There are also small populations of Christians, Jews, and Baha'i - a religion from Egypt. La population rencontrée par le Samusocial du Grand Tunis est une population plutôt âgée, les plus de 60 ans représentent 23% de la population prise en charge. 2005 prices), Economy: Services and other activity (% of GVA), Employment: Services and other (% of employed), Labour force participation (female/male pop. Population féminine actuelle (50.0%) 216 409. 15-64), International migrant stock (000/% of total pop. Tunisia is an almost entirely Muslim country, with 99% of the population practicing the religion. Tunisia is located on the north coast of Africa along the Mediterranean Sea, with a surface area of 63,170 square miles (163,610 square kilometers). c : 2019: d : 2018: e : At factor cost. Jewish Population 1948: 105,000 | 2019: 1,000 1. Using the 2019 population of 11.78 million people, the population density of Tunisia is 186.5 people per square mile (72.0 people per square kilometer), which ranks 110th in the world. Eligible women were those aged 18 to 65 years old, sexually active resident in the Grand Tunis region, seeking medical attention at their local healthcare centre (CSB) or at a regional reproductive health centre (CRSR) and who gave written consent. Despite its relatively small size that is about the size of the US state of Wisconsin, Tunisia's north-south extent lends it great environmental diversity. population adulte du Grand Tunis. Data classified according to ISIC Rev. l : 2011: m : 2012: n : Data are as at 1 January of reporting year. 2.1. Since the national uprising in 2011 that changed Tunisia from a one-party state to a democracy, the economy has been in really good shape and continues to grow. Virtually all of the Europeans and the Jewish population left after the country gained independence. Tunis is the capital and largest city of Tunisia. Tunisia - Country profile Swisscontact Tunisie conduit des activités dans quinze gouvernorats, avec un fort accent mis sur les régions intérieures du pays : Grand Tunis (bureau principal), Bizerte, Nabeul, Béja, Le Kef, Siliana, Zaghouan, Kairouan, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, Mahdia, Sfax, Gabès, Médenine et Tataouine. Tunis Travel Guide About Tunis. km and a coastline of 1,148 km on the Mediterranean Sea to the north. Tunisie Population. Situatit on a lairge Mediterranean Sea gulf (the Gulf o Tunis ), ahint the Lake o Tunis an the port o La Goulette (Halq al Wadi), the ceety extends alang the coastal plain an the hills that surroond it. Tunisia’s population growth rate from 2019 to 2020 is 1.06%. The country of Tunisia was a protectorate of France from 1883-1957 when they became a completely independent republic. Eligible women were those aged 18 to 65 years old, sexually active resident in the Grand Tunis region, seeking medical attention at their local healthcare centre (CSB) or at a regional reproductive health centre (CRSR) and who gave written consent. 2004 Population: 728,453. Other major cities with populations over 100,000 include Sousse, Ettadhamen, Kairouan, Gabes, Bizerte, Aryanah, Garsa, and El Mourouj. c : 2019: d : 2018: e : At factor cost. With its bustling medina and even busier harbour, Tunis is a city with a vibrant heart, but it's the combination of Arabic, African and European traditions that make the Tunisian capital an invigorating visit. There was a history of Jews in the region going back 2,000 years. P268 Uricémie et syndrome métabolique dans la population du grand Tunis. ), Seats held by women in national parliaments (%), Mobile-cellular subscriptions (per 100 inhabitants), Patents: Resident filings (per million pop. 2.1. Tunisia’s … f : Estimate. The greater metropolitan area of Tunis, often referred to as Grand Tunis, has about 2,700,000 inhabitants, making it the third-largest city in the Maghreb region and … Refers to Grand Tunis. It is the capital city of Manouba Governorate. Tunis Governorate The governorate covers an area of 346 square kilometres and has a population arround 1.003.000 inhabitants. Prévalence de l’infection par le papillomavirus humain distribution des génotypes dans la population féminine avec frottis normaux dans le Grand Tunis, Tunisie Article Sep 2014 Horloge de la population de la Tunisie 11 966 000. Cette re´gion, situe´e au nord-est du pays, regroupe quatre«gouvernorats»:Tunis,Ariana,BenArousetManouba, Tunisia’s fertility rate is just above the population replacement rate at 2.2 births per woman, which is declining slowly, and the country experiences negative net migration each year. Break in the time series. As of 2020, it is the fourth-largest city in the Maghreb region and the sixteenth-largest in the Arab world. population adulte du Grand Tunis. Tunisia was the only Arab country to come under direct German occupation during World War II.According to Robert Satloff, “From November 1942 to May 1943, the Germans and their local collaborators implemented a forced-labor regime, confiscations of property, hostage-taking, mass extortion, deportations, and executions. Roughly two-thirds of Tunisian citizens live in urban areas, and the country has several sizable cities. g : Break in the time series. Refers to Grand Tunis. or without vomiting) from four governorates of Grand Tunis (Ben Arous, Tunis, Ariana and Manouba). Grand Prix de la ville de Tunis begins. Tous droits réservés. Tunis (Arabic: تونس ‎, Tūnis) is the caipital an lairgest ceety o Tunisie an an' a' the Tunis Govrenorate, wi a population o 1,200,000 in 2008 an ower 3,980,500 in the greater Tunis aurie. 2010 … (000) 2015: 1993: Refers to Grand Tunis. Following this plateau, the population will begin to slowly decline and reach 13.01 million by 2099. Tunis (Arabic: تونس, Tūnis) is the capital of the Tunisian Republic and also the Tunis Governorate, with a population of 699,700 in 2003. 2003 – Société des transports de Tunis formed. Study Population. 134567897923405I4ntr619t7 283 Figure 10.3: Poverty Rate by Region in 2010 (Percent of Population below the Poverty Line) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Tunisia Grand Tunis North East Center East aged 0-14 & 65+ per 100 pop. f : Estimate. The metabolic syndrome: Prevalence, main characteristics and association with socio-economic status in adults living in Great Tunis Le syndrome métabolique : prévalence, principaux traits et association avec le statut socio-économique dans la population adulte du Grand Tunis History. 2012 June – Salafists riot against art exhibit. 2011 Protests. The greater metropolitan area of Tunis, often referred to as "Grand Tunis", has about 2,700,000 inhabitants, making it the third-largest city in the Maghreb region (after Casablanca and Algiers) and the sixteenth-largest in the Arab world. According to the most recent projections, Tunisia’s population will continue to grow until 2058, when the population will plateau at about 13.96 million people. Observing the population distribution by regional blocks (Figure 1) reveals an interesting fact. L’échantillon a été pondéré en utilisant l’inverse du taux de réponse selon le gouvernorat, le district et le sexe. k : Data as at the end of December. Swisscontact Tunisie conduit des activités dans quinze gouvernorats, avec un fort accent mis sur les régions intérieures du pays : Grand Tunis (bureau principal), Bizerte, Nabeul, Béja, Le Kef, Siliana, Zaghouan, Kairouan, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, Mahdia, Sfax, Gabès, Médenine et Tataouine. There are quite a few must-see attractions, especially if you include the ruins of Carthage, which are easily accessed from here, and the Punic ports are interesting, too.Tunis is an interesting mix of new and old, including colonial French buildings. Jewish Population 1948: 105,000 | 2019: 1,000 1. #12 Tunis Settlement Population: 638,845 Updated: 2020-05-20 Tunis is the capital and largest city of Tunisia. The city covers a total area of 213 square kilometers (82 square miles). Manouba (Arabic: منوبة ‎ manÅ«bā) is a city in north-eastern Tunisia, and is part the metropolitan area of Tunis, also called "Grand Tunis". The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia - Institut national de la statistique, GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$), GDP growth rate (annual %, const. population bénéficie de 63 lits d’hôpitaux pour 10000 habitants, contre 10 pour 10 000 dans la Région africaine. 3. The next largest Sfax with a population of 330,000. ), Tourist arrivals at national borders (000), Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births), Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP), Education: Primary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100 pop. (Percent of Population below the Poverty Line) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Tunisia Grand Tunis North East Center East South East North West Center West South West Source: INS, AFDB and World Bank (2012). Population (proj., 000) 2016: 11375 : Pop. These proportions changed in the 2014 Census to Grand Despite its relatively small size that is about the size of the US state of Wisconsin, Tunisia's north-south extent lends it great environmental diversity. Following this plateau, the population will begin to slowly decline and reach 13.01 million by 2099. Nearly all of the Muslim population is Sunni, and a small indigenous population is Shia or Sufi. It is located at the west of Tunis city center at around It is the capital city of Manouba Governorate.Manouba is well known for its university. Industry includes repairs. Tunisia is a North African country with a total area of 163,610 sq. Tunis: Google maps: 36°47'58"N 10°10'45"E Population: 740.256 inhabitants: Tunis (Arabic: تونس‎, TÅ«nis) is the capital of Tunisia and capitol of Tunis Governorate.Grand Tunis, which includes four governorates has arround 2,4 million inhabitants. Accueil; L’équipe; Le projet; Les instruments; Espace Membres; Nouveaux adhérents Prévalence de l’infection par le papillomavirus humain distribution des génotypes dans la population féminine avec frottis normaux dans le Grand Tunis, Tunisie Article Sep 2014 Poverty Headcount in 2010 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Tunis Grand Tunis North East Center East Center West South East South West North West (5.1 km) ), CO2 emission estimates (000 tons/tons per capita), Terrestrial and marine areas protected (% of total area), Population using improved drinking water sources (urban/rural, %), Population using improved sanitation facilities (urban/rural, %). View country profile from World Statistics Pocketbook j : Refers to foreign citizens. km and a coastline of 1,148 km on the Mediterranean Sea to the north. The TGM light rail line, starting at Tunis Marine station on Lines 1-4, connects to La Goulette (ferries), Sidi Bou Saïd, Carthage and the beaches of Marsa. ), Education: Secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100 pop. Supported by the agriculture, services, electrical and mechanical industries- the economy has been growing at an increasingly fast rate to the impressive 3% growth rate of 2019. 2009 – Stade Chedli Zouiten renovated. Ariana (Arabic: أريانة ‎ Ariana) is a coastal city in north-eastern Tunisia, part the agglomeration of Tunis, also called "Grand Tunis".It is located at the north of Tunis city center, around It is the capital of Ariana Governorate and the country's eighth largest city.. Les statistiques relatives à la densité de lits hospitaliers sont généralement tirées des registres administratifs courants, mais Tunis (Arabic: تونس ‎ Tūnis) is the capital and largest city of Tunisia.The greater metropolitan area of Tunis, often referred to as "Grand Tunis", has about 2,700,000 inhabitants. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between December 2012 and May 2013. The capital and largest city is Tunis, with a population of just over one million, and over 2 million in the greater metro area. 2010 December – Protests. © 2017. These two factors will continue to bring down the population growth rate until it is zero and the population begins to decline in the years following. Render: In the Grand Tunis region around Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, there live 3million people, almost a third of the Tunisian population, and it is also the center of economic activities in this country. k : Data as at the end of December. According to the most recent projections, Tunisia ’s population will continue to grow until 2058, when the population will plateau at about 13.96 million people. * Tunis : le Grand Tunis, avec quelques 2 000 000 d'habitants, représente 21 % de la population du pays et correspond à la population des gouvernorats de Tunis, l'Ariana, Ben Arous et La Manouba. In Tunisia, rabies vaccination of domestic juvenile dogs is provided by official campaigns or private veterinarians, ), Intentional homicide rate (per 100 000 pop. Tunisia Population Density Map While the 1948 Jewish population was over 105,000, it was reduced to just 1,500 by 2003. The next largest Sfax with a population of 330,000. The capital and largest city is Tunis, with a population of just over one million, and over 2 million in the greater metro area. 2007 Islamist militants clash with security forces. The greater metropolitan area of Tunis, often referred to as Grand Tunis, has about 2,700,000 inhabitants, making it the third-largest city in the Maghreb region and the sixteenth-largest in the Arab world. Population e´tudie´e e´chantillonnage Cette e´tude a e´te´ re´alise´e aupre`s de 1545 me´nages re´sidant dans la re´gion du Grand Tunis et a porte´ sur les adultes a ge´sde 35 a` 70 ans. Great Tunis, located in the northeast of Tunisia, includes four governorates – namely, Ben Arous, Tunis, Ariana and Manouba –with a total population of 2,251,000 inhabitants (including 980,000 adults). Naissances aujourd'hui: 77 … Le but de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence des facteurs de risque conventionnels dans la population du Grand Tunis. Distance: 30.8 mi. Tunisia is not a very densely populated nation. ), Education: Tertiary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100 pop. This rate will continue to decrease as Tunisia approaches its peak population in 2058. In fact, it is the official religion of the country and the president is required to be Muslim. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between December 2012 and May 2013. 2008 – Tunis Sports City construction begins. Other major cities with populations over 100,000 include Sousse, Ettadhamen, Kairouan, Gabes, Bizerte, Aryanah, Garsa, and El Mourouj. The greater metropolitan area of Tunis, often referred to as Grand Tunis has about 3 million inhabitants. Many translated example sentences containing "Grand Tunis" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. l : 2011: m : 2012: n : Data are as at 1 January of reporting year. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence des facteurs de risque conventionnels dans la population du Grand Tunis. The North West region is located in the extreme north of the country, bounded to the west by the Tunisian-Algerian border and to the east by Grand Tunis and the North East region.In the north, the region is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea (with a 51 km long coast) and Bizerte Governorate and to the south by the Central West Region.. A total of 805 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 were interviewed from four neighborhoods in Grand Tunis: Kabaria, Sidi Hassine, El Mourouj and El Menzah. En 2017 , Tunis est classée comme la cinquième ville arabe où il fait bon vivre [ 4 ] . Cette re´gion, situe´e au nord-est du pays, regroupe quatre«gouvernorats»:Tunis,Ariana,BenArousetManouba, Tous droits réservés. Grand Tunis is the name for the greatest metropolitan area in Tunisia, which assembles four of the following states: Tunis, Ariana, Manouba and Ben Arous. Population actuelle: 5 980 576. During the period under French rule, however, Tunisia fought in the World Wars with the French. #4 Tunis Settlement Population: 638,845 Updated: 2020-05-20 Tunis is the capital and largest city of Tunisia. 3. According to the latest population census in 2004, the area of Grand Tunis is the home of 2,247,800 people. Air pollution in Tunis reaches annual mean of 38 PM2.5 and 90 PM10, more than recommended. The greater metropolitan area of Tunis, often referred to as Grand Tunis, has some 2,700,000 people. In the south of France, the population increased in the plains and regressed Abstract. I need walking directions from the dock to the TGM station. The four governorates are characterized by a semi-arid climate with mild winter and a pluviometry >400 mm/year. Grand Tunis, Tunisia: A retrospective study, Veterinary World, 12(4): 489-495. Mar 2010; Y. Zayani. Population: 77.890 inhabitants: La Marsa (Arabic: المرسى‎ Al Marsa‎) is a coastal town in North-eastern corner of North Grand Tunis area. © 2017. Industry includes repairs. Between the late 19th century and through the 1950's, Tunisia had large populations of French and Italians, who combined made up 255,000 in 1956. %), Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100), Index of industrial production (2005=100), Balance of payments, current account (million US$), France (29.3), Italy (18.5), Germany (10.5), Population growth rate (average annual %), Urban population growth rate (average annual %), Fertility rate, total (live births per woman), Life expectancy at birth (females/males, years), Total dependency ratio (Pop. Le Grand Tunis compte 2 643 695 habitants en 2014, soit environ 14 % de la population du pays. Matériel et méthodes L’étude a porté sur 2483 individus ; 958 hommes et 1525 femmes, âgés de 35 à 70 ans, résidant dans la région du Grand Tunis, recrutés entre mars 2004 et … Informal estimates state that the population of greater Tunis approaches two million. Tunisia is a North African country with a total area of 163,610 sq. Sommaire Tunis (تونس) is the capital of Tunisia.With a population of around two million inhabitants. density (per sq km) 2016: 73.2 : Capital city: 2015: Tunis : Capital city pop. Naissances cette année: 571. j : Refers to foreign citizens. Population e´tudie´e e´chantillonnage Cette e´tude a e´te´ re´alise´e aupre`s de 1545 me´nages re´sidant dans la re´gion du Grand Tunis et a porte´ sur les adultes a ge´sde 35 a` 70 ans.