During this phase, Portuguese colonialism focused on expanding its outposts in Africa into nation-sized territories to compete with other European powers there. Even before the war's final resolution, the crown established the Overseas Council, conceived in 1642 on the short-lived model of the Council of India (1604–1614), and established in 1643, it was the governing body for most of the Portuguese overseas empire. De 1580 à 1640, le Portugal, gouverné par les Habsbourg d'Espagne, est réuni à la Monarchie catholique dans l'Union ibérique, et les Néerlandais, nouvellement indépendants de l'Espagne, ainsi que les Anglais, ennemis traditionnels des souverains espagnols, en profitent pour s'emparer de nombreux comptoirs et colonies portugais. Two years later, on October 5, 1910, he was overthrown and fled into exile in England in Fulwell Park, Twickenham near London and Portugal became a republic. En Afrique de l'Est, l'Estado da India, qui a reculé au Nord de la côte swahilie, sécurise définitivement ses positions du Mozambique. [153][154], The Dutch took their fight overseas, attacking Spanish and Portuguese colonies and beginning the Dutch–Portuguese War, which would last for over sixty years (1602–1663). This commercial network and the colonial trade had a substantial positive impact on Portuguese economic growth (1500–1800), when it accounted for about a fifth of Portugal's per-capita income. Sous le règne de Napoléon Ier, les invasions françaises du Portugal ébranlent indirectement le vaste édifice impérial portugais. Though the Ottomans responded with support of soldiers and muskets to the Adal Sultanate, after the death of the Adali sultan Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi in the battle of Wayna Daga in 1543, the joint Adal-Ottoman force retreated. )[Note 2]. Portugal followed suit, thus entering World War I. In 1557 the Chinese authorities allowed the Portuguese to settle in Macau, creating a warehouse in the trade of goods between China, Japan, Goa and Europe.[78][80]. Au lendemain de la Seconde guerre mondiale, les colonies sont encore très peu développées : à Sao Tomé-et-Principe aucun lycée n'a encore été ouvert, tandis qu'en Angola et au Mozambique les seules institutions ouvertes en annexes à l'université de Coimbra sont destinées aux fils de colons. [83], In 1534, Gujarat faced attack from the Mughals and the Rajput states of Chitor and Mandu. [68][69][70][71] He was also the first European to discover Hong Kong. Over the following decades, Portuguese sailors continued to explore the coasts and islands of East Asia, establishing forts and factories as they went. [212], Currently, the Azores, Madeira, and Savage Islands are the only overseas territories that remain politically linked to Portugal. Henri cherche ainsi à savoir jusqu'où s'étend le territoire musulman et imagine peut-être établir un contact avec le mythique royaume chrétien du Prêtre Jean afin de joindre leurs forces contre les Maures. La position internationale du Portugal est alors stabilisée pour plus de cent cinquante ans, et l'Empire devient à nouveau une source de profits substantiels. [11] At the time, Europeans did not know what lay beyond Cape Bojador on the African coast. In 1916, there was only one attack on the Portuguese territory, in Madeira. Slaves labeled as 'Minas' and 'Angolas' rose in high demand during the boom. [17] Using this new maritime technology, Portuguese navigators reached ever more southerly latitudes, advancing at an average rate of one degree a year. Dans les années 1920 et 1930, le régime colonial instaure un système racial séparant les Africains « assimilés », qui ont reçu les bases d'une éducation leur permettant éventuellement d'occuper une place dans l’administration coloniale, des autres indigènes, privés de droits et soumis au travail forcé (qui ne sera aboli qu'en 1962). On parlait simplement d’« Outre-mer portugais » (Ultramar Português) avant d'adopter temporairement le terme d’« Empire colonial portugais » entre 1930 et 1951. One of the longest-lived empires in world history, it existed for almost six centuries, from the capture of Ceuta in 1415, to the handover of Portuguese Macau to China in 1999. [117][118] The French attacks did cease to an extent after retaliation led to the Portuguese paying the French to stop attacking Portuguese ships throughout the Atlantic,[114] but the attacks would continue to be a problem well into the 1560s. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 19 décembre 2020 à 20:43. [39] In 1502, to enforce its trade monopoly over a wide area of the Indian Ocean, the Portuguese Empire created the cartaz licensing system, granting merchant ships protection against pirates and rival states. [101] In 1579, Ndongo ruler Ngola Kiluanje kia Ndamdi massacred Portuguese and Kongolese residents in the Ndongo capital Kabasa under the influence of Portuguese renegades. The so-called Carnation Revolution of April 1974 in Lisbon led to the hasty decolonization of Portuguese Africa and to the 1975 annexation of Portuguese Timor by Indonesia. [115] In 1531, a royal expedition led by Martim Afonso de Sousa and his brother Pero Lopes went to patrol the whole Brazilian coast, banish the French, and create some of the first colonial towns – among them São Vicente, in 1532. [72][73] In 1514, Afonso de Albuquerque, the Viceroy of the Estado da India, dispatched Italian Rafael Perestrello to sail to China in order to pioneer European trade relations with the nation. The Chinese claimed that Simão kidnapped Chinese boys and girls to be molested and cannibalized. The rise of the sugar industry came about because the Crown took the easiest sources of profit (brazilwood, spices, etc. La population combinée des neuf membres est d'environ 270 millions d'individus. However, they soon began to shield Chinese junks and a cautious trade began. [99][100] De Novais' subsequent alliance with Ndongo angered Luso-Africans who resented the influence from the Crown. In 1505 King Manuel I of Portugal appointed Francisco de Almeida first Viceroy of Portuguese India, establishing the Portuguese government in the east. Impoverished social conditions and a high cost of living were among reasons of the revolt. While following the same south-westerly route as Gama across the Atlantic Ocean, Cabral made landfall on the Brazilian coast. Orgueil du régime d'Antonio de Obviera Salazar. [78] Portuguese pirating was second to Japanese pirating by this period. All correspondence concerning overseas possessions were funneled through the council. [163], After the Portuguese were defeated by the Indian rulers Chimnaji Appa of the Maratha Empire[164][165] and by Shivappa Nayaka of the Keladi Nayaka Kingdom[166] and at the end of confrontations with the Dutch, Portugal was only able to cling onto Goa and several minor bases in India, and managed to regain territories in Brazil and Africa, but lost forever to prominence in Asia as trade was diverted through increasing numbers of English, Dutch and French trading posts. A resolution was reached with the Treaty of Zaragoza in 1529, attributing the Moluccas to Portugal and the Philippines to Spain. [40], Profiting from the rivalry between the ruler of Kochi and the Zamorin of Calicut, the Portuguese were well-received and seen as allies, as they obtained a permit to build the fort Immanuel (Fort Kochi) and a trading post that was the first European settlement in India. L' Empire colonial portugais (en portugais : Império Colonial Português) désigne les territoires d'outre-mer occupés et administrés par le Portugal entre le début du XV e siècle et le XX e siècle. En plus des neuf membr… The Akan within the 'Minas' group had a reputation to have been experts in extrapolating gold in their native regions, and became the preferred group. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Son indépendance continua néanmoins à être menacée par le royaume de Castille voisin jusqu'à la bataille d'Aljubarrota, en 1385, et la signature du traité qui s'ensuivit. [25] Trade between Elmina and Portugal grew throughout a decade. l'empire n'avait cessé, depuis la promulgation de l'Acte colonial en juillet 1930, de faire l'objet d'une intense propagande : aux yeux du dictateur portugais, président du Conseil de 1932 à 1968, il incarnait la grandeur et la continuité historiques de la mission civilisatrice du pays. [82] In a shifting series of alliances, the Portuguese dominated much of the southern Persian Gulf for the next hundred years. Les raisons de cette première incursion sont multiples : volonté de poursuivre la croisade chrétienne contre l'islam ; promesse de gloire et de richesse pour la noblesse militaire qu'il faut occuper ; occasion de développer le commerce et l'économie portugaise en déclin. L' Empire colonial portugais regroupait les territoires d'outre-mer occupés et administrés par le Portugal entre le début du XVe siècle et le XXe siècle. Ce terme ne fut pourtant jamais employé officiellement. At the Cortes of Tomar in 1581, Philip was crowned Philip I of Portugal, uniting the two crowns and overseas empires under Spanish Habsburg rule in a dynastic Iberian Union. In 1815 Brazil was elevated to the status of Kingdom, the Portuguese state officially becoming the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves (Reino Unido de Portugal, Brasil e Algarves), and the capital was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, the only instance of a European country being ruled from one of its colonies. Il s'étendait sur un territoire représentant aujourd'hui soixante États souverains différents. The empire began in the 15th century, and from the early 16th centu… [218][219] Related names can be found in other languages, such as Arabic البرتقال (bourtouqal), Georgian ფორთოხალი (p'ort'oxali), Turkish portakal and Amharic birtukan. [147] In addition to this newly acquired access to the Spanish asientos, the Portuguese were able to solve their bullion shortage issues with access to the production of the silver mining in Peru and Mexico. [23], In 1469, after prince Henry's death and as a result of meagre returns of the African explorations, King Afonso V granted the monopoly of trade in part of the Gulf of Guinea to merchant Fernão Gomes. The realms continued to have separate administrations. De son ancien empire, le Portugal retient la souveraineté de deux archipels dans l'océan Atlantique Nord : les régions autonomes de Madère et des Açores. Le Prince parfait doit beaucoup à la politique impériale de son père. Pressure from natives and competing European fisheries prevented a permanent establishment and was abandoned five years later. [150] This foretaste of the riches of the East galvanized English interest in the region. Au Brésil, découvert officiellement par Pedro Alvares Cabral en 1500, les premiers établissements permanents datent des années 1530. empire colonial portugais Au début du 15 e siècle, le Portugal fut le premier pays européen depuis l’Antiquité à se lancer dans l’aventure des explorations. [42] Although Cankili I of Jaffna initially resisted contact with them, the Jaffna kingdom came to the attention of Portuguese officials soon after for their resistance to missionary activities as well as logistical reasons due to its proximity with Trincomalee harbour among other reasons. [189][190], The project to connect the two colonies, the Pink Map, was the main objective of Portuguese policy in the 1880s. In light of its international importance, Portugal and Brazil are leading a movement to include Portuguese as one of the official languages of the United Nations. Néanmoins l'expansion de l'Empire ottoman pousse les espagnols et les portugais à trouver d'autres voies, cette fois maritimes, pour atteindre ce qu'on appelle alors les Indes. [155][156], Meanwhile, in the Arabian Peninsula, the Portuguese also lost control of Ormuz by a joint alliance of the Safavids and the English in 1622, and Oman under the Al-Ya'arubs would capture Muscat in 1650. Le 4 août 1578, le jeune roi Sébastien Ier, qui avait gagné le Maroc à la tête d'une armée de 17 000 hommes, disparaît au cours de la bataille des Trois Rois. Il y eut peu de conquêtes et peu de pertes. Simultaneously Pêro da Covilhã, traveling secretly overland, had reached Ethiopia, suggesting that a sea route to the Indies would soon be forthcoming. Early in the war, Portugal was involved mainly in supplying the Allies positioned in France. L’annexion de Damão en … The British Ultimatum of 1890 was imposed upon King Carlos I of Portugal and the Pink Map came to an end. Brésil (1500-1822) en Afrique. [93][94][95], The Portuguese also made direct contact with the Kongolose vassal state Ndongo and its ruler Ngola Kiljuane in 1520, after the latter requested missionaries. Yosaburō Takekoshi, "The Economic Aspects of the History of the Civilization of Japan", The Portuguese period in East Africa – Page 112, The History of the Portuguese, During the Reign of Emmanuel p. 287, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFPickettPickett2011 (, Francis A. Dutra. [102], In 1542, Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier arrived in Goa at the service of King John III of Portugal, in charge of an Apostolic Nunciature. L'Empire portugais est originellement administré par la maison d'Aviz durant près de cent-cinquante ans, ensuite par les Habsbourg espagnols durant soixante ans, puis par la maison de Bragance durant trois-cents ans avant d'être finalement gouverné par la République portugaise à partir de 1910. Dans le golfe persique, les Portugais expulsés d'Ormuz se rabattent sur Mascate et ses dépendances. Une large portion de la côte occidentale africaine fut exploré sous le règne d'Alphonse V. Son oncle Henri le Navigateur avait permis l'exploration jusqu'à l'actuelle Sierra Leone et il va pousser cela jusqu'au cap Sainte-Catherine. [135][136] By this time period, Manuel de Nóbrega, along with fellow Jesuit José de Anchieta, took part as members of attacks on the Tamoios and as spies for their resources. Après sa conversion au protestantisme, Albert de Brandebourg-Ansbach a fondé le Duch… [182], In spite of the conspiracies, the rule of Portugal in Brazil was not under serious threat. [78][79], After the Sultan of Bintan detained several Portuguese under Tomás Pires, the Chinese then executed 23 Portuguese and threw the rest into prison where they resided in squalid, sometimes fatal conditions. According to economic historians, Portugal's colonial trade had a substantial positive impact on Portuguese economic growth, 1500–1800. Les origines de l'empire portugais et du royaume du Portugal lui-même, s'inscrivent dans la reconquista, reconquête chrétienne de la péninsule Ibérique occupée alors par les Maures qui avaient bâti l'Al-Andalus. Portugal responded by aiding king Gelawdewos with Portuguese soldiers and muskets. [168], Africans and Afro-Brazilians became the largest group of people in Minas Gerais. [158] In Ethiopia and Japan in the 1630s, the ousting of missionaries by local leaders severed influence in the respective regions. [97][98] However, when the Jaga attacked and conquered regions of Kongo in 1568, Portuguese assisted Kongo in their defeat. The Portuguese Empire (Portuguese: Império Português), also known as the Portuguese Overseas (Ultramar Português) or the Portuguese Colonial Empire (Império Colonial Português), was composed of the overseas colonies and territories governed by Portugal. [22] The success of sugar merchants such as Bartolomeo Marchionni would propel the investment in future travels. In contrast to Almeida, Albuquerque was more concerned with strengthening the navy,[51] as well as being more compliant with the interests of the kingdom. L'Empire colonial portugais désigne les territoires d'outre-mer occupés et administrés par le Portugal entre le début du XVe siècle et le XXe siècle. L'ensemble des territoires ayant été controlé à un moment ou un autre par le Portugal, La couronne et l'empire émergent (1460-1481), La fondation du Premier empire portugais (1415-1580), « sa noblesse, son armée, son indépendance et sa position mondiale, Guides Bleus - Portugal. [161] A distinguished seventeenth-century member was Salvador de Sá. The 1890 British Ultimatum led to the contraction of Portuguese ambitions in Africa. [89][92] The Adal Sultanate defeated the Ethiopians in the battle of Shimbra Kure in 1529, and Islam spread further in the region. [210], Presently, the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) serves as the cultural and intergovernmental successor of the Empire. In 1488 Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and in 1498 Vasco da Gama reached India. Le terme « Empire colonial portugais » disparaît dans le même temps. This gold cycle led to the creation of an internal market and attracted a large number of immigrants. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Midway in the year, Portugal suffered its first World War I casualty. Il fut aussi l'un des plus durable et se confronta à une décolonisation laborieuse et souvent tragique ; la présence portugaise hors d'Europe a duré presque six siècles. [128] Among de Sousa's 1000 man expedition were soldiers, workers, and six Jesuits led by Manuel da Nóbrega. The ensuing Cold War also created instabilities among Portuguese overseas populations, as the United States and Soviet Union vied to increase their spheres of influence. Cette expansion est justement motivée par le commerce très lucratif de ces denrées. [36], The squadron of Vasco da Gama left Portugal in 1497, rounded the Cape and continued along the coast of East Africa, where a local pilot was brought on board who guided them across the Indian Ocean, reaching Calicut (the capital of the native kingdom ruled by Zamorins (This city also known as Kozhikode) in south-western India in May 1498. Il existe un autre héritage lié à la présence portugaise dans les anciennes colonies comme le Brésil, l'Angola, le Mozambique, le Cap-Vert, Macao, la Guinée-Bissau et d'autres. Enfin Macao est rétrocédée à la République populaire de Chine en 1999. In 1548 he created the first General Government, sending in Tomé de Sousa as first governor and selecting a capital at the Bay of All Saints, making it at the Captaincy of Bahia. [137] By 1575, the Tamoios had been subdued and essentially were extinct,[134] and by 1580 the government became more of a ouvidor general rather than the ouvidores. To that end, in 1499 and 1500, João Fernandes Lavrador explored Greenland and the north Atlantic coast of Canada, which accounts for the appearance of "Labrador" on topographical maps of the period. [53][54] In Goa, Albuquerque began the first Portuguese mint in India in 1510. While this process was similar to the agreement between the United Kingdom and China two years earlier regarding Hong Kong, the Portuguese transfer to China was met with less resistance than that of Britain regarding Hong Kong, as Portugal had already recognized Macau as Chinese territory under Portuguese administration in 1979. Il est considéré comme l'un des dix plus grands empires de l'humanité depuis l'enregistrement des civilisations, et le premier pluricontinental . [199], Portuguese territories in Africa eventually included the modern nations of Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, and Mozambique. Les Portugais considèrent le commerce et la navigation dans ces zones comme leur monopole absolu et répriment violemment les incursions des navires des autres pays européens. [176] Pombal wished to improve the status of the natives by declaring them free and increasing the mestizo population by encouraging intermarriage between them and the white population. [59] By July 1511, Albuquerque had captured Malacca and sent Antonio de Abreu and Francisco Serrão (along with Ferdinand Magellan) to explore the Indonesian archipelago. L 'empire colonial portugais désigne les territoires d'outre-mer occupés et administrés par le Portugal entre le début du XVe siècle et le XXe siècle. Il s'agit de l'usage du portugais qui, du fait de sa pratique quotidienne durant plusieurs siècles, est devenu la langue officielle de ces pays. En 1641, les Néerlandais de la VOC prennent Malacca et lancent une série d'attaques sur Macao. It was published in 1595; the text was then included in the larger volume published in 1596 under the title "Itinerario: voyage, ofte schipvaert van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien, 1579–1592". Infobase Publishing, 2009. p. 800, Hong Kong & Macau 14 By Andrew Stone, Piera Chen, Chung Wah Chow Lonely Planet, 2010. pp. [5], Free from threats to its existence and unchallenged by the wars fought by other European states, Portuguese attention turned overseas and towards a military expedition to the Muslim lands of North Africa. Source: d'après Wikipédia. Officiellement, on lui a longtemps préféré celui d’« Outre-mer portugais » (Ultramar português) avant d'adopter temporairement le terme d’« Empire colonial portugais » entre 1930 et 1951. [146], Spanish imperial trade networks now were opened to Portuguese merchants, which was particularly lucrative for Portuguese slave traders who could now sell slaves in Spanish America at a higher price than could be fetched in Brazil. Cet ouvrage relate l'histoire politique de la formation et de l'expansion de l'Empire portugais. In 1954, a local uprising resulted in the overthrow of the Portuguese authorities in the Indian enclave of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Par la suite, les possessions africaines (Angola, Mozambique, Guinée-Bissau) sont étendues. [214] There are six associate observers of the CPLP: Georgia, Japan, Mauritius, Namibia, Senegal, and Turkey. Empire colonial portugais Ancien empire colonial portuguais Téléverser des médias Wikipédia: Nature de l'élément: empire colonial , empire sur lequel le soleil ne se couche jamais: Sous-classe de: colonie: Aspect de: Portugal: Lieu: royaume de Portugal, Portugal: Capitale: Les Portugais étendent leur domination jusqu'aux Moluques, îles riches en épices. By 1739, at the apex of the mining boom, the population of Minas Gerais was somewhere between 200,000 and 250,000. [123] Both were dedicated to the crop of sugar cane, and the settlers managed to maintain alliances with Native Americans. L'Inde annexe quant à elle Goa, Daman et Diu et des îles Anjidiv lors de l'opération Vijay en décembre 1961. Par convention, on positionne le début de l'empire en 1415, date de la conquête de Ceuta. Les Portugais parviennent aussi à éloigner les Turcs ottomans de l'Inde et à désamorcer, en 1521 et en 1572, les coalitions formées par les princes musulmans[3]. Areas of the world that were once part of the Portuguese Empire, Trade with Maritime Asia, Africa and the Indian Ocean, Spice Islands (Moluccas) and Treaty of Zaragoza, Iberian Union, Protestant rivalry, and colonial stasis (1580–1663), British Ultimatum and end of Portuguese monarchy (1890–1910), harvnb error: no target: CITEREFDaus1983 (, Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Asia and Oceania by Barbara A. [84] After Mughal ruler Humayun had success against Bahadur, the latter signed another treaty with the Portuguese to confirm the provisions and allowed the fort to be built in Diu. The Portuguese were unable to use it as a base for further expansion into the hinterland,[9] and the trans-Saharan caravans merely shifted their routes to bypass Ceuta and/or used alternative Muslim ports. [49] However, such posts were centralized by Afonso de Albuquerque after his succession and remained so in subsequent ruling. Decolonization prompted the exodus of nearly all the Portuguese colonial settlers and of many mixed-race people from the colonies. Le roi de Kandy s'allie aux Néerlandais pour rejeter les Portugais et, en 1659, Jaffna, la dernière place forte de ces derniers, tombe aux mains des Néerlandais. [206], Civil wars in Angola and Mozambique promptly broke out, with incoming communist governments formed by the former rebels (and backed by the Soviet Union, Cuba, and other communist countries) fighting against insurgent groups supported by nations like Zaire, South Africa, and the United States. Exploratory missions were carried out both ordered by the government, the "entradas" (entries), and by private initiative, the "bandeiras" (flags), by the "bandeirantes". Elle se révèle impossible à utiliser comme base pour une exploration de l'intérieur des terres, tandis que les caravanes ne tardent pas à dévier leur route.