Inland Empire är en amerikansk långfilm från 2006, skriven och regisserad av David Lynch.Filmen är hans tionde långfilm och släpptes fem år efter Mulholland Drive.Världspremiären skedde på Venedigs filmfestival den 6 september 2006, med Sverigepremiär den 22 … Inland Empire (bra: Império dos Sonhos [1] [2]; prt: Inland Empire [3] [4]) é um filme polaco-franco-estadunidense de 2006, dos gêneros drama e suspense, escrito e dirigido por David Lynch. Va ser presentada en públic a Itàlia al Festival de Venècia el 6 de setembre del 2006. It premiered in Italy at the Venice Film Festival on September 6, 2006. Inland Empire is a 2006 experimental film written, directed and co-produced by David Lynch.The film's cinematography, editing, score and sound design were also by Lynch, with pieces by a variety of other musicians also featured. The Inland Empire Regional is a regional tournament in the state of California.In Southern California, teams are restricted to a region based on location (although some regions, such as the Los Angeles region, host multiple regional tournaments that a school may choose from). Il termine può essere usato per riferirsi alle città della parte occidentale della contea di Riverside e della parte sud-occidentale della contea di San Bernardino. Inland Empire, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Kaliforniya eyaletininde bulunan ve Riverside ve San Bernardino ilçesinde yer alan bir bölgedir. Inland Empire (česky vnitrozemská říše), zkráceně I.E. Inland Empire - L'impero della mente (Inland Empire) è un film del 2006 scritto, diretto e montato da David Lynch. He has supernatural powers, which include the ability to exercise mind control over people. Inland Empire – surrealistyczny film z roku 2006 w reżyserii Davida Lyncha. We weave our life and then move along in it. Inland Empire, parfois écrit INLAND EMPIRE [1], est un film américano-franco-polonais écrit et réalisé par David Lynch. Directed by David Lynch. Inland Empire) je američki mistični film[2] iz 2006. godine kojeg je napisao i režirao David Lynch. HD © Leah Xylona - David Lynch. Inland Empire, un film de David Lynch La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 7 novembre 2013 à 11:12. The Inland Empire of Southern California is a semi-arid region, east of Los Angeles, made up of scores of cities and towns. This is the Inland Empire task force, a collaboration area for Wikipedians interested in improving coverage of Inland Empire. Goals This Task force aims to help organize and contribute to the growing collection of articles about the Inland Empire. Inland Empire é uma região metropolitana no sul da Califórnia. Obok zagranicznych aktorów występują również polscy aktorzy – Krzysztof Majchrzak, Karolina Gruszka, Leon Niemczyk. It is the only Metrolink line that does not serve Los Angeles. In the same room years later, a woman cries and watches a sitcom starring three rabbits. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page.Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources. New participants are welcome; please feel free to join! The Phantom is the main antagonistof David Lynch's 2006 experimental horror film Inland Empire. Inland Empire: More Things That Happened Para la edición en DVD , Lynch decidió aprovechar parte del metraje que había sido desechado y crear con él un film nuevo. The Inland Empire 66ers of San Bernardino are a minor league baseball team in San Bernardino, California. With Karolina Gruszka, Krzysztof Majchrzak, Grace Zabriskie, Laura Dern. Inland Empire is a 2006 psychological thriller film with elements of horror written and directed by David Lynch. Der Film ist eine Produktion von Studio Canal im Verleih von Canal+ . The Inland Empire of California is a semi-arid region, east of Los Angeles, made up of scores of cities and towns. It is the most populous city in the Inland Empire and the fourth most populous city in the country with an official population of 2,102,831 in 2020. As an actress begins to adopt the persona of her character in a film, her world becomes nightmarish and surreal. lícula surrealista-experimental escrita i dirigida per David Lynch. L'Inland Empire (IE) è un'area metropolitana e regione della California meridionale. This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Es liegt direkt östlich der Los Angeles Metropolitan Area und ist mit dieser Teil der Greater Los Angeles Area. Svoju premijeru imao je na filmskom festivalu u Veneciji 6. rujna 2006. [2] Bölgenin nüfusu 26 Kasım 2009 tarihinde 4.224.851'dir. [2] El rodatge va durar dos anys i mig, i va ser fet amb una càmera de vídeo digital. Inland Empire (Alternativtitel: Inland Empire – Eine Frau in Schwierigkeiten) ist ein englischsprachiger Thriller von Regisseur David Lynch aus dem Jahr 2006 mit Laura Dern in der Hauptrolle. Thuật ngữ phổ biến nhất được sử dụng trong tài liệu tham khảo để chỉ khu vực Riverside-San Bernardinoc, một vùng đô thị tập trung vào các thành phố Riverside và San Bernardino ở miền Nam California. Présenté hors compétition à la Mostra de Venise 2006 puis dans de nombreux festivals, il sort ensuite en salles à partir de décembre 2006 . godine. je metropolitní oblast a region Jižní Kalifornie v USA. Az Inland Empire egy 2006-os francia, lengyel, amerikai koprodukcióban készült misztikus film David Lynch rendezésében. More Things That Happened tiene una duración de 76 minutos y presenta varias escenas protagonizadas por Laura Dern , Karolina Gruszka, Krzysztof Majchrzak, Peter J. Lucas o Nastassja Kinski , entre otros. The boundaries are often a subject of debate, however, it is generally agreed that the western boundary is the San Bernardino County / Los Angeles County line and the eastern limits are the most urbanized areas of San Bernardino County and Riverside County . Inland Empire 34 07′ 17.76″ N, 116 55′ 48″ W Authority control Q1148552 Reasonator Scholia Statistics WikiShootMe Subcategories This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. A film 4 millió dolláros bevételt hozott. W głównych rolach występują Laura Dern, Jeremy Irons, Justin Theroux. Die Inland Empire (kort IE) is 'n metropolitaanse gebied en geografiese streek in Suid-Kalifornië, geleë oos en suidoos van Los Angeles. Presentato per la prima volta alla 63ª Mostra internazionale d'arte cinematografica di Venezia il 6 settembre 2006,[1] è il primo film di Lynch ad essere stato girato interamente in digitale. Director David Lynch (Blue Velvet) discusses his latest film, Inland Empire, at The Brattle Theater. The name "Inland Empire" was first documented in 1843 by several local newspapers that used the term to refer to the province's area. They are the Class A Advanced affiliate of the Los Angeles Angels and play in the California League. A filmzenét ezúttal nem Angelo Badalamenti szerezte, mint Lynch legtöbb filmjénél, hanem ő maga "dobott össze" egy saját filmzenei albumot. Inland Empire ist eine Metropolregion und gleichzeitig Region von Südkalifornien. In Poland, a prostitute and her customer (their faces blurred) talk in a hotel room. "We are like the spider. It was his first feature-length film since 2001's Mulholland Drive, and shares many similarities with that film. To je bio njegov prvi dugometražni film nakon Mulholland Drivea iz 2001. godine. Die term word onder meer gebruik om na stedelike nedersettings in die weste van die administratiewe distrik Riverside County en die suidweste van Bernardino County te verwys. The 66ers play home. Inland Empire-Orange County Line is a Metrolink route from San Bernardino to Oceanside via Riverside, Corona, and Orange County. Inland Empire is the 2006 film staring Laura Dern and Jeremy Irons, the film follows on much the same from Mulholland Drive, as a self-referential piece dealing with Psychological Fugure. Film ten … With other regions naming themselves appeasing names such as the "Gold Coast" or "Orange", developers in the area adopted the name in order to capitalize on the region's unique geographic features and economic potential. This is true for the entire universe." O termo pode ser usado para se referir a cidades ocidentais do condado de Riverside e da banda sudoeste do condado de San Bernardino. Nachází se východně od metropolitní oblasti města Los Angeles. Unutarnje carstvo (eng. were also by Lynch, with pieces by a variety of other musicians also featured. Una definizione più ampia include le … Inland Empire (thông tục gọi là IE) là một khu vực ở miền Nam California.