ta.queueForLoad : function(f, g){document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', f);})(function(){ta.trackEventOnPage('postLinkInline', 'impression', 'postLinks-65566397', '');}, 'log_autolink_impression');Paris in June 2015 so looks like the navigo decouverte will still be available for zones 1-2. ta.queueForLoad : function(f, g){document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', f);})(function(){ta.trackEventOnPage('postLinkInline', 'impression', 'postLinks-65565508', '');}, 'log_autolink_impression');Paris region so the navigo will not cover it. Le prix du forfait Navigo Jour sera de 7,50 € pour 2 zones et 10,00€ pour 3 zones. Zones. Most visitor… Accessibilité du site : partiellement conforme. Members who are extremely knowledgeable about this destination and answer travellers’ questions frequently. We remove posts that do not follow our posting guidelines, and we reserve the right to remove any post for any reason. Answer 1 of 23: I will be arriving in Paris via CDG on a Friday and staying for 10 days (coming back On a Sunday). "Le complément de parcours concerne tous les voyageurs possédant un forfait Navigo Mois, Navigo Semaine ou Navigo Annuel, Solidarité Transport Semaine ou Mois, imagine R ou Améthyste." How do I purchase the complement de parcours to supplement these 3 trips? For every one of the 3.8 million holders of weekly, monthly and annual travel cards in the Paris region – whether they live in Paris proper or the farthest-flung suburb – a “Navigo” travel card now costs exactly the same. How far is the eiffel tower to disneyland? Île-de-France Mobilités (anciennement STIF) vous accompagne dans tous vos déplacements en Île-de-France. Answer 1 of 6: I have seen 2 forum posts discussing this but I thought a thread with this as the subject would inform more people. Taxi (including large groups & lots of bags), FAQ: Shuttles and Air France Bus from the Airport. Navigo is accompanied by a Carte Nominative Transport bearing your name and photo, and a serial number to match that on the chip card. Avec les forfaits Navigo Mois et Annuel 2-3, 3-4 et 4-5, les forfaits Navigo Solidarité Mois 2-3, 3-4 et 4-5 et les forfaits Améthyste, profitez du dézonage pour voyager gratuitement dans toute l’Île-de-France les week-ends, les jours fériés, pendant les petites vacances scolaires de la zone C et de mi-juillet à mi-août. Au cœur du réseau de transports franciliens, nous fédérons tous les acteurs (voyageurs, élus, constructeurs, transporteurs, gestionnaires d’infrastructures…), investissons et innovons pour améliorer le service rendu aux voyageurs. Answer 1 of 6: Hello, Are non-French children able to travel on the Metro and RER for a reduced fare with a Navigo Decouverte? Answer 1 of 19: Has anyone used this? If I were to purchase the complement de parcours, is that available through the machines at the metro? Le dézonage Note the computer chip (puce, "flea, bug") in the photo below. Can someone who has … Can I use line P with the ND? If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. We have Navigo … A partir du 1er septembre, si vous êtes détenteurs de ces forfaits vous pourrez emprunter les transports en commun au-delà des zones de validité de votre forfait dans toute l’Île-de-France, les […] Can I buy it then … What is the best area to stay in paris?!! The complément de parcours is not a card, it is a special fare that is added to a valid Navigo card. more. The Navigo pass is a card that allows you to enter the Metro or bus system by simply tapping your card at the turnstile or on board. ta.queueForLoad : function(f, g){document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', f);})(function(){ta.trackEventOnPage('postLinkInline', 'impression', 'postLinks-65564956', '');}, 'log_autolink_impression');Versailles, Chantilly, and Vaux le Vicomte. Navigo Decouverte is not mentioned. Le forfait Navigo Jour vous permet de voyager une journée en illimité sur l’ensemble du réseau d’Île-de-France (bus, métro, train-RER, tramway et T zen sauf Orlyval). Getting to Gare de Lyon from Gare Du Nord. Complement de parcours for navigo decouverte, Re: Complement de parcours for navigo decouverte, Get answers to your questions about Paris, FAQ: CDG to Paris: RER (train) vs. Besoin de vous déplacer en illimité sur une journée ? Il est en … If so the complément de parcours will cost you 7.70 € from CDG to La Plaine-Stade de France. This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity. Pensez au forfait Navigo Jour : simple, économique à partir de seulement 7,50€ et valable une journée entière jusqu’à minuit, il met tous les transports du réseau Île-de-France à vos pieds. O Scribd é o maior site social de leitura e publicação do mundo. That is to say, a Navigo holder would not have to buy full price tickets to travel beyond the zones already paid on his/her pass, but to pay the price difference between the … FAQ: Where are the toilets? À partir de la rubrique « Je gère ma carte » gérée par le GIE Comutitres ; Aux espaces Véligo (stationnement sécurisé pour les vélos) ; Aux Parcs Relais labellisés par le STIF ; Ou en chargeant un abonnement vélo en libre service Vélib’, Cristolib (Créteil) et VélO2 (Cergy-Pontoise). Answer 1 of 14: I'd like some clarification, please, on using my monthly Navigo Decouverte outside the RER/metro, but within Zones 1-5. There is no complément de parcours to Vaux-le-Vicomte since the train doesn't stop anywhere in zone 2 between (ta && ta.queueForLoad ? Navigo Découverte transit pass. I will be buying a separate ticket to go to Versailles on one day, but will be using the metro more than twice per day on all the other days. Just get it for zones 1-5. It says it's good from Monday thru Sunday and that you should purchase it by Friday? You can compute the cost of each leg by using the RATP website, then take the deduction. If your trip is in or after September, the zones 1-2 pass will no longer exist and will be replaced by a pass covering all five zones. So the 5-zone pass will not only be more convenient, it will also be much cheaper. Answer 1 of 5: I plan on buying a weekly Navigo Decouverte card for zones 1-2. My family is going to be in Paris Monday June 24-Sunday June 30. Chantilly is outside the (ta && ta.queueForLoad ? However, I also want to go to Versailles, Chantilly, and Vaux le Vicomte. Jusque là, les titulaires d’un forfait passe Navigo, devaient, en cas de trajet sortant des zones de […] I plan on buying a weekly Navigo Decouverte card for zones 1-2. Il permettait, sur les parcours ferrés (RER RATP, SNCF Transilien) hors des zones de validité du forfait souscrit, de ne payer que le complément correspondant à la part du trajet effectué en dehors de ces zones. You can buy a Navigo Decouverte pass at nearly any Metro, RER, Billets Paris et Ile-de-France train ticket window that normally sells tickets and passes. Le forfait Navigo Annuel vous permet de voyager de façon illimitée dans les zones que vous choisissez. No multiple visits to the machine. Vous pouvez vous déplacer sur tous les modes de transport d'Ile-de-France : métro, RER, bus, Tramway et train - à l'exception de la ligne Orlyval, des lignes à réservation de … Je suis tout à fait pour le dézonage, et le complément de parcours est attendu depuis longtemps. I was wondering which mode of transportation pass to get? I was wondering which mode of transportation pass to get? Related: What are the most popular tours in Paris? No paper tickets. ta.queueForLoad : function(f, g){document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', f);})(function(){ta.trackEventOnPage('postLinkInline', 'impression', 'postLinks-65567216', '');}, 'log_autolink_impression');Paris and Melun (the station for Vaux-le-Vicomte) so if you had a zones 1-2 pass only, you would spend an extra 21 euros for your trips to Melun and Versailles vs. the 14-euro price difference between the zones 1-2 and zones 1-5 passes. A complément de parcours saves you approximately 20% of the normal fare. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in United Kingdom. Farewell, fare zones! When I try to buy a 'complement de parcours' to Aeroport CDG from Arcueil-Cachan, it shows me the price to be something between 7€ and 8€. For example, the route to Vaux le Vicomte is on line P and within the 5 Zones. The entire pass is folded into a plastic holder about the size of a credit card. Le forfait est valable une journée sur les zones choisies. I arrive on Sat, July 5th. To review the Tripadvisor Forums Posting Guidelines, please follow this link: http://www.tripadvisor.com/pages/forums_posting_guidelines.html. Answer 21 of 37: Hi, I'm planning to buy a zone 1-5 Navigo Pass and would like to maximize the value of the pass. How much will the complement de parcours cost? I have a Navigo monthly pass, valid for zones 1 to 3. It is better to just buy the weekly navigo card for zone 1-5? A Navigo semaine for zones 1-4 is 32 € or 11.60 € more than a zones 1-2 pass. Does it then make sense to get that or the one for zone 1-5? Le dézonage le week-end des forfaits Navigo mois, annuel et Solidarité Transports a été adopté mercredi dernier par le STIF, Syndicat des Transports d’Île-de-France. We hope you'll join the conversation by posting to an open topic or starting a new one. Once your card is charged for the week or month, you can take the Metro, bus or tram as many times as you’d like within a certain area.Depending on your plan, the Navigo will cover only a certain number of the five zones in the greater Paris region. Navigo Découverte Card or Paris Visite? De ce que je comprends, le « complément de parcours » est un télé-billet téléchargé sur le pass Navigo… donc vous économisez les frais du ticket (matière première, mise en … As diferenças são que o Passe Navigo é eletrônico, custa 5€ e é válido durante 10 anos. Paris Beauvais Airport - How easy is it to reach city center. Navigo jour remplace le complément de parcours . Pour permettre une tarification plus pratique pour les voyageurs, le STIF à décidé de créer un nouveau type de titre de transport qui permettra désormais aux abonnés Navigo (fonctionnant par zones) de s’acquitter simplement d’un complément de parcours. Isso é afirmado (de maneira indireta e não explícita) em uma decisão da Ile-de-France Mobilités, a autoridade responsável pelo transporte na região de Paris: quando eles criaram o Navigo Antes, eles alinharam a validade do Mobilis com a do Navigo, por isso agora inclui o CDG da RER (e provavelmente algumas outras coisas que não foram incluídas antes). How do I purchase the complement de parcours to supplement these 3 trips? Navigo Découverte Card or Paris Visite? Hotels near Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Hotels near Basilique du Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre. stif stands for Syndicat des Transports d'Île-de-France. Complément de Parcours. Where to Buy Navigo. Answer 1 of 5: Hi, I'll be buying an all zones navigo weekly pass, and one day I'll be traveling to Beauvais, which is outside the ile de france area, but the first stop on the paris-beauvais line (persan baeumont) is in zone five. On the other hand, a different change in the form of “complément de parcours” will take place on 1 January. A “origine-destination” ticket from this station to the Château costs 1.80 € and this should also be the price of a “complément de parcours” if you have a Navigo for zones 1-2. Passport control when taking Eurostar London to/from Paris? Où sont les toilettes? FAQ: What are the best books about Paris? Dans tous les guichets et appareils automatiques de vente des stations RATP ou des gares SNCF ; Aux automates bancaires des réseaux Crédit Mutuel / CIC en Île-de-France ; Auprès des commerces de proximité équipés d’un terminal de rechargement Navigo. Profitez d’un large éventail de solutions pour recharger votre forfait : Profitez d’un univers de services favorisant l’intermodalité en accédant : Pour vos déplacements en train-rer allant au-delà des zones de validité de votre forfait 2-3, 3-4 et 4-5, ne payez que le complément de parcours correspondant à la partie de votre trajet située hors de ces zones. Bateaux Parisiens Seine River Gourmet Dinner & Sightseeing Cruise, Bateaux Mouches Seine River Paris by Night Dinner Cruise with Live Music, Paris Moulin Rouge Cabaret Show with Champagne Only or Dinner, http://www.tripadvisor.com/pages/forums_posting_guidelines.html, Hotel at Disneyland & Paris city or only Paris hotel. Accueil > Paris > Se déplacer à Paris > Passe Navigo Navigo : le complément de parcours effectif depuis le 1er janvier 2013. Europe - Paris - Complément de Parcours - Within the next few days we want to take a daytrip from Paris out to Rambouillet and Maintenon. As for the complément the parcours, I'm a bit sketchy on that but I believe it only works within zones 1-5, but I may be wrong. According to the map on Wikipedia , the last station in zone 2 on RER C trains to Versailles is Issy-Val-de-Seine. We are two adults and two children 10 and 6. Le complément de parcours. I'm going to (ta && ta.queueForLoad ? However, I also want to go to (ta && ta.queueForLoad ? Provided there are no restrictions originating from airports since airports apply specific fares outside the general rule. Pour vos déplacements en train-rer allant au-delà des zones de validité de votre forfait 2-3, 3-4 et 4-5, ne payez que le complément de parcours correspondant à la partie de votre trajet située hors de ces zones. Answer 1 of 23: I will be arriving in Paris via CDG on a Friday and staying for 10 days (coming back On a Sunday). Os meios de transporte que aceitam o Passe Navigo são: metrô, ônibus, RER, tramway, Montmartrobus, Noctilien e Funicular de Montmartre.. Até janeiro de 2009 existia a Carte Orange, um cartão que, com a mesma função, foi substituído pelo novo passe. The Passe Navigo can be used on the metro, bus, RER, tram, Montmartrobus, Noctilien and Montmartre funicular.This pass is a contactless smart card that is purchased for € 5 (US$ 6.10) on top of the regular week pass price or monthly pass price and is valid for ten years.. Navigo passes are also available as a Day pass (Navigo Jour as of January 1, 2018) and a Monthly pass (Navigo Mois). In others words, if you have a navigo valid for zones 1-3 but wanted to go to zone 5 you could do the complément de parcours (or for anyplace outside the zones covered by your navigo …