READ MORE BELOWWatch me push keys live: Addon: UI Pack: current weakauras: Addon: VuHDo profile: (bouquet links in description)Party Cooldowns Weakaura: Targeted Spells Weakaura: Nameplates: aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new Shadowlands expansion. So, for example, you can use the middle one icon for the Wild Growth advice and bottom center icon for tracking the ticking HoT of WG after the cast. So if your tanks are monk and pala - add their CDs, warrior and druid - other ones, etc. While she was here, she told me she had created a Druid and downloaded Vuhdo, and she wondered if I could help her set it up. Monk Brewmaster Mistweaver Windwalker. Mythic+ is a special type of dungeon mode in World of Warcraft, offering players an endlessly-scaling challenge. I am somewhat capable with using Vuhdo as I have setup the layout, keybinds, buffs, debuffs, hots, setup the cluster function, and have used bouquets for tracking things like tank and healer CDs. So, out of the box, this thing really looks like a piece of garbage. Here I exclude my damage mitigation CDs from other paladins CDs. Exhaustive VuhDo setup walkthrough (Thanks Zohar). You cannot paste images directly. Can you help me with setup HoT icons for Power word: Shield and Weakened Soul (my and others) in VuhDo? Guides. Otherwise it's nearly impossible to keep reasonable size of the frames in raid. Would be MUCH appreciated. 3. 1. Have always been a grid/clique guy but have been reading that vuhdo has become better. Tank Cooldowns (#4): custom bouquet where I add only our raid tanks CDs that I want to track. ), a bouquet for other players HoTs. Vuhdo Configuration for a Resto Druid Author's Note: This page was originally published 8/23/2011. Hi! What this mean is that for example, a Priest could spell trace 'Lesser Heal' but not a Druid's 'Regrowth'. What is VuhDo? I am actually trying to design frames not only for my resto druid, but also for profiles that my guilds holy paladin/resto shamans can use. In 20-man raid I reduced the HoT icon size to 80% and removed the AoE advisor because it's not updated for WoD. Paladin Holy Protection Retribution. This Angelic Feather player macro places a feather on top of you with one button press.. #showtooltip Angelic Feather /cast [@player] Angelic Feather Mouseover macro. Im not quite sure what you mean by whether I would need spell layouts sorry, and it would be for mythic raiding groups (although I wouldnt want the frames to be super explicitly arranged just for that). Vuhdo Configuration (Hot Icons/CD Tracking). Joined on … Example: Wild Growth suggested on a target, after being casted on said target, the duration of the wild growth buff is then displayed. Click Here to Download VuhDo. Note: These are guidelines for a priority under general circumstances. Patch 9.0. Also I was wondering how you are managing to track when both rejuvenation and germination are active on a target? Bar Background: This is a very interesting option. I am somewhat capable with using Vuhdo as I have setup the layout, keybinds, buffs, debuffs, hots, setup the cluster function, and have used bouquets for tracking things like tank and healer CDs. Here you can check my VuhDo configuration guide (it is the official guide right now). Any idea how to fix it? Here I track how people are using their personal damage mitigation CDs. ×
(My mouse is a Logitech MX510 with two thumb buttons, but they are set to Innervate right now, and I … Classes. This bouquet tracks 3 abilities: your PW:S (if you are a disc), other discs PW:S and WS with the timer. Thank you Hopefully someone can share theirs from the druid community, but if not, it might be worth attempting to setup a profile using Pandacho's Vuhdo guide. Because it's all based on customization, it IS all about personal preference. Hello, Ive recently changed to Vuhdo from Grid2 which I use on my other characters, overall I really like the change going to a healing perspective (other chars are tanks and dps), however am struggling with solving a few issues. Comment by usul420 i have been using ELVUI for quite a while (3+ Years) and the one feature i would like to see but am surprised it is not there is a save option. This means that VuhDo can only internally associate spell traces by name. I have 2 HoT icons layouts for a Resto Druid: one for CMs (5-man) and another one for raiding. This is a bug in vuhdo after importing profiles, after you do this you may need to manually go through the debuff list, finding unwanted things that are appearing and making sure all of their boxes are unchecked. Vuhdo. I made a custom 'Personal CDs' Bouquet and added there all the main damage mitigation abilities for different classes (Deterrence, Dispersion, Barskin, Divine Prot, etc.). Hello, Ive recently changed to Vuhdo from Grid2 which I use on my other characters, overall I really like the change going to a healing perspective (other chars are tanks and dps), however am struggling with solving a few issues. Clear editor. Find out the addons I use and where to get them and save yourself some time by importing my addon configurations and weakauras. Affichage VuhDo vous permet d'afficher, pour l'ensemble des membres du groupe, les informations… Tuto Video Vudho partie1, partie2 & partie3. I added both tracking border (for 'others') and icons ('mine') when stumbled on a raid with 3 Holy Paladins keeping all their beacons on two tanks. I started with Mend's Grid2 profile and customized it a bit for the other classes I play. In the video you show in your guide, you have in the "6" position for your hot template, the other druids hot's displaying. Mage Arcane Fire Frost. Thanks for all the effort you've put in, as I also write many guides for UI config I really appreciate what you've done! Do not waste time and mana on players that already were HoTed and / or shielded. It's not a 'Must have' option but it's a possibility for those who's interested. Bäumchen + Vuhdo kl.Frage - schrieb in Druide (WoW): Hallo Liebe Gemeinde, ich hab eine kleine Frage und hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen, da ich zum Addon "Vuhdo" irgendwie kein direktes Forum finde was mir weiterhelfen könnte. it's great and worth checking out! Have always been a grid/clique guy but have been reading that vuhdo … MT are seperated from the other players. Voici un petit aperçu de VuhDo, addon consacré aux spécialisations de soigneur. 2011-04-18, 03:27 PM #2. manamonster. You can do any ability as a mouseover. Actually I would advice you firstly to decide why would you like to track certain abilities in VuhDo frames because frankly, you should track in healing frames only abilities that affect your healing. Absorbs (#1) is a custom Bouquet with a Counter: All Shield Absorb. Exhaustive VuhDo setup walkthrough (Thanks Zohar). Merge the display of my AoE cluster suggestion icon, and the actual AoE spell buff icon to use the same slot. You can see it working in this post. Whether you're looking for specialized Restoration Druid macros to help you gain a competitive edge, or creating a custom user interface to expand your view of the game world, this page will help get you started with some of the most popular choices within the Restoration Druid community. Restoration Druid rotation in Shadowlands revolves around proactively applying HoTs just prior to incoming damage and using our remaining spells, cooldowns, and tools to react to that damage. I'm thinking about a possibility to rearrange this after getting my 4-p T18 (no luck yet). Video tutorial on advanced features: unboxing and cluster scanner (Thanks Joseph/Apristine). PS: one more thing that I noticed: your Skada frames use a huge part of the screen. Very useful for keeping current tank (or any other people with aggro) shielded and HoTed without checking additional Threat meters. I am just looking to see what and how you have your Vuhdo set up for healing. Restoration Druids suffer in general when they have to react to damage for which they were not prepared and when they did not have the time to set up their HoTs ahead of time. Here's the WA in case somebody is interested. In 5-man layout my healing frames are much bigger, I don't use an icon for AoE advice and another one for raid CDs but I have separate icons for Cenarion Ward, Iron Bark and a Bouquet for the specific tank class defensive CDs. Vuhdo Setup for resto druid Hello, So i have been searching the web for a good setup for vuhdo. And here's one of our kills where you can get an idea of my current VuhDo configuration. That "skada" window is in fact a new addon "Details!" Search Search. My beacons: it's the same custom bouquet as Paladin Beacons but in Spell Source only 'Mine' is ticked. Do you need spells layouts too (Spells tab), 5-man or raid? Blizzard further restricts fetching the ID for a given spell name if that spell is not known in the player's spellbook. I have a separate icon for Disc's shieds&Weakened Soul, a separate icon (numeric) for total absorbs on a person and so on. Display 2 icons side by side instead of one or the other. I will try and add a video of my current raid config in the evening, unfortunately can't do it from work :-/, If you have any other questions, I'm here to help. Version: N/A. You can change width and color of the border using button 'More'. You can replace Leap of Faith with any ability, and it will cast that ability on the target you’re currently hovering your mouse over. In the Vuhdo setting i set my right click to "Action". World of Warcraft Raid Frames providing click-heal functionality, buff and debuff control, main tank management and much more. I'd like to give a more in-depth response later, but for now I just wanted to let you know I'm very grateful for the help!. As I am setting up my resto druids UI, I am quite annoyed by the oddly limited placement options for the "Hot Icons", and mainly as well that it seems impossible to display two icons side by side, instead of just a priority list which shows one OR the other and not both. On my Druid I have Vuhdo set up so if i'm hovering over a player in my raid frames and hit a spell the spell will be cast on them, i'm not using macros or any other addons. Thanks Bend Reply With Quote . So I prefer to know exactly where are all the Beacons. I wanted to give an overview of how to setup it up. Yet another video guide (Thanks Eressea). Hello y'all. Angelic Feather Macro. Optional Files (0) Comment Options: 10-27-11, 09:17 AM garoboldy. Poor tanks were overhealed to death, other players didn't get any heals. Vuhdo & Macro . Hi, i been looking for a vuhdo profile for quite a while now and cant find one that i like. 3. Vuhdo. Like the title says, I'm trying to pick between Grid, Healbot, and Vuhdo. Well, life caught the two of us, and we weren't able to get together with her laptop before she had to make the journey home. All the rest is much better to track with WeakAuras, oRA3, Exorsus raid tools, etc. For example to change rejuvenation to display as a square icon, and germination to display as a rhombus on top of the square icon if its active? Im slowly getting the hang on using vuhdo, however there is one thing i would like to do but so far didnt figure out how. Sorry that I wasn't able to reply earlier, I have been so incredibly busy with IRL tasks and also trying to manage some mythic raiding roster issues. Why do the shield bar or other shield/absorb related features of VuhDo not work properly? ), 2) Bottom-Left: Lifebloom/Cenarion Ward (Priority list is fine), 3) Centre-Bottom: Aoe Suggestion + Wild Growth Buff (Priority list again), 5) Top-Right: Defensive Mitigation Cooldown big custom list (can provide link if requested). Do you really need to see the performance of 10 dps, 10 healers and 10 deaths all the time? VuhDo is primarily directed to healing classes, but will make use to almost any other class. Angelic Feather Macro. Uploads: 0. whats the addon you're using in the middle for CDs? You're right. Pachuca. In this step you choose if you want to setup a new profile or use an import. So, lest she think I forgot my promise, this page is dedicated to her. Its the hot minibars. I briefly swapped to Vuhdo at the start of BfA, but I couldn't quite get it working the way I wanted so I swapped back. The initial setup of your color-style of the UI, you can always change your mind later! Eternal Flame and Sacred Shield: I know that you can have only one talent but there's a possibility that you'll have more Paladins in raid, so better to track both. I have similar Indicators for all my healing toons (General->Indicators): Paladin Beacons, Threat Marks and Personal CDs as a Bar Background. 1 3 View on Curse Join Discord. This is my M+ UI setup video. They should remain in RDPS if that is what vuhdo expects them to be. Hello, I just wanted to share something that can greatly benefits resto druids. Here is my current icon placement layout that I am using/intending to use. This Angelic Feather player macro places a feather on top of you with one button press.. #showtooltip Angelic Feather /cast [@player] Angelic Feather Mouseover macro. The issue is probably related to a new dungeon behavior. Finally finished the VuhDo setup guide! An interface is extremely personal but I highly recommend the addons below.. Grid2 / Vuhdo - This is vital as a resto druid as you’re able to increase frame size and create additional slots to make all HoTs visible. 4) Click the 'Export' option, which will open up a pop-up box with the entire profile's (saved) string. Vuhdo Resto Druid Profile. VuhDo is primarily directed to healing classes, but will make use to almost any other class. When a player takes damage and uses a mitigation CD (or a CD like Ironbark or Pain Suppression is being used on them), the bar background changes color. The initial setup of the ElvUI chat module and skin, do not skip this! Set up the raid - manage main tanks (CTRA/ORA compatible) and personally selected players. I've recently changed to Vuhdo from Grid2 which I use on my other characters, overall I really like the change going to a healing perspective (other chars are tanks and dps), however am struggling with solving a few issues. PW:S & Weakened Soul (#5): you should always track this having disc in raid so you wouldn't waste time and mana on the already shielded people. For example, my configuration for resto druid in raid is like this: HoT icons: Rejuw, Hermination, "Swiftmendable", Total Absorbs, PW:Shield&Weaken Soul, a bouquet for personal damage mitigation CDs (Ironbark, Pain Suppression, Hand of Sacrifice, etc. I found Grid2 to be extremely confusing to set up at … Druid Balance Feral Guardian Restoration. Ignore me if you hide it during fights. Forum PlusHeal. Thank you. Lost health is not told in percentage because of buffs etc. Click Here to Download VuhDo . With 'More' button I resize all the icons to 0.9 and the middle one (Role icon) to 0.7. VuhDo is a healing addon, not the tracking one so it's more focused to give you flexible tools for healing. If it's for a raid, what tank and healing classes do you have? I use Exorsus raid tools for Raid CD tracking, these frames arnt shown. It's always placed as a HoT Icon #1 because of its numerical value (need more space). Instead of it, I use Weakaura that shows me which CDs are running and who casted them. You have managed to display rejuvenate, and then when the second rejuvenate (germination) is applied, a number 2 is shown which shows that both of the hots are actively running. Hunter Beast Mastery Marksmanship Survival. I can see this being tracked on the "6" position of your frame but have no idea how to copy this (In fact in this recent video you've linked you even include lifebloom so that when all three hots are active a "3" appears above the icon). Does anybody know of any good websites that do a tutrorial on the setup and use of vuhdo. So the frames were designed solely with a 5 man group and 1 healer/1 tank and 3 dps in mind. Does anyone know how to get this feature to work? Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Vuhdo Setup for resto druid Hello, So i have been searching the web for a good setup for vuhdo. La documentation du log : Setup Walkthrough. I've downloaded Healbot and Vuhdo before but uninstalled shortly after because of how overwhelming the setup seemed, even watching a … VuhDo is a raid monitor similar to CTRaidAssist or Blizzards built-in raid frames. At level 47 you cannot possibly see how powerful each can be when used properly. Exhaustive VuhDo setup walkthrough (Thanks Zohar). Tank Cooldowns: all personal damage mitigation CDs that are not mine. Our Druid guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, theorycrafting, ... or even set them to auto populate in a certain situation, such as while mounted or swimming. 1. Pala CDs: my Hands and Shields. It is a custom bouquet and I use it so long that can't recall now whether it's still mine or build-in. And the VuhDo frame with all this stuff enabled like this: As you can see, there's still place for other players' HoTs and fight debuffs (right-top). 3) Select the correct profile from the drop-down 'Profiles' option/list up at the top of the tab, - from which you wish to copy [the particular profile set-up]. Vuhdo est avant tout un moniteur de groupe ou raid, vous permettant d'afficher, comme HealBot ou Grid, un certain nombre d'information concernant le groupe ou le raid auquel vous appartenez. ; Exorsus Raid Tools - Displays timings for externals and other healers CDs. Voici un petit aperçu de VuhDo, addon consacré aux spécialisations de soigneur. HoT Bars: I don't use them right now but it's good for tracking remaining time of personal CDs or amount of absorb remaining. Actual behaviour: I have my panel set up as MT>MDPS>RDPS>HEAL and they originally show up as RDPS when the group starts, but when they randomly disappear from raid frame shortly after. Try them all out, see what you like, but keep in mind: They're ALL Designed to be used for players at lvl 80 for raiding. Written by Cute Last Updated: 20th Nov, 2020. This is a how to video on how to setup vuhdo which is an addon commonly used to heal with. Quote; Share this post . Pasted as rich text. So, out of the box, this thing really looks like a piece of garbage. I'm playing a druid in retail on EU server and in English (EnUS), I use Vuhdo v3.117. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask. Your link has been automatically embedded. VUHDO March 20, 2020 1:14 AM Coolscmoni#2353 5559 views 0 stars 0 comments. 2) Open VuhDo add-on in-game, then click on the 'Tools' tab. Right now Paladin healing (and most healing) is a pain in the butt, so here's my guide on how I set up one of the best tools out there: Vuhdo. Lifebar is growing down when you loose health. Restoration Druid. As you can see, it's a bit different: added Other player's HoTs, Role Icon, Swiftmendable moved to Indicators. )Top-Left: Rejuve + Germination (double display side/side or overlay? Restoration Druid. I am new to Vuhdo, just been a clicker up to now, tried this and also healbot and did not take to that as much. Thanks for any help that anyone can offer. Indicators: White color inner frame for Paladins' Beacons, Special Dot for Role Icon, Treat Marks - red flashing lines on the top and bottom of a frame so I'd know which tank is tanking. not the use another characters layout, because if i use a profile for a different character and make changes for that on another character it saves those changes to all characters using that profile. Right now Paladin healing (and most healing) is a pain in the butt, so here's my guide on how I set up one of the best tools out there: Vuhdo. I take a very long time to dwell on exactly what it is from my UI, so I am still digesting all of the advice you've given me and how I'd like to apply it. Collection of guides and tutorials (Thanks Zohar).----To be absolutely clear VuhDo is still fully supported and will continue to see bug … This is a great addon for PvP as you can easily swap out weapons and trinkets for all situations. Im in need of a Resto Druid Vuhdo Profile. by: Arial_P Basically this is my druid vuhdo options for people who want to use them. I was playing my druid and questing as guardian, I queued for healer (I have resto spec as well) The queue popped and I joined the instance planning to switch once inside as I was fighting mobs. ; BigWigs - Boss ability timers - absolutely necessary to perform at the top level. Restoration Druid Playstyle & Priority Rotation Selection Tool Instructions: Use these toggles to select the talents you're using (using the markers), to repopulate the rotation below. This is my M+ UI setup video. Paste as plain text instead, ×
Other player's HoTs (#6): build-in and tracks other player's HoTs ^^. An interface is extremely personal but I highly recommend the addons below. I use Grid2. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to not miss out on my new content. You can replace Leap of Faith with any ability, and it will cast that ability on the target you’re currently hovering your mouse over. I'll make Earth Shield tracking as a Special Dot in Indicators, adding a bonus T18 Riptide as #3 instead of it. Btw, you don't have to assign a separate HoT button for debuffs - there is a Debuffs section in VuhDo that has its own icons and is customizable - better to use it. Other player's HoTs and Role Icon are the same as for other healing classes. Basically this is about displaying the health of raid members in form of clearly arranged bars. I was very surprised to find a reply from you, as the guide you had linked me in your advice was actually one of the primary sources I had used to configure Vuhdo to what I had so far. Interface. Thank you so much Pandacho for these really incredible posts! While it's definitely possible, I think that it would make frames too crowded, interfering with its main purpose - healing. In addition, there are other than HoT icons tracking tools in VuhDo: - You can use Indicators (General->Indicators) that give you 12 more bars / frames / dots to configure. To achieve this I'll add two custom Bouquets with the different Riptides spell ID: 61295 for the casted Riptide and 185875 for the bonus one. And yes i been to wago.