Trivia - This specific project has managed to go on a 3-way battle with 19:08 Texture. report . See more ideas about anime, rhythm games, art. Currently, Graff.J has 41 songs, and maxes out at Lv. 2 years ago GR stands for "great", a common term in rhythm games that is normally one level below perfect sync, which is the normal or bad perfect of Cytus. The game was later released on Android on August 7, 2012. 37 notes. Far Cry 5 x Cytus 2. Summarizing me in one meme. hide. Yowch Dx. ash-of-the-lily. View Entire Discussion (17 Comments) More posts from the Cytus community. Aroma White. 1 - 20 of 27 Works in Aroma White | Paff. Stream Cytus2-Aroma, a playlist by YuKa from desktop or your mobile device. 4. Shop high-quality unique Cytus 2 T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. ash-of-the-lily. Cytus 2.9 is now available - Major progress in the main story The main characters have headed back to where this all began, and the conclusion to this story is about to unfold. The hidden pasts of PAFF and ConneR will be revealed. Bottom Screen Metadata Top Screen Draw Type. Finished coloring and first drawing on a pen display! Erfahrungsberichte bezüglich Cytus app. The final cutscene can be likened to a horror movie and for good reason. save. share . 269. Traveling back and forth amidst the chaos in the OS space and in real life, what will the truth they seek look like? Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed; Pages Navigation ← Previous; 1; 2; Next → Listing Works. No. 308. AROMA!!!!! 15 comments. In Collaboration with @vnnrae. 16 comments. Neko and Aroma have been in a relationship for quite some time now; what does an average week look like for them? No Scroll. No. Custom Cursor? by X-Cross Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . The Minecraft Skin, Cytus II Chaos Lab Aroma, was posted by -Valentines-. In Collaboration with @vnnrae. The young girl took over Node 08 by storm. Posted by 3 days ago. Through Aroma's point of view, players will receive more clues regarding the game's story, as well as know more about PAFF's backstory. 322. 27. 5. 8 comments. All posts. She was released with the 1.7 update. 1 Comment. Hola, hace poco empecé a jugar a cytus II y... Me vicié, pero mi inglés es nulo, así que a penas entiendo la historia. All-Loving Hero : Poor girl can't bring herself to hate anyone regardless of how they've wronged her, whether it be Neko for repeatedly badmouthing her online or Noah for outright erasing her memories to turn her into the real Aroma's replacement. God I want vivid Aroma. It's our fourth rhythm game title, following the footsteps of three global successes, "Cytus", "DEEMO" and "VOEZ". share. Stream Cytus2-Aroma, a playlist by YuKa from desktop or your mobile device. Bottom Scroll? Custom Folder Icon? User account menu. Follow. 329. 217 Views. 1 Comment. It was first released on the iOS platform on January 12, 2012. - New Black Market IAP song pack "Featured Article Vol.1" - The story progresses forward. A unique logo is in every one of Aroma's songs, except. More can be found out about Aroma in her OS Logs. He was released with the 3.6 update. Posted by 5 days ago. 21 playable characters. zoulworks. Alle Cytus app auf einen Blick. She is my favorite character. It shows Aroma screaming in pain while being subjected to Electric Torture.It's revealed later that the girl shown is actually Kaori, who is being brainwashed into taking Aroma's place following some Magic Plastic Surgery. In the future, humans have… The young girl took over Node 08 by storm. Follow. Before the 7th Anniversary of her debut, the young girl received a mysterious letter: a performance invitation from the legendary DJ──Æsir…. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Back now. you know what that means: idol bonding!!!!! People were mesmerized by her beautiful voice, and her amazing presence on-stage drew loud cheers wherever she goes. The Second Reality is on the brink of a virtual collapse but Jacob is adamant about staying inside. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Finished coloring and first drawing on a pen display! . Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. Age: 24 Years Old. Yesterday, I thought about PAFF, because in 1.4 update there were no more PAFF songs, no less. tell me if audios don't play Currently, Cherry has 12 songs, and maxes out at Lv. Follow. IMAGE DETAILS. All rights reserved. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. My edit :3. All rights reserved. Whats inside: (updated at 20181028) 1. waforu. 261. Please download one of our supported browsers. Music from Cytus II status: mod is lazy and slow at uploading the new songs. Aroma costume. Aroma is a main character in Cytus II, and is one of the cytus 2 by Fianna2016. Popular Quizzes Today. Cytus is a rhythm game developed by Taiwanese game developer Rayark.It was first released on the iOS platform on January 12, 2012. Grid View List View. A young girl who lost her memory due to a car accident. With support from her family, she was able to return to her path of becoming an idol once again. . She was released with the 1.8 update. share. Top Scroll? Skin is now divided into 2 versions: Full & LVC (Low Visual Content) Full version is filled with visual content, such as followpoints and hit indicators , messy but fun (see pic below) Top Screen. Aroma white. Aroma (Cytus 2) Its a theme I made. Aroma - Cytus II by thatnonexistentsoul published on 2018-11-30T09:51:21Z (Updated to Version 2.7, Last Updated: 12 November 2019) A young girl who lost her memory due to a car accident. By Emofox supporter. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" find submissions from "" url:text search for "text" in url selftext:text Correspondingly, "V", which is the number 5 written in roman numerals, symbolizes the last digit of her unit code. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Ivy | … 317. Cytus2 is so interesting that I'm falling for story, character, and many songs (especially ROBO). Still can't find any ways to make the color look well, still struggling 6. "V." used to be the longest song in Cytus II before II was released in version 3.0. Currently, Aroma has #paff #cytus II #cytus paff #aroma white #aroma #myart. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Language: English Words: 1,142 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 4 Hits: 58; CRX同人-《喵》 by Nozi Fandoms: Cytus (Video Games) Explicit; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings; M/M; Complete Work; 01 Apr 2020. Ask. Divergence by ThornOne Fandoms: Cytus (Video Games) Teen And Up Audiences; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings; F/F, F/M; Work in Progress; 16 Oct 2020. 11 songs, and maxes out at Lv. ... PAFF (Aroma) By lazzlymysb112 Watch. The theme of Aroma was arranged by SIHanatsuka. 9 comments. Aroma - Cytus II by thatnonexistentsoul published on 2018-11-30T09:51:21Z (Updated to Version 2.7, Last Updated: 12 November 2019) A young girl who lost her memory due to a car accident. Before the 7th Anniversary of her debut, the young girl received a mysterious letter: a performance invitation from the legendary DJ──Æsir…. Posted by 6 days ago. A port for PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Mobile, titled Cytus: Lambda, was released on June 26, 2013. Millions of people swarm into cyTus to witness Æsir’s appearance… Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Uploaded Preview Generated Preview. Quote. Bottom Screen Draw Type. 39. With support from her family, she was able to return to her path of becoming an idol once again. Cytus II ($1.99) by Rayark is a musical rhythm game that takes place in a futuristic world that's ruled by the internet. Cherry, also known asCherry PuNK,is one of the 21 playable characters in Cytus II.She was released in version 1.1, along with the Android version of the game. © Valve Corporation. She is a 24 year old girl whom seems born to be in the spotlight, be it the virtual or physical world. What Cytus III might be like; 317. 결국 완전히 옮기진 못했다는 건 여태까지의 정보로 알 수 있는 사실이고, 게다가 팬들이 우려했던 대로 여태까지 Aroma가 틈틈이 보여왔던 다른 모습은 역시 Kaori의 기억에 영향을 받은 것이라는 결론으로, 이 영상이 종료되고 강제로 Cytus 2 실행화면으로 전환된다. Listen free to Aroma – Cytus 2 - Aroma. 23. Inktober, Day 8: Neko and Aroma (Cytus 2) Went for something more obscure today. Meme/Shitpost. Spotlight On by Xinevsky published on 2019-01-31T08:02:00Z [Cytus II] Night Keepers - Bring the light by snowflake published on 2018-10-06T19:55:45Z [Cytus II] … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Custom SFX? Texture. 329. 1 Description 2 Personality 3 Songs 4 Trivia 5 Gallery 6 References The leader and guitarist for the band "Cherry PuNK". Like CHAOS, the first half of the song is a remix of Cytus songs. Aroma's song list debuts THE SxPLAY, Iris, Ruri Matsumura, Xinevsky, and Ayy. Follow. I have just gotten cytus 2 today and these are my first impression: ... Aroma ( fanart by 奈萩s ) 331. 23 (ALL SPOILERS) THOUGHTS about PAFF. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; sevxrca asked: I'd love to see you upload more stuff. Cytus 2′s Neko and Paff in a summer beach setting sketched and edited by me @zoulworks Lined and colored by @vnnrae. Photo. Paff, NEKO#ΦωΦ, ROBO_Head, Ivy, Crystal PuNK and Vanessa are available for free, while Kizuna AI, Xenon, ConneR, Cherry, Joe, Sagar, Rin, Aroma, Nora, and Neko can be unlocked for $9.99 each through IAP. Finished coloring and first drawing on a pen display! Image size. 322. Link To PLaylist. spoiler. Appearing on every electronic screen imaginable, big or small, she garnered thousands of devoted fans. limit my search to r/Cytus. - New Black Market IAP song pack "Featured Article Vol.1" - The story progresses forward. Archived (ALL SPOILERS) THOUGHTS about PAFF. Completely New score appearance! The game was released on iOS on January 18, 2018. Link. Nora is a main character in Cytus II, and is one of the 21 playable characters. aroma paff rayark cytusfanart cytus2 cytusii. The young girl took over Node 08 by storm. Appearing on every electronic screen imaginable, big or small, she garnered thousands of devoted fans. Before reading: Mild spoilers ahead for the late game story and ending for Cytus 2. This project is a tribute on one of the easiest characters to rank up in Cytus 2: Aroma White (PAFF/ Kaori Miyamina) right after the original plan to rename the R34 Maki has been scrapped thanks to TBNR. Posted by 2 days ago. Buy you can dress as Aroma from Cytus 2 ! Follow. share. No Scroll. Cytus II Ver 2.3 release - New free songs for PAFF and ConneR! Even after Aroma actual name, Kaori, is revealed, Neko decides to keep calling her Aroma-chan because that is the girl she's grown to know. She went from shy girl to grabbing someone and demand they apologize to Iris. The questions covered in mystery finally starts to get some answers. Top Screen. Before the 7th An… A port for PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Mobile, titled Cytus: Lambda, was released on June 26, 2013. No. Stream Aroma - Cytus II, a playlist by thatnonexistentsoul from desktop or your mobile device. 2. Back now. A young girl who lost her memory due to a car accident. El caso, ¿Hay alguien por aquí de habla hispana? 11 Favourites. Music from Cytus II status: mod is lazy and slow at uploading the new songs. Audio. Cytus is a rhythm game developed by Taiwanese game developer Rayark. Most popular Most recent. ‎"Cytus II" is a music rhythm game created by Rayark Games. 9 notes Jul 9th, 2020. Insgesamt endeckt man überwiegend Kundenrezensionen, die von erstklassigen Ergebnissen erzählen. 38 notes. Media/Art. Cytus II v1.7 - New Character: Aroma 2 years ago , 42 notes Gender: Female. Filter by post type. Chat. r/Cytus. Cytus II - No One Can't Stop Me by MK&Kanae Asaba, [Cytus II] Night Keepers - Bring the light, [Cytus II] James Landino feat. Appearing on every electronic screen imaginable, big or small, she garnered thousands of devoted fans. I tried to be experimental with the shading, but unfortunately I didn’t have a steady hand today, so it came out rather wonky… Will probably retry from sketch some time. On the 694-06-19 comment, you left out a little detail that could support your "Kaori replaces Aroma as PAFF" theory. Currently, Paff has 28 songs, and maxes out at Lv.77. SoundCloud. This song might be a reference to Vanessa, as "V" is the first letter of her name. Far Cry 5 x Cytus 2 With support from her family, she was able to return to her path of becoming an idol once again. 20. zoulworks. Yes. Aroma provides backstory and extra details about Paff─from before her debut to the days leading up to PAFFCON. 11 Favourites. 217 Views. report. Cytus II is $1.99 on the iOS App Store and on Google Play. Custom Cart Icon? … #cytus 2 #cytus ii #cytus aroma #cytus paff. ... Nora & ROBO_Head (Cytus) (2) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (16) Cytus II Spoilers (12) Angst (11) Spoilers (8) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (6) Oh look, it's Æsir (original image picked from r/memes) 269. The questions covered in mystery finally starts to get some answers. Meme/Shitpost. Enjoy the Story, Skip the Game: Cytus II has an extensive plot for a rhythm game, let alone a mobile rhythm game. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Colin Neumann Jr. | ConneR/Simon Jackson | Xenon; Simon Jackson | Xenon; Colin Neumann Jr. | ConneR; CRX; Summary. People were mesmerized by her beautiful voice, and her amazing presence on-stage drew loud cheers wherever she goes. With support from her family, she was able to return to her path of becoming an idol once again. save. 11 songs added) MIKU XENON CONNER CHERRY JOE SAGAR RIN AROMA NORA NORMAL NEKO Mi… In the future world, people are absorbed in virtual internet space, high developed information technology encroaches people’s real life. In the biggest internet space cyTus, a legendary DJ named Æsir invites popular singers and DJ to hold a virtual concert, the Æsir-FEST. save hide report. May 31, 2020 - Explore Isaidhi12345's board "Cytus 2" on Pinterest. Cytus II Ver 2.3 release - New free songs for PAFF and ConneR! Neko and Aroma have been in a relationship for quite some time now; what does an average week look like for them? High quality Cytus 2 gifts and merchandise. All the art illustrations are made by Zavir and Matoc. 2 comments. Navigation and Actions. #paff #cytus II #cytus paff #aroma white #aroma #myart. Cytus 2 Complete Song List (up to 3.5) Voez Collab by Diene published on 2020-03-03T04:50:15Z Character's song go in this order PAFF GAMER NEKO (20 new collab songs) ROBO_HEAD IVY CRYSTAL PUNK (1 new song) VANESSA BO BO ( 4 new songs) KIZUNA AI DEEMO (New Character! Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at - 3 free character songs added! #update tho #paff #aroma white #cytus 2 #fanart #c2 #rayark #color study #digital painthing sketches #mariart. Logischerweise gibt es auch weitere Leute, die von geringfügigerem Gelingen sprechen, aber in der Gesamtheit ist das Echo doch überaus positiv. When she had the plates taken away, her personality seems to do a complete 180. share. © Valve Corporation. u/literature_03. Aroma (Cytus 2) Its a theme I made. Please dont expect the skin to be too fancy yet because its A WIP skin Pause-overlay PSD File caqn be found in the skin folder! General Description: PAFF is a singer and commercial star whom enjoys immense popularity. A young girl who lost her memory due to a car accident. With support from her family, she was able to return to her path of becoming an idol once again. Bottom Screen Metadata Top Screen Draw Type. 37 notes. Aroma white. Close. Need help? Graff.Jis a main character in Cytus II and is one of the 21 playable characters. People were mesmerized by her beautiful voice, and her amazing presence on-stage drew loud cheers wherever she goes. Do you think you could upload ConneR's album and Rin's? Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. #cytus 2 #cytus ii #cytus aroma #cytus paff. PAFF (Aroma) By lazzlymysb112 Watch. 27. Follow. Take a peek into the lives of an internet idol and professional gamer as they navigate the ups and downs of reality in Node 08. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. spoiler. This is the Cytus-II Based Skin [WIP] I only made a base of the theme, and then add up some sound effects to it. hide. Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? Meme/Shitpost. Music Quiz / Cytus II Grab Bag 2.9 Aroma Random Music or Song Quiz Can you name the songs in Cytus II? Cytus 2 Cherry < > Most recent. Sound effects, including the multiplayer interface and the pause and fail UI 2. 12 song packs which include songs for Paff, NEKO#ΦωΦ, ROBO_Head, Ivy and Crystal PuNK are also available at the Black Marketfor $4.99 each. Price. save hide report. The hidden pasts of PAFF and ConneR will be revealed. Currently, Nora has 11 songs, and maxes out at Lv. 67 notes. log in sign up. Tags. save hide report. Posted by. Posted by 4 days ago. ash-of-the-lily. 37 notes. 38 notes. A young girl who lost her memory due to a car accident. The Android version was released on March 7, 2018. Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Paff is a main character in Cytus II, and is one of the 21 playable characters. The game was later released on Android on August 7, 2012. Listen free to Aroma – Cytus 2 - Aroma. Soo miku in cytus huh. This sequel to "Cytus" brings back the original staff and is a product of hardwork and devotion. SoundCloud Cytus2-Aroma by YuKa published on 2018-10 ... Cytus II - No One Can't Stop Me by MK&Kanae Asaba by tomas lee published on 2019-01-27T04:05:58Z. Posted by 1 day ago. Video. Text. 1 year ago. Uploaded Preview Generated Preview. A young girl who lost her memory due to a car accident. Jenny - Make U Mine. 3. Cytus II v1.7 update - Adds new character Aroma. With support from her family, she was able to return to her path of becoming an idol once again. Weird circles, NOW skinned !!!!! Download skin now! The young girl took over Node 08 by storm. Tags. aroma paff rayark cytusfanart cytus2 cytusii. 10. Appearing on every electronic screen imaginable, big or small, she garnered thousands of devoted fans. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. Weird circles, NOW skinned !!!!! tell me if audios don't play Posts; Ask me anything; Submit a post; Archive; cytus2music. SoundCloud Cytus2-Aroma by YuKa published on 2018-10 ... Cytus II - No One Can't Stop Me by MK&Kanae Asaba by tomas lee published on 2019-01-27T04:05:58Z. #paff #cytus II #cytus paff #aroma white #aroma #myart. You Might Like . You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud, (Updated to Version 2.7, Last Updated: 12 November 2019)