In the swerve to avoid the fake moose, … News 1 Kia XCeed Becomes 3-Wheeler in Moose Test, Hands Different from Ceed 2 2020 VW Passat Shows Shocking Oversteer in Moose Test, ... and the tests carried out by highlight this. Once again, the Forester's wayward motions clearly conveyed that it … Take a peek at the Audi A3 Sportback's performance in the Moose Test and Slalom. Now Model 3 is Tesla’s lightest car by a wide margin and it was expected to perform a lot better in the test. To the uninitiated, the moose test is designed to assess how well a vehicle can evade a suddenly appearing obstruction. The VW Golf 8 is the subject of the moose test on the video embedded on top, uploaded by on Youtube. Prueba y más información del Toyota RAV4 2019 en: Toyota RAV4. The Tiguan is successful in the moose test at 48 mph (77 kph), but the video of the evaluation is wild to see. Maniobra de esquiva Esta es la primera pasada que hicimos y, por lo tanto, sin conocer previamente las reacciones del vehículo. They have recently released their traditional moose test and slalom with the Honda e, and their results are intriguing. Km77’s latest video features the new Audi A3 Sportback taking on the fearsome moose test. Maniobra de esquiva. With a successful moose test in the books, the SUV bobbed and weaved through the slalom. Sure enough, km77 called the Model 3’s performance in the moose test “exemplary”: On dry pavement, our colleagues at found it is pretty composed. Sweden’s evasive maneuver test, better known as the moose test, is a brutal simulation of what might happen if your lane was suddenly occupied by a giant mammal and you had to get out of the way in a hurry or prepare yourself to become one with the animal.