Suns In de Galactic Republic was Tatooine dan ook een wereld zonder wetten, bijhalve dan die van de Hutts. Diameter It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. Orbital position Consumables[7]Technology[7]Water[7] Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. After the negotiations were complete, Vader remained on Tatooine shortly to wipe out a Tusken Raider tribe and hire the bounty hunters Boba Fett and Black Krrsantan to ascertain the identity of the pilot who destroyed the First Death Star. Au milieu du désert, nous sommes partis explorer la planète Tatooine, sur les traces de Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, Darth et Vador. Terrestrial From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Luke vs. the Rancor - Wrath of the Rancor. Check out [Sandstorms! A Lucasfilm Ltd. employee was present at NASA's news conference. Distance from Core Black melon[14]Funnel flower[15]Lamta[16]Pallie[17]Poonten grass[11]Polta bean[11]Tree[18]Tuber[3] Star Wars: Battlefront II est un jeu de tir subjectif se déroulant dans l' univers (L'Univers est l'ensemble de tout ce qui existe et les lois qui le régissent.) Used as capital in business transactions, nearly all slavery operations were overseen by the Hutt gangsters, who regarded slavery as a useful institution. Nevertheless, the pair was able to take Shand into custody. Zoals gewoonlijk in een woestijnklimaat daalde de temperatuur 's nachts fors. [10], Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, a shuttle with emissaries in the employ of Jabba the Hutt, meant to negotiate a deal to provide support to the Empire at Weapons Factory Alpha on Cymoon 1, was intercepted by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and a strike team consisting of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa proceeded to the factory, infiltrating and destroying it. Buiten het leven in de steden moesten vele Moisture Farmers het zien te rooien met een schaarse opbrengst waarvoor ze elke dag hard moesten werken. Star Wars-Tatooine. [3][1] The whole planet was covered in harsh deserts, and only a small part of its northern hemisphere could sustain intelligent life. U bent nu hier: Home LEGO LEGO Star Wars LEGO 75198 Tatooine Battle Pack ... Speel zelf woestijnplaneetscènes na uit de film Star Wars: A New Hope. Content approaching. Places & Scenes Made with Tilt Brush. Please refer to the photos for a … Star Wars : D'après cette ... qu'Obi-Wan Kenobi a préféré se cacher avec Luke sur Tatooine. Tatoo system[2] The influx of commercial ventures fueled Mos Espa's growth, eventually securing its regional importance as a hub of economic and financial activity. 7 cm hoog, 9 cm lang en 7 cm breed. [13][17][37][40] The planet wasn't actually named in Episode IV, though director George Lucas had called it Utapau in all but the film's first draft only to rename it in the fourth draft after the movie's desert location Tataouine (French spelling) in Tunisia (see also Tunisia for other Tunisian-inspired names). However, Calican instead shot her, assuming that she would betray him, and then headed to the repair facility on the speeder bike, where he took Motto and Grogu hostage. A remote settlement within the vast canyons of the Jundland Wastes, Tatooine was a planet located in the Outer Rim, a region of the galaxy far removed from its core. The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? Utapau, as noted above, was ultimately renamed Tatooine.[48]. Skywalker returned to the desert world in the company of Amidala, who was now a senator of the Republic and the young Jedi's secret lover. Part of a binary star system, the planet was oppressed by scorching suns, resulting in the world lacking the necessary surface water to sustain large populations. Star Wars: Galactic Baking: The Official Cookbook of Sweet and Savory Treats From Tatooine, Hoth, and Beyond. In addition, the common bantha and eopie species also found a home on the world, along with dewbacks, rontos, womp rats, massiffs and scurriers. Tatooine could also be taken as a derivative of the planet Mongo of the Flash Gordon serials, presented as a desert planet too in some media. Eerst arriveerden de B'omarr Monks en Alkhara, een befaamde bandiet, maar in 100 BBY begon met het neerstorten van de Dowager Queen de definitieve kolonisatie van de woestijnplaneet. [34], Inhabiting the planet were many native species, the largest of which were the carnivorous krayt dragons. With Obi-Wan Kenobi witnessing the suffering of the population, he disabled the weapons of the thugs, allowing the populace to chase them off. [10] The Raiders, native to the planet, were a nomadic tribal society with strict social and moral codes, along with defined territorial boundaries. Tatooine is a Planet in the Star Wars universe. Vite ! While alone, Shand told him that Djarin was a traitor to the guild and that the bounty on him was worth a great deal more than her bounty. Ten tijde van Jabba's leidersschap van de Desilijic Kajidic zorgde dit voor een extra gekruid crimineel pigment in de samenleving. Boorka the Hutt probeerde met de CIS een overeenkomst te sluiten om Tatooine onder hun gezag te plaatsen maar Jabba liet dit niet zo ver komen. Bij de val van de Galactic Republic nam het Galactic Empire de touwtjes weer strakker in handen. After an intense shootout, Leia strangled Jabba to death with the chain used to keep her hostage, and Boba Fett was knocked into the sarlacc. [33] The landscape was covered with sand dunes, mountains, and canyons, which made traversing the planet very difficult. Niemand vermoedde dat in de woestijnen van Tatooine één van de machtigste Jedi Masters zich schuilhield. Mais elle comporte également son lot de défauts avec notamment certains personnages moyens.… Affiliation Après la découverte des décors de Game of Thrones en Irlande du Nord, nous voici dans ceux de Star Wars en Tunisie. De planeet telde twee zonnen en drie manen genaam Ghomrassen, Guermessa en Chenini. Jusqu’à présent, il y a eu 11 films Star Wars, si vous incluez les spin-offs Solo et Rogue One.La saga a commencé en 1977, lorsque le film Un Nouvel Espoir est sorti en salles. With Malakili's help, Cobb struck a deal with the local Tusken Raiders to protect the town in exchange for water and receiving a pearl from the stomach of a krayt dragon. Around this same time, Grogu, an infant member of Yoda's species traveling under the care of Djarin, exited the Razor Crest and attracted the attention of Peli Motto, who cared for him while repairing the ship for Djarin. Points of interest Arriving at the palace not long after, Luke Skywalker attempted to bargain with Jabba for his friend's life, only to be refused and dropped into a rancor pit. Toutes les nouvelles, les images, les videos, les personnages, la musique, des papiers peints et beaucoup plus !! That act of brutality, which took place on Tatooine, resulted in the native Tusken Raiders believing Anakin to be a vengeful demon spirit, and later had serious consequences as the first step towards Anakin Skywalker's fall from grace. Being saved by Kenobi after he imitated the cry of a krayt dragon, Luke Skywalker learned that he was a Jedi while Kenobi offered to train him. Sector After participating in numerous adventures, including the Invasion of Naboo, the former Tatooinian slave joined the Jedi Order under Kenobi's tutelage. Tatooine was een oude planeet gelegen in de Outer Rim in de Arkanis Sector op minder dan één Parsec van Geonosis. Frequent colonial trespasses on their sovereign territory, along with the collusion between old values and galactic modernization, often forced the Tuskens to attack colonists whom they both vehemently feared and despised.[2]. Le recensement qui suit présente les personnages dont la description s'étale sur une page ou plus d'une encyclopédie consacrée à l'ensemble de la saga cinématographique et entièrement ou en grande partie centrées sur la présentation des personnages. Temuera Morrisson est l’acteur qui incarne Jango Fett dans le film Star Wars : l’Attaque des Clones en 2002. Le compte Instagram Star Wars officiel a souhaité un joyeux anniversaire à l'acteur Samuel L. Jackson , tout en laissant entendre qu' on pourrait le voir reprendre le rôle du Maître Jedi Mace Windu. Smokkelaars en spacers waren regelmatig te gast op Tatooine om even uit te rusten of om onder te duiken. Zij namen hun praktijken gewoon mee naar Tatooine waar ze werden voortgezet. However, the Czerka Corporationfelt this desert planet held more to offer than it first appeared. Take Your First Step into a Larger World of Star Wars The creative minds of Lucasfilm’s ILMxLAB present a virtual reality experiment set in a galaxy far, far away…Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine. Kids can recreate scenes from Star Wars : The Mandalorian Season 2 and play out their own speeder-bike-riding, missile-shooting battle stories with this Trouble on Tatooine (75299) building toy. De mijnindustrie stortte volledig in elkaar en de Sandcrawlers werden massaal doorverkocht aan de Jawa's. . [2], In the last decades of the Galactic Republic, Tatooine was home to a human slave named Shmi Skywalker and her son, the young Anakin owing to lax enforcement of Republic anti-slavery laws. He also enlisted Jabba's former Beastmaster Malakili in helping to tame two unruly rontos and to raise the Huttlet[30] named Borgo. [46], Djarin agreed to go retrieve the Dewback they encountered earlier to replace the destroyed speeder. In 1.100 BBY werd Tatooine bewoonbaar verklaard en kwam de tweede grote kolonisatiestroom op gang. LEGO Set 75299-1 Trouble on Tatooine - building instructions and parts inventory. Desondanks deze gure leefomstandigheden werd Tatooine bevolkt door een resem autochtone levensvormen zoals de Dewback, Jerba en Eopie. Send Han Solo towards the two middle iron wheels, and shoot the bottom left TNT crate. Desondanks deze terugval moest men niet te lang wachten alvorens de economie weer zou draaien. Alhoewel de planeet aan het uiteinde van de Outer Rim lag, bevond Tatooine zich nabij de Corellian Run en zelfs op de Old Corellian Run en de Triellus Trade Route die de planeet met Hutt Space verbond. De ligging aan de Corellian Run zorgde ervoor dat er heel wat reizigers op Tatooine stopten, al verbleven ze nooit echt lang op de woestijnplaneet. Unable to draw the Jedi Master out of hiding, Maul used the fragment of the Malachor Sith holocron to lure the Jedi rebel Ezra Bridger to the planet. He and his followers were ultimately defeated by a gang of mercenaries located on-world. Alhoewel de planeet aan het uiteinde van de Outer Rim lag, bevond Tatooine zich nabij de Corellian Run en zelfs op de Old Corellian Run en de Triellus Trade Route die de planeet met Hutt Spaceverbond. This is the pile of iron and wood, so it's hard to whrough it. [2] According to the Legend of Lehon, Tatooine had also been inhabited by a group called the Kumumgah during this time, but there was little evidence to support the story. On some modes, a GR-75 Transport Shuttle can be seen taking off in the background. While single vaporators often cost 500 credits each, some individuals bought and owned multiple units, creating moisture farms. Tatooine 1-24 is the 24th level of Angry Birds Star Wars. Jabba the Hutt en Gardulla the Hutt lieten het Podracen gouden tijden beleven en Jabba nam zijn intrek in een palace in de Northern Dune Sea waar Alkhara zich daarvoor had verscholen. A Jawa Sandcrawler can be seen in the background, as well as a herd of Banthas. On Tatooine, at least, the institution of slavery was seen as a socioeconomic symbol of wealth and prestige, resulting in highly protective owners who reluctantly parted with their possessions. 1%[3] [2] Tatooine orbited twin suns, Tatoo I and Tatoo II. Anchorhead[8]Bestine[11]Mos Doba[10]Mos Eisley[8]Mos Elrey[11]Mos Entha[11]Mos Pelgo[11][30]Mos Espa[17] (de facto capital)[2]Mos Taike[11]Mos Zabu[31]Tosche Station[2] De servicewagen is ca. Finding the ore to have unwanted metallurgic properties, mining firms left the planet en masse, leaving behind valuable equipment, most notably large sandcrawlers, which were later used by the Jawa population. It had a hot and harsh climate and was known for being a source of rare minerals, many of which were taken by Czerka Corporation around the time of the Jedi Civil War. 200,000[29] It was the homeworld of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, who would go on to shape galactic history. [16], Tusken Raiders often attacked isolated settlements on the fringes of their territory such as Anchorhead, and often took potshots at podracers during the Boonta Eve Classic, celebrated once every year as part of the Boonta Eve holiday celebrating the famed Hutt Boonta Hestilic Shad'ruu and his ascension to godhood. Upon coming in contact with a Jawa sandcrawler, the two were abducted and later sold to Owen Lars of the Lars moisture farm, with R2 being chosen after another astromech droid, R5-D4 broke down. Create GIF. Séjour sur Tatooine - Chronologie littérature - Littérature - Star Wars Universe Strategy. Agreeing to go with Ben Kenobi to Mos Eisley, they hired the services of smuggler Han Solo and his partner, Chewbacca to transport them offworld to Alderaan. Dit zorgde voor een bloei van het Podracen in de laatste decennia van de Galactic Republic. The Galactic Empire, a new regime established to replace the Republic, started to hunt all Jedi. Outer Rim Territories[1] Avec ce pack LEGO Star Wars de Tatooine, vos droides vont briller comme des sous neufs. Inside, a hologram of the Cantina Band may be inte… Levering van binnen 1 werkdag en 180 dagen bedenktijd. Later that day, Luke Skywalker, unknowingly Anakin Skywalker's son came across a recorded message of Princess Leia pleading for the help of Obi-Wan Kenobi against the Galactic Empire. In the distance the escape p… Known for being a "wretched hive of scum and villainy" (as quoted by Obi-Wan Kenobi), Mos Eisley is one of the settlements on Tatooine. The Corporation's interests on Tatooine instead turned to weapons devel… Luke Skywalker was a Tatooine farmboy who rose from humble beginnings to become one of the greatest Jedi the galaxy has ever known. Star Wars Battlefront [2004] Summary : A multiplayer online shooter set in the Star Wars universe featuring soldier sets from the series and a wide variety of vehicles out of the films. ]Star Wars Tatooine Ultimate RPG. Star Wars ». Tijdens de Galactic Republic maakte Tatooine nog deel uit van het Hutt Space. Le désert de Tatooine bout sous les rayons de deux soleils éclatants. Deactivated cutscene, reactivated sandstorm, fixed vehicle regen. Vite ! Chargez le droide dans le véhicule de maintenance et utilisez les outils … Tatooine was a sparsely inhabited circumbinary desert planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. Ondertussen had men geld geroken in het exploiteren van de mijnindustrie te Tatooine en waren talloze Sandcrawlers naar de planeet afgezakt. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Skywalker's former master Obi-Wan Kenobi went into hiding on Tatooine, bringing the infant son of the fallen Jedi with him. This alliance proved important in repelling an attack by the Red Key syndicate led by Lorgan Movellan.[32]. 44 likes. Kenobi entrusted the boy[40] to Shmi's stepson,[37] Owen Lars, and his wife Beru. In 2 BBY, the former Sith apprentice Maul traveled to Tatooine to hunt down his old nemesis Obi-Wan Kenobi. Class Not much distinguished the towns as the poor standard of living was common. Jabba regelde dan ook veel activiteiten en hoewel er ook opstandelingen verbleven op Tatooine, raadde Jabba hen aan om elders hun tenten op de slaan omdat hij geen inmenging van het Empire wenste. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Sequential Passage of Chronological Intervals, Goodnight, But Not Goodbye (Mad About Me Remix), The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure. Le chapitre 14 de The Mandalorian (saison 2, épisode 6) a révélé quelques informations à propos d’un des personnages de l’univers Star Wars favori des fans de longue date, répondant à une très vieille question qu’ils se posaient. On s'intéresse aujourd'hui rapidement au set LEGO Star Wars 75299 Trouble on Tatooine, une petite boite de 276 pièces basée sur le premier épisode de la seconde saison de la série The Mandalorian actuellement diffusée sur la plateforme Disney +.. He and Grogu then left Tatooine. It had three moons, Ghomrassen, Guermessa and Chenini. 34 hours[7] Lot personnage lego star wars - Achetez une variété de produits à prix abordables sur eBay. Quand l’histoire nous emporte de l’autre côté de l’écran ! As Maul died in Kenobi's arms, Kenobi confirmed Maul's suspicions that he was hiding the Chosen One. Découvrez une foule de cadeaux autour de l'univers de Star Wars : de la trilogie initiale, en passant par les histoires parallèles comme The Mandalorian etc. In de laatste decennia van de Republic en tijdens de Clone Wars behoorde Tatooine nog steeds toe aan het Hutt Empire. Major exports The whole planet was covered in harsh deserts, and only a small part of its northern hemisphere could sustain intelligent life. Later, a young Luke Skywalker attempted to confront the thugs, but was ultimately rescued by Obi-Wan after falling unconscious in a brief scuffle. [50], Some critics have seen Lucas's use of a desert planet as excessively derivative of Frank Herbert's Arrakis from the Dune novel series.[source?] Primary language(s) Kenobi then instructed the two rebels to return to Atollon while he defeated and fatally wounded Maul in combat. Tatooine had een bijzonder droog klimaat met temperaturen (gemiddeld zo'n 43° overdag) die alleen leefbaar waren in een gedeelte op het noordelijk halfrond van de planeet. LEGO 75299 Star Wars Problemen op Tatooine van nu te koop voor € 29,96! Tatooine was naast Adriana en Ohann de derde planeet in het Tatoo System. #starwars #legoallstars #disneyxd Bocce[3]Galactic Basic[3]Huttese[3]Jawaese[3]Tusken[3] Population With high tariffs imposed by the Hutts, some believed themselves able to escape paying them by doing business in the planet's de facto capital, however often found themselves scammed and broke if not through gambling, through simple bad luck. Star Wars-Tatooine. The Max Rebo Band was left with only two of Tatooine's top five songs, with their number-four hit "(That Joyous Night) I Ate My Mate. Difficulty. De jaren gingen voorbij en de Hutts installeerden zich op de wereld alsof het die van hen zelf was. Tevens is Tatooine een plaats waar veel belangrijke gebeurtenissen uit de Star Wars-saga plaatsvinden. Intrigued, if only because R2 later ran away, forcing Luke and C-3PO to retrieve him, the two were attacked by native Tusken Raiders. 304 standard days[3] LEGO Star Wars 75198 Tatooine Battle Pack kenmerken Inclusief 3 minifiguren: 2 Jawa's en een Tusken Raider, plus een astromech droid. Historic[2]Oceans[2]Rainforests[2]Modern[1]Canyons[1]Desert[8]Mountains[9]Rocky bluffs[1] Surface water Tatooine, also called the Land of the Twin Suns in prophecy, was a desert world located within the Outer Rim Territories. Ruimtegevechten vonden geregeld plaats boven Tatooine. Tatooine - Galaxie - Encyclopédie - Star Wars Universe. de Star Wars pouvant se jouer en solo ou jusqu'à 64 joueurs en réseau (Un réseau informatique est un ensemble d'équipements reliés entre eux pour échanger des...).. Principe. Rural life, on the other hand, was mostly small moisture farms that sold water and food for a meager living. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The official name is Kepler-16b, but many call it the real Tatooine (even the NASA calls it the "Tatooine-like" planet). Boorka werd uitgeschakeld door de Republic en Jabba was ondertussen een concurrent kwijt en kon verder blijven Cortosis aan de Techno Union leveren. Yodapedia heeft 50 afbeeldingen gerelateerd aan. Shortly thereafter, Djarin arrived and used a flash grenade to disorient Calican, using the opportunity to kill him. Dit zorgde ervoor dat de planeet weer bloeide van het leven en daar was de hulp van het succes van het Podracen niet vreemd aan. De geringe belangstelling voor Tatooine zorgde ervoor dat de Hutts hun gang konden blijven gaan. Major imports Nederzettingen als Bestine, Fort Tusken, Anchorhead, Mos Eisley en Mos Espa werden gesticht. Tatooine is een afgelegen planeet uit de Star Wars saga. While seeking work to pay for the repairs in a local cantina, he met Toro Calican, a young bounty hunter looking to join the guild by capturing Fennec Shand, a well-trained mercenary. De economie op Tatooine draaide rond één ding: overleven. Jawas were also a native species to Tatooine, and as such deeply entrenched into a nomadic lifestyle. Quiz Personnages de Star Wars : Quels sont les personnages sur ces photos ? Public / Not remixable Jouez à Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ et forgez votre propre saga Star Wars dans un jeu MMO doté d'un riche scénario développé par BioWare en collaboration avec LucasArts. During the New Republic Era, the bounty hunter Din Djarin defeated a pursuing bounty hunter in a dogfight. Kepler-34b is located 4900 light years away from Earth. [Source]. 1 Difficultty 2 Strategy 2.1 Strategy 1 2.2 Strategy 2 2.3 Strategy 3 2.4 Strategy 4 3 Video Walkthrough Iron bars can be tricky for some. [43], Four years later, the notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett delivered Han Solo, now frozen in carbonite, to the crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, where he would serve as a wall decoration. Sometime after the battle, Rey traveled to the Lars moisture farm on Tatooine with BB-8, where she buried Leia's lightsaber and the Skywalker lightsaber, using her own newly-crafted one in their place. The planet was first seen in the original 1977 film Star Wars, and has to date featured in a total of six Star Wars theatrical films. [37], During the Clone Wars, a Jedi-backed mission to Jabba's Palace occurred, with the Jedi hoping to rescue Rotta the Huttlet from the Separatist Alliance. After being lost in the desert, Ezra and Chopper were rescued by Kenobi, who revealed Maul's deception. Send the first Han towards the back of the pile and aim ypur blaster at the waste above the plant, shoot it at the almost last second. Recensement des personnages. Five hundred years ago Czerka arrived seeking to obtain resources that they were ultimately unable to find. However, after it was discovered that most valuable minerals could be found on the surface,[3] along with most minerals having unwanted metallurgic properties,[2] the sandcrawlers were abandoned and eventually picked up by the native Jawas for use as shelter and mobile bases, from which they collected scrap from thousands of years of crashed spacecraft and failed mining projects. The Djarin then gave Calican's money to Motto to pay for the repairs on his ship. 44 likes. On the desert expanses of Tatooine, Kenobi hoped that he could keep young Luke from his father's evil influence. These companies tried to take advantage of the power vacuum caused by the death of Jabba. Ontspannen deden ze zich regelmatig in hun Landspeeders of Airspeeders. Many settlers scratch out a living on moisture farms, while spaceport cities such as Mos Eisley and Mos Espa serve as home base for smugglers, criminals, and other rogues. ... Découvrez également pourquoi Palpatine est le personnage le plus important de la saga Star Wars. Voor jongeren was Tatooine een saaie plaats om op te groeien, ver van alle activiteit. [39], Three years after the start of the war, Skywalker fell to the dark side and joined the Sith, old adversaries of the Jedi who had long planned to take over the galaxy. Tijdens de kolonisatieperiode dacht men dat de ertsen en grondstoffen op Tatooine de economie draaiend zouden houden maar het bleek dat er toch niet zoveel nuttig materiaal uit de grond te halen was en na een aantal accidenten viel de industrie uit elkaar. Malgré son isolation, Tatooine fut quand même le centre d’événements d’importance galactique, notamment en étant le monde d’origine d’Anakin Skywalker, chevalier Jedi qui devint Dark Vador, entraînant avec lui la chute de l’Ancienne République.Ce fut ainsi dans ce désert qu’il passa ses premières années. De set bestaat uit een servicewagen met 2 noppenschieters en een kraanarm voor het optillen van de meegeleverde astromech droid. Later research into ancient fossil-bearing rock and eroded canyons seemed to support this notion. Jun 21, 2020. Breathable[8] [3], Jawa traders sold scrap to offworlders who settled on Tatooine as moisture farmers, As a result of sporadic and unsuccessful colonization ventures, the planet became a haven for smugglers and criminal activity, while scattered, isolated settlements of hard-working inhabitants attempted to earn a living in the wastes. Dilarium oil[32]Silicax oxalate[32]Slaves[32] They eventually came across a Dewback with a dead bounty hunter attached to it, which is revealed to be bait laid out by Shand to attract anyone looking for her. Shortly after the incident, the Clone Wars broke out, and the tortured Tatooinian Jedi became a major player of the pan-galactic conflict. Onder invloed van Gardulla the Hutt en Jabba the Hutt werd de podrace industrie enorm (financieel) gesteund in de laatste decennia van de Galactic Republic. A sail barge and a Sarlacc Pit also appear in the map. [41], C-3PO and R2-D2 after landing on Tatooine, Shortly after the Battle of Scarif in the Galactic Civil War, the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO landed on Tatooine's surface in an escape pod after their CR90 corvette the Tantive IV was captured by the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Devastator.