Castiel stabs him, but Lucifer escapes. Rachel, Castiel's lieutenant comes instead and berates the boys for only calling for him when they need something of him, but Castiel arrives himself and sends Rachel away. After Dean's apparent sacrifice to stop the Darkness, Castiel goes with Sam although he is then banished when a member of the London branch of the Men of Letters attacks the bunker to punish Sam for his past actions. Under her orders, he claims to Sam and Dean that he was forced to kill Samandriel in self-defense and that he is taking him back to Heaven to put him to rest (in reality so Naomi can determine just how much he broke), but his weird behavior and the fact that his eye starts bleeding arouses Sam and Dean's suspicions that he is being controlled. During the hunt, Eve is able to suppress Castiel's powers as she is older than him. Castiel would spent the next season utterly enraged at God and dedicated to his defeat over his murder of Jack. [2] Initially, the character demonstrates complete devotion to God and little emotion. After Lucifer killed them again, Castiel is given Jimmy's body to use permanently by God, while Jimmy ascended to Heaven. Later, he carves a banishing sigil into his own chest and activates it in the presence of multiple angels in order to clear the way for Sam and Dean to attack Zachariah and save Adam. Castiel watches as Sam and Dean burn Bobby's flask and put him at rest and later takes Dean to where he has stored the Impala and agrees to help. After returning to the bunker, Gabriel was helped in settling in by Castiel. As Lucifer's vessel, Castiel becomes aware of God's return and helps in recruiting the angels for God's battle against the Darkness. She is shown to still have it in Don't You Forget About Me. Duma shows she is aware of how much Castiel cares for Mary by threatening to end John and Mary's shared Heaven with a snap of her fingers if Castiel doesn't comply with her. Dean then asks him what he needed to tell him, but Castiel coldly replies his loyalty is to Heaven, not to mankind or to him.[4]. It wasn't until Sam threatened to kill Rowena was Castiel finally freed from the spell. When Dean escapes and tries to contact the angels, Castiel finds him, and angrily attacks him for making Castiel's rebeling against Heaven worthless. However, Castiel still acknowledged God's power even after learning of his diminished state, stating that he and Dean would be no match for God without the Primordial Entity Trapping Spell Michael gave them. When Castiel contacts the Winchesters, however, Dean tells him to leave Hael and make his way the Men of Letters bunker where he will be safe from the angels hunting him. There’s no mention of cherubs and harps or any of that."[23]. They talked explaining how they are both back after their previous encounter as Lucifer tells him of an impending threat. Eve reveals this to Sam and Dean when they try to hunt her down. In Bring 'em Back Alive, after Dean returned from Apocalypse World Castiel asked him where Jack and Mary were and was relieved that Michael doesn't have them. When Jimmy is shot at the end of the episode trying to save his family from demons, Castiel returns, taking Jimmy's daughter Claire as his new vessel. Castiel managed to return to the Winchesters soon after, though after Meg killed a demon near Rufus' cabin, Hester and Inias were able to track them to their new location. Gadreel helped Castiel get into Heaven where the latter intended to locate the angel tablet and destroy it, thus stripping Metatron of his power source. When he comes, Sam threatens Castiel saying that if he does not help, then he will hunt him down and kill him. Convinced of Gadreel's sincerity, Castiel agrees to work with Gadreel in infiltrating Heaven and locating the angel tablet, the source of Metatron's power. This alliance is shattered when Metatron tricks the angels into losing faith in Castiel, blaming him for the suicide bombing. He's been watching human beings from a great distance for the last two thousand years, so angels haven't been on Earth mingling with human beings for the last two thousand years. When Alicia Banes calls for help on a werewolf case, Castiel fails to complete it, so Mary takes over and finishes it. The last time they see each other is in the evacuation of survivors, Castiel was one of the few to cross over while Gabriel stayed behind. However, Castiel continues to refuse to trust Lucifer given the fact that he trusted Lucifer when they fought the Darkness together and Lucifer betrayed him. Aside from Ishim's position as Castiel's superior in both power and rank, it is not clear what their relationship actually was like. Collins originally read for the part of a demon, as series creator Eric Kripke did not want fans to find out that angels were being introduced to the series. Despite this, Castiel is eventually captured by Naomi's forces, but the angel tablet is claimed by Crowley after one of Naomi's angels betrays their location, although this gives Castiel time to escape and reunite with the Winchesters after killing the angel guarding him. Castiel was comforted by the fact that Mary was truly at peace in a shared Heaven with John Winchester. Mary comes to his aid and is upset after Castiel is left dying. Castiel felt grief and sadness after hearing from Sam and Dean that Gabriel was killed by Michael but took solace in the fact Gabriel's efforts weren't in vain. Power drunk but well meaning, he quite possibly becomes the greatest threat that the world has ever known. Supernatural's Misha Collins Talks Castiel's 'Very Meaningful' Ending ... Alt World Charlie is having breakfast with her hunter girlfriend Stevie when her gal pal just vanishes. After escaping Asmodeus and being attacked by Lucifer, Castiel returns to the Winchesters and tells them Michael is coming and Lucifer's fearful warnings confirm it. Later, after Lisa is mortally wounded by a demon possessing her in an attempt to force Dean not to exorcise her, Castiel arrives at the hospital and without being asked, heals her wounds and at Dean's request, erases all of her and her son Ben's memories of Dean. Sam, still dizzy and unsure of what is going on after being knocked unconscious by Dean, reveals that he no longer sleeps and has become a better hunter. He also likes indulging in the occasional kink, so cast away those angel wings and get ready for some heat! The two manage to track Lucifer down to a cabin in the woods, but fail to find him since Rowena had banished him away earlier. He heals Dean's injuries and resurrects Bobby and reminds Dean that he got what he wanted: no Apocalypse, no Paradise, just more of the same. Read Ex-Girlfriend-Castiel from the story Supernatural Imagines (On Hiatus) by Moonlight219 with 2,600 reads. He takes Castiel's grace from him as the third ingredient for this spell, leaving Castiel human and banished to Earth before the other angels begin to fall as well. Very soon, Lucifer left Castiel's mind but he was still insane until he and Dean went to Purgatory. While seemingly aware that Lucifer would die, any relief and satisfaction he felt about it was extinguished entirely by his concern for Dean now being used as a vessel for Michael. When Duma tried to stop Castiel from getting to Jack, Castiel openly challenged her on whether or not she actually wanted to try fighting him again. This was not the last of Metatron, as Castiel was driven to retrieve Metatron from his prison in hopes that he knew the cure to the Mark of Cain. Enraged, Efram kills Hannah. Castiel removes the blade, explains that he is no longer an angel, declaring himself their new God. Muriel agrees to provide information but the two are captured by angels that have been trailing Muriel. He then explains what the Word of God is, but is unable to read it. After Amara banished Lucifer from his body in Alpha and Omega, Castiel formally meets his father face to face for the first time as Chuck. After acquiring the holy weapons from Balthazar in "The French Mistake",[21] Castiel suggests that he now has a military advantage in the war. Later, at the request of the man, Fred, Castiel strips him of his powers so he is no longer a danger to anyone though it leaves him mentally damaged. Castiel then returns to the Bunker in Scoobynatural, where he is sucked into an episode of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Castiel joins Crowley in fighting against Lucifer. Despite not getting her mother back, Claire finally accepts Castiel, and before departing to go live with Jody, she hugs him goodbye. Castiel was mortified, but he had, prior to being captured, turned on the radio. Castiel and Muriel are taken to the anarchist angel Malachi, the leader of one side of the angel civil war (the other side being headed by the angel Bartholomew), and tortured for information on Metatron. In this time, he earns mockery from his siblings for the seemingly pointless search and becomes severely disenchanted when being led to believe God simply doesn't care about the state of things anymore after the Winchesters spoke to Joshua. Eventually, Jimmy is freed from possession when the angels decide to drag Castiel back to Heaven for rebellious behavior. In "Reading is Fundamental", Castiel is awakened when the Word of God – a tablet with information inscribed by an angel as dictated by God – is found by Sam and Dean. Although Castiel was not entirely comfortable with the task, he trusted Ishim and believed, for the following hundred years, that he and his siblings had done the right thing. In Absence, Castiel is as devastated by her death as Sam and Dean and travels to Heaven to find her soul for another resurrection. After trapping Balthazar within a ring of ignited holy oil and forcing him to restore the souls he has taken, Castiel sets him free, claiming his debt has been paid off. Castiel offers to pretend to be Gadreel's prisoner, but once they arrive in Heaven, the angels lock them up, not fooled by their guise. Castiel did all of this thinking it was God's will. While Michael was detained, Castiel tried to speak with him of their father's betrayal but Michael refused to consider it and Castiel then admitted how he always disliked his eldest brother, which did not at all faze or amuse Michael, who remained calm and cold, but noted now he just pitied him for his continued misguided faith in trying to be the "good and favorite" son, while also berating Michael for not acknowledging he is just a puppet, which finally enraged Michael who then attacked his brother for his words. Metatron chose to demand God to help his creations from his rampaging sister, leading God to meet the Winchesters formally for the first time. Castiel seeks out the Winchesters' help, and reopens the portal with Death's assistance. This led Castiel into confrontation with his older brother, and in a fit of despair, he consented to possession. Since Gadreel was using the name of another angel, Ezekiel, as an alias, Castiel assured Dean that the angel could be trusted. Castiel begged him by telling him not to walk out on their father's work but his pleas are ignored as Gabriel left. When Castiel returned to find Rowena still holding the rift open, he appeared to be shocked but pleased to see her while she told him that "its about bloody time!". Castiel. There, they find them dead, having been killed by demons, and Castiel promises to look into Crowley's possible survival to find out for sure if he's dead or not. Not then. This Gabriel displays protectiveness, trust and care in Castiel, as most loving older brothers would. Once Gabriel speaks and regains his powers, Castiel is relieved that he is back to normal. They worked together during the breaking of the 66 seals. Hannah partakes in interrogating Castiel on Metatron's whereabouts, but soon chooses to believe that he does not know. Castiel tricks Theo into releasing him and steals his Grace, transforming Castiel into an angel once more and at least restoring his powers. However, Duma explained to him that Mary Winchester was dead and at peace in a special Heaven with John Winchester and allowed Castiel into Heaven to view it. RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. Castiel accepts Jimmy's decision and returns to his former vessel, leaving Claire and allowing her to return to her mother. 163k members in the Supernatural community. Angry that Castiel attacked his brother, Lucifer obliterates Castiel with a snap of his fingers. The two sides agree to make a trade. Naomi later comes to Dean. [26] Speaking of his character, actor Misha Collins stated, "I think that these angels are at least loosely derived from some Biblical angel stories, and those angels are [very tough]. After escaping, Castiel informs the Winchesters of Michael's invasion and when asked about Mary, he could only tell them she was while holding back some of the details of her status but the brothers see through it and become determine to save her. Actor Misha Collins feels, through Dean, "[Castiel is] learning a little bit about humanity and re-learning something about [his] own humanity from that exposure. This effectively eliminated any desire to trap God as Sam allowed God to destroy the spell but Castiel remains determined to find a way to defeat God. Created by Eric Kripke. In Exodus, Castiel and Gabriel had little interaction but they both told Jack not to trust Lucifer. Castiel and Michael reunited after ten years. Castiel obeyed and took Claire as a vessel while smiting the demons holding the family captive. However, she was not swayed and continued her attempts to prevent The Apocalypse by time traveling. They confront Balthazar, but are interrupted by Raphael. After killing Rowena, apparently the only person capable of re-opening the Cage, Lucifer spends some time re-establishing his power base in Hell while acting as Castiel to interact with the Winchesters and follow their research into Amara, but his true identity is revealed after the Winchesters attempt to travel back in time to recover a Hand of God from a submarine before it sank in 1943. Castiel became a part of the family on Supernatural, but he allowed himself to be killed by the Empty after professing his love to Dean. Castiel was shocked to learn the truth about the angels being an endangered species from Duma and what they planned to do with Jack if the angels got their hands on him. following the Winchesters. He is saved by Dean, and they in turn are rescued when Anna regains her powers. In Funeralia, Castiel went to Heaven and warned his remaining siblings about this Michael and described him as being much worse than their version. Castiel was banished to Earth, now human, as forced to watch as millions of his siblings fell to Earth with their wings being torn off. As he is weakened by the journey, Castiel does not get to meet Mary. The other angel offers Castiel the chance to return to Heaven with him, but Castiel declines, explaining that he feels he no longer belongs there. In response, the show's creators expanded his role in the series, upgrading him to a main cast member in the fifth and sixth seasons. Castiel ignores Raphael's pleas by smiling at his fear and kills Raphael in a similar manner he himself was killed two years prior, obtaining his revenge. [44], Character from American TV series Supernatural, "Supernatural FINALLY Settles Castiel Name Debate", "An angelic visitation livens up the enjoyable 'Supernatural, "Supernatural 4: Misha Collins - Castiel's Emotions", "Misha Collins Is 'Supernatural's' Dark Angel", "Exclusive Interview: Misha Collins of 'Supernatural, "Hollywood Insider:Supernatural's Angel of Thursday – Chatting with Misha Collins About Castiel", "EXCLUSIVE: Misha Collins Gets Angelic in Supernatural", "Misha Collins: Supernatural's Warrior Angel", "Ten Minutes with Supernatural's Misha Collins", "Convention-al wisdom? He confronted Michael in Dean's mind and fought him but was overpowered, though helped in locking him away to prevent his evil from spreading. When Metatron also gloated about his true intentions and his lack of actual concern for their siblings, all the angels heard it, and proceeded to arrest Metatron and put him in prison. After six weeks, the two meet again and she apologize for her words though he acknowledged she was right. Anna saves Castiel's life during the fight with Uriel by killing the rogue angel. The alternate universe version of Castiel, who never knew the Winchesters and thus never defected from Heaven is called in as an "expert" to interrogate and torture them. During Let the Good Times Roll, Castiel finally meets the Alternate Michael and was shocked to see him in the main universe. In Beat the Devil, Castiel and the others open a rift and travel through Apocalypse World. He does this as a final act of friendship towards Dean though both admit it doesn't change the fact that they are now enemies. By that point, Castiel was suffering from a deep sense of self-loathing, having just survived manipulation by Naomi, lost the angel tablet to Crowley and made Dean angry at him, Castiel's greatest desire was to atone for his sins, and Metatron offered him a solution: complete the three trials that would lock up Heaven, so the angels would no longer cause problems on Earth. When Lucifer attempted to kill Sam in The Vessel, Castiel fought back to keep the archangel from hurting his friend, but gave control back so Lucifer could time travel and save Dean. Castiel meets Hannah for the last time following the rise of Amara. Castiel grew wary of God's intentions and couldn't believe that the Winchesters would follow a mad plan, resulting in him leaving the bunker. Jack angrily asks Castiel and Gabriel why they did not resurrect Sam, but they inform him that neither of them are strong enough. Lucifer was nearly captured but with help of Anael, he was able to overpower and torture Castiel and the Winchesters before Ketch came to their aid. During the fight, Castiel becomes convinced Lucifer can stop The Darkness just as he claims, and Castiel consents to possession right before Rowena finishes the spell intended to send Lucifer back to his Cage. When Gadreel proves resistant to their efforts to expel him, Dean tries to have Castiel possess Sam to let him know of the situation but he can't without Sam's permission, and furthermore has no way to gain it due to Sam’s mind being kept under by Gadreel. Castiel gets a job at a gas station and attempts to adjust to his new life as a human. Once Castiel obliterated Raphael, Michael's chances of escaping The Cage seemed to have faded completely. Jimmy agreed. She takes with her a birthday gift from Castiel, which is a Grumpy Cat toy. In Moriah, God appears to Castiel and he is shocked to see his father again before he learns that God did hear his prayer. He picks up the angel tablet which completely severs Naomi's connection to and control over him. This led to a second civil war in Heaven, as Castiel tried to prevent this from happening. Remembering Gabriel's death, he quickly tries to attack him in rage, despite knowing the power Michael wields but is stopped by Sam from fighting him as Michael provokes him. While talking to Dean, who unsuccessfully begs him to give up the power, Sam sneaks up behind them and attempts to kill him with an angelic blade by stabbing Castiel in the back, but it has no effect. In "Goodbye Stranger", Castiel has been completely brainwashed by Naomi and has killed thousands of copies of Dean ruthlessly. In 1901, Ishim convinced Castiel along with a group of other angels that the Seraph Akobel had fathered a Nephilim. Castiel's thoughts and opinions on Mary during his time with Dean are non-existent, though in Season 5, Castiel does assist the brothers in time travelling to the past in order to protect Mary from his former captain turned-enemy, Anna Milton. The experience is rather unpleasant for Jimmy, who feels like he's "being chained to a comet". Afterwards, in "Hunteri Heroici", Castiel cuts off his ability to listen into the other angels and decides to become a full-time hunter to avoid facing the other angels about what he has done. After getting the ingredients for a "demon bomb", Castiel gets Sam as they will need all the help they can get to rescue Samandriel and yells at Sam and Dean for their behavior. After Sam and Dean clear the way, Castiel enters, but is weakened by the other sigils in the building. The two are joined by Meg, but upon reaching the hospital, find demons surrounding the entrance. Enraged, Castiel follows Lucifer to the stage and tries to attack Lucifer again, only to be disarmed by telekinesis. The battle ends in Castiel's favor after he manages to trick Raphael and absorb the souls of Purgatory for himself. Castiel blamed himself entirely for falling for Metatron's trickery, and he wanted nothing more but to get back at Metatron. During Funeralia, Castiel continued to search for Gabriel even going to Heaven for help. jack, castiel, supernatural. Castiel saves Sam and captures one of the demons, claiming under Naomi's orders that he is searching for the second half of the demon tablet and that the demons are searching for a parchment that will allow them to translate it without a Prophet. Castiel insists Mary does belong, but she kindly brushes him off. In their first onscreen appearance together in Changing Channels, Gabriel was trying to manipulate Sam and Dean into saying "yes" to Lucifer and Michael respectively, but he had to keep Castiel out of the way since Sam and Dean did not know his true identity yet. Unlike any angel, Castiel has been brought back to life many times, and he assumes that God himself has revived him which Joshua confirmed. An Angel of the Lord, he first appears in the fourth season, and is used to introduce the theme of Christian theology to the series. The group then arrives at the camp and they inform Jack and Mary of Sam's death. Another alliance was formed in an effort to lock up Lucifer, to whom Rowena no longer held any loyalties, and whose freedom Castiel blamed on himself. [34], Critical response to the character has been extremely favorable. Unable to stop Castiel himself, Balthazar becomes a double agent for the Winchesters and eventually betrays his brother, by giving Sam and Dean Castiel's location. A fight ensues, and Castiel is nearly defeated in the battle by Alastair. He demonstrates this by healing a sick infant that won't stop crying. As the Winchesters enter with the Supernatural Handcuffs, Michael angrily demands to know what Castiel has done. Asmodeus then tracks Gabriel down and he and his demon underlings enter the Bunker, where they attack the group. Castiel formally met Rowena when Sam gathered the two of them - plus Charlie - to take part in a secret task of freeing Dean from the Mark of Cain. Castiel was rescued from Purgatory by her and the angels. The series director Kim Manners also encouraged Collins to play Castiel with an air of "piousness". Castiel's faith was utterly shattered and he bitterly stated that Chuck lied just as every writer but this was the least of his concerns, as God decided to destroy everything to punish everyone for their defiance of him. However, upon learning that Lucifer has escaped destruction, now jumping through vessels that rapidly burn out due to his weakened state making it harder for him to maintain them, Castiel sets out to find Lucifer, accompanied by Crowley, although their first attempt simply sees Rowena banish Lucifer's new vessel to the bottom of the ocean without actually managing to kill him. Before Castiel rebelled, he probably respected Raphael, due to rank and power. Michael later re-takes Dean as a vessel, but after Castiel and the others enter Dean's mind to alert him to the situation, Dean is able to trap Michael in his own subconscious while he makes plans to trap himself to stop Michael for good. With Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins. He seems to be very mysterious and introspective about his assignment from God. Castiel is found by the neutral angel Muriel who heard his prayer. However, Castiel did inquire if he was really dead and only gets a vague answer from the illusion. With no obligations left, Rowena cast the Attack Dog Spell on Castiel, forcing him to viciously attack, and attempt to kill Crowley. Claire was briefly reunited with her father when Castiel was forcibly removed from his vessel, as shown in The Rapture. Metatron himself, during interrogation, was stripped of his own grace and rendered human, forcing him to suffer through mundane human problems for more than a year until Castiel found him, now working as a videographer. This, despite the stress and harm it causes his character, allows him to develop an independent will as the series progresses and helps the show address topics related to free will.