Campagnoli was suspended as a prosecutor, accused of leaking information, and abusing his authority. Vendredi dernier en Argentine, s’est tenu un vote qui pourrait un jour faire date. [80] This money was illegally provided by Petróleos de Venezuela, the state oil company, to be used for Kirchner's 2007 general election campaign. [91] The Noble siblings tests in 2011 were negative,[89] and the case was closed in January 2016, after Kirchner left the presidency. [citation needed] It was not called by specific politicians or social leaders, but by the public using social networks. [156] On 5 October 2013, doctors ordered Kirchner to rest for a month after they found blood on her brain caused by a head injury she received on 8 August 2012. ", "Cristina Fernandez challenged to show her law degree and Timerman described as a 'traitor, "Cristina no es abogada: la noticia deseada de los anti-K", "Bonadio sobreseyó a Cristina Kirchner por su título de abogada", "Cómo fueron los "exitosos años" de Cristina Kirchner como abogada en Santa Cruz", "Los Kirchner no firmaron nunca un hábeas corpus", "La historia de los días en que la Presidenta fue gobernadora", "Constituyentes desmemoriados de aquel 1994", "Cristina legisladora: 10 recuerdos de una opositora mediática y rebelde", "Impidió el Gobierno la interpelación a Camilión", "Fracasó la negociación entre Kirchner y Duhalde", "El PJ bonaerense se resquebraja por la pelea Duhalde – Kirchner", "New Argentine cabinet targeted to face pending agenda", "Argentine Ex-Leader Dies; Political Impact Is Murky", "Argentina's Kirchner to become "first gentleman, "Argentina ex-leader Kirchner to be buried", "Kirchner Achieves an Easy Victory in Argentina Presidential Election", "La Cámpora avanza en las listas del oficialismo de todo el país", "Cristina Kirchner re-elected as Argentina's president in landslide", "BBC NEWS | Business | Argentina's economy chief quits", "Argentina Nationalizes $30 Billion in Private Pensions", "Amado Boudou set to be Argentina's first rock'n'roll vice-president", "Kirchner Fires Central Banker, Steering Into Crisis", "Argentine Bank President Is Formally Dismissed", "Poverty Down in Argentina – But By How Much? Leur présence conjointe à cette célébration avait été un symbole de l’alternance pacifique et démocratique assumée par l’Argentine. She began her college studies at the National University of La Plata. An estimated 500 children were involved. Au cas où la fonction de président de la Nation devenait vacante, c'est le président provisoire du Sénat qui est chargé de l'intérim. [153] Kirchner said in her book La Presidenta that it was all a misunderstanding; it is her sister who suffers from bipolar disorder. A victory at the 2013 midterm elections would have given such majority, but the party was defeated in most provinces. [3] There have been more than 500 people sentenced, and 1,000 convicted, in a process that was unprecedented in Latin America. [138] The problems caused by her policies, such as inflation, are always explained as the result of class conflict and imperialism. She personally chose most of the candidates for deputy in the Congress, favoring members of the Cámpora. [7] In 2017, an arrest warrant was issued for Fernández de Kirchner charging her for treason after further evidence surfaced showing that the pact signed between her government and Iran secretly included the impunity of the Iranians involved in the terrorist attack. Argentina lacked a big opposition party since the collapse of the Radical Civic Union in 2001. They were married on 9 May 1975 and had two children: Máximo (born 1977, currently serving as National Deputy for Buenos Aires Province and the first minority leader for Frente de Todos) and Florencia (born 1990). Cabinet Chief Juan Manuel Abal Medina said the demonstrators belonged to a class that was against social justice, and compared the demonstrations to a coup d'état. [49], Fernández de Kirchner was reelected in 2011, along with Amado Boudou as vice president and the Front for Victory regained control over both chambers of Congress. Wilhelm was a single mother. The Constitution of Argentina allows only one reelection. [73] A similar view was held by Kirchner's loyalists. [144] Following the death of her husband, she dressed in black for over three years. [89] De facto president Jorge Rafael Videla, who was convicted and given a life sentence in 1985 and pardoned years later, received a new life sentence in 2010. Un vote qui a déclenché des scènes de liesse dans tout le pays.Et aujourd’hui je vais vous parler d’une femme en particulier qui personnifie ce combat pour le droit à l’avortement. Le président argentin, Alberto Fernandez, avait exprimé plus tôt son « grand souhait d'accompagner Evo lors de son retour dans sa patrie ». Il semblerait que la tendance ait quelque peu changé en 2020. The investigation remained open for years, and prosecutor Alberto Nisman was appointed to the case. "Le dije a mi pareja, a ver como te quedó la operación y le besé las tetas" "Tengo mala conexión y pensé que estaba fuera". The idea was rejected by opposition leader Elisa Carrió as a mere conspiracy theory. Le président … He considered it unfortunate that the president disparaged journalism, and pointed that the freedom of the press may be declining in Argentina. The selections anticipated the continuation of the policies implemented by Néstor Kirchner. [27] Her husband had a political dispute with the previous president, Eduardo Duhalde. [97], The 2009 midterm elections took place a year after the crisis with the farmers. However, due to the Pope's popularity in Argentina, Kirchner made what the political analyst Claudio Fantini called a "Copernican shift" in her relations with him and fully embraced the Francis phenomenon. [10][11] In 2018, she was also indicted for corruption on charges alleging that her administration had accepted bribes in exchange for public works contracts. She ran again for senator in the 2001 midterm elections. [30], The presidential election was held on 28 October 2007. She served as interim governor of Santa Cruz for a couple of days, after the impeachment of Ricardo del Val in 1990. [48], The extent to which Kirchner's policies have lowered poverty is controversial, with the government's reported poverty rate being questioned by some experts. The government established currency controls that limited the power to buy or sell foreign currencies, especially American dollars. President Isabel Perón was unable to command the support of any powerful group, let alone construct a necessary coalition, and the political and economic situation in Argentina worsened. [122], In December 2017, Judge Bonadio indicted her and charged her with high treason. ", "Según Unicef, hay 5,6 millones de chicos pobres en la Argentina", "El kirchnerismo recupera el control del Congreso", "Argentina tightens dollar exchange controls", Cristina apela a la sintonía fina para disimular el ajuste, "Moyano llenó la Plaza contra la "soberbia abrumadora" de CFK", "Argentina Agrees to Pay $9.7 Billion to Paris Club", "Argentina's government blames 'conspiracy' for defaulting on debt", "Saying Argentina has defaulted is 'an atomic nonsense' underlines Kicillof", "Leaders from Latin America, Caribbean region urge action to erase inequality, spur development", "Cristina characterized the vulture funds as "terrorists" and accused them of destabilization", "Chevron, YPF Sign $1.5 Billion Shale-Oil Deal", "Blackouts continue in Argentina while government keeps threatening power distributors", "Argentine farmers take tax battle to parliament", "Argentina turns against new president as strike worsens", "Argentine leader vows to fine-tune model in second term", "Thousands across Argentina take to the streets to protest against re-re-election", "Argentinians protest against their government, corruption and crime", "Argentina protests: up to half a million rally against Fernández de Kirchner", "Fernández de Kirchner reforms spark Argentina protests", "Dozens of Argentines Die in Flash Flooding", "Allegations of a network of corruption money involves former president Kirchner", "Thousands March in Argentina to Protest Kirchner's Judicial Plan", "New Argentina probe says prosecutor Nisman was murdered", "Buenos Aires marches to honour deceased prosecutor Alberto Nisman", "Venezuelan Convicted in U.S. Spy Trial Over Suitcase That Rattled South America", "Venezuelan Given 15 Months in Suitcase of Cash Scandal", "Argentine drug probe zeroes in on Presidential Palace", "Murder and drug trafficking allegations cast pall over Argentina primary election", "Mauricio Macri steps up fight against Argentina drug traffickers", "Argentina elections: Highs and lows of 12 years of the Kirchners", "Argentine Vice-President Boudou charged in corruption case", "In Argentina, Mix of Money and Politics Stirs Intrigue Around Kirchner", "Argentine Probe Sparks Dispute Between Government, Judiciary", "Argentina's former dictator Jorge Videla given life sentence", "Argentina's authorities order DNA tests in search for stolen babies of dirty war", "La jueza Sandra Arroyo Salgado sobreseyó a Ernestina Herrera de Noble en la causa por apropiación de niños durante la dictadura", "Child of Argentina's 'disappeared' fights for right to keep adoptive name", "Kirchner Moves Against Argentina's Free Press", "Global editors group raises alarm over Argentina press freedom threat", "IPI condemns Argentine government's attacks on Grupo Clarín", "Argentina's Kirchners lose political ground in mid-term elections", "Argentine President Stumps for Congressional Candidates", "Cristina Fernández's party loses ground to former ally in Argentina's election", "Mercosur suspends Paraguay over Lugo impeachment", "A Populist 'Pink Tide' Is Ebbing in South America, Argentine Vote Suggests", "Argentina accuses US of trying to sneak in illegal drugs and arms", "Argentina president claims US plotting to oust her", "Argentinian president attacks UK refusal to negotiate on Falklands", "Falklands anniversary: David Cameron defiant over Argentinian 'threats, "New Falklands oil discovery could stir trouble with Argentina", "Argentine president calls Falklands referendum a 'parody, "Cristina Fernández de Kirchner turns Pope Francis from foe to friend", "Pope's diplomacy put to test as leaders flock to Rome", "Making nice? Most details about her childhood such as her elementary school are unknown. [16] Despite the presence of sympathizers of the Montoneros guerrillas in La Plata, the Kirchners had never been involved themselves. This new taxation scheme, proposed by Minister Martín Lousteau, led to a nationwide lockout by farming associations, with the aim of forcing the government to back down on new tax system. 13 minutes depuis. En 2018, sous le mandat de l'ex-président Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), les débats au Parlement avaient déclenché de très nombreuses manifestations pour et contre la légalisation. Néstor Kirchner did not run for reelection. Julio Cobos voted against the bill, which was then rejected, saying that: "My vote is not in favor, my vote is against".