293 . Michael Schweiger, local partner, is a member of the Banking & Finance practice group in our Luxembourg office. Close . endstream endobj 1936 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(��$�13OI6iBuq�yD�o�3�B@�����;)/P -1340/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(N��a'� ��Z�N��� )/V 4>> endobj 1937 0 obj <>/Metadata 140 0 R/Outlines 190 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 1926 0 R/StructTreeRoot 261 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1938 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1939 0 obj <>stream %%EOF Charles Cahoua, associate, is a member of the Banking & Finance Practice Group in our Luxembourg office. 1960 0 obj <>stream a() : void setTimeout(function () { e(a) }) } function f() { i.addEventListener && i.removeEventListener("load", f), i.media = d || "all" } var g, h = a.document, i = h.createElement("link"); if (c) g = c; else { var j = (h.body || h.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).childNodes; g = j[j.length - 1] } var k = h.styleSheets; i.rel = "stylesheet", i.href = b, i.media = "only x", e(function () { g.parentNode.insertBefore(i, c ? With respect to insurance distributors, the CAA also observed a significant increase in new authorised brokers (+20 individuals and +10 firms) due to the Brexit migration of five brokerage firms. Thierry indique 4 postes sur son profil. /*! (Partner, Deloitte Luxembourg) 09:05 – 09:15. Découvrez le profil de Thierry Flamand sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. The CAA will also extend its supervision scope by becoming an out-of-court complaint resolution entity and highlighted its new CAA regulation 19/03 in that respect. 560, rue de Neudorf L-2220 Luxembourg Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Represented by : Mr. Jérôme Lecoq Réviseur d’entreprises agréé Actuary Deloitte Tax & Consulting 560, rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Represented by : Mr. Thierry Flamand … … Thierry Flamand has over twenty years of experience in the insurance, reinsurance and pension sector. View Thierry FLAMAND’S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. ... was most recently a partner at Deloitte Luxembourg and PWC Luxembourg, and is … View Jean-Pierre Maissin’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. 330 . ​On 28 September 2020, the Commissariat Aux Assurances (the CAA) published its annual report and key figures for 2019. }(g�#����-����9۽i)��� Deloitte Luxembourg Thierry Flamand Partner Insurance Leader Deloitte Luxembourg Laurent de la Vaissière Director Governance, Risk & Compliance Deloitte Luxembourg Afaf Hounka Senior Manager Actuary Services Deloitte … In other words, reporting analysis and controls should not decrease in 2021 despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The Luxembourg market continued to benefit from Brexit and consolidated its international growth. 257 . Thierry will also speak to these issues with his his colleagues the 16th of june 2016 for our conference on « Ditribution des produits d’assurance » Lou Kiesch Partner Regulatory Consulting Deloitte !function (a) { "use strict"; var b = function (b, c, d) { function e(a) { return h.body ? Luxembourg insurance regulatory 2019 annual report: the CAA confirms Luxembourg market’s strength and sets the tone for next year, Attorney at law / Avocat à la Cour / Solicitor. He leads the Luxembourg financial regulatory team and regularly advises banks, e-money and payment institutions, insurers, and other clients regarding financial regulation. Deloitte Luxembourg recently conducted a survey measuring the PRIIPs readiness in the asset management, bank and insurance industries. Appelé à prendre la tête du Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA), Thierry Flamand, Partner chez Deloitte Luxembourg, dispose d'une expérience de 25 ans… Liked by Cassandra Lapraille. Michael indique 2 postes sur son profil. New providers face an exciting challenge, as they are able to enter the market without access restrictions but should not underestimate the requirements of the regulation and the burden in being able to … Martin Flaunet. Appelé à prendre la tête du Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA), Thierry Flamand, Partner chez Deloitte Luxembourg, dispose d'une expérience de 25 ans... Aimé par Maxence Lachard Inscrivez … Adrien Pierre, senior associate, is a member of the Banking & Finance Practice Group in our Luxembourg office. Jean-Pierre has 6 jobs listed on their profile. onloadCSS(stylesheet, function () { if (window.reDivideTextInLines !== undefined) window.reDivideTextInLines(); }); ​The CAA has published its annual report and key figures for 2019. �mZ�F��=�0?��+���`6�۪E� H��6iS.9��;NR�OD1�p��m���؁g��.l��P�:y�������ph�^� ; He previously worked in China as the CFO of an international insurance group, was most recently a partner at Deloitte … h�bbd```b``����A$�lɔ_&O�em@$w.X� �� We, at Deloitte… Liked by Vanessa Moncousin. He specialises in regulatory matters with a particular focus on insurance law. 9 annual report 2012 Letter from the Chairman Dear … Découvrez le profil de Michael Cravatte sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. loadCSS. The CAA is therefore of the view that growth in 2020 will be more modest. Deloitte Audit is governed by a board of managers appointed by the partners’ meeting and composed of authorized statutory auditors … An overview of the insurance regulatory environment will then be proposed by Thierry Flamand, Partner at Deloitte, as the opening topic of the insurance-dedicated discussions. Jean-Philippe Foury. Email : www.deloitte.com Directeur Thierry FLAMAND. The CAA updated its coordinated version of the Insurance Sector Law in order to reflect these developments. Thierry FLAMAND Partner Advisory & Consulting Michael CRAVATTE Director Advisory & Consulting DELOITTE GENERAL SERVICES 560, rue de Neudorf L-2220 Luxembourg Phone (+352) 45145 lusponsoring@deloitte.lu www.deloitte… onloadCSS. 0 The Deloitte approach The Deloitte approach is based on risks and processes, as well as contributing to significantly improving internal audit effectiveness and benefit. Where the potential tax risk is material for the organization or its clients from PSY 546 at Wichita State University (onload callback for loadCSS) [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ g : g.nextSibling) }); var l = function (a) { for (var b = i.href, c = k.length; c--;)if (k[c].href === b) return a(); setTimeout(function () { l(a) }) }; return i.addEventListener && i.addEventListener("load", f), i.onloadcssdefined = l, l(f), i }; "undefined" != typeof exports ? Thierry Flamand Partner Insurance Leader Deloitte Pascal Martino Directeur Strategy & Corporate Finance Deloitte Julie Marizien Senior Consultant Strategy & Corporate Finance Deloitte. The regulator has already anticipated the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and confirmed it will focus on solvency ratios, especially with respect to Brexit newcomers (i.e. Thierry Flamand, Deloitte. _���v+5��h��@��Yv������� Thierry FLAMAND Jean-Philippe FOURY. View the profiles of professionals named "Thierry Flamand" on LinkedIn. … He previously worked in China as the CFO of an international insurance group, was most recently a partner at Deloitte … Thierry has 5 jobs listed on their profile. The CAA commented that the Luxembourg Parliament is discussing a draft bill regarding unclaimed life insurance policies. This is illustrated in particular by a significant increase in non-life insurance turnover (+177,65%), the opening of branches from across the European Union (+20), and a large number of new employees (+60%). Tél : +352 451 452. … /*! Appelé à prendre la tête du Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA), Thierry Flamand, Partner chez Deloitte Luxembourg, dispose d'une expérience de 25 ans… Aimée par Charles Pétré S’inscrire pour … 47 Social … exports.loadCSS = b : a.loadCSS = b }("undefined" != typeof global ? The primary reason is that Brexit newcomers effectively started underwriting business in 2019. 20, boulevard de Kockelscheuer L-1821 Luxembourg. Deloitte Audit s.à.r.l. "��Dx&�HΩ �� H�;4���]�����?�� ... Thierry Flamand Partner | Insurance Leader +352 451 454 920 tflamand@deloitte… Another interesting figure is that the CAA received many exemption requests for authorisation as an insurance agent or as an insurance sub-broker (+26%) and that it answered positively in most cases (78,92%). On 1 January 2020, Thierry Flamand will succeed Claude Wirion as the new director of the CAA. Michael Schweiger, Loyens & Loeff. The regulator has already anticipated the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and confirmed it will focus on solvency ratios, especially with respect to Brexit newcomers. Grâce à LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel au monde, les professionnels tels que Nadia Ali Abbas peuvent découvrir des … �I�̚��d:��Ȑ�w�U$�gv��SӅ'�d!n��?�..��[L_���Y. Thierry Flamand, Partner, Deloitte. Thierry Flamand has over twenty years of experience in the insurance, reinsurance and pension sector. Interview Thierry Flamand, Partner, Deloitte interviews Jan Kellett, Special Advisor: Finance Sector Hub, Team Leader: Insurance and Risk Financing, UNDP . �f�/��k��ޖTď����N�� GB�Fք��-��}jE��,��`雮�$EWA����y��ZS�I��D�'��H��u��#��؊ Deloitte Luxembourg welcomes three new partners Article précédent ArcelorMittal Dudelange en danger Article suivant Résultats des Morningstar Fund Awards Luxembourg 2012- 19 prix… Tweet Voir le profil professionnel de Nadia Ali Abbas sur LinkedIn. • Access to the Deloitte Network giving you the opportunity to have additional expertise (ex: credit risk experts for IFRS 9) • Identify gaps between current situation and target accounting situation to draw a … … … Découvrez le profil de Michael JJ Martin sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU had a Gazette Notice last seen on February 27 2016 Date Published 2014-10-10 Publication ... Thierry Flamand. %PDF-1.6 %���� [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ 1950 0 obj <>/Encrypt 1936 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<08A047401170D14E9A61FC4AAE19D9D3><009C0A9A2F334248AD8B6ED78D25D44F>]/Index[1935 26]/Info 1934 0 R/Length 89/Prev 1452667/Root 1937 0 R/Size 1961/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream ?�ϒE�2��f����j|�Xn�����$����K.՞��(ś^Y���@�V�d��>r�dP��Q;����^h��i�q���&�^c�ae�ܒ#����O Deloitte network 05 Our purpose and commitment: audit quality 09 Engagement performance 14 External and internal audit quality monitoring 17 Independence, ethics, and additional disclosures 21 ... Thierry FLAMAND … Michael JJ indique 4 postes sur son profil. PRIIPs Industry update • A focus on the impacts for the Insurance industry; Thierry Flamand (Partner, Deloitte Luxembourg) • PRIIPs and other regulations (MIFID II / Solvency II) Moderated by Jeffrey Micallef (Senior Manager, Deloitte Legal Committee (LCOM) Committee Members. Committee Chair: Marjorie Allo, Maples. Simplicité du matin ! �|Kn-�g��7��=�ۍ2��z��w���a�y÷�Vh�fn��$�6D)��&J@[ 3y0�t�R�\��֥{�+�Q It also reviewed the AML rules of the insurance sector by replacing CAA Regulation 13/01 with new CAA Regulation 20/03. �! Although not mentioned in the 2019 annual report, the CAA recently announced an important governance change. Deloitte Tax & Consulting 560, rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Represented by : Mr. Thierry Flamand Partner. In 2018, the main regulatory update for the insurance sector was IDD. endstream endobj startxref (re)insurers which migrated from the UK to Luxembourg because of Brexit).Â. var stylesheet = loadCSS("https://cloud.typography.com/7925976/7510172/css/fonts.css"); Committee Members: Matthieu Taillandier, Arendt … Thierry Flamand, Insurance Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg “When it comes to the PRIIPs implementation, the asset management, bank and insurance industries have different needs and … In 2019, Luxembourg implemented inter alia two new sets of EU regulations which should attract the attention of (re)insurers and brokers: (i) the Directive on institutions for occupational retirement provision and (ii) the fourth and fifth directives regarding anti-money laundering. The number of new authorised insurance agents (+516 agents and +24 agencies) also indicates that Luxembourg insurers took steps to fully implement IDD. As a consequence, the regulator announced that it will strengthen its focus on solvency capital requirements coverage ratios. global : this); There are 8 professionals named "Thierry Flamand", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities.                                                 Â. My sincere congratulations to Thierry Flamand for his appointment as the next Director of the Commissariat aux Assurances. On 1 January 2020, Thierry Flamand will succeed Claude Wirion as the new director of the CAA. All these announcements from the CAA coincide with its new recruitment plan which will see twenty new agents hired during the next five years. Thierry Flamand has over twenty years of experience in the insurance, reinsurance and pension sector. The Luxembourg market continued to benefit from Brexit and consolidated its international growth. �Q�՞I�ma|*tĄ����9}9]p�y�Sp: ,ğ�ʈX{%YŒ��,E�S,�P*��қxO"�ʇ�S�[��Ќ�����}�5d������4���|H��,� �Y?��l�e����Č��+r\>M[ZA��SF���~���#>_��I���=��(@e,��0�M� �5x��ȼ�ac�r���"X��SEjOd��a�o��/�,��ըYn`y��,����r� Thierry Flamand - Luxembourg | Profil professionnel | LinkedIn Thierry Flamant lives in Atlanta, GA; previous city include Plainville GA. Thierry also answers to Thierry G Flamamnt, Thierry G Flamant, Terry G Clamant, Terry G Flamamnt and Terry G Flamant, and perhaps a couple of other names. He advises banks, asset managers, fintechs, payment institutions, insurance companies and other financial institutions on regulatory matters. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez … Many Brexit newcomers up-streamed excess own funds to their holding entities more than in the past. Summary: Thierry Flamant is 63 years old and was born on 01/28/1957. 1935 0 obj <> endobj ^�Q9�%��T*���A�KO�`��x��Y�P����u?�gV!5S��+K�I6�֏��ox[#�M�ߦ/��^��/��D��s��u$m؎?�1Pt�+�O�aϋ������� DELOITTE S.A. Audit-Tax-Financial Advisory-Consulting. Only on-site inspections have been put on hold until the end of the crisis and the annual report reveals that fifty were undertaken during the first half of 2019. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et … He previously worked in China as the CFO of an international insurance group, was most recently a partner at Deloitte Luxembourg and PWC Luxembourg, and is currently a member of several technical committees within the CAA. The survey shows that seven months ahead of the … We know that Thierry … function onloadCSS(a, b) { function c() { !d && b && (d = !0, b.call(a)) } var d; a.addEventListener && a.addEventListener("load", c), a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("onload", c), "isApplicationInstalled" in navigator && "onloadcssdefined" in a && a.onloadcssdefined(c) } The CAA notes that the overall solvency ratios decreased, even though they are still excellent (202,09% in 2019; 215,24% in 2018). qA One of the main trends in 2019 is the development of the non-life insurance business. Thierry Flamand Partner Insurance Deloitte.