from Latin America, Caribbean region urge action to erase inequality, spur development", "Cristina characterized the vulture funds as "terrorists" and accused them of destabilization", "Chevron, YPF Sign $1.5 Billion Shale-Oil Deal", "Blackouts continue in Argentina while government keeps threatening power distributors", "Argentine farmers take tax battle to parliament", "Argentina turns against new president as strike worsens", "Argentine leader vows to fine-tune model in second term", "Thousands across Argentina take to the streets to protest against re-re-election", "Argentinians protest against their government, corruption and crime", "Argentina protests: up to half a million rally against Fernández de Kirchner", "Fernández de Kirchner reforms spark Argentina protests", "Dozens of Argentines Die in Flash Flooding", "Allegations of a network of corruption money involves former president Kirchner", "Thousands March in Argentina to Protest Kirchner's Judicial Plan", "New Argentina probe says prosecutor Nisman was murdered", "Buenos Aires marches to honour deceased prosecutor Alberto Nisman", "Venezuelan Convicted in U.S. Spy Trial Over Suitcase That Rattled South America", "Venezuelan Given 15 Months in Suitcase of Cash Scandal", "Argentine drug probe zeroes in on Presidential Palace", "Murder and drug trafficking allegations cast pall over Argentina primary election", "Mauricio Macri steps up fight against Argentina drug traffickers", "Argentina elections: Highs and lows of 12 years of the Kirchners", "Argentine Vice-President Boudou charged in corruption case", "In Argentina, Mix of Money and Politics Stirs Intrigue Around Kirchner", "Argentine Probe Sparks Dispute Between Government, Judiciary", "Argentina's former dictator Jorge Videla given life sentence", "Argentina's authorities order DNA tests in search for stolen babies of dirty war", "La jueza Sandra Arroyo Salgado sobreseyó a Ernestina Herrera de Noble en la causa por apropiación de niños durante la dictadura", "Child of Argentina's 'disappeared' fights for right to keep adoptive name", "Kirchner Moves Against Argentina's Free Press", "Global editors group raises alarm over Argentina press freedom threat", "IPI condemns Argentine government's attacks on Grupo Clarín", "Argentina's Kirchners lose political ground in mid-term elections", "Argentine President Stumps for Congressional Candidates", "Cristina Fernández's party loses ground to former ally in Argentina's election", "Mercosur suspends Paraguay over Lugo impeachment", "A Populist 'Pink Tide' Is Ebbing in South America, Argentine Vote Suggests", "Argentina accuses US of trying to sneak in illegal drugs and arms", "Argentina president claims US plotting to oust her", "Argentinian president attacks UK refusal to negotiate on Falklands", "Falklands anniversary: David Cameron defiant over Argentinian 'threats, "New Falklands oil discovery could stir trouble with Argentina", "Argentine president calls Falklands referendum a 'parody, "Cristina Fernández de Kirchner turns Pope Francis from foe to friend", "Pope's diplomacy put to test as leaders flock to Rome", "Making nice?