The Belle Époque was an era of great scientific and technological advancement in Europe and the world in general. Pasteur developed pasteurisation and a rabies vaccine. It was a period of optimism, peace, economic prosperity.The colonial empires were well established. France was a leader of early cinema technology. The text is signed Henri Pick, a Breton pizza maker who died two years earlier. View production, box office, & company info. Il periodo che va dalla fine dell'Ottocento al 1914 fu chiamato Belle epoque. Durata 110 min. The Lumière brothers made many other innovations in cinematography. The Eiffel Tower, built to serve as the grand entrance to the 1889 World's Fair held in Paris, became the accustomed symbol of the city, to its inhabitants and to visitors from around the world. Retrieved 24 September 2018, from, This page was last edited on 20 January 2021, at 13:11. Among the post-Impressionist movements in Paris were the Nabis, the Salon de la Rose + Croix, the Symbolist movement (also in poetry, music, and visual art), Fauvism, and early Modernism. In such a way you might revive some stimulating ideas, your love or just find yourself. The works of German Thomas Mann had a huge impact in France as well, such as Death in Venice, published in 1912. Maxim's Paris was arguably the city's most exclusive restaurant. He starts a struggle with himself without being fully conscious of that.Leading this fight you need to stop in time and understand that whiskey is not as tasty as it could be because instead of it you are drinking water. More progressive tastes patronised the Barbizon school plein-air painters. Nicolas Bedos' La Belle Époque has distinctive French flavor and is somewhat old-fashioned.The film is really light-hearted and is all about love.And yet it is fascinating and can easily bring you to tears.Many viewers may recognize Nicolas Bedos in the movies like Love Is in the Air (Amour et turbulences) or Love Lasts Three Years (L'Amour dure trois ans). Il s'agit d'une comédie dramatique racontant l'histoire d'un sexagénaire qui souhaite revivre la semaine la plus marquante de sa vie, lorsqu'il rencontre quarante ans auparavant son grand amour. They are drifting apart being constantly annoyed. During this time, several aspects of Parisian culture saw important developments. He, disillusioned, sees his life upset the day an entrepreneur offers him to plunge back into the time of his choice. The Belle Époque was a period in which, according to historian R. R. Palmer: "European civilisation achieved its greatest power in global politics, and also exerted its maximum influence upon peoples outside Europe. An editor discovers a novel that she considers to be a masterpiece, in a library whose particularity is to collect the manuscripts refused by the publishers. The electric light began to supersede gas lighting, and neon lights were invented in France. A fire lights up in his eyes again. Terrorism against civilians occurred in 1894, perpetrated by Émile Henry, who killed a cafe patron and wounded several others. Cheap coal and cheap labour contributed to the cult of the orchid[3] and made possible the perfection of fruits grown under glass, as the apparatus of state dinners extended to the upper classes. Dancer Loie Fuller appeared at popular venues such as the Folies Bergère, and took her eclectic performance style abroad as well. Burlesque performance styles were more mainstream in Belle Époque Paris than in more staid cities of Europe and America. The most famous portion of this imperial expansion was the Scramble for Africa. And the big game starts.At first, Victor is amused by small inaccuracies of what is going on around him. La Belle Époque, French for ‘Beautiful Era’ began in 1871 – in line with the Third French Republic the year before – and came to an end at the beginning of World War I. Paris: La Belle Époque is a stylish disc of French fin de siècle music as rendered by popular cellist Yo-Yo Ma with the help of pianist and ace chamber musician Kathryn Stott. Liane de Pougy, dancer, socialite and courtesan, was well known in Paris as a headline performer at top cabarets. What … Impressionism, which had been considered the artistic avant-garde in the 1860s, did not gain widespread acceptance until after World War I. A bomb was detonated in the Chamber of Deputies of France in 1893, causing injuries but no deaths. Ravel and Delius agreed that French music of this time was simply 'Edvard Grieg plus the third act of Tristan." La Belle Époque One result of this commuting was suburbanisation allowing working-class and upper-class neighbourhoods to be separated by large distances. It was during the 1890s that his paintings achieved the admiration that had eluded them during Van Gogh's life, first among other artists, then gradually among the public. The official art school in Paris, the École des Beaux-Arts, held an exhibition of Japanese printmaking that changed approaches to graphic design, particular posters and book illustration (Aubrey Beardsley was influenced by a similar exhibit when he visited Paris during the 1890s). It seems that they just do not want to be close any more, but they might as well not realize how much they really want to be together. La belle époque - Un film di Nicolas Bedos. A couple in crisis. André Gide, Anatole France, Alain-Fournier, Paul Bourget are among France's most popular fiction writers of the era. It was a cultural center of global influence, its educational, scientific and medical institutions were at the leading edge of Europe. [citation needed]. Bonjour, le restaurant la table des saveurs sera ouvert tous les midis à partir de 12h00 du lundi au samedi pour toutes réservations ou questions n'hésitez pas à nous contacter au : / merci. In 1890, Vincent van Gogh died. Bienvenue à Gien, ville réputée pour sa faïence ainsi que son château où le restaurant la Belle Époque vous accueille dans une ambiance chaleureuse au décor soigné.. Les amoureux de brocante s'y régaleront ainsi que les amateurs de viande de bœuf grillée à la cheminée.. A l'arrivée des beaux jours une terrasse ombragée vous attend également. La Belle Époque (French: ; French for "The Beautiful Era") was a period of Western history. Con Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Fanny Ardant, Pierre Arditi. Use the HTML below. Some of the artistic elite saw the Fin de siècle in a pessimistic light. The Dreyfus Affair consumed the interest of the French for several years and it received heavy newspaper coverage. Rimbaud's Illuminations was published in 1886, and subsequently his other works were also published, influencing Surrealists and Modernists during the Belle Époque and after. The Belle Époque or La Belle Époque (French for "Beautiful Era") was a period in French and Belgian history that is conventionally dated as starting in 1871 and ending when World War I began in 1914. All of our Vintage Artworks are guaranteed original. The most notable transnational socialist organisation was the Second International. Although the aeroplane remained a fascinating experiment, France was a leader in aviation. Victor is stuck somewhere in the distant past, whereas his wife Marianne still wants to take more from life.The film constantly maintains a fast emotional pace. Occurring during the era of the French Third Republic, it was a period characterised by optimism, regional peace, economic prosperity, colonial expansion, and technological, scientific, and cultural innovations. Realism gradually developed into modernism, which emerged in the 1890s and came to dominate European literature during the Belle Époque's final years and throughout the interwar years. After the telephone joined the telegraph as a vehicle for rapid communication, French inventor Édouard Belin developed the Belinograph, or Wirephoto, to transmit photos by telephone. There were many technological, scientific, and cultural innovations. Drama. Still, he is first and foremost a writer and a director, and he is as good at those crafts as in the romantic films being an actor.His new film combines drama and comedy, restraint and passion, romance and real life.The main characters of the film are Victor, an illustrator, and Marianne, a psychologist. In addition to works for piano solo or violin and piano, the Belle Époque was famous for its large repertory of songs (mélodies, romanze, etc.). [citation needed] The Casino de Paris opened in 1890. Literally translated to “the beautiful era,” Paris’ La Belle Époque lasted from 1871 to 1914. Many successful examples of Art Nouveau, with notable regional variations, were built in France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Austria (the Vienna Secession), Hungary, Bohemia, Serbia and Latvia. Architects executed plans for a new Paris, while writers made their mark with a more modern approach to storytelling. The sudden death of President Félix Faure while in office took the country by surprise, but had no destabilising effect on the government. In retrospect we can see it is an era very separate from the 20 th century despite belonging at its start. Belle Époque literally means "Beautiful Age" and is a name given in France to the period from roughly the end of the Franco-Prussian War (1871) to the start of World War I (1914). The academic painting style, associated with the Academy of Art in Paris, remained the most respected style among the public in Paris. Albert Guillaume | La Belle Époque. After the bitterness of France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War came a time of peace and prosperity, and … The Belle Époque was so named in retrospect, when it began to be considered a "Golden Age" in contrast to the horrors of World War I. How did they do it? Paris's popular bourgeois theatre was dominated by the light farces of Georges Feydeau and cabaret performances. Joris-Karl Huysmans, who came to prominence in the mid-1880s, continued experimenting with themes and styles that would be associated with Symbolism and the Decadent movement, mostly in his book à rebours. When the presidential campaign begins, he is invited by his superior to commit even ... See full summary ». Colette shocked France with the publication of the sexually frank Claudine novel series, and other works. The Belle Époque or La Belle Époque (French: [bɛlepɔk]; French for "Beautiful Epoch") is the term often given to a period of French history, usually dated to between 1880 and the outbreak of World War I in 1914. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Victor, a disillusioned sexagenarian, sees his life turned upside down on the day when Antoine, a brilliant entrepreneur, offers him a new kind of attraction: mixing theatrical artifices and historical reconstruction, this company offers his clients a chance to dive back into the era of their choice. Even as encores, singers were afraid to sing them at serious recitals. Modern dance began to emerge as a powerful artistic development in theatre. Mathematician and physicist Henri Poincaré made important contributions to pure and applied mathematics, and also published books for the general public on mathematical and scientific subjects. Meanwhile, the international workers' movement also reorganised itself and reinforced pan-European, class-based identities among the classes whose labour supported the Belle Époque. Victor then chose to relive the most memorable week of his life: the one where, 40 years earlier, he met the great love. The walkable neighbourhoods were well-established by the Belle Époque. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. However, in some time he becomes engrossed into this fictitious world. Jules Massenet and Jean Richepin (the last as Apollo Citharoedus), authors of Le mage, premiered at the Opéra-Comique in Paris on 16 March 1891.