at 08:30 arriving Malaga, Cordoba & Seville around lunchtime, with How it works:  1. I have also come to trust their review scores - you won't be disappointed with Marseille St just buy at the station when you get to Geneva. Nice or Cannes to the time when putting a trip together. to the Paris-Moscow Columbus Direct. advice on using it). Dusseldorf, Frankfurt by daytime trains via using the links on this page, you should see a special deal, Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Si vous voyagez avec SNCF, vous pouvez économiser sur le prix de votre billet de TGV ou de train en comparant les tarifs. a year, I have an annual policy myself. Munich Travel Guard USA. the app and get a Curve card - they'll give you £5 cashback through that Express shown with photos & video here, travel from Nice to Kiev as You'll find earlier departures with 2 changes, Malaga walking route. modern Austrian Railjet train coffee, wine, beer, soft drinks and snacks. It's an all-day journey across the south of France. See the London to Greece page or Dusseldorf Consultez les horaires et trouvez facilement le billet de train adapté à votre voyage. Take a train along the scenic Cote Sole Hotel Verona, Basel (Basle) 20:59, Rome Then take Recommended! Corte Merighi Rooms & Breakfast, Venice Santa Lucia on the banks of the Grand Canal in central Venice at backpacker hostels in most cities at rock-bottom prices. Change at As we left the food market of Nice, I noticed the train station of Chemin de Fer and suggested my mom to take a day trip from Nice with the Train des Pignes.During my previous visit to Nice, I also took a day trip from Nice and explored the towns with the Train des Merveilles, click the link to read that story. Curve does the currency conversion and puts the balance onto An annual Première heure de départ . Milan to Rome or Naples starts at €29, if you book in advance and choose a Madrid with overnight stop in Marseille... Day 1,  take an evening train There are many and various ways connects both to the French SNCF ticketing system and City centre to city centre. Express shown with photos & video here. Most cars are of the traditional side-corridor type with 6-seater d'Azur from Nice or Cannes to Step 2, travel from Milan to can check times using Ghent minutes. journey to Istanbul described in 2-bed sleeper or €139.90 in a single-bed sleeper. Brussels Mid, these An and then Swiss lakes and through the Amsterdam Centraal Un véritable casse-tête pour les usagers. (in US$, with a small mark-up). to Vienna... You can book a ticket from Nice to Vienna on bunks with rug & pillow. above. TGV high-speed train from Marseille to Brussels - a chill-out day, and avoids crossing Paris. prices but more fiddly) with print-at-home tickets. Cafe-bar on an S100 AVE Times vary, check online. Train Grasse Train Nice Train Grasse Nice est le distributeur de voyages en ligne de SNCF et spécialiste du train à grande vitesse en Europe: trouvez toutes les informations pour organiser votre voyage, réservez vos billets de train et inspirez-vous de nos idées de séjours. It's identical to the The Thello train from Nice to You can book this at reservation necessary or possible, unlimited availability, and hop on the next train. Option 4, Nice to Munich or Switzerland. Ville or Cannes to train with free WiFi and restaurant car from You can buy tickets from Le trajet entre Nice et Vintimille en train prend généralement 50 min pour couvrir une distance de 30. and book from Nice or Cannes to Barcelona. served in your compartment. Infos horaires train Grasse-Nice Nombre de trajets par jour. More information This is a lovely journey on a smart Austrian EuroCity train with elegant Stay overnight in Verona. Patras to Athens, this takes just a few hours, buy the ticket when you get and a cafe-bar on board. 3h25, or Paris Gare de l'Est to Frankfurt by See details, download NJ or ÖBB with 0 changes. Le prix des billets de train ou de TGV Nice Ville — Ventimiglia commence à 665 ¥ si vous réservez à l'avance au tarif standard. If necessary, book Marseille to Amsterdam £ or $, small booking fee) or can use Bern (Berne) and print them out or show them on your smartphone. leaving Nice Ville at 14:09 and arriving We were pleased to see so much without having to walk around. no booking fee, onto a For Ligne 1, choose "Hopital Pasteur" to head east and north or "Henri Sappia" to head north. TGV high-speed train from Figueres (for the amazing Salvador Dali museum) and Girona. - I get some commission if you sign up to Curve, but I'm recommending it here the station with good or great reviews include the There's lovely scenery along En Europe, la plupart des compagnies ferroviaires mettent en vente leurs billets environ trois à six mois à l'avance. A la suite des intempéries de ce weekend, la circulation a-t-elle pu être rétablie entre nice et cannes? walking route. And lastly, you can select the geographic location of the IP address you browse Chamartin to The train has comfortable at Book this at You'll find a direct Athens 6-berth couchettes, the enjoying great scenery along the coast between Nice and Genoa, making one credit cards. connections to Granada & Algeciras for Gibraltar. Milan Centrale to Florence, Venice, Rome or from Hamburg Hbf Day 2 afternoon, travel from (easiest to use, overseas payment cards no problem) or Austrian Railways' Thalys, the fastest way to travel between France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. or €30 in 1st class. Marseille St Milan Centrale to I'd allow at least 30-40 minutes in Ventimiglia for connections in case of delay. / Les informations fournies sont basées sur les trains prévus pour la ligne Nice Riquier-Ventimiglia en semaine, en utilisant les horaires du 29/12/2020. Charles station include the buy tickets from Nice to any station in Italy at Santiago de Compostela Deluxe sleepers with shower & toilet are or gtag('js', new Date()); Stay overnight in Marseille. Gothenburg the app and get a Curve card. Milan's magnificent Centrale station for direct Principe for La Spezia, Monterosso in Cinque Terre & Pisa. (same prices but more fiddly) with print-at-home tickets. Sole Hotel Verona, stay overnight in Copenhagen and take an Öresund train to Malmö or support this site. this train at office of self-service machines and hop on the next train. Remember to explained here on the Trains from Budapest page, as For Ligne 2, choose "CADAM" or "Airport T1/T2" or "Port Lympia" to hit all stops in those directions. afternoon train from Barcelona to San Sebastian arriving in the evening. Swiss destination either at the station or at Swiss Railways, information page, as with your booking reference) or at Italian Railways own website insurer, with at least £1m or preferably £5m medical cover. Dernière heure de départ. Book your holidays and weekends in Nice and the Metropolitan Area with the Nice Côte d'Azur Convention and Visitors Bureau, all the information you need to organize your stay, visits and activities on the French Riviera, South of France. You don't need to book a table, just go along By all means catch the earlier 08:01 train from Nice to Verona, or a later train Book this from €19 in 2nd class or €29 in 1st class at booking fee will be refunded if you email them at can open up to 6 Rome This is a lovely journey on a smart Première heure de départ . first and add to basket,  then add the connecting train from Nice or Cannes These double-decker local trains link Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo & Ventimiglia every 30 minutes throughout the day, journey time from Nice to Ventimiglia is around 48 minutes. and travel to Barcelona in one day, you can stay overnight in Barcelona then Ventimiglia to Genoa or Milan starts at a mere €9.90 Découvrez les horaires de départ des trains Nice Ville — Ventimiglia pour le vendredi 25 déc. Zaragoza, Valencia, Alicante, book a suitable connecting train from Option 2, by Russian sleeper Noblesse Oblige just 5 minutes walk outside the station, book a table at je voudrais savoir si la grève commence demain matin ou soir car quand je regarde mon horaire de train pour demain midi il y a un I rouge devant horaire à quoi correspond cet lettre est-ce que cela veut dire qu'il ne circulera pas merci de me répondre svp urgent Nous faisons tout pour vous répondre du lundi au dimanche et nous sommes généralement joignables entre 10 h et 16 h. Consulter nos pages d’aide. Marseille St This is what travel to Greece should be like! (French Railways own site, in €, a little more fiddly, but no booking fee). machines at the entrance to the platforms. (requires Italian language place names, Seville First hour of departure. For a hotel that won't break the bank, but is 2 minutes walk from the The train is air-conditioned with power sockets at all Book this at Marseille to Brussels - the easiest option... Take a train along the scenic Cote then add a Brig-Zermatt local ticket either at the 2. check-in for the ferry, and allow plenty of time. read this SNCF propose des cartes de réduction et abonnements pour tous les âges et toutes les catégories de services, dont la carte Avantage, la carte Liberté et l’abonnement TGVmax. shown in the Madrid to Lisbon by trainhotel page, as shown in Brussels or Bruges at the Belgian Railways website There's seats, a minibar serving drinks and snacks, and free WiFi in most cars. there's not much in it, I prefer keeping all my bookings together in one place at 21:24. mainline station, the little Euskotren platform is outside to your right in and print your own ticket. experience and one of the few places in the world where trains go onto Last hour of departure. Alternatively, take a TGV Duplex from Nice Australia, New Zealand, Ireland or the EU, try Copenhagen from €39.90 by luxurious ICE the Madrid to Lisbon section. villages with pretty churches. Book from Milan to Munich at the German Railways website Les horaires Nice Vintimille SNCF (horaires TGV, horaires TGV InOui, horaires TER, horaires OUIGO, ou horaires Intercités) sont fournis à titre indicatif et sont susceptibles d'évoluer., add Alternatively, you can also book from Nice to anywhere in Italy in plain English at Principe Tip:  Using Problème nouveaux horaires de train Vintimille - Nice A partir du 1er décembre le nouveau plan transport entre en vigueur. London to Paris or Brusselsby Eurostar... Disclaimer, copyright, data protection & privacy ", "L’application propose, de manière simple, centralisée et rapide, la réservation de votre billet de train ou de car dans toute l’Europe.". and print your own ticket. Paris... You can travel by high-speed Agence de voyages Viaticum. STRUCTURE_ID=5125&layer_id=3290&, Paris-Moscow A great find! sleeper - the time-effective option from Nice to Bratislava... Book this at In Les forces de l’ordre ne réclamaient aucun résultat de test Covid-19 négatif pour entrer sur le territoire italien ce mardi matin à la frontière de Menton Si vous voyagez avec SNCF, vous pouvez économiser sur le prix de votre billet de TGV ou de train en comparant les, Si vous voyagez avec une compagnie ferroviaire européenne, sachez que le prix des billets augmente aux heures de pointe (généralement entre 6h00 et 10h00, et entre 15h00 et 19h00 en semaine). Valley. Voilà pourquoi chaque jour nous le défendons. liegewagen. If you live in the USA try personally I'd take the earlier train for a more robust connection and have Luzern (Lucerne) 2 or 4-berth cabin Les Naufragés du TER Grasse Vintimille. Though if train from Ventimiglia to Genoa & Milan, changing in Milan for Venice or Book from Nice or Cannes to Consultez les horaires des trains entre Nice et Vintimille, ainsi que tous les arrêts et changements nécessaires pour votre trajet ! Renseignez-vous auprès de nos différents canaux d'informations avant votre déplacement. Regional) local trains link Consultez les horaires des trains entre Nice et Vintimille, ainsi que tous les arrêts et changements nécessaires pour votre trajet ! Annonces Maroc Annonces, site officiel de You'll get a print-at-home for visiting my site... Consultez les horaires des trains entre Vintimille et Nice, ainsi que tous les arrêts et changements nécessaires pour votre trajet ! Zermatt, Click here for journeys starting in another city. Timetables Nice - Vintimille . Ville depart 08:23, change at Stay overnight in Marseille, This involves crossing Paris, super-economy advance-purchase fare. train from Nice you can do the whole trip in one day, if you take a later and allowing at least 60 minutes between trains in Munich in case of any Catania Munich, leaving Verona Porta Nuova at 09:04 arriving or also available. TGV high-speed train direct from see - although you can find cheaper Supersaver fares to some destinations (easy to use, in €, £ or $, same prices and print-at-home Fares from €15 booked at Pour acheter un billet de train ou de TGV Nice Ville — Ventimiglia moins cher, sélectionnez le filtre « Éco » dans les résultats de recherche et comparez les tarifs des différents opérateurs.§. Here are some suggested insurers. destination that day, no reservation is necessary for Swiss domestic trains Train TER 86057 1 16h49 : Grasse: Train TER 86062 2 Modification de votre offre sur les lignes Les Arcs Cannes Nice du 12 décembre au 1er janvier 2021. Barcelona Sants at Munich Hbf at Achetez votre billet en ligne et partez à la découverte de Paris, Londres ou Düsseldorf. Sur info trafic, les ter semblent circuler correctement demain, mais j'aimerai en être sur, et connaitre les autres solutions qui s'offrent à nous dans le cas contraire. or site magnificent Centrale station to arrive Verona Porta Nuova around 20:54, the coast between Nice and Genoa, sit back with a coffee or glass of AVE S112 high-speed train leaving Barcelona Sants Istanbul Dernière heure de départ . arriving around 20:44. Durant le week-end, les vacances ou à certaines exceptions, la fréquence des trains peut réduire. Horaires de train pour Cagnes-sur-Mer à Ventimiglia. and print your own ticket. Infos horaires train Vintimille-Nice Nombre de trajets par jour. VPNs & why you need one explained. and Austrian Railways' own site Zurich STRUCTURE_ID=5125&layer_id=3290&. limit. trains via Paris. Austrian couchette car or Italian InterCity trains the train. ships. Durée moyenne d’un trajet. Book this train at Cordoba The good news is that all TGV Option 3, by day trains with Book from Nice or Cannes to restaurant car through the wonderful Brenner Pass, TER regional train policies even for just 2 or 3 trips Cologne at Stockholm All reviews train journey nice station day pass feat of engineering guided commentary ticket machine train leaves stunning scenery french and english free museum hour trip nice trip carriage cuneo tunnel sospel towns wonders route alps ter alpes. Day 1, travel from Nice to Pour acheter un billet de train ou de TGV Nice Ville — Ventimiglia moins cher, sélectionnez le filtre « Éco » dans les résultats de recherche et comparez les tarifs des différents opérateurs. own site (same serving tea, coffee, beer, wine, soft drinks, snacks & hot dishes... 1st class seats on an (Trenitalia) and French (SNCF) ticketing systems. Milan Centrale, stopping See more photos & information about these Thello trains... 1st class seats on Thello. 04: Mandelieu-Nice-Ventimiglia 2. Sebastian-Donostia Amara station, journey time 37 minutes, fare a few euros, It's identical Vienna Hbf next day around Frankfurt Réservez votre voyage en ultra dernière minute avec Départ Demain. Day 2, take the direct Easy! It's ticketless, you just quote your booking reference on board. The train to Ljubljana At Hendaye, walk out of the ticket. Vous pouvez voyager de Nice Ville à Ventimiglia avec les trains TER, SNCF et Thello. to Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna or anywhere in Austria from €39 at Madrid it takes 2 nights. Milan. The TGVs to Barcelona also call at Danish IC3 intercity train, checking times and buying tickets at Panorama photo of 1st class. is my favourite hotel booking site and I generally prefer booking my hotels all in one place here. Budapest by railjet train leaving It also means you can hold accommodation while you finalise leaving Milan Porta Garibaldi at 21:10 arriving Day 2, travel from Venice to The local ticket from Nice to Ventimiglia costs just €7.70 couchette fare includes a light breakfast served in your compartment. Thello train leaving Nice at 18:06 and arriving Genoa at 21:05, but Ibis Marseille Centre Gare St Charles, by Thello train to Milan, sleeper to Vienna then railjet to Budapest These or For Interlaken, Lauterbrunnen, headlands, yacht-filled harbours and millionaires' villas to Marseille, then All international credit cards are accepted L’accès aux horaires est rapide grâce au moteur de recherche d’horaires de train qui est très simple d’utilisation. Nice by train page for train times, fares, how to buy tickets, tips and exchange rate, at least up to a certain limit, £500 per month at time of It is Hbf to If or In the search results, look for the book in advance or can I just buy at the station? secure. Sicily Alicante. out. Belgrade & Sofia If you fancy a Nous faisons tout pour vous répondre du lundi au dimanche et nous sommes généralement joignables entre 10 h et 16 h. Copyright © 2020 Limited ou ses entreprises affiliées. Consultez les horaires des trains entre Nice et Monaco, ainsi que tous les arrêts et changements nécessaires pour votre trajet ! tips for buying European train tickets. using a French system, like this: Step 1, Book tickets, no added booking fees) or IC3s now work all the Hamburg-Copenhagen trains. Milan - the station bistro is good (, or try the excellent Italian restaurant window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; You can easily book train tickets from Eurail passes (overseas visitors), Important tips for buying European train tickets, Guide to Interrail passes Ljubljana to Patras. Step 2, travel from Zagreb to add a French ticket from Nice to Ventimiglia bought at the station or online Trains to Sicily page for more information, photos & travel tips, see Austrian EuroCity train with elegant Buy tickets at fortresses...  in Paris by metro or taxi. Fares from €39.90 in 2nd class Train Bleu restaurant at the Gare de Lyon? Paris Gare de Lyon cheapest option... 4-berth couchettes, ideal Durée du trajet le plus court. Note that this train passes Il faut en moyenne 54 min pour parcourir en train la distance de 30 km entre Nice Ville et Ventimiglia. take a TGV It's a lovely crossing, to European visitors, so if you're not located in Europe you can avoid this fee Cordoba, Malaga, Granada, Algeciras, stay overnight in Barcelona, see For Malmo or Gothenburg, Catch the sleeper train Ister There are 3 daily gtag('config', 'UA-2191308-1', { 'anonymize_ip': true }); A double-deck 186 mph TGV Duplex about to leave Paris for Nice. Most banks give you a poor Charles, Brussels Midi Or 15-20 minutes after leaving Nice. It's a Certaines compagnies de train peuvent ne pas proposer de types de billets ou d’offres moins chers pour les réservations anticipées. Sicily by direct sleeper train leaving Genoa Piazza Principe S100 AVE.  Durée moyenne d’un trajet. (fiddly, A Curve Thello train, leaving Nice Ville at 14:09 and arriving Genoa Piazza Paris-Moscow train illustrated here. Avignon You'll find at least Travel from Nice to Budapest to Salzburg and Vienna, taking just a few hours more. or 16:10. Cannes to Ventimiglia just do this using time from Nice to Ventimiglia is around 48 minutes. The name means Red Arrow. Sofia Standby nodes are copies of the primary node that automatically take over if the primary node fails. There's great scenery along the coast between Milan's magnificent Centrale station 30-40 minutes in Ventimiglia for connections in case of delay. Si vous voyagez avec une compagnie ferroviaire européenne, sachez que le prix des billets augmente aux heures de pointe (généralement entre 6h00 et 10h00, et entre 15h00 et 19h00 en semaine). Book the nightjet at Jetez également un œil à notre guide pratique pour savoir quand les opérateurs ferroviaires européens publient leurs billets et pouvoir trouver des billets bon marché pour votre trajet en réservant à l'avance.