[119] José López, an official from the ministry of public works, was detained while trying to hide bags filled with millions in cash at a monastery. [33], She began a four-year term on 10 December 2007, facing challenges including: inflation, poor public security, international credibility, a faulty energy infrastructure, and protests from the agricultural sectors over an increase of nearly 30% on export taxes. Un projet de loi légalisant l'avortement jusqu'à 14 semaines de grossesse en Argentine sera débattu après le 30 novembre au Parlement. [57], When Argentina devalued the peso in January 2014, Kicillof placed blame on the exchange-market speculation by Juan José Aranguren, chief of Royal Dutch Shell in Argentina; later in the year, when the peso was at its lowest ever position in relation to the dollar, he blamed “vulture funds” from the United States. Que risque-t-on à diffuser des images sexuelles d’autrui sans son accord ? Journalist Nelson Castro investigated further and discovered that the psychiatrist was Alejandro Lagomarsino, who died in 2011. [122], In December 2017, Judge Bonadio indicted her and charged her with high treason. Pour la première fois, un président en place s'investit directement sur le sujet de l'avortement en Argentine. [143], In 1973, during her studies at the National University of La Plata, she met her future spouse, Néstor Kirchner. Nisman accused the president of signing that memorandum for oil and trade benefits, according to hundreds of hours of wiretaps. [104], She had a rocky relationship with the United States. It was organized as a silent demonstration, as an homage to Alberto Nisman, and was devoid of political flags or banners. In 1994, she was also elected to the constituent assembly that amended the Constitution of Argentina. [79], Several scandals took place during the Kirchner administration. Le projet de loi sur la légalisation de l’IVG déposé par le président de centre-gauche Alberto Fernandez, élu en octobre 2019, divise profondément l’Argentine. Seeking to reverse their declining popularity, Néstor Kirchner led the list for deputy candidates at the Buenos Aires province. [124] Human Rights Watch claims, based mainly on reports and testimonies made by the ex-secretary-general of Interpol Ronald Noble, that these charges have no grounds. As Paraguay rejected the incorporation of Venezuela into the Mercosur trade bloc, she took advantage of the impeachment of Fernando Lugo to claim that Paraguay had suffered a coup d'état and proposed to temporarily remove the country from the bloc. Monde Un député argentin embrasse le sein de sa femme pendant une visioconférence, SCANDALE La visioconférence a été suspendue après que le représentant a embrassé le sein nu de la jeune femme, présente à côté de lui, Publié le 25/09/20 à 12h30 The investigation remained open for years, and prosecutor Alberto Nisman was appointed to the case. The bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies by a 207-32 margin. [95] The government had little interest in enforcing measures of the law that were not related to Clarín Group. Ideologically, she identifies herself as a Peronist and a social democrat on the Argentine center-left, with her political approach called Kirchnerism. Argentina's Kirchner and Pope Francis meet in Rome", "La nota completa que Página/12 intento borrar", "One year on, Nisman death still roils Argentina's Jews", "Cristina Kirchner 'creating as many problems as possible for the new government, "Cristina Kirchner refuses to attend Mauricio Macri's inauguration", "Former Argentinian President Cristina Kirchner indicted over currency trade that lost billions", "Kirchnerite businessman arrested; faces charges of money laundering and fiscal fraud", "Argentina ex-minister arrested over cash bags at monastery", "Argentina ex-leader Cristina Fernandez charged in corruption case", "Argentina Reopens Probe of Kirchner Related to 1994 Bombing", "Argentine ex-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner charged with treason", "Argentina ex-leader on trial for alleged cover-up in bombing", "Argentina: Far-Fetched 'Treason' Charges Against Ex-Officials", "Interpol enterró el corazón de la causa por el Memorándum con Irán: punto final a la historia de las alertas rojas Nuevo informe que demuestra que CFK y Timerman nunca intentaron beneficiar a los iraníes", "Former Interpol Chief Says Argentina Bungled Investigation of '94 Attack (Published 2017)", "Argentina: A New Political Party Further Divides the Opposition", "Macri ally gains ground in Argentina Senate election against Fernandez", "Argentina's Macri Wins Big Endorsement in Midterm Elections", "Argentine Congress welcomes 24 new senators this Wednesday", "Is Populism Making a Comeback in Latin America? The government released an anti-Clarín advertisement claiming it refused to obey the law and may be subverting democracy. This firm, informally known as "La Rosadita", would have sent the money abroad to tax havens, using shell companies. Qui est donc Konan Dicoh Mariam, la femme sur la pièce de 25 FCFA? The selections anticipated the continuation of the policies implemented by Néstor Kirchner. [21] The Kirchners acquired twenty-one land lots at cheap prices as they were about to be auctioned. Many of her supporters proposed an amendment to the Constitution to allow indefinite reelections. [88], The Fernández de Kirchner presidency continued the trials of military personnel involved in the Dirty War started by her husband. 43 minutes depuis. As a result, both parties would run to the elections as unrelated parties. [23] Forced disappearances were common at the time, but unlike other lawyers the Kirchners never signed a habeas corpus. Girard, Aidenbaum… Des démissions et la fin du silence à la mairie ? The country had good relations with other South American nations, and severed relations with the western bloc, a local movement known as pink tide. The opposition was divided between several candidates and the perceived economic prosperity prevailed over voter's concerns about corruption and cronyism. She was the third woman to hold the Argentine vice presidency, the second woman to hold the presidency, the first directly elected female president, and the first woman re-elected to the office. [16] Three of her grandparents were Spanish immigrants, specifically from Galicia[17] and the other was born in Argentina in a family of German background. The rule was followed, with occasional exceptions, by waves of spontaneous clapping or people singing the Argentine national anthem. Redrado resigned one month later, and was replaced by Mercedes Marcó del Pont. [93], Soccer broadcasting was nationalized on the program Fútbol para todos and then filled with pro-government advertisements. [91] The investigation became controversial during the Kirchner administration, as those involved had become adults and some of them refused to participate in DNA testing. Que están esperando para echar a este impresentable !!!! Des centaines de personnes sont descendues dans la rue à Buenos Aires pour dire au revoir à la star du football argentin, décédée mercredi d'une crise cardiaque. ", "Según Unicef, hay 5,6 millones de chicos pobres en la Argentina", "El kirchnerismo recupera el control del Congreso", "Argentina tightens dollar exchange controls", Cristina apela a la sintonía fina para disimular el ajuste, "Moyano llenó la Plaza contra la "soberbia abrumadora" de CFK", "Argentina Agrees to Pay $9.7 Billion to Paris Club", "Argentina's government blames 'conspiracy' for defaulting on debt", "Saying Argentina has defaulted is 'an atomic nonsense' underlines Kicillof", "Leaders from Latin America, Caribbean region urge action to erase inequality, spur development", "Cristina characterized the vulture funds as "terrorists" and accused them of destabilization", "Chevron, YPF Sign $1.5 Billion Shale-Oil Deal", "Blackouts continue in Argentina while government keeps threatening power distributors", "Argentine farmers take tax battle to parliament", "Argentina turns against new president as strike worsens", "Argentine leader vows to fine-tune model in second term", "Thousands across Argentina take to the streets to protest against re-re-election", "Argentinians protest against their government, corruption and crime", "Argentina protests: up to half a million rally against Fernández de Kirchner", "Fernández de Kirchner reforms spark Argentina protests", "Dozens of Argentines Die in Flash Flooding", "Allegations of a network of corruption money involves former president Kirchner", "Thousands March in Argentina to Protest Kirchner's Judicial Plan", "New Argentina probe says prosecutor Nisman was murdered", "Buenos Aires marches to honour deceased prosecutor Alberto Nisman", "Venezuelan Convicted in U.S. Spy Trial Over Suitcase That Rattled South America", "Venezuelan Given 15 Months in Suitcase of Cash Scandal", "Argentine drug probe zeroes in on Presidential Palace", "Murder and drug trafficking allegations cast pall over Argentina primary election", "Mauricio Macri steps up fight against Argentina drug traffickers", "Argentina elections: Highs and lows of 12 years of the Kirchners", "Argentine Vice-President Boudou charged in corruption case", "In Argentina, Mix of Money and Politics Stirs Intrigue Around Kirchner", "Argentine Probe Sparks Dispute Between Government, Judiciary", "Argentina's former dictator Jorge Videla given life sentence", "Argentina's authorities order DNA tests in search for stolen babies of dirty war", "La jueza Sandra Arroyo Salgado sobreseyó a Ernestina Herrera de Noble en la causa por apropiación de niños durante la dictadura", "Child of Argentina's 'disappeared' fights for right to keep adoptive name", "Kirchner Moves Against Argentina's Free Press", "Global editors group raises alarm over Argentina press freedom threat", "IPI condemns Argentine government's attacks on Grupo Clarín", "Argentina's Kirchners lose political ground in mid-term elections", "Argentine President Stumps for Congressional Candidates", "Cristina Fernández's party loses ground to former ally in Argentina's election", "Mercosur suspends Paraguay over Lugo impeachment", "A Populist 'Pink Tide' Is Ebbing in South America, Argentine Vote Suggests", "Argentina accuses US of trying to sneak in illegal drugs and arms", "Argentina president claims US plotting to oust her", "Argentinian president attacks UK refusal to negotiate on Falklands", "Falklands anniversary: David Cameron defiant over Argentinian 'threats, "New Falklands oil discovery could stir trouble with Argentina", "Argentine president calls Falklands referendum a 'parody, "Cristina Fernández de Kirchner turns Pope Francis from foe to friend", "Pope's diplomacy put to test as leaders flock to Rome", "Making nice? Both Fernández de Kirchner and her former interior minister Florencio Randazzo wanted to run for senator for the Buenos Aires Province at the 2017 midterm elections. One of those cases was the Noble siblings case, involving the adopted sons of Ernestina Herrera de Noble, owner of the Clarín newspaper. En 1963, James Brown chantait: "It's a man's world". Cette page liste les chefs d'État argentins depuis l'indépendance de l'Argentine.Le titre officiel depuis l'investiture de Bernardino Rivadavia en 1826, est président de la Nation argentine [1]. Le président argentin, élu en octobre 2019, a rappelé qu'en soumettant ce projet de loi il remplissait "une promesse" de campagne électorale. Her public image plummeted to its lowest level since the election in October 2007. [32] Kirchner lost the election in the large cities of Buenos Aires and Rosario. Fernández de Kirchner won the primary elections by a slim margin of 0,08%,[129] but lost in the main election 36% to 42%. [92] Hilario Bacca, a confirmed son of disappeared guerrillas, appealed a judicial ruling that sought to change his name, asking to keep the name he had been using. In the case of a tie, the vice president, who also serves as president of the Senate but without the right to vote, is required to cast the tie-breaking vote. The death of Néstor Kirchner in 2010 derailed such a plan. [95], The Kirchner government launched an illegal campaign against Clarín Group, which included over 450 legal and administrative acts of harassment, as reported by the Global Editors Network. In Kirchner's case, this step was omitted and the gland was removed directly. [130] However, she still took office according to Argentine Senate election procedure where the balloting results in two of the three senate seats being claimed by the party winning the largest vote share, with the second-place finisher claiming the third senate seat. She changed the 2016 budget, increasing spending in several areas (even the broadcasting of soccer matches), despite the huge fiscal deficit. C’est un problème de santé publique très grave », avait déclaré le président Alberto Fernandez, évoquant les 3000 femmes décédées depuis 1983 des suites d’avortements clandestins. Les images ont été vues plusieurs centaines de milliers de fois dans le pays, souvent accompagnées de commentaires acerbes. Kirchner dismissed the demonstration, and said that she would continue working as before. At the 2014 United Nations conference, she accused the "vulture funds" of destabilizing the economy of the countries and called them "economic terrorists". [69], Kirchner was reelected in 2011. [50] Hernán Lorenzino became the new minister of economy. [49], Fernández de Kirchner was reelected in 2011, along with Amado Boudou as vice president and the Front for Victory regained control over both chambers of Congress. She was elected national senator in 1995, and had a controversial tenure, while her husband was elected governor of Santa Cruz Province. He introduced her to political debates. She invited children on stage during the celebrations, and Vice President Amado Boudou played an electric guitar. [38] It was the largest victory percentage in national elections since 1983. She also previously served as the 51st President of Argentina from 2007 to 2015[5] and the first lady during the tenure of her husband, Néstor Kirchner. The first involved the detention of Venezuelan-American businessman Antonini Wilson in an airport after being found with a suitcase filled with $800,000. [139][140] Economic activity is described as a zero-sum game, where any wealth is the result of the exploitation of someone else, which justifies economic interventionism. [16] She attended high school at Popular Mercantil and Misericordia schools. Argentina lacked a big opposition party since the collapse of the Radical Civic Union in 2001. [110], When Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio was elected as Pope Francis, the initial reactions were mixed. Her mother got them administrative jobs at her union. Ma conjointe est sortie des toilettes, je lui ai demandé comment étaient ses prothèses et je l’ai embrassée, car il y a dix jours elle a été opérée pour des prothèses mammaires », s’est défendu le député de 47 ans qui devrait connaître dans un délai de cinq jours la sanction infligée par le Parlement. The first big demonstration (a cacerolazo) took place in September 2012. She opted instead to send a bill to Congress for the renationalization of YPF, privatized in 1993, blaming the Spanish company Repsol for the energy trade deficit. Réponse à un procès d’intention ordurier … She was removed from the PJ bloc in the Congress in 1997 for misconduct. La première dame d'Argentine Juliana Awada et la reine Letizia d'Espagne lors d'une réception en l'honneur du président argentin à l'hôtel Four Seasons de Buenos Aires, Argentine le 26 mars 2019. Interviewé sur la chaîne d’information argentine Todo Noticias, qui fait ses gros titres de l’affaire, le député, membre de la coalition gouvernementale Frente de Todos du président de centre gauche Alberto Fernandez, a répété ses « regrets » et sa « grande honte » mais indiqué qu’il ne démissionnerait pas. [128] Esteban Bullrich was the candidate of Cambiemos. Le président … [38] She had a low positive image, below 30%. 26/05/20 | JUSTICE, Un député LREM de l'Ain condamné pour harcèlement sexuel, 15/09/20 | SOCIETE. It was rejected by many sectors of society. « Tout au long de ces mois en télétravail nous avons vécu différentes situations où un député s’est endormi ou un autre s’est caché, mais aujourd’hui nous avons vécu une situation qui dépasse les règles de bienséance de cette maison, » a lancé Sergio Massa. Des femmes aux foulards verts, qui défendent le droit à l’avortement en Argentine, se sont rassemblées devant le Parlement à Buenos Aires après les annonces du Président. [19] The claim has been sent to trial four times, and the judges Norberto Oyarbide, Ariel Lijo, Sergio Torres, and Claudio Bonadio all ruled that she has a degree. Further investigation of Forza, who contributed $200,000 to the campaign, identified him as a provider of ephedrine to the Sinaloa Cartel. [12][13] On 30 September 2020, the federal criminal cassation court confirmed the corruption trials of Kirchner, ruling the former president’s objections to be inadmissible.[14]. [123] On 5 March 2018, Fernández de Kirchner was indicted for obstructing investigation into the 1994 AMIA Bombing which killed 85 people, with her allegedly making a deal with the Iranian government to stop investigating Iranian officials who may be involved in the attack in exchange for better prices on Iranian oil and other products. The Constitution of Argentina allows only one reelection. [151], During the United States diplomatic cables leak it was revealed that Hillary Clinton questioned Kirchner's mental health and asked the US embassy whether she was receiving treatment or not;[152] she later apologized to Kirchner for those leaks. «Une partie de ma vie reste en Argentine», a déclaré ce 9 novembre l'ancien président bolivien Evo Morales avant de faire son retour sur sa terre natale. It was the first time since the end of military rule in 1983 that the outgoing president did not hand over power to the incoming one.[117]. Mariano Federici, head of the Financial Information Unit, said that the "magnitude of the threat is very serious, and this would never have been possible without collaboration from government officials in this country". It is suspected that Vandenbroele is actually a frontman for Boudou, and that he employed his clout as minister of economy to benefit a company that actually belonged to him. [137] This division is used to justify the rejection of those described as being against the people, and to polarize the population. « Ici, dans tout l’intérieur du pays, la connexion est très mauvaise. [38] On 21 June 2011, she announced that she would run for a second term as president. As the inflation rate grew during the period, the state financed part of these prices with subsidies. « Je vais attendre que mes pairs décident en commission et je verrai ensuite », a-t-il dit, se défendant à nouveau d’un « regrettable accident » dû « à une mauvaise connexion » Internet. [111] On the day before his inauguration as pope, Bergoglio, now Francis, had a private meeting with Kirchner. Le député de la province de Salta (nord-est) a alors sorti un sein du tee-shirt noir que portait la jeune femme et s’est mis à l’embrasser. [147], Castro's investigation revealed that Kirchner was treated by Lagomarsino for a short period. The government established currency controls that limited the power to buy or sell foreign currencies, especially American dollars. [32] The transition from Néstor Kirchner to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was also the first time a democratic head of state was replaced by their spouse without the death of either. [67] Farmers argued that the high taxes made cultivation unviable. [97], The 2009 midterm elections took place a year after the crisis with the farmers. [91] The Noble siblings tests in 2011 were negative,[89] and the case was closed in January 2016, after Kirchner left the presidency. The price of public services remained subsidised, the country lost its self-supply of energy, and she renationalized energy firm YPF as a result. [131][132], Cristina Kirchner is considered to be a populist leader[133][134] and, like other contemporary populists in Latin America, built a system of propaganda to legitimize her actions: the Relato K.[135] This propaganda works around a number of usual themes: the glorification of the state to the detriment of the individual rights; use of conspiracy theories to explain mistakes as attacks from others; blaming neoliberalism for the poverty; and glorifying democracy in speeches while maintaining only the appearance of it (procedural democracy). [64] The costs of energy imports increased the trade deficit and the inflation rate, and power outages became frequent. [66] Minister Lousteau resigned during the crisis, and the Peronist governors opted to negotiate on their own with the farmers, ignoring Kirchner's approach. She was elected to the provincial legislature; her husband was elected mayor of Río Gallegos. 13 minutes depuis. President of the Primera Junta, at the beginning of the Argentine War of Independence. [103] She maintained her support of Venezuela even during the large 2014 Venezuela protests and the imprisonment of its leader, Leopoldo López. Devant le Congrès argentin mercredi, plusieurs milliers de femmes agitent des foulards verts, le symbole de leur lutte en s’époumonant : «Aborto legal ya !», «Avortement légal maintenant». The proposal was not taken to the Congress, as the FPV still lacked the required two-thirds majority to approve an amendment bill. [54], Axel Kicillof was appointed minister in 2013, and served for the remainder of Kirchner's term. — Mis à jour le 25/09/20 à 12h52. [60], In 2002, Eduardo Duhalde fixed the prices for public services such as electricity, gas and water supply. He was found dead in his home the day before he was to explain his denunciation in Congress. Born in La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, she studied law at the University of La Plata, and moved to Patagonia with her husband Néstor Kirchner upon graduation. Kirchner promised to keep her policies unchanged, and Senator Aníbal Fernández dismissed the significance of the demonstrations. He was narrowly defeated by Francisco de Narváez, who led a Peronist faction opposed to the Kirchners. Un panneau demandant au président argentin Alberto Fernandez de légaliser l'avortement, aperçu devant le bâtiment du parlement du pays, le 28 octobre 2020. [71], Buenos Aires and La Plata suffered floods in April, resulting in more than 70 deaths. [46], In an attempt to combat poverty, the government introduced in 2009 the Universal Child Allowance, a cash transfer program to parents who are unemployed or in the informal economy. [78] The unsolved case was highly controversial. This election was the first one where teenagers from 16 to 18 could vote. Le président de centre-gauche Alberto Fernandez, élu en octobre 2019, en avait fait une promesse de campagne. Although the measure had popular support, critics considered it a breach of the right to privacy, and politically motivated because of a dispute between Kirchner and the Clarín newspaper. La session parlementaire a d’abord été interrompue, puis suspendue, par le président du Parlement, Sergio Massa. Refusing to run in primary elections, she asked for a shared ticket as a condition to run for senator. [52] Hugo Moyano, main union leader, who was a strong supporter of kirchnerism, began to oppose the President. [70] People also protested the 2012 Buenos Aires rail disaster, the conflict between Kirchnerism and the media, rising crime rates, and the tight currency controls. Au cas où la fonction de président de la Nation devenait vacante, c'est le président provisoire du Sénat qui est chargé de l'intérim. [146] Lagomarsino was the leading specialist in the treatment of bipolar disorder in Argentina. Julio Cobos voted against the bill, which was then rejected, saying that: "My vote is not in favor, my vote is against". pic.twitter.com/K3fkHge5oG. Choix de consentement © Copyright 20 Minutes - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par l’ACPM, Les perspectives économiques mondiales moins catastrophiques que prévu, estime le FMI, Bolivie : Le gouvernement de transition accuse Morales d’une liaison avec une mineure, Un député argentin embrasse le sein de sa femme pendant une visioconférence, La visioconférence a été suspendue après que le représentant a embrassé le sein nu de la jeune femme, présente à côté de lui, S’inscrire aux newsletters de 20 Minutes, - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par l’ACPM, Résultats régionales et départementales. Fernández de Kirchner took part in a commission to investigate money laundering with fellow legislator Elisa Carrió, and got into conflicts with her. Domingo Matheu (1765–1831) 26 August 1811 23 September 1811 She said this a few days after accusing the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant of similar assassination plans against her. [94] On the other hand, the country's largest selling newspaper Clarín, published by the Clarín Group, is not aligned with the government. He arranged payment of the debt to the Paris Club, and the compensation requested by Repsol for the nationalization of YPF. Un député argentin a été suspendu ce jeudi pour avoir, lors d’une session parlementaire en visioconférence, embrassé le sein de sa conjointe à ses côtés, la vidéo de la scène connaissant depuis un fort succès sur les réseaux sociaux. She served as interim governor of Santa Cruz for a couple of days, after the impeachment of Ricardo del Val in 1990. Un vote qui a déclenché des scènes de liesse dans tout le pays.Et aujourd’hui je vais vous parler d’une femme en particulier qui personnifie ce combat pour le droit à l’avortement. [31] Kirchner was popular among the suburban working class and the rural poor, while Carrió and Lavagna both received more support from the urban middle class. However, due to the Pope's popularity in Argentina, Kirchner made what the political analyst Claudio Fantini called a "Copernican shift" in her relations with him and fully embraced the Francis phenomenon. Monde Un député argentin embrasse le sein de sa femme pendant une visioconférence. Cette séquence a insurgé la population et de nombreux tweets à ce propos abondent sur Twitter. She became influenced by Peronism, left-wing politics, and anti-imperialism. In 1994, she was elected to the constituent assembly that amended the Constitution of Argentina. Conviction rates for money laundering were almost nonexistent. [56] Kicillof refused to agree that the country had fallen into a sovereign default. An estimated 500 children were involved. [120] On 27 December 2016, Federal Judge Julián Ercolini ordered the freezing of US$633 million of Fernández de Kirchner's assets and approved charges of illicit association and fraudulent administration against her. The couple met in a night club in Panama during Juan Peron's years of exile after being ousted from power in a military coup in 1955. [114], Argentina suffered a terrorist attack in 1994, the AMIA bombing targeting a Buenos Aires Jewish center, that killed 85 people and wounded 300. They were joined on 25 March by thousands of pot-banging demonstrators massed around the Buenos Aires Obelisk and the presidential palace. As of 2016, both the cases of the AMIA bombing and the death of Nisman remain unresolved, and the courts declined at the time to investigate his denunciation of Kirchner. Les deux textes, distincts, devraient être débattus après le 30 novembre lors de sessions extraordinaires. Three bills were controversial: the first proposed to limit injunctions against the state; the second would include people selected in national elections on the body that appoints or removes judges; the third would create a new court that would limit the number of cases heard by the Supreme Court. "Le dije a mi pareja, a ver como te quedó la operación y le besé las tetas" "Tengo mala conexión y pensé que estaba fuera".