Illustration about Fleur de lys symbol. Choose from over a million free vectors, clipart graphics, vector art images, design templates, and illustrations created by artists worldwide! That the French kings long used the fleur-de-lis as an emblem of their sovereignty is indisputable. Fleur Symbol Design. La doppia cinta gigliata e controgigliata del blasone dei re di Scozia è passato nel linguaggio araldico di quel paese col nome di «cinta reale» (royal tressure). Fleur DE Lys Symbol vector | Needing Fleur DE Lys Symbol illustration? Quanto al nome (il giglio in francese è detto "Fleur de lys"), Gheusi l'attribuisce a Luigi VII di Francia, detto il Giovane, il primo che possa con certezza essere citato per aver portato e sfoggiato «Fleurdelys», foneticamente molto vicino a «Flor de Loys» (Fiore del Re Luigi). It is found in East Indian, Egyptian and Etruscan decorations, as well as Roman and Gothic architecture. The New Orleans Saints football team also use the fleur-de-lis as their logo. Acheter comme sticker unique . Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 12 dic 2020 alle 02:33. Golden fleur-de-lis decorative design. La possibilità di usare questo simbolo, venne accordata dai Medici alla cittadinanza anghiarese dopo la famosa battaglia di Anghiari, che segnò la definitiva egemonia di Firenze sul territorio di Anghiari e su buona parte della Valtiberina. Download over 159 icons of fleur de lis in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as webfonts. Il museo di Arras possiede un arazzo in cui le armi di Francia portano inequivocabilmente tre rane al posto dei gigli abituali. Il a aussi été affirmé que la fleur de lys serait un ancien symbole des Francs saliens qui étaient originaires de Flandre où l'iris Faux-Acore ou iris des marais (Iris pseudacorus L.), plante hélophyte à fleurs jaunes spectaculaires, pousse en abondance sur les rives de la Lys 5, le … ... Fleur De Lis premium icon . Fleur-de-lys: The Fleur-de-lys is a symbol of the Blessed Virgin Mary because it resembles both the Iris and the Madonna Lily. Non si tratta quindi di un aumento, e d'altronde il giglio di Lilla è gigliato (forse in ricordo dell'iris originale), come quello di Firenze (con perfetta simmetria riguardo ai colori). Gheusi dà al giglio un'origine guerriera: sarebbe una ghiera di giavellotto gallo (o ancora l'Angone dei Franchi) con punta e uncini (vedi l'analogia sorprendente con lo scettro gigliato del blasone di Trieste, che ha quattro uncini, e sarebbe la lancia di San Sergio). The fleur-de-lis, also spelled fleur-de-lys [pron 1] is a stylized lily that is used as a decorative design or symbol. Vector illustration design. During that time there were also attempts to distinguish between small variations, so that commentators wrote of fleur-de-lis au pied coupé or au pied nourri, in which the feet are absent or are replaced by a trapezoidal pedestal. The Fleur de Lys, or Fleur de Lis, is a magical lily, said to grow only where the Lady of the Lake appears. New users enjoy 60% OFF. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Arrowhead or fleur-de-lis, the origins of one of the worlds best known icons can be confusing. How works our reward points ? fleur de lis, Lys, lilja, koriste, design, symboli, heraldiikka, Ranskan kieli, kuninkaallinen, ikoni, kukka Public Domain Scroll Fleur-De-Lis. Tra i simboli mariani per eccellenza, e anche attributo[1] di san Giuseppe,[2] il giglio in Francia è divenuto, a partire dal Medioevo, l'emblema della regalità. Corrections? Both, the fleur-de-lis motif and the six-petaled star motif of the lily flower became classical. Choose from over a million free vectors, clipart graphics, vector art images, design templates, and illustrations created by artists worldwide! La trasformazione in giglio (dalla forma molto simile) sarebbe dovuta ad un intervento di Luigi XIV alla presa della città, facendone, volontariamente o no, un'arma parlante (Lilla, lilium). Fleur-de-lis is a popular symbol in the French culture and even otherwise. You can also find u-269C, u*269C, un+269C, u269C, u=269C or c+269C. a fianco l'ipotesi della «deriva» grafica). The English translation of \"fleur-de-lis\" (sometimes spelled \"fleur-de-lys\") is \"flower of the lily.\" This symbol has been described by some as depicting a stylized lily or lotus flower, but other historians attribute its origin to a species of wild iris, the Iris pseudacorus. The Fleur-de-lis, or literally "flower of the lily", symbol can be found worldwide. Oct 16, 2018 - Illustration of classic fleur de lys symbol set vector art, clipart and stock vectors. Fleur-De-Lis Heraldry. 21 24 0. Download 373,763 fleur de lis free vectors. Fleur-De-Lis Tattoo. The fleur-de-lis is often used as a symbol or emblem and can be found in religion, art, architecture, politics, and other areas. 35 Meilleures Images Du Tableau Crochet Tricot Abreviations. Fleur De Lis Decoration. A similar staff appears in the Great Seal of Louis VII (1120–1180), whose signet ring was charged with a single fleur-de-lis. T Dor Stock Photos T Dor Stock Images Alamy. Blog De Eclaireurstaugustinascci Blog De. Il 29 giugno del 1440, infatti, le truppe fiorentine sconfissero quelle milanesi in una battaglia di grandissima importanza strategica perché, come scrisse il Machiavelli, se i Fiorentini avessero perso, "tutta la Toscana era persa". 27 38 1. Se on ristin, kotkan ja leijonan ohella yksi yleisimmistä heraldiikan symboleista. Les Romains se moquaient des Gaulois, parce que le mot latin “gallus” signifie “gaulois” et “coq”. Therefore, the 3 fleur de lis symbols in the centre of the coat of arms is a symbol related to France where Anjou and Bourbon come from. iStock Fleur De Lys Symbol Stock Illustration - Download Image Now Download this Fleur De Lys Symbol vector illustration now. Je vous montre comment faire une fleur de lys sur black ops III. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Symbole" de Lou sur Pinterest. There are two spellings for this floral emblem – fleur de lis and fleur de lys. Fleur De Lis Decoration. While the fleur de lis was sporadically used in Babylonian, Egyptian and Roman architecture, the symbol was first used prominently in the 12th century by French monarch Louis VI or Louis VII. 21 24 0. The one variation that is recognized is the fleur-de-lis remplie, in which the three petals are separated by two stamens, as in the arms of the city of Florence. Il giglio (conosciuto anche col suo nome francese fleur-de-lys, anche trascritto come fleur-de-lis) è una figura araldica, una delle quattro figure più popolari con la croce, l'aquila e il leone. Quantité . 23 23 0. La fleur de lys hors des armes de France Il giglio (conosciuto anche col suo nome francese fleur-de-lys, anche trascritto come fleur-de-lis) è una figura araldica, una delle quattro figure più popolari con la croce, l'aquila e il leone. Le langage des fleurs, parfois important lorsqu'on offre un bouquet, n’est pas sans rapport avec le symbolisme historique : la blancheur de la fleur de lis symbolise toujours la pureté, l’innocence et la virginité, ce qui explique qu’il orne les églises mais aussi les cérémonies de mariage. Fleur-De-Lys Symbol. All'origine del blasone di Lilla c'è un'iris delle paludi (d'argento in campo rosso, analogo a quello d'oro su azzurro di Bruxelles-Capitale). Fleur De Lis is a much older symbol then you think. FLEUR-DE-LIS: resolved name: fleur-de-lis: block: Miscellaneous Symbols (Misc_Symbols) common typos: u+629C, u+926C: There are alternative spelling that can be found in the wild for the unicode character 269C like u 269C, (u+269C) or u +269C. Fleur DE Lys Symbol vector | Needing Fleur De Lys, Coat Of Arms and Modern illustration? See more ideas about Fleur de lis, Fluer de lis, Fleur dis lis. It was chosen by the founder Robert Baden-Powell in 1907. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family 3. This symbol forms part of the World Scout Emblem, amongst other uses.. Fleur-de-lis was approved as part of Unicode 4.1 … 37 40 2. 70 57 2. Products 3, Total cart bonus 0, and Pre-order bonus 0. Check out our fleur de lys symbol selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Fleur De Lis Decoration. What is the religious meaning of the fluer-de-lis? Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Idées de tatouages, Tatouage fleur de lys, Fleur de lys. C'est une belle Fleur de Lys stylisée, symbole du Québec, qu'un ami a dessiné et que j'ai converti en fichier imprimable. Yleensä ranskanlilja luokitellaan luonnonkuvioksi. 2,63 € Ajouter au panier. The symbole of France and Quebec. As France is a historically Catholic nation, the fleur-de-lis became "at one and the same time, religious, political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic, and symbolic,… [95+] Fleur De Lys Symbole Tatouage. Largeur cm. Meaning of ⚜️ Fleur-de-lis Emoji. A fianco una croce e una cinta gigliate. Fleur-de-lis emoji is the image of the recognized decorative element, which is often seen on different emblems and coats of arms. Fleur-de-lis, (French: “lily flower”) , also spelled fleur-de-lys, also called flower-de-luce, stylized emblem or device much used in ornamentation and, particularly, in heraldry, long associated with the French crown. It appears in ancient civilizations also, symbolizing divinity, God, the Tree of Life and even its forbidden fruit. The fleur-de-lis did not originate in France. Téléchargement gratuit La Culture En Confiture Se Nourrir De La Tete Aux Pieds By Tifenn. Fu usato come ornamento sul blasone e sul sigillo dei re francesi capetingi.[3]. Fleur Lys Tattoos. ⚜️ Fleur-de-lis Emoji Meaning. È classificato abitualmente tra le figure naturali. The symbol of the Fleur de Lys is carried by most nobles in some form or other, both knight and lady. Qedggthgggg By Matiusmaster Issuu. However, let me state that when you see this symbol emblazoned today on various flags or engraved on royal crowns, the fleur-de-lis does not represent the lily … Search through +1167291 vectors, psd and images, ready for download! The use of 32 points by sailors of northern Europe,…. Around this time, a legend had developed involving fourth-century Frankish monarch Clovis I, who was allegedly anointed with the oil of a fleur de lis. The fleur-de-lis has been used in the heraldry of numerous European nations, but is particularly associated with France, notably during its monarchical period. It is unclear where the fleur-de-lys originated. L’amour pur et la noblesse des sentiments sont indissociables du lys mais aussi de l’union maritale. Keys: Guardianship and dominion: Knight (especially on horseback) The soul guiding the body; man's journey through life Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). 37 40 2. Aug 20, 2017 - Fleur-de-lis – the French word for “fleur “ means flower and “lis” means lilly. Rose Outline Google Search., University of Arkansas - NC Clarinet Collection - The Fleur-de-Lis. Un seminato di gigli è quindi un'armata numerosa, simboleggiando lance puntate verso il cielo, il cui simbolismo corrisponde all'epoca più di una visione campestre. Il giglio gigliato dell'amministrazione delle Poste non è molto esuberante, benché i piccoli boccioli all'attaccatura delle foglie lo distinguono dal giglio reale). Browse 919 fleur de lys stock illustrations and vector graphics available royalty-free, or search for fleur de lis background or fleur de lis pattern to find more great stock images and vector art. Fdlbcp50 Fleur De Lys Blanc Clipart People Today 1587589022. Scroll Fleur-De-Lis. C'est le logo de sa start-up Mots-Dits Québec ( - faites-y un tour, surtout vous les amoureux de la Belle Province !!) Les deux fichiers sont légèrement différents, mais tous deux imprimables. Florence, Province of Florence Picture: La Fleur de Lys, symbole de la ville de Florence - Check out Tripadvisor members' 59,251 candid photos and videos of Florence Turquoise banner with Fleur de Lis. "Love" is printed under a three-dimensional floral scroll accent moulding of this pink ribbon wall plaque. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei Compra Autocollant la fleur de lys, symbole d'élection divine. Un'altra ipotesi tenta di collegare il fondamento della regalità al cristianesimo e fa derivare il blasone reale dal battesimo di Clodoveo, con interventi divini assai variabili a seconda degli autori, che fanno del giglio sia il simbolo della Vergine, sia quello della Trinità (con i suoi 3 lobi e/o la sua tripla presenza), ma nulla in tutto ciò spiega il «seminato». Flower Iris Purple Iris. Stickers au symbole de la fleur de lys. The fleur-de-lis has also represented French royalty, and … As with many things in life there is no one "correct" interpretation of the Fleur-de-lis. Par prolongement de ces symboles, le lys est également utilisé lors des décès afin d'illustrer la purification de l'âme du défun… 13 nov. 2020 - Découvrez le tableau "Tatouage fleur de lys" de Aurélie sur Pinterest. Dans l’Antiquité, le coq symbolisait les Gaulois. Search through +1 167 291 vectors and images to download! Anche Anghiari, in provincia di Arezzo, ha sullo stemma comunale il giglio fiorentino, però senza stami, di colore rosso su fondo bianco. La Fleur De Lys Too Was George Washington A Catholic. Il primo utilizzo attestato del seminato di gigli è un sigillo del principe Luigi, futuro Luigi VIII, nel 1211. Fleur de Lys Symbols. Fleur-De-Lis Heraldry. Fleur-de-lis, (French: “lily flower”), also spelled fleur-de-lys, also called flower-de-luce, stylized emblem or device much used in ornamentation and, particularly, in heraldry, long associated with the French crown. Fleur De Lis. Necklace is silver 925 and it has 45cm long. The symbol represented the three pillars of the scout vow, the three principles and duties and the three virtues. Overview. Fdlbcp50 Fleur De Lys Blanc Clipart People Today 1587589022. Download thousands of free icons of shapes and symbols in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as ICON FONT. Heraldinen lilja eli Fleur de lys tai Fleur de lis, usein myös Ranskan lilja, on tyylitelty heraldinen kuvio. Lily flower - heraldic symbol fleur de lis (royal french lily symbols for design and decorate, lily flowers collection, lily flowers set) Luxury vintage seamless pattern. Fleur De Lys Symbole Dessin. It has been widely used as a design in architecture, décor, and now, it is becoming a popular choice for tattoos. Il giglio francese in particolare rappresenta il Lilium candidum detto per questo "Giglio di San Luigi". It has made appearances in literature The fleur de lis symbol has appeared in several pieces of literature, such as The Da Vinci Code, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and The Three Musketeers. È spesso impiegata come aumento. ... Fdlbcs50 Fleur De Lys Blanc Clipart School Today 1586648239. Thus, when Pope Leo III in 800 crowned Charlemagne as emperor, he is reported to have presented him with a blue banner covered (semé) with golden fleurs-de-lis. Official State Symbol of Louisiana. flower3dv4inv est moins "pointu". Le migliori offerte per Fleur de Lys symbole de la royauté sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Il seminato nel 1375 è sostituito da tre gigli. risparmiando in questo modo una descrizione ben conosciuta da tutti. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. No membership needed. Product #: gm1143554213 $ 12.00 iStock In stock One legend identifies it as the lily given at his baptism to … L'arte di disporre i fiori nelle celebrazioni liturgiche, «Secondo la tradizione, Clodoveo abbandonò le mezze lune nel proprio blasone per ostentare il giglio», Le Blason. Profile: British mid 1960s rock band, formed 1964 in Southampton: Frank Smith (g, voc), Alex Chamberlain (k), Danny Churchill (b), Keith Guster (dr) (line up on first single). Available in PNG, SVG, EPS, PSD and BASE 64 formats. 150,625,697 stock photos online. The fleur-de-lys, a symbol of the French presence in North America, has featured on the Québec flag since 1948 and appears on the flags of a number of other French-speaking communities in Canada and the United States. The flag of Lincolnshire, adopted in 2005, has a fleur-de-lis for the city of Lincoln. Download unlimited Premium icons for . 22 6 25. If a lily is represented naturalistically in heraldry, it is called a lis-de-jardin (“garden lily”) to distinguish it from the stylized fleur-de-lis. Between the classical period and the modern period its design was modified by the limitations and taste of craftsmen and their patrons, so that during those centuries now called the heraldic “Decadence” the outlines could be grotesque. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Tatouage fleur de lys, Tatouage, Tatouage fleur. Fleur-De-Lis Tattoo. Il giglio araldico ha poco a che vedere con il giglio che si trova nei giardini (utilizzato in araldica con il nome di giglio di giardino). 22 6 25. Sugerio di Saint-Denis reintrodusse i gigli come simbolo della monarchia francese (dopo un breve periodo nel IX secolo), collocando il simbolo nella chiesa di Saint-Denis, la necropoli capetingia[4]. Fleur-De-Lys Symbol. Taille cm. Fleur de lys symbol in seamless tileable background and texture. The Fleur-de-lys to the right is the more ornate form, and also symbolizes the Lady's Slipper flower [page 2]. Royal french lily. 16 11 0. Come ricompensa, Firenze concesse ad Anghiari il giglio sullo stemma, affidando a Leonardo il compito di rappresentare la battaglia nel Salone de' Dugento di Palazzo Vecchio. Since it is used in so many ways and applications people often wonder what the true meaning is. The fleur-de-lis or fleur-de-lys in French literally means “lily flower” (fleur means flower, and lis means lily or iris). From antiquity it has been the symbol of purity and was readily adopted by the Roman Catholic church to associate the sanctity of Mary with events of special significance. #49946808 - Fleur de Lis symbol. 37 44 3. Verschiedenen Variationen auf einem isolierten weißen hintergrund Set von Lilien symbolen, verwendbar für alle heraldischen Anforderungen. Omissions? Such variations were introduced at the artist’s whim and have no heraldic significance. From Symbol of War to Symbol of Faith. Fleur de lys symbol - download this royalty free Vector in seconds. Il giglio interviene molto poco nelle altre figure. Beautiful Filigree Necklace with medieval symbol: The Fleur de Lys. T Dor Stock Photos T Dor Stock Images Alamy There are 12 different types to choose from. Il contenuto è disponibile in base alla licenza. The fleur-de-lis is a stylized lily or iris (the official state wildflower of Louisiana is iris) that is used as a decorative design or symbol, especially in French heraldry (the fleur-de-lis has appeared on many European coats of arms and flags over the centuries). 20 mars 2016 - Découvrez le tableau "tatouage fleur de lys" de VOUS ALLEZ FAIRE DES JALOUSES sur Pinterest. Ppt La Monarchie Absolue En France Powerpoint Presentation Free. Http Biblio Co Uk Book Parlons Hmong Langue Culture Jacques. Flaticon, the largest database of free vector icons. A breast cancer ribbon is daintily incorporated into the fleur de lis. It is her sacred emblem and a popular symbol in the kingdom of Bretonnia. Herald Dick Magazine. The most popular Fleur De Lis Spiritual Meaning is The Holy Trinity. This particular notion is confirmed by English and Canadian heraldry where the Fleur-de-lis is the cadence mark of a sixth son. Louisiana designated fleur-de-lis as the official state symbol in 2008. “Fleur de lys” literally means flower of the lily. n a curious note, the Fleur de Lis is also the symbol of the world scout movement. Fleur De Lys. 8.25 USD /month Illustration of medieval, vector, symbol - 132658214 Les Fleur De Lys. Goldene Fleur-de-lys Symbole als vektor. Image 16487368. Fleur-De-Lis Heraldry. Nell'iconografia cattolica, con attributo si intende un elemento caratteristico con cui viene identificato o rappresentato consuetudinariamente un santo o un beato nelle raffigurazioni sacre. By buying this product you can collect up to 3 phib'z . ThoughtfulTattoos contains some amazing fleur-de-lis tattoo designs and explains the meaning and symbolism of the same. Ssajwani French Language House. Collection of 300 Fleur de Lys symbols made of brass. This symbol has acted as a guiding light for our group in everyday decision making and building a "legacy" for NDSU students to come. Disposer sur une page . Gorgeous Italian-inspired stone plaque has a hand-painted pink watercolor fleur de lis as its focal point. La fleur de lys cessa d'être le symbole officiel de la France sous la Révolution et l'Empire, mais fit son retour sous la Restauration, pour être finalement définitivement abandonnée à partir de la Révolution de juillet 1830, lorsque Louis-Philippe adopta le drapeau tricolore. later members included: Chris Andrews, Bryn Haworth, Tony Head, Tago Byers. The lily was said to have sprung from the tears shed by Eve as she left Eden. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. 18 22 3. Flower Fleur De Lis. It is one of the symbols of the American woman's fraternity Kappa Kappa Gamma, the American men's fraternities Alpha Epsilon Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Alpha Mu as well as the international co-ed service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. 76 99 2. È detto «nutrito» (non si vedono le radici, se le si vedessero, non sarebbe più «nutrito»), ma si dice talvolta anche «troncato». 17 avr. Similar Images . In Honduras, il simbolo del Partito Anticorruzione è un giglio azzurro inserito dentro uno scudo giallo circondato da 18 stelle. Fleur De Lis Tatouage Dessin Tatouage Signification Fleurs Mariage Barbie Lys Blancs Tatouages Subtils Les Templiers Scoutisme Dessin Image The fleur-de-lis represents Legacy's values as well as my own. The fleur-de-lis; it has symbolized the crown of France for nearly 1,000 years. Ajouter à un nouveau feuillet. Se il blasone moderno dei re di Francia deve qualcosa a quello di Clodoveo, è il numero 3: è possibile vedere nella riduzione del 1375 dal seminato di gigli a tre gigli un tentativo di far mettere radici più profonde alla dinastia, puntando su un'ambiguità di forme (in buona fede o no, essendo dotate le rane dei fiumi belgi di capacità mimetiche notevoli, cfr. Fleur-De-Lis Heraldry. I re di Francia hanno spesso accordato in aumento il «capo d'azzurro a tre gigli d'oro» a delle città «fedeli» alla corona, come Lione, Angers, Tours, Poitiers, Fréjus, Le Havre, Laon, e altri ancora. We see the fleur-de-lis symbol everywhere. È una alterazione grafica dell'iris delle paludi (Iris pseudacorus L. o iris gialla) che, secondo la tradizione, fu scelto nel V secolo come simbolo da Clodoveo I (che abbandonò le mezze lune nel proprio blasone),[5] re dei Franchi, dopo la sua vittoria riportata a Vouillé sui Visigoti ad ovest di Poitiers e che si trova in abbondanza sui bordi dei fiumi Lys e Senne in Belgio. Reference : GSW-2112. Fleur De Lis. Théorie nouvelle de l'art héraldique et de la science des armoiries, Ultima modifica il 12 dic 2020 alle 02:33,, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. 18 22 3. Heraldic.. Vector. Updates? 16 11 0. Altre località o istituzioni che utilizzano questo simbolo: Regno di Napoli, Foligno, Acerra e Ferentino in Italia, Augusta, Darmstadt e Wiesbaden in Germania, sulla bandiera della Serbia, Laško in Slovenia, Turku in Finlandia, Jõelähtme in Estonia, Jurbarkas in Lituania, Skierniewice in Polonia, Lincoln in Inghilterra, la banca medievale della famiglia Fugger; la Casa di Lancaster; Bosniaks in Bosnia ed Erzegovina; gli Scout (riprendendolo dal giglio spesso usato su alcune carte per indicare il Nord); New Orleans in Louisiana, Louisville nel Kentucky. On his seal of 1060, before heraldry became formalized, Philip I sits on his throne holding a short staff that terminates in a fleur-de-lis. Jessant de lis: With a fleur-de-lis shooting out, i.e., from the mouth of a leopard or lion; Represents dominion over France. Vector. Flower Iris Purple Iris. Some modern artists give the fleur-de-lis a prominent three-dimensional effect, but this is a matter of license and is ignored in blazon. Download 20,699 fleur de lis free vectors. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free vector art that features Antique graphics available for quick and easy download. It is used mostly in the context of the Louisiana state (because it is its symbol) and its cities, including New Orleans. CHOOSE A PAGE AND JUMP: E-MAIL. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème tatouage fleur de lys, tatouage fleur, fleur de lys. There are however, several origins that are widely researched and accepted. Flower Fleur De Lis. (See Wikipedia article.) 70 57 2. As I discovered, the answer to this riddle appears to lie in a surprising confluence of religious ideas recognized in both the Old and New World and symbolized by the trefoil design we know as the Fleur de lis.