~If you need to activate a good socket bonus (7 or 9 spellpower) - use hybrid gems to activate it. To share a profile you should click on a button 'Share' in the 'Send Profile' area. opened Sep 24, 2020 by essam a gndelee Feature Request Retail To Do. Tick the appropriate positions if you want to see stacks or timers for the debuff. (I have it on ctrl + middle click). The example below is an Innervate Mouseover Macro. Clear editor. You can assign more spells / commands / macros to Modifier Key → Shift, Modifier Key → Ctrl and so on. An interface is extremely personal but I highly recommend the addons below. I use Vuhdo on my main as a resto druid and would like to use it as a MW as well. Loading the saved 'right one' is the easiest and fastest way to avoid reconfiguring after updates, disconnects or wrong changes being done. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! 2. Think I can link it here as well. You have to use the same Panel for the Raid Groups so they will move together as one object. Try to change the macro name to a neutral one like 'Eye' or 'Iskar', never use 'reserved' names like action, macro, spell, etc. Vuhdo profile for resto druid. MT are seperated from the other players. In the ‘Panels’ tab, click on the ‘Sizing’ option on the right hand side. And yes i been to wago. I can't look into it right now because I'm at work, but will try and check in the evening. 33,115 . If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Display as a link instead, ×
I fooled around a bit with VuhDo but it kept resetting the damn UI when I would get into raids so I switched back to Healbot. Thank you so much for the detailed setup guide! Never . I also tried Skada but I feel that Recount does it better. To be able to receive a profile you have to go to 'Tools->Share->Receive Data' and tick 'Enable'. In this guide, we will explain how to use WeakAuras, make your own auras, and go over some best Restoration Druid WeakAuras to get you started. Tanks are not showing up in their tank spot in 5-15 man groups, I have the extra panel selected for special > main tanks and they keep showing up in the panel 2 raid frames. Hey Pandacho, thanks for this awesome post! Bigwigs configuration is much much cleaner.) UI and Macro. Go to General→ Bouquets. 6. Lost health is not told in percentage because of buffs etc. On the ‘Panels’ tab, select the ‘Bars’ option on the right hand side. Death Knight Blood Frost Unholy. A breakdown of the different addons, weak auras and macros that you'll need to succeed as a resto druid in patch 9.0.2. Required fields are marked * Name * Tick ‘Class Col.’ on Bar Text so you will see player’s nickname in his class color. Tick 'Bar Color' if you want to see a specific debuff in some different from the default color and pick the color from palette. I'm actually interested in your HoT icons choice and layout and custom Bouquets that you use. Angelic Feather Macro. You can easily keep track of all your and raid buffs / debuffs. Paste as plain text instead, ×
You can see most of the debuffs by default in your healing frames, but sometimes the addon is not updated yet for a new raid zone or the authors wouldn’t add some debuff that you want to trace. Whether you're looking for specialized Restoration Druid macros to help you gain a competitive edge, or creating a custom user interface to expand your view of the game world, this page will help get you started with some of the most popular choices within the Restoration Druid community. You can replace Leap of Faith with any ability, and it will cast that ability on the target you’re currently hovering your mouse over. Panels Tab: ---In general, check Hide Empty. You can play around with the rest of the options (text size, color, position) here. A breakdown of the different addons, weak auras and macros that you'll need to succeed as a resto druid in patch 9.0.2. And whether you are using different layouts for raiding and 5-man (CMs for example). Tick ‘Show’ on Headers if you want to see panels names (Group 1, Group 2, target, etc.). VuhDo is raid frame replacement that is specifically built for high level raid healing. Welcome to Wowhead's Healing Druid Classic Addon Guide, updated for . The restoration druid keybindings we will show you will make you very aware of your surroundings and turn you into a force to behold as you keep your party, raid or guild alive no matter what kind of damage is going out. watchOS Beta Profile. Basically this is about displaying the health of raid members in form of clearly arranged bars. A bit of more explanation about the difference between 'Keys local' and 'Keys global': - When you chose 'Keys local' for your keyboard binds, you can have two actions being bind to the same button. While it acknowledged it being a macro it didn't do anything for me on the Iskar fight. So I definitely could use some fresh PoV. In this guide, we will go over the best Druid addons, important tools to improve a players' view of the World, highlighting important Druid information and displaying it clearly. For example: assigning 'H' for casting of 'Earth Shield' in 'Keys global' will cast the spell every time when targeting a person in healing frames, in raid frames (ElvUI for example) or just when pointing this person on screen. Go to Spells→ Mouse→ Modifier Key → None. That breaks, You have to use the same Panel for the Raid Groups so they will move together as one object. Never . > Add New Panel > Type: Special > Value: ranged-Healer, Thank you, that was driving me a little crazy. PS: any specific reason not to use Iskar Assist? Dec 1st, 2016. 1. Now you can use your keyboard buttons mouseovering on frames, no need to click. Moreover several healing spells or other actions can be asserted […] You don't have to chose anything from dropdown menu - just type the IDs. Where can I get a profile? You can assign up to 40 mouse click combinations to cast on raid members. Affichage VuhDo vous permet d'afficher, pour l'ensemble des membres du groupe, les informations… You can move each icon and WA in the package as you see fit but this is extremely handy to have. [READ FIRST] How To Post Your Exported Profile [Accepted Answer] 0 Replies 6923 Views. The addon currently has only profiles for panes (thank God) but would be great to add profile for classes or even individual characters. Includes Grid2 and Vuhdo profiles. I stopped on profile naming in such a details because the default name is a bit weird - it's just made of a chain of nicknames for every toon you ever saved this profile for, so after having 2-4 toons in the chain it almost impossible to understand what exactly is stored there. And the good thing is that with this option you wouldn't see dps mana users but only the healers. opened May 15, 2020 by Tilidin. What's the method to have healers horizontal on top for groups? A group of extremely dedicated players died a whopping 915 times and spent more than 14 hours clearing Spires of Ascension +17! probably with a macro but im not sure what to put in the macro to make it work with vuhdo. Put the files in your characters savedvariables files in the wow folder. -- Druid 'Wild Growth' now hits up to 6 targets normally and 8 with 'Incarnation'-- Druid 'Tranquility' now hits up to all 40 targets in a raid-- Druid 'Rampant Growth' has been removed from the game-- Paladin 'Light of Dawn' now hits up to 5 targets in a frontal 180 degree cone-- … VuhDo is primarily directed to healing classes, but will make use to almost any other class. so my druids are on their way to 80 but i just wanna post some macros see if you guys see any errors let the pros correct it. Click on the button “More” from the right side of HoTs positioning masters and adjust. Spacing and gaps as you like. raw download clone embed print report / / / / / / / / / / / / / . I have to say that there are loads of options that I didn’t speak about here. To manage your Spell and HoTs assignments you should go to Tools->Key Layouts: You can export selected features, share or receive profiles from other VuhDo users that are online in game (friends/guildies/people you are in group with). I had been lamenting the fact that all the good ones we had were woefully out of date. Do not forget to press ‘Apply All’ to apply your changes to all the groups (and not just to the current one). World of Warcraft Patch 8.2 Battle for Azeroth (BfA) Restoration Druid gameplay & essence video guide. Upload or insert images from URL. I've been meaning to give resto a whirl on my Shaman. With this addon (Vuhdo once it’s set up which is the hard part) you cut out of a lot of the fumbling and with a simple click on a bar you’re getting your party/raid members up and running again. *You don’t have to do this or add the ‘Main Tanks’ panel if you don’t want to see the tanks in a separate panel from the raid. As such, you can add them to macros to use in combination with other abilities or cooldowns like Incarnation: Tree of … Hello, So i have been searching the web for a good setup for vuhdo. https://wago.io/pu2-0x_Aw. Hello: I'm a resto druid and at the moment I'm using x-pearl as my unit frames, but I feel is not that good. Do not give your macros same names of existing spells - it creates an internal conflict. I can see debuffs just fine on my frames, no need to clutter the rest of my screen with redundant information. Access to patron-only content Special access in MadSkillzzTV Discord Community server My sincere gratitude :) I have started to "really" create World of Warcraft (WoW) healing content and to stream about 3 months ago (January 2017). Patch 7.1.5 update: 1. Could you tell me how i can bind it to my right click? I am interested to look at it if you don't mind. Also my healer group keeps appearing at the bottom, not the top. Default custom debuffs will now always be added by spell ID - please consider a complete reset of your custom debuff settings. I was busy on Shadowlord Iskar and i would love my right click to cast eye of anzy (extraactionbutton1). If you scroll outside of the frames, you will zoom in and out of the screen. So basically i can't control my dispels! Configure your Mac to receive beta software updates. Ah, I didn't explain myself properly. Vuhdo est avant tout un moniteur de groupe ou raid, vous permettant d'afficher, comme HealBot ou Grid, un certain nombre d'information concernant le groupe ou le raid auquel vous appartenez. Close. I got swapped in due to an extended-afker on Rastakhan (progression) and found out quickly that my ElvUI was not showing Grievous Axe targets. So, I advise that you go to the ‘Buffs’ tab → General → Uncheck ‘Enable.’ If you want to play with it later - feel free to do so. http://www.twitch.tv/krazyito65/v/6579850. There will be situations when you’ll have multiple CDs or HoTs that were popped simultaneously to track. All your healing spells or any other actions can be asserted to mouse clicks or mouseovers on those bars (Click-Heal). I was creating new profiles for my resto druid on vuhdo, I wanted one for raids and one for 5-man groups. Your link has been automatically embedded. https://wago.io/weakauras/classes/druid/restoration. An important note: Spell assignments are not saved in Profiles. raw download clone embed print report / / / / / / / / / / / / / . I use the same layout regardless of raid size, and the only bouquet i use is is Tank cooldowns extd, which i add my own defensive buffs that I want to track (basically every healer CD with a buff or single target CD). If you want to make this profile a default for all the new characters on the account, check 'Default Profile' button. Never . If you use this macro instead of having to press the spell and then press again for the location it’ll instantly just summon the spell where your cursor is, so in this example, it would be Efflorescence. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Please PM me on Curse if you are interested in helping out with more documentation / video guides. On my shaman healer, Vuhdo only recognizes the highest level spell. My problem is that i dispel as smart cast but that option is disabled. 566 . Grid2 Profiles. Don’t need anything super fancy, I tried a few profiles but most of them don’t shows HoTs very well or show any sort of timer on when they’re gonna fall off. It is a very useful feature for checking the results of your frames tuning. The guide and Profiles to import are updated for Legion (Vuhdo v.3.83). by: Arial_P Basically this is my druid vuhdo options for people who want to use them. So there's no apparent way for me to use a lower ranking heal. Addons You can succeed as a healer with a wide range of different user interfaces and it’s mostly dependent on your taste. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started Threads Keyboard Turner Join Date Dec 2014 Posts 3. For example, when I mouseover on VuhDo frames and press 'H', I cast 'Earth Shield' on the person in frames. Now you can see who exactly received healing from Chain Heal, HW: Sanctify, PW: Radiance, Trail of Light, etc. You can automatically resurrect players out of combat. Let me know if you think I'm missing something. When properly paired together: Core, Utilities & Dynamic contain an exhaustive setup for Balance Druid, Feral Druid, Guardian Druid and Restoration Druid by covering rotational abilities, cooldowns, resources and utilities.