Some like being outside in the winter and no one really knows why. Pendant la parade nuptiale, le mâle nourrit la femelle constamment, et aussi pendant l’incubation. The bluejay reminds me of spring; beautiful coloured bird with songs to sing. (Chateauguay, QC), — Soumis le 2/9/2015 par André Rivest They are smart and bold and they now when there is danger. Blue jays are here all year long and their strength and beauty best represent our country. (Stony Plain, AB), — Soumis le 1/30/2015 par Janice Hamilton-Dicker To see flashes of that beautiful blue among the fall foliage is always a real glimpse of beauty. She ate, and I watched her. (Hagersville, ON), — Soumis le 4/2/2015 par Darren woow "Jay- jay." (Stouffville, ON), — Soumis le 8/12/2015 par Frode Aarebrot Easily recognized and comes in flocks to the bird feeders, isn't too picky but loves sunflower seed and won't eat shrimp. (psst.I have some great pic of these bird which I would be more than happy to share)There I noticed this beautiful bird which was grey and blue, it was beautiful and was a quite a show off too. I love BLUE JAYS, we have some that come to our feeder to eat. (Black Creek, BC), — Soumis le 1/24/2015 par Chris Patchell They are big enough to catch the eye and be of note but small enough to not be overbearing like a predator bird. I believe all these characteristics would make the blue jay an excellent symbol as Canada's national bird! (Toronto, ON), — Soumis le 9/14/2015 par Alex Amaral Il a une grande variété de cris durs et perçants, et quelques imitations réussies (comme les cris de certains rapaces), des « shaar » aigus, et des rapides « shek-shek-shek ». (Oxford Mills, ON), — Soumis le 1/16/2015 par André Boulianne They have a language all their own that warns the group about the impending kestrel attacks. (Hubley, NS), — Soumis le 8/31/2016 par Liliya Kauk Il a une poitrine blanche et un collier noir, ainsi que des ailes et une queue rayées de noir. The blue jay can also learn to imitate humans and cat’s voice patterns. I have lived in 5 provinces of Canada. (Calgary, AB), — Soumis le 4/27/2016 par Jack Marshall Fans are loud and proud. The blue jay can imitate the red-shouldered hawk and the red-tailed hawk to scare other songbirds away from feeders. His visits started on our balcony where we placed peanuts on the picnic table. Blue jays have good meaning of strong spirit and victory! There is nothing more Canadian then this beautiful Blue Jay !! Not only does the blue jay represent Canada in professional baseball, but it also STAYS in Canada all year round. Kookie was so beautiful and very determined to have his peanut as one day before we had opened the door for him to come in he hit the window with his beak several times to alert us. (Mississauga, ON), — Soumis le 9/24/2015 par Dudley Baker L’incubation dure environ 17 à 18 jours, assurée par la femelle. C’est agréable de les voir arriver chaque année! Le Geai Bleu - Saint-Gabriel-De-Valcartier Cottage rental in Saint-gabriel-de-valcartier, QC, Canada ... citq,157496. Il préfère les pins. Blue jays can use their surroundings to build a nest. Les plumes d’un geai bleu ne contiennent pas de pigment bleu ! Il est commun dans les parcs urbains où poussent de grands chênes. 9 oct. 2019 - Découvrez le tableau "geai" de zorzano sur Pinterest. (Winnipeg, MB), — Soumis le 1/29/2015 par Ruok Joeking Le Geai bleu se rencontre dans toutes les provinces à l’est des Rocheuses dans des milieux aussi variés que les forêts de conifères et les banlieues. Des prix raisonnables. "Jay- jay." I think the blue jay will be a good bird for Canada be cud the blue jay is a beast ballThem it has lost of colours and it has the maple leaf symbol.. I think the blue jay is the loudest bird but it wont harm you if it gets mad, it will just fly away. Colourful, beautiful, and one of the few that can survive the cold winters. The blue jay is here all year round. (Toronto, ON), — Soumis le 8/12/2015 par Mithunan Modchalingam It would make since for the team to be called the Toronto Blue Jays with the national bird as the Blue Jay. God's gift to us. My initial days in this mighty land was colorless as I arrived in winters, all I experienced was dull and grey as it was all covered with snow, Missed my home and the spectrum of color which my mind was so used to. Member since 2011. Blue Jays are the most fun birds to watch! En savoir plus . Télécharger. That is why I think the Blue Jay (cyanocitta cristata) should be the national bird of Canada. blue jays are smart little birds with the strength of many... they can hunt like the lions of Africa... with the claws of a bear... thanks for letting me vote I hope youhave a great day and a nice spring! Le geai bleu est facile à reconnaître. Blue Jay always seem to be Canadian. (Trenton, ON), — Soumis le 8/31/2016 par Gary Lawson (Regina, SK), — Soumis le 8/12/2015 par Neil McIntyre I like how peaceful, scenic and beautiful the blue jay is. I picked this bird because Toronto blue jays are in Canada and are one of the Canadian teams that represents us it is a Canadian baseball team. The Blue Jay is so beautiful with it's blue plumage and harsh, strident voice.You know it is Canadian when there is a major league baseball named after it. (Regina, SK), — Soumis le 8/3/2016 par Sarah Nichol Le geai bleu possède un répertoire varié. If they are not comfortable with other birds they will screech at it and scare it away. I believe that our national bird should be seen all year long in Canada. Except for the chickadee (my second choice), none of the other candidate birds, though some of them are lovely, meets these criteria. (Paris, ON), — Soumis le 8/31/2016 par kerry doucette Our relationship has become more stronger as I welcome them every spring with the food they like and since past 4 years I plant giant sunflowers in my house (hundreds of them) and when they are about to seed I see them again with the whole gang feasting on them as if it’s their thanksgiving feast on onset of Fall season. (Kensington, PE), — Soumis le 1/23/2015 par Denis St-Onge (Innisfil, ON), — Soumis le 3/7/2015 par Réjeanne Laneuville (Toronto, ON), — Soumis le 8/12/2015 par Hayden Beck The blue jay's call to me represents the strength and beauty of Canada. Blue Jays use body language to communicate they also use bird calls. The blue jay is a very intelligent bird, it calls when in trouble, it swoops at their prey. Fichier Audio MP3 153.4 KB. They are hardy, tough, stick up for themselves. (pickering, ON), — Soumis le 6/8/2016 par kevin haynes By late spring we were friends I learned about their life and how they live, in this bargain I became an avid baseball fan too (no prize for guessing which is my Team).I forgot about my pain of not seeing color and these blue Jay brought smile on face and made me adapt this wonderful country much sooner than expected. They deserve to be Canada's national bird. He tells me that he has conquered urbanity while maintaining his wildness. (aldergrove, BC), — Soumis le 1/27/2015 par Kelly Schuilenberg Independent, cautious, opportunistic, smart, bold, interesting, annoying, winter hardy and fun to watch. La femelle dépose 3 à 6 œufs de couleurs variées, bleu, vert ou jaune, tachetés de brun ou de gris. C’est une coupe ouverte formée avec de la boue et tapissée de fines radicelles et de plumes. Lovely song and WOW are they ever beautiful. Yes they are loud, usually when talking to their fellow Jays. The blue jays are my favourite baseball team. The first reason is that the blue jay is a very intelligent bird. (Lac des ecorces, QC), — Soumis le 2/10/2015 par Roland Perrott (TORONTO, ON), — Soumis le 8/13/2015 par Mary Bell (Welland, ON), — Soumis le 1/27/2015 par Ena Ladouceur La tête et le dos sont presque entièrement bleus. (Halifax, NS), — Soumis le 8/31/2016 par Sharon Gardner We saw a Blue Jay, we also heard its call. (Victoria, BC), — Soumis le 1/24/2015 par Maxine Quinton I like the blue jay because I think its cool. (Montréal, QC), — Soumis le 1/14/2015 par C.V. Ferguson (Lethbridge, AB), — Soumis le 1/26/2015 par Richard Fortin REPRODUCTION DE L’ESPECE: Habitat- Found in all kinds of forest especially near oak trees. (Waterloo, ON), — Soumis le 6/16/2015 par Ava Booth They are effective, when they gather nuts,, and speed,,, and cache,, their finding,,,, Ask me no more.. but ,, ask me,, in all seasons.. Who,is the bird, that greets me.. and am indeed fortunate,, for Birds Canada, has chosen,, my Blue Jay,, for their Calendar 2015.. (St johns, NL), — Soumis le 1/25/2015 par Catherine Sosney Il vit en Amérique du Nord d’où l’espèce est endémique (Etats-unis, Canada, Québec) ainsi qu’au Mexique. These birds are everywhere even near your house feeding on things like ( YOUR HOUSE PAINT).These birds deserve to be Canada's. Am Canadian for a decade now and I am from Indian subcontinent, India is all about color be it our food, cloths, festivities and even our animal are very colorful. They are so beautiful. They sound great and blues my favourite colour. I moved here in June. They're troopers, like us. Blue Jays eat many types of foods. We have between 16-20 regular Blue Jay visitors to our feeders daily. As a dedication to the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball team and their excellent year in 2015, the Blue Jay should be honored. There's only one bird that flies north of the boarder and it soared in 92, 93 and hopefully a gain in 2015. to Newfoundland and Labrador! Thanks. It should be voted "Canada's National Bird" because it is native to Canada, and is just like a Canadian: Gorgeous and smart and territorial (which I interpret to mean it is proud of its territory and happy to defend it). L'envol du Geai bleu. (Kingston, ON), — Soumis le 10/23/2015 par Shelley Robitaille Having observed this one for sometime, there was an occasion to learn ! (milto, ON), — Soumis le 5/5/2015 par Nia Beamish Blue jays live in Prince Edward Island. One of the few birds that still make me run to the window to see. An easily identifiable bird that is found almost anywhere in Canada, as I've seen them while living in NB, NS, ON and AB, where I very sadly hit one as it landed in front of me on a freeway =( They eat the occasional pest, their plumage is attractive, they are intelligent and they are bold enough to call at and chase predatory birds in their territory. (Tiny, ON), — Soumis le 10/29/2015 par Jan Willem Van Weel So it was called Blue jay!, nice name, it further stated “ The blue jay is very aggressive and territorial. Patient. Le geai bleu est monogame et s’accouple pour la vie. Blue jays ... the name of our team. They often drive other birds away from bird feeders. (Durham, ON), — Soumis le 2/17/2015 par Ben Carey Baseball is cool. La raison de ce comportement n’est pas tout à fait connue, et beaucoup de questions se posent encore à ce sujet. The good things about this place is the 10 minutes drive to the water slides, the indoor pool, the spa, the playground, the pig (Babe) you can feed, the chickens and the rabbits ans all the green space you have to make a fire. If this bird is printed on the coin, every one will love to collect coins. (Foam Lake, SK), — Soumis le 2/5/2015 par Monica Vanluyk The Blue Jays scientific name is the Cyanocitta cristata and belongs to the corvidae family.And those are some of the reasons why you should vote for the Blue jay as Canada's national bird. They are highly adaptable in urban and rural life. (Toronto, ON), — Soumis le 8/31/2016 par E Conley She stayed there for two minutes. Many Thanks,, and to all the voters.. The colors are so vibrant. The Blue Jay should be named Canada’s national bird because their all over Canada. (Edmonton, AB), — Soumis le 1/12/2015 par Laurie Fletcher They can also fly for a very long time and distance because their wings are very strong. I think the blue jay should win because it makes a really nice sound. I went with the Blue Jay due to it's vast range in this country. Their colours blue and white are the same colour as the Toronto teams The Toronto Maple Leafs and The Toronto Blue Jays. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème geai bleu, 365 kawaii, oiseaux. 1.5K likes. A beatutiful strong bird with loads of personality, present all year round. Ils cachent des graines, des noix et des glands dans le sol. The third reason is the blue jay is very beautiful bird and well-known. Location Au Chant De La Rivière. (Dilke, SK), — Soumis le 1/29/2015 par Jory Genaille 19 oct. 2013 - Eurasian Jay (RO: gaiţă). This little guy is tough enough to stay here in the cold winters, does not need to fly south. The reason why i feel lke the blue jay would be a good pick is because it is such a beautiful bird and they are a big fan of thousands of people thanks to the Toronto Blue Jays and all the fans of them.