[43] Hou Yuon studied economics and law; Son Sen studied education and literature; and Hu Nim studied law. The central role of the peasants in national development was espoused by Hou Yuon in his 1955 thesis, The Cambodian Peasants and Their Prospects for Modernization, which challenged the conventional view that urbanization and industrialization are necessary precursors of development. "The Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese Communists: A History of Their Relations as Told in the Soviet Archives". Khmer Rouge theory developed the concept that the nation should take "agriculture as the basic factor and use the fruits of agriculture to build industry". Bezeichnung: Ziviler Friedensdienst: Versöhnung und Gerechtigkeit im Umfeld des Khmer Rouge Tribunals Auftraggeber: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) Land: Kambodscha Gesamtlaufzeit: 2014 bis 2020 Ausgangssituation. (2004). The center also stepped up purges nationwide, killing cadres and their families, "old people" and eastern zone evacuees who were regarded as having dubious loyalty. The effort split the Cambodian rebels into two factions—the original Khmer Issaraks and the Khmer Viet Minh, controlled by Ho Chi Minh’s Indochinese Communist Party. [30]:193, The history of the communist movement in Cambodia can be divided into six phases, namely the emergence before World War II of the Indochinese Communist Party (ICP), whose members were almost exclusively Vietnamese; the 10-year struggle for independence from the French, when a separate Cambodian communist party, the Kampuchean (or Khmer) People's Revolutionary Party (KPRP), was established under Vietnamese auspices; the period following the Second Party Congress of the KPRP in 1960, when Saloth Sar gained control of its apparatus; the revolutionary struggle from the initiation of the Khmer Rouge insurgency in 1967–1968 to the fall of the Lon Nol government in April 1975; the Democratic Kampuchea regime from April 1975 to January 1979; and the period following the Third Party Congress of the KPRP in January 1979, when Hanoi effectively assumed control over Cambodia's government and communist party. Nuon Chea (Long Bunruot), "Brother number 2", Prime Minister, high status made him Pol Pot's "righthand man", Ieng Sary (Pol Pot's brother-in-law), "Brother number 3", Deputy Prime Minister, Khieu Samphan, "Brother number 4", President of Democratic Kampuchea, Ta Mok (Chhit Chhoeun), "Brother number 5", Southwest Regional Secretary, People with connections to former Cambodian governments, either those of the, Professionals and intellectuals, including almost everyone with an education and people who understood a foreign language. Ihr… [30]:158 A possible military coup attempt was made in May 1976, and its leader was a senior Eastern Zone cadre named Chan Chakrey, who had been appointed deputy secretary of the army's General Staff. However, government documents show that there were several major shifts in power between factions during the period in which the regime was in control. During the rule of the Khmer Rouge, these usages were abolished. [108] ECCC also has visited villages to provide video screenings and school lectures to promote their understanding of the trial proceedings. Todd, Chow's son and fiercely loyal right-hand man, sustains a serious head wound. [21]:275–6 In July 1977, Pol Pot and Duch sent So Phim a list of "traitors" in the eastern zone, many of whom were So Phim's trusted subordinates. Both men were of a purely peasant background and were therefore natural allies of the strongly peasant ideology of the Pol Pot faction.[30]:159. [23]:110 In 1975, Khmer Rouge representatives to China said that Pol Pot's belief was that the collectivisation of agriculture was capable of "[creating] a complete communist society without wasting time on the intermediate steps". The Khmer Rouge regime murdered hundreds of thousands of their perceived political opponents, and its racist emphasis on national purity resulted in the genocide of Cambodian minorities. Khmer Rouge ideology was also characterized by its efforts to create feelings of extreme nationalism driven by a not unfounded fear for the very survival of the Cambodian state, which had fallen on multiple occasions during periods of French imperialism followed by Vietnam’s attempts to dominate Southeast Asia. [30]:186 While some refugees spoke of families being deliberately broken up, this appears to have referred mainly to the traditional Cambodian extended family unit, which the regime actively sought to destroy in favour of small nuclear units of parents and children. After Sihanouk showed his support for the Khmer Rouge by visiting them in the field, their ranks swelled from 6,000 to 50,000 fighters. On 25 December 1978, the Vietnamese armed forces along with the Kampuchean United Front for National Salvation, an organization founded by Heng Samrin that included many dissatisfied former Khmer Rouge members,[30]: invaded Cambodia and captured Phnom Penh on 7 January 1979. Under its “Four-Year Plan,” the Khmer Rouge demanded that Cambodia’s yearly production of rice increase to at least 3 tons per hectare (100 acres.) The regime was founded and led by the ruthless Marxist dictator Pol Pot. By the end of World War II, a handful of Cambodians had joined its ranks, but their influence on the Indochinese communist movement as well as their influence on developments within Cambodia was negligible. A meeting was arranged, but instead of Pol Pot a group of center soldiers arrived, and So Phim committed suicide; the soldiers then killed his family. It was purportedly set up in 1967 as the armed wing of the Communist Party of Kampuchea . [36], In 1930, Ho Chi Minh founded the Communist Party of Vietnam by unifying three smaller communist movements that had emerged in northern, central and southern Vietnam during the late 1920s. Der Genozid in Kambodscha ereignete sich in den Jahren 197579 unter der Herrschaft der Roten Khmer. The latter's holdings were collectivised. In September 1966, the WPK changed its name to the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK). Similar to that of its leader Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge’s political and social ideology was best described as an exotic, ever-shifting, mixture of Marxism and an extreme form of xenophobic nationalism. [46] From the 1950s on, Pol Pot had made frequent visits to the People's Republic of China, receiving political and military training—especially on the theory of dictatorship of the proletariat—from the personnel of the CPC. From their ranks came the men and women who returned home and took command of the party apparatus during the 1960s, led an effective insurgency against Lon Nol from 1968 until 1975 and established the regime of Democratic Kampuchea. [citation needed] A reorganisation which occurred in September 1976, during which Pol Pot was demoted in the state presidium and was later presented as an attempted pro-Vietnamese coup by the Party Center. In addition, one of the seven survivors shares his story with visitors at the museum. Now known as the Cambodian Genocide, the four-year reign of the Khmer Rouge resulted in the deaths of 1.5 to 2 million people, nearly 25% of Cambodia's 1975 population. [64] In 1970 alone, the Chinese reportedly gave 400 tons of military aid to the National United Front of Kampuchea formed by Sihanouk and the Khmer Rouge. [97] By 1999, most members had surrendered or been captured. [114] The publication was a part of their genocide education project that includes leading the design of a national genocide studies curriculum with the Ministry of Education, training thousands of teachers and 1,700 high schools on how to teach about genocide and working with universities across Cambodia. Now a total ... See full summary » Director: Teddy Chan | Stars: Daniel Wu, Kwok-Leung Gan, Emil Chau, Josie Ho. [110] Visitors can also learn how the inmates were tortured from the equipment and facilities exhibited in the buildings. [48]:92–100, 106–112 Yet the experience did not prevent Samphan from advocating cooperation with Sihanouk in order to promote a united front against United States activities in South Vietnam. [17]:25 Many of the regime's characteristics—such as its focus on the rural peasantry rather than the urban proletariat as the bulwark of revolution, its emphasis on Great Leap Forward-type initiatives, its desire to abolish personal interest in human behaviour, its promotion of communal living and eating, and its focus on perceived common sense over technical knowledge—appear to have been heavily influenced by Maoist ideology. [85] Researcher Craig Etcheson of the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) suggests that the death toll was between 2 million and 2.5 million, with a "most likely" figure of 2.2 million. [82]:124, While the period from 1975–79 is commonly associated with the phrase "the Cambodian genocide", scholars debate whether the legal definition of the crime can be applied generally. Pol Pot, who had been placed under house arrest in 1997, died in his sleep due to heart failure on April 15, 1998, at age 72. [118] Following the dialogues, villagers identify their own ways of memorialization such as collecting stories to be transmitted to the younger generations or building a memorial. [113] The 74-page textbook was approved by the government as a supplementary text in 2007. [92] On the contrary, Sweden changed its vote in the United Nations and withdrew its support for the Khmer Rouge after many Swedish citizens wrote letters to their elected representatives demanding a policy change towards Pol Pot's regime. After the end of the war, he moved to Phnom Penh under Tou Samouth's "urban committee", where he became an important point of contact between above-ground parties of the left and the underground secret communist movement. The Khmer Rouge was the name applied to a brutal autocratic communist regime led by Marxist dictator Pol Pot, who ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. The regime was primarily interested in increasing the young population and one of the strictest regulations prohibited sex outside marriage which was punishable by execution. [32]:176 Nevertheless, Mat Ly, a Cham who served as the deputy minister of agriculture under the People's Republic of Kampuchea, stated that Khmer Rouge troops had perpetrated a number of massacres in Cham villages in the Central and Eastern zones where the residents had refused to give up Islamic customs. Am 17. [30]:158 Over the next two years, So Phim, Nhim Ros, Vorn Vet and many other figures who had been associated with the pre-1960 party were arrested and executed. However, communism did not begin to take hold in Cambodia until the people's simmering opposition to French colonization reached a boiling point. The Buddhist stupa at the Choeung Ek memorial to those that were executed by the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970s - near Phnom Penh. Find Khmer Rouge Latest News, Videos & Pictures on Khmer Rouge and see latest updates, news, information from NDTV.COM. [7]:[12][13] The Khmer Rouge's attempts at agricultural reform through collectivisation similarly led to widespread famine, while its insistence on absolute self-sufficiency even in the supply of medicine led to the death of many thousands from treatable diseases such as malaria. In the September 1955 election, it won about 4% of the vote but did not secure a seat in the legislature. Armin Ehrlicher (2013)Prämiierte durch die Fakultät für Sozialwesen der Hochschule Mannheim als herausragende Bachelorthesis Out in Office? Public gatherings and discussions were outlawed. [104] On 26 July 2010, he was convicted and sentenced to thirty years imprisonment. In 1965, Pol Pot made a visit of several months to North Vietnam and China. Western governments voted in favor of the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea retaining Cambodia's seat in the organization over the newly installed Vietnamese-backed People's Republic of Kampuchea, even though it included the Khmer Rouge. [1]:241, In July 1963, Pol Pot and most of the central committee left Phnom Penh to establish an insurgent base in Ratanakiri Province in the northeast. These two well-educated women also played a central role in the regime of Democratic Kampuchea. [21]:306 In October 1977, in order to secure the Thai border while focusing on confrontation with Vietnam, Nhim Ros, the northwestern zone leader, was blamed for clashes on the Thai border, acting on behalf of both the Vietnamese and the CIA. Reflective of the communist doctrines of Mao Zedong, Pot’s Khmer Rouge looked to rural peasants rather than the urban working class as the basis for its support. So Phim was called to a meeting by Son Sen but refused to attend, instead sending four messengers who failed to return. The lingering physical and psychological effects of the Cambodian Genocide, one of the worst human tragedies of the 20th century, are considered one of the key causes of the poverty that plagues Cambodia today. It is noteworthy that Cambodia has a very young population, and by 2003 three-quarters of Cambodians were too young to remember the Khmer Rouge era. During the next month more than 400 eastern zone cadres were sent to Tuol Sleng while two eastern zone division commanders were replaced. Theary Seng responded: "We hoped this tribunal would strike hard at impunity, but if you can kill 14,000 people and serve only 19 years – 11 hours per life taken – what is that? Khmer Rouge high school S-21 prison in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In December 1978, Vietnamese troops invaded Cambodia, capturing the capital city of Phnom Penh on January 7, 1979. This educational app contains films, photos, music, Khmer Rouge survivors’ testimonies, written articles, and findings of Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). [7]:[11][49][50] High-ranking CPC officials such as Zhang Chunqiao later visited Cambodia to offer help. Um diese Massenmorde des steinzeitkommunistischen Pol-Pot-Regimes von anderen Völkermorden zu unterscheiden, werden … [32]:176 The same division between rural and urban populations was seen in the regime's treatment of monks. [7]:[50] This experience had enhanced his prestige when he returned to the WPK's "liberated areas". [75] As well as reflecting the Khmer Rouge obsession with production and reproduction, such marriages were designed to increase people's dependency on the regime by undermining existing family and other loyalties. [100][101], The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) was established as a Cambodian court with international participation and assistance to bring to trial senior leaders and those most responsible for crimes committed during the Khmer Rouge regime. In keeping with the regime's theories on Khmer identity, the majority of new words were coined with reference to Pali or Sanskrit terms[77] while Chinese and Vietnamese-language borrowings were discouraged. [21]:272 In 1976, the center announced the start of the socialist revolution and ordered the elimination of class enemies. [23]:244 However, the Khmer Rouge displayed these characteristics in a more extreme form. [67] An additional 300,000 Cambodians starved to death between 1979 and 1980, largely as a result of the after-effects of Khmer Rouge policy. The Khmer Rouge (/ k ə ˌ m ɛər ˈ r uː ʒ /, French: [kmɛʁ ʁuʒ]; Khmer: ខ្មែរក្រហម, romanized: Khmae Krɑ-hɑɑm [kʰmae krɑˈhɑːm]; "Red Khmers") is the name that was popularly given to members of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) and by extension to the regime through which the CPK ruled Cambodia between 1975 and 1979. Its military was known successively as the Kampuchean Revolutionary Army and the National Army of Democratic Kampuchea. And, 1979 until 1992, immediately after the Vietnamese occupation of major parts of Cambodia for their liberation from the Khmer Rouge terror, the Reagan administration conceded an annual support of 100 million US$. In 1952, Pol Pot, Hou Yuon, Ieng Sary and other leftists gained notoriety by sending an open letter to Sihanouk calling him the "strangler of infant democracy". His ally Nuon Chea, also known as Long Reth, became deputy general secretary, but Pol Pot and Ieng Sary were named to the Political Bureau to occupy the third and the fifth highest positions in the renamed party's hierarchy. Ieng Sary led a mass defection from the Khmer Rouge in 1996, with half of its remaining soldiers (about 4,000) switching to the government side and Ieng Sary becoming leader of Pailin Province. Arbitrary executions and torture were carried out by its cadres against perceived subversive elements, or during genocidal purges of its own ranks between 1975 and 1978. [7]:[8][11][15][16][17]:[18] The regime was removed from power in 1979 when Vietnam invaded Cambodia and quickly destroyed most of the Khmer Rouge's forces. Journalist Nate Thayer, who spent some time with the Khmer Rouge during that period, commented that despite the international community's near-universal condemnation of the Khmer Rouge's brutal rule a considerable number of Cambodians in Khmer Rouge-controlled areas seemed genuinely to support Pol Pot. [35][30]:193 Nevertheless, it remained deeply suspect to the regime thanks to its close links to French colonialism; Phnom Penh cathedral was razed along with other places of worship. [28], The party's General Secretary Pol Pot strongly influenced the propagation of the policy of autarky. [82]:105 However, a 2013 academic source (citing research from 2009) indicates that execution may have accounted for as much as 60% of the total, with 23,745 mass graves containing approximately 1.3 million suspected victims of execution. Pol Pot died in April 1998. While some academics such as Michael Vickery have noted that arranged marriages were also a feature of rural Cambodia prior to 1975, those conducted by the Khmer Rouge regime often involved people unfamiliar to each other. These Cambodian forces were repelled by the Vietnamese. [23]:244, While the CPK described itself as the "number 1 Communist state" once it was in power,[17]:25 some communist regimes, such as Vietnam, saw it as a Maoist deviation from orthodox Marxism. He was reportedly impressed with the self-sufficient manner in which the mountain tribes of Cambodia lived, which the party believed was a form of primitive communism. The Khmer Rouge then fled to Thailand, whose government saw them as a buffer force against the communist Vietnamese. Khmer Rouge follower on trial execution Photo: Bettmann / Corbis. [21]:268–9 In late 1976, with the Kampuchean economy underperforming, Pol Pot ordered a purge of the ministry of commerce, and Khoy Thoun and his subordinates who he had brought from the northern zone were arrested, tortured, and at Tuol Sleng before being executed. Acting through the Santebal, the Khmer Rouge arrested, tortured and eventually executed anyone who was suspected of belonging to several categories of supposed enemies:[46], The Santebal established over 150 prisons for political opponents; Tuol Sleng is a former high school that was turned into the Santebal headquarters and interrogation center for the highest value political prisoners. [17]:26, Its leaders and theorists, most of whom had been exposed to the heavily Stalinist outlook of the French Communist Party during the 1950s,[23]:249 developed a distinctive and eclectic "post-Leninist" ideology that drew on elements of Stalinism, Maoism and the postcolonial theory of Frantz Fanon. [2]:[24], One of the regime's defining characteristics was its Khmer nationalism, which combined an idealisation of the Angkor Empire (802–1431) and the Late Middle Period of Cambodia (1431-1863) with an existential fear for the survival of the Cambodian state, which had historically been liquidated during periods of Vietnamese and Siamese intervention. Heuveline's central estimate is 2.52 million excess deaths, of which 1.4 million were the direct result of violence. … [27] The same attitude extended to the party's own ranks, as senior CPK figures of non-Khmer ethnicity were removed from the leadership despite extensive revolutionary experience and were often killed. Following their victory, the Khmer Rouge who were led by Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, and Khieu Samphan, immediately set about forcibly evacuating the country's major cities. Template:Contains Khmer text The Khmer Rouge (/ k ə ˈ m ɛər ˈ r uː ʒ /, French: [kmɛʁ ʁuʒ], Red Khmers; Khmer: ខ្មែរក្រហម Khmer Kror-Horm) was the name popularly given to the followers of the Communist Party of Kampuchea and by extension to the regime through which the CPK ruled in Cambodia between 1975 and 1979. Menschen zum Opfer fielen. [52] Although thoroughly aware of the weakness of Lon Nol's forces and loath to commit American military force to the new conflict in any form other than air power, the Nixon administration supported the newly proclaimed Khmer Republic. [23]:244 In the early 1970s, the Khmer Rouge looked to the model of Enver Hoxha's Albania which they believed was the most advanced communist state then in existence. Its leader was Son Ngoc Minh, and a third of its leadership consisted of members of the ICP. Cambodia Tribunal, "Life in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge Regime". Fläche: 181.035km 2. Many artists, including musicians, writers, and filmmakers were executed including. [30]:184 However, there was a general reluctance to increase people's education in Democratic Kampuchea, and in some districts, cadres were known to kill people who boasted about their educational accomplishments, and it was considered bad form for people to allude to any special technical training. [103], After claiming to feel great remorse for his part in Khmer Rouge atrocities, Kaing Guek Eav (alias Duch), head of a torture centre from which 16,000 men, women and children were sent to their deaths, surprised the court in his trial on 27 November 2009 with a plea for his freedom. [40], During the 1950s, Khmer students in Paris organized their own communist movement which had little, if any, connection to the hard-pressed party in their homeland. De fleste af de ansvarlige fra dengang er endnu ikke blevet retsforfulgt. "Genocide in Cambodia and Rwanda". The Khmer Rouge did not want the Cambodian people to be completely ignorant, and primary education was provided to them. Islamic religious leaders were executed, although some Cham Muslims appear to have been told they could continue devotions in private as long as it did not interfere with work quotas. Unable to believe he was being purged, So Phim went into hiding and attempted to contact Pol Pot by radio. [41], Pol Pot, who rose to the leadership of the communist movement in the 1960s, attended a technical high school in the capital and then went to Paris in 1949 to study radio electronics (other sources say he attended a school for fax machines and also studied civil engineering). This pivotal event remains shrouded in mystery because its outcome has become an object of contention and considerable historical rewriting between pro-Vietnamese and anti-Vietnamese Khmer communist factions. Kiernan, Ben (Winter 1989). [102] Furthermore, trials and transcripts are partially available with English translation on the ECCC's website.[109]. [30]:284, Democratic Kampuchea is sometimes described as an atheist state,[31] although its constitution stated that everyone had freedom of religion, or not to hold a religion. The Viet Minh encouraged the formation of armed, left-wing Khmer Issarak bands. Workers were executed for attempting to escape from the communes, for breaching minor rules, or after being denounced by colleagues. They were arrested and under interrogation implicated their commander who then implicated eastern zone cadres who were arrested and executed. Stigma und Stigma-Management der sexuellen Orientierung am Arbeitsplatz. [13]:260 While two former leaders were convicted of genocide, this was for treatment of ethnic and religious minorities, the Vietnamese and Cham. Definition and Examples, Timeline of the Vietnam War (Second Indochina War), Biography of Ho Chi Minh, President of North Vietnam, What Is Autocracy? [21]:236 During 1976, troops formerly from the eastern zone demanded the right to marry without the party's approval. Children learning about harvesting, Cambodia, time of Khmer Rouge, 1975-1979. Attempting to create a classless society, the Khmer Rouge abolished money, capitalism, private property, formal education, religion, and traditional cultural practices. It was used to refer to a succession of in Cambodia which evolved into the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) and later the Party of Democratic Kampuchea. They began by executing thousands of soldiers, military officers and civil servants leftover from Lon Nol’s Khmer Republic government. The Khmer language has a complex system of usages to define speakers' rank and social status. This resulted in the expulsion and execution of numerous people within the party and army who were deemed to be of the wrong class. "[17]:16–19 Pol Pot biographer David P. Chandler writes that the bombing "had the effect the Americans wanted – it broke the Communist encirclement of Phnom Penh", but it also accelerated the collapse of rural society and increased social polarization. Hauptstadt: Phnom Penh. Lower ranking members of the party and even the Vietnamese were not told of it and neither was the membership until many years later. The evacuees were sent on long marches to the countryside, which killed thousands of children, elderly people and sick people. [52], In April 1975, Khmer Rouge seized power in Cambodia, and in January 1976, Democratic Kampuchea was established. People were encouraged to call each other "friend" (មិត្ត; mitt) and to avoid traditional signs of deference such as bowing or folding the hands in salutation, known as sampeah. In the 1970s, the Khmer Rouge were largely supported and funded by the CPC, receiving approval from Mao Zedong; it is estimated that at least 90% of the foreign aid which was provided to the Khmer Rouge came from China. Pol Pot had shortly before been put on a list of 34 leftists who were summoned by Sihanouk to join the government and sign statements saying Sihanouk was the only possible leader for the country. in 2011. [123] Aiming at preventing the passing on of hatred and violence to future generations, the program allows former Khmer Rouge to talk anonymously about their past experience. [37], In late September 1960, twenty-one leaders of the KPRP held a secret congress in a vacant room of the Phnom Penh railroad station. [113], Youth for Peace,[115] a Cambodian non-governmental organization (NGO) that offers education in peace, leadership, conflict resolution and reconciliation to Cambodian's youth, published a book titled Behind the Darkness:Taking Responsibility or Acting Under Orders? [20] In 2014, two Khmer Rouge leaders, Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, were jailed for life by a United Nations-backed court which found them guilty of crimes against humanity for their roles in the Khmer Rouge's genocidal campaign. Officially, trade was only restricted to bartering between communes, a policy which the regime developed in order to enforce self-reliance. The Khmer Rouge took root in Cambodia's northeastern jungles as early as the 1960s, a guerrilla group driven by communist ideals that nipped the periphery of government-controlled areas. Both official releases were released on Witching Hour Records from Indiana, in 1997. On April 17, 1950, the first nationwide congress of the Khmer Issarak groups convened, and the United Issarak Front was established. Flagge der Demokratischen Republik Kampuchea (1975 1979) Die Roten Khmer (franz. Human skulls of victims of the Khmer Rouge at the Killing Fields. Schools, shops, churches, and government buildings were converted into prisons and crop storage facilities. Most came from landowner or civil servant families. Cloaked in secrecy and constantly concerned with its public image, Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime has been characterized as ranging from pure Marxist social ideology, striving for a class-free social system, to decidedly anti-Marxist ideology championing a worldwide “peasant revolution” of the middle and lower classes. Khieu Samphan specialized in economics and politics during his time in Paris. Party cadres who had fallen under political suspicion: the regime tortured and executed thousands of party members during its purges, This page was last edited on 24 December 2020, at 22:39. [21]:282 The center also ordered troops from the eastern and central zones to purge the northern zone killing or arresting numerous cadres. The paper soon acquired a reputation in Phnom Penh's small academic circle. [44], Two members of the group, Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon, earned doctorates from the University of Paris while Hu Nim obtained his degree from the University of Phnom Penh in 1965. Almost without exception, all of the earliest party members were Vietnamese. Auf die juristische Aufarbeitung des Terrors musste das Land mehr als dreißig Jahre warten. [29] Society was accordingly classified into peasant "base people", who would be the bulwark of the transformation; and urban "new people", who were to be reeducated or liquidated. [30]:184, Beyond primary education, technical courses were taught in factories to students who were drawn from the favoured "base people". [7]:96–8[60] Peter Rodman and Michael Lind claim that the United States intervention saved the Lon Nol regime from collapse in 1970 and 1973. Samouth's allies Nuon Chea and Keo Meas were removed from the Central Committee and replaced by Son Sen and Vorn Vet.