Ver más. With Fernández de Kirchner leading all the pre-election polls by a wide margin, her challengers were trying to force her into a run-off. The province requested a transfer of funds from the federal government but were initially denied by the President. The couple's own, latest federal financial disclosure in July 2009 revealed an increase in their personal assets by 7 times, since Néstor Kirchner's 2003 inaugural. She also reaffirmed her policy of debt reduction in announcing to continue to pay foreign debt with Central Bank foreign reserves which reached a country historic record of US$51 billion in July. [86] On 30 September she hosted the UNASUR presidents' emergency summit at Buenos Aires due to the Ecuador crisis and started an official visit to Germany the following day in order to participate as a Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair [87] and meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Times Video In Argentina, Thousands Wait in Line for Maradona’s Wake. [34], Allegations of impropriety have contributed increasingly to the Kirchners' decline in approval, as well. [16] This led to a nationwide lockout by farming associations, starting on 12 March, with the aim of forcing the government to back down on the new taxation scheme. Her candidacy was boosted by the fact that her husband, Néstor Kirchner, was at the time Argentina's sitting president. El 21 de junio de 2011 se postuló nuevamente a la Presidencia, … Riding a wave of approval during a dramatic economic recovery from a 2001-02 crisis, the Kirchners' FPV had prevailed enjoyed increasingly large majorities in Congress, reaching their peak following the 2007 general elections (with 153 Congressmen and 44 Senators, at the time). [94] They initiated a period of fiscal reform, which included several tax increases, limits to wage increases, but increases in protectionism and reorganization of state-owned enterprises. [27], On 20 October 2008, Fernández proposed the transfer of nearly US$30 billion in private pension holdings to the social security system,[28] a law that was passed by Congress in late November.[29]. [178], In April 2008, Kirchner received a stern public rebuke from the Argentine media owners Since then, after being unexpectedly widowed, she has proven those criticisms to be grossly off the mark. Ze werd voor de eerste keer als president gekozen in 2007 en won in 2011 opnieuw de verkiezingen. [165][166][167][168], In July 2010, she traveled to the People's Republic of China with the goal of strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries. In June 2010, her administration completed the debt swap (which was started by former president Néstor Kirchner in 2005) clearing 92% of the bad debt left from its sovereign default in 2001. Having said that the prosecutors making the charges are part of the independent judicial branch of the U.S. government[14], Elisa Carrió and María Estenssoro, both high-ranking members of the main opposition parties, have claimed that the Argentine government's response to the allegations and its criticism of the U.S. are a "smokescreen", that the U.S. involvement in the affair was merely symptomatic, and the root cause of the scandal is corruption in the Argentine and Venezuelan governments.[15]. This accord was rejected by the opposition parties and the Jewish community, who deemed it unconstitutional. "With faith in God, and with the work that we all have to do to build a country that is strong and respected around the world, so that our voice is heard in all International forums, and we can denounce the shameful presence of a colonial enclave in the 21st century". Eleven others split the remaining 15%. 22 February 2010, "Oil exploration off Falklands turns up poor quality crude", "Fuel card news: Falklands set for further oil drilling - fuelcard news", "Carlos Escude about Cristina's Foreign Policy", "President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina", "La Presidente firmó acuerdo energético con primer ministro de Vietnam", "Venezuela commemorates bicentenary of the independence struggle with patriotic event", "Poder 360° - Page One Daily News - Venezuela and Argentina Deepen Trade Relations", "Cristina returned to the country and the government calls the trip to Spain as "highly positive, Kirchner, una ausencia notoria en los desfiles del Bicentenario, "Las reservas del BCRA superaron u$s49.000 millones", "CFK asks for support for crisis countries, clashes with Sarkozy", "Duro cruce entre Cristina y Sarkozy en el G-20", "Cristina llegó a China para cerrar varios acuerdos comerciales", "CFK enacts same-sex marriage law, says 'we live in a more equal society, "Se continuará pagando deuda con reservas", "pushed international reserves to a record $51 billion", Mercosur trade bloc agrees to reduce customs fees, "Mercosur bloc signs free-trade deal with Egypt", "Argentina elected president of G77 and prepared to act as 'bridge" with G 20", "Sebastián Piñera y Cristina Fernández se reúnen en La Moneda por caso Apablaza", "No hubo acuerdo con Chile para extraditar a Apablaza", "Confirman asistencia de Presidenta argentina a celebraciones por el Bicentenario", "III News Agencies World Congress inauguration", "Argentina To Produce Enriched Uranium In 2011 - Presiden", Argentina: Paris Club agrees to debt talks, no IMF, "Filmus, el elegido de Cristina Kirchner", "Argentina Holds Confiscated U.S. Air Force Cargo -", "El kirchnerismo recupera el control del Congreso", Cristina apela a la sintonía fina para disimular el ajuste, "Entró en vigencia la polémica Ley Antiterrorista", "Moyano llenó la Plaza contra la "soberbia abrumadora" de CFK", "CGT: "Caballo" Suárez rompió con Moyano y ahora es ultra cristinista", "Negocios y viejas amistades, en la trama del caso contra Boudou", "Declaró el maquinista y fue excarcelado: "Intenté frenar dos veces, pero el mecanismo falló, "Cristina volverá a pedir hoy por las Islas Malvinas en Naciones Unidas", "Arranca el sistema para vender dólares a los que viajan fuera del país", "Scioli: "Tengo aspiraciones presidenciales para el 2015, "Al final, Cristina liberó la plata y Scioli pagará los aguinaldos", "Detrás del conflicto entre la Casa Rosada y Scioli", "Scioli pagará el medio aguinaldo a estatales en dos cuotas", "Argentina: hacen salir presos para asistir a actos kirchneristas", "Otra cuña fascista, ahora en los colegios", "Multitudinario cacerolazo en la Capital y ciudades del Interior del país", "Tras marchar con el moyanismo Micheli anunció un paro general", "IMF's Christine Lagarde says Argentina faces 'red card, "Argentina hits back at Lagarde: "This is not a football match and we are a sovereign nation, "La comunidad judía redefine su vínculo con el Gobierno por la apertura con Teherán", "Statement Summary.H.E. [40] The investigation was suspended by Judge Oyarbide on 30 December, though a week later, Piragini appealed the ruling. She held a commanding lead in the polls, and in the election on October 28 she captured 45 percent of the final presidential vote tally, nearly double that of her closest competitor, Elisa Carrió, who garnered 23 percent. [179] In addition, a government proposal to create a watchdog to monitor racism and discrimination was received with suspicion by ADEPA, who called it a "covert attempt to control the media". [147] Three other ministries were created afterwards. On January 18—the day before he was scheduled to testify before Congress and several days after releasing a report in which he accused Fernández de Kirchner of trying to undermine his investigation—the prosecutor, Alberto Nisman, was found dead of a gunshot wound to his head in his apartment. Nonetheless, Fernández de Kirchner remained popular with many poor Argentines who had benefited from her government’s social programs and subsidies. [144] The criminal complaint was taken by prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita, who formally accused her of conspiracy, alongside other people included in Nisman's original project. [33] This will be reflected in strengthened opposition alliances, notably the center-right Unión Pro, the centrist Civic Coalition and the left-wing Proyecto Sur, when elected candidates in both chambers take office on 11 December 2009. Todas as notícias sobre Cristina Fernández de Kirchner publicadas em EL PAÍS. The FPV obtained a very narrow victory, overall, as a percentage of the national vote, and retained their plurality in Congress. [186] On 7 November 2009, the Association of Newspaper Editors of Buenos Aires (AEDBA) issued a statement in which it claimed that the truck drivers' unions' actions had been the fiercest attack on the free circulation of newspapers the country had seen since its return to democratic rule in 1983. Cristina y Néstor, en fotos. Nisman, who had begun investigating the bombing in 2004 and who had concluded early on that the government of Iran was behind the attack, accused Fernández de Kirchner, her foreign minister, and others of engaging in negotiations with Iran to cover up the responsibility of Iranian government officials for the bombing in return for Iran entering into a trade deal with Argentina. She had highly publicized disagreements with Brazil regarding the trade quotas between the two countries. Two days later, the Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyễn Tấn Dũng arrived. [113] The largest demonstration was the 8N, which took place on 8 November. Fernández de Kirchner pursued popular social programs, and in July 2010 she signed legislation that made Argentina the first country in Latin America to allow same-sex marriage. [175][176] While the government of President Mauricio Macri, elected in December 2015, soon dropped the arms purchases from China. [103], In 2012, the government tightened currency controls, allowing access to other currencies to only those people who traveled outside the country. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner appelée Cristina Fernández dans les pays hispanophones, ou parfois Cristina Kirchner , née Cristina Elisabet Fernández le 19 février 1953 à La Plata, est une femme d'État argentine, présidente de la Nation de 2007 à 2015. Since there is suspected Iranian involvement in the 1994 AMIA bombing, Kirchner's relations with the Argentine Jewish community deteriorated. Initially, Kirchner declared his death a suicide, but reversed herself days later, saying that Nisman had been murdered in a conspiracy to frame her. Cristina Elisabet Fernández Wilhelm coniugata Kirchner (La Plata, 19 febbraio 1953) è una politica e avvocata argentina, dal 10 dicembre 2019 vicepresidente dell'Argentina.Già senatrice dal 1995 al 2005, è stata in seguito presidente della Repubblica argentina dal 2007 al 2015. In April 2008, on the 26th anniversary of the Falklands War, Kirchner stepped up Argentine claims to the Falkland Islands. US judge Thomas P. Griesa rules that Argentina must pay as well to the hedge funds that did not enter into the Argentine debt restructuring,[130] which Argentina failed to do. Cristina has proven herself to be a strong and determined leader of Argentina, comparable to the iconic female political … On 11 September, he was intervened because of coronary artery blockage and needed an angioplasty. [18][19][20] On 1 April, the government organised a rally during which thousands of pro-government protesters marched through downtown Buenos Aires in support of the bill increasing Argentina's export taxes on the basis of a sliding scale; at the event, Kirchner called on farmers to act "as part of a country, not as owners of a country."[21]. In … Elle est présidente de la Nation de 2007 à 2015 et vice-présidente depuis 2019. Cristina Kirchner. Ver más . She then attended the G20 meeting in London 2 April 2009 and was given a seat of honour at the dinner held the night before at 10 Downing Street, when she was seated across from President Obama. In elections of November 2015, she was succeeded by Mauricio Macri as President. During the first days of Fernández's presidency, Argentina's relations with the United States deteriorated as a result of allegations made by a United States assistant attorney of illegal campaign contributions, a case known as the maletinazo, or "suitcase scandal".