At that point one should seek to promote the development of friendly AI and to prevent unfriendly or unreliable AI systems. The intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improving the human condition through applied reason, especially by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanism is undergoing the transition from being the preoccupation of a fringe group of intellectual pioneers to becoming a mainstream approach to understanding the prospects for technological transformation of the human condition. There are many independent methods and technologies that can enable humans to become posthuman. Amorosart es un portal de estampas y litografías originales destinado a las galerías de arte. The efficacy of these institutions does not depend on all citizens having equal capacities. Meanwhile, investment in the development of nanotechnology, already billions of dollars annually worldwide, is growing every year, and at least the less visionary aspects of nanotechnology have already become mainstream. It will also require a powerful computer to run the upload, and some way for the upload to interact with the external world or with a virtual reality. In the short-run, our emotional lives might be enriched by designer mood-drugs (i.e. Creating super­intelligence may be the last invention that humans will ever need to make, since super­intelligences could themselves take care of further scientific and technological development. What kind of society would posthumans live in? The Berggruen Network Archives - Berggruen Institute Until recently there was absolutely nothing anybody could do about it, and it made some degree of sense then to create comforting philosophies according to which dying of old age is a fine thing (“deathism”). The would-be creator of a new life form with such surpassing capabilities would have an obligation to ensure that the proposed being is free from psychopathic tendencies and, more generally, that it has humane inclinations. While not a religion, transhumanism might serve a few of the same functions that people have traditionally sought in religion. In light of how superabundant the human benefits of technology can ultimately be, it matters less that we obtain all of these benefits in their precisely most optimal form, and more that we obtain them at all. Many biomolecules have properties that might be explored in the early phases of nanotechnology. If we narrow the definition by adding the requirement that a transhumanist telos be coupled to a notion of the centrality of technological means, we get a different set of paradigmatic examples. As computational power increases, and as sensors, effectors and displays improve, VR could begin to approximate physical reality in terms of fidelity and interactivity. As a species we may therefore be less well prepared to understand and manage this new kind of risk. Have you ever been so happy that you felt like melting into tears? The goal is more healthy, happy, productive years. Other approaches, such as analyzing pieces of the brain slice by slice in an electron microscope with automatic image processing have also been proposed. 1992), 152f. Isn’t the probability of success too small?”), or chewing nicotine gum for its nootropic effects. Some authors write as though simply by changing our self-conception, we have become or could become posthuman. Becoming a cryonicist, however, requires courage: the courage to confront the possibility of your own death, and the courage to resist the peer-pressure from the large portion of the population which currently espouses deathist values and advocates complacency in the face of a continual, massive loss of human life. such as improving the situation of the poor, rather than putting our efforts into planning for the “far” future? The arrival of super­intelligence will clearly deal a heavy blow to anthropocentric worldviews. If the RNA sequence of a virus is posted on the Internet, then anybody with some basic expertise and access to a lab will be able to synthesize the actual virus from this description. A virtual reality is a simulated environment that your senses perceive as real. So, a cryonics contract is far short of a survival guarantee. Future proximal probes might have more degrees of freedom and the ability to pick up and deposit reactive compounds in a controlled fashion. (Some of the reasons for holding these opinions are outlined in the sections about these two technologies.) For example, one important factor in healthy life expectancy is access to good medical care. We can all agree that there would be little point in living an extra ten years in a state of dementia. Artificial intelligence. We have to live with this uncertainty, along with the much greater uncertainty about whether any of us will manage to avoid dying prematurely, before technology has become mature. Figures fortes : Problème éthique Notions imporantes : Définition extrême : un jour, l'homme ne sera plus un mammifère. Vita-More is also the author of several transhumanist arts manifestos, in which transhumanist art becomes self-conscious for the first time. If one took seriously the idea of controlling population by limiting life span, why not be more active about it? The more people there are, the more brains there will be working to invent new ideas and solutions. Nanotechnology will also make it cheaper to colonize space. Programs to accomplish this – e.g. Tous les détails de l’Institut Berggruen et son fondateur, le milliardaire germano-américain Nicolas Berggruen, non seulement membre du très puissant Council of Foreign Relations mais qui a aussi toutes ses entrées au plus haut niveau de la Commission Européenne et est en … Trying to preserve “humanness,” rather than cultivating humaneness, would idolize the bad along with the good. In fact, it is perfectly possible to be a transhuman – or, for that matter, a transhumanist – and still embrace most traditional values and principles of personal conduct. It would have one or more submicroscopic robotic arms under computer control. As a result of these circumstances in the distant past, we now suffer the inevitable decline of old age: damage accumulates at a faster pace than it can be repaired; tissues and organs begin to malfunction; and then we keel over and die. This case is analogous to the state taking custody of a child in situations of gross parental neglect or child abuse. Such advantages lead to greater earnings later in life and serve to increase social inequalities. Could they even cause our extinction? If your accustomed fare is bread and water, then a box of cookies can be a feast. Consequently, while nanomachines may have features on the scale of a billionth of a meter – a nanometer – the products could be as big as space vehicles or even, in a more distant future, the size of planets. Parents must be allowed to choose for themselves whether to reproduce, how to reproduce, and what technological methods they use in their reproduction. Good 1965.) While transhumanism has been known to cross over with academic agendas, ethical philosophies, political causes, and artistic movements, transhumanism is not a lifestyle, a religion, or a self-help guide. There was therefore little selection pressure to evolve the cellular repair mechanisms (and pay their metabolic costs) that would be required to keep us going beyond our meager three scores and ten. (On the other hand, to “pave paradise to put up a parking lot” would not be glorious; the qualification “for the better” is essential.) Diffusion d’un nouveau varaint SARS-CoV-2 à travers l’Europe durant l’été 2020. I microprogetti cofinanziati da TranHumans, sono iniziative locali portate avanti insieme a scuole, associazioni e ONG. Voilà bien un terme qui semble venir tout droit de la planète Mars ! The assumptions behind this prediction should be questioned. The question is a provocative one, but ultimately not very meaningful; the concept of the transhuman is too vague for there to be a definite answer. For cryonics to work today, it is not necessary that we can currently reanimate cryo-preserved patients (which we cannot). We are using up essential resources, such as oil, metal ores, and atmospheric pollution capacity, faster than they regenerate. These ideas are entirely contrary to the tolerant humanistic and scientific tenets of transhumanism. Won’t it be boring to live forever in a perfect world? Information on development can be found on GitHub, and on translating it here. With advanced virtual reality, uploads could enjoy food and drink, and upload sex could be as gloriously messy as one could wish. However, the optimism of the late 19th century often degenerated into narrow-minded positivism and the belief that progress was automatic. Even if we can’t freeze whole bodies and revive them, we can learn how to store organs for transplantation. Nor was it environmentally sound – as witness the deforestation of England and the Mediterranean region, desertification of large parts of the middle east, soil depletion by the Anasazi in the Glen Canyon area, destruction of farm land in ancient Mesopotamia through the accumulation of mineral salts from irrigation, deforestation and consequent soil erosion by the ancient Mexican Mayas, overhunting of big game almost everywhere, and the extinction of the dodo and other big featherless birds in the South Pacific. In the case of biotechnology, we should seek to promote research into vaccines, anti-viral drugs, protective gear, sensors, and diagnostics, and to delay as long as possible the development and proliferation of biological warfare agents and the means of their weaponization. A considerable amount of cell damage is caused by the freezing process. The transhumanist philosophy, still in its formative stages, is meant to keep developing in the light of new experiences and new challenges. In the course of becoming smarter, we have become bored by things that would have interested our ancestors. (The further fact that universal access will likely lag initial availability only adds to the reason for trying to hurry things along.). And uploads wouldn’t have to be confined to virtual reality: they could interact with people on the outside and even rent robot bodies in order to work in or explore physical reality. Trying to ban technological innovation on these grounds, however, would be misguided. Many but not all transhumanists expect that super­intelligence will be created within the first half of this century. Enhancing intelligence will, in this scenario, at some point lead to a positive feedback loop: smarter systems can design systems that are even more intelligent, and can do so more swiftly than the original human designers. If eternal life becomes boring, you will have the option of ending it at any time. Stanislaw Ulam, “Tribute to John von Neumann”, Eliezer Yudkowsky, “What is the Singularity” (2003). Awareness of transhumanist ideas is spreading. There is a rich variety of opinions within transhumanist thought. Single-gene disorders, such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and Huntington’s disease are likely to be among the first targets for genetic intervention. (See also “Will posthumans or superintelligent machines pose a threat to humans who aren’t augmented?”). The WTA began publishing the Journal of Evolution and Technology, the first scholarly peer-reviewed journal for transhumanist studies in 1999 (which is also the year when the first version of this FAQ was published). • Définition • Les NBIC • Déclaration Transhumaniste Crédit image : Eliant, Deviant Art Définition NBIC Nanotechnologies Biotechnologies Informatique Sciences Cognitives Déclaration Transhumaniste 3) Droit moral, It would be possible to give a long list of examples where people in the past have solemnly declared that something was technologically absolutely impossible: The secrets of flight will not be mastered within our lifetime – not within a thousand years. In 1988, the first issue of the Extropy Magazine was published by Max More and Tom Morrow, and in 1992 they founded the Extropy Institute (the term “extropy” being coined as an informal opposite of “entropy”). Investigations of ethical issues related to the transhumanist project – the project of creating a world where as many people as possible have the option of becoming posthuman – can also be included under this heading (see e.g. The Humanity+ is a nonprofit, democratic membership organization that works to promote discussion of possibilities for the radical improvement of human capacities using technology, as well as of the ethical issues and risks involved in technological developments. Why not execute anyone reaching the age of 75? Institut d’Études Politiques : Mémoire pour l’obtention du Diplôme . Germ-line genetic therapy is performed on sperm or egg cells, or on the early zygote, and can be inheritable. By ensuring that each atom is properly placed, assemblers would manufacture products of high quality and reliability. But other kinds of diversity are sure to flourish in a society with germinal choice, especially once adults are able to adapt their own bodies according to their own aesthetic tastes. The singularity-hypothesis is sometimes paired with the claim that it is impossible for us to predict what comes after the singularity. In the end, Daedalus’ enterprise ends in disaster (not, however, because it was punished by the gods but owing entirely to natural causes). The aim was a text that could serve both as a guide to those new to the field and as a reference work for more seasoned participants. Could they even cause our extinction?”. A common guess among the cognoscenti is that the first assembler may be built around the year 2018, give or take a decade, but there is large scope for diverging opinion on the upper side of that estimate. Increasingly, VR is used in computer gaming. “Quattro volte la Francia, grandi spazi, paesaggi mozzafiato, colori fantastici, tutto è in versione XXL in questo vasto paese .... ""Venti giorni in Argentina, è stato uno dei nostri viaggi più belli alla scoperta della Patagonia e Nord dell'Argentina. Sous le transhumanisme, l’eugénisme. The strategic dimensions of our choices must be taken into account, given that some of the technologies in questions have important military ramifications. Even in the poorest countries, millions of people have benefited from vaccines and penicillin. This expectation is reinforced when one considers that many crucial areas seem poised for critical breakthroughs. Transhumanism can’t tell you what kind of music to listen to, which hobbies to pursue, whom to marry or how to live your life, any more than, say, being a member of Amnesty International or studying molecular biology could tell you these things. Even one extra person can still make a significant difference here. When thinking about whether to permit human reproductive cloning, we have to compare the various possible desirable consequences with the various possible undesirable consequences. Almost all of those who do think that there will be a singularity believe it will happen in this century, and many think it is likely to happen within several decades. Those who are already well off would become smarter and make even more money. JB Jeangène Vilmer @jeangene_vilmer Directeur de l'Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'Ecole Militaire (IRSEM), ministère de la Défense - ce compte et ses tweets n'engagent que leur auteur. Healthspan-extension and cryonics are therefore high on the transhumanist list of priorities. Many transhumanists wish to follow life paths which would, sooner or later, require growing into posthuman persons: they yearn to reach intellectual heights as far above any current human genius as humans are above other primates; to be resistant to disease and impervious to aging; to have unlimited youth and vigor; to exercise control over their own desires, moods, and mental states; to be able to avoid feeling tired, hateful, or irritated about petty things; to have an increased capacity for pleasure, love, artistic appreciation, and serenity; to experience novel states of consciousness that current human brains cannot access. It is not an especially bold conjecture that the next 50 years will see at least as much change and that the state of technology in the mid-21st century will be quite wondrous by present standards. Techniques for using this genetic information to modify adult organisms or the germ-line are being developed. In part, though, the answer is, “You decide.” The outcome may be influenced by the choices we make now and over the coming decades. Found any errors, or something else that should be changed? The more powerful transhuman technologies, such as machine-phase nanotechnology and super­intelligence, can be reached through several independent paths. Existential risks are a different kind of beast. Isn’t the probability of success too small?”); personal manufacturing and recycling appliances; and automated production systems that can double capital stock in a few hours or less. A post-singularity society might be so alien that we can know nothing about it. On this definition, examples have to be sought in recent times since the term “transhumanism” in its contemporary sense is quite new. This is so because the stakes are enormous – humanity’s entire future may depend on how we manage the coming technological transitions – and because relatively few resources are at the present time being devoted to transhumanist efforts. Other contemporary transhumanist artists include Leonal Moura, Stelarc, Lilia Morales y Mori, Anders Sandberg, Juan Meridalva; Elaine Walker, E. Shaun Russell, Emlyn O’Regan, Gustavo Muccillo Alves, and the band Cosmodelia (electronic music); Susan Rogers (puppet theatre); Jane Holt (performance art); and many others. These problems are being intensely studied by contemporary analytic philosophers, and although some progress has been made, e.g. Virtual environments can also be wholly artificial, like cartoons, and have no particular counterpart in physical reality. They attained it because they lived long; because they had time to experience and develop and reflect; time that we might all have. The moon landing happened sooner than most people had expected, but fusion energy still eludes us after half a century of anticipation. Nanotechnology promises to give us thorough control of the structure of matter. Many philosophers who have studied the problem think that at least under some conditions, an upload of your brain would be you. The paramount question is: What can be done to maximize the chances that the arrival of super­intelligence will benefit rather than harm us? Suivez l'évolution de l'épidémie de CoronaVirus / Covid19 dans le monde. État des lieux du transhumanisme en France réalisé durant l’année universitaire 2011/2012, ce mémoire passe en revue de manière assez exhaustive l’état du transhumanisme jusque là. Drexler’s later writings supplied more technical analyses that confirmed his initial conclusions. The difficulty in forecasting the timing lies partly in the possibility of unexpected technical obstacles and partly in the fact that the rate of progress depends on levels of funding, which in turn depends on hard-to-predict economic and political factors. The deep greens have an answer to this: they suggest we turn back the clock and return to an idyllic pre-industrial age to live in sustainable harmony with nature. It is also conceivable that an all-out nuclear war would lead to the collapse of modern civilization, and it is not completely certain that the survivors would succeed in rebuilding a civilization capable of sustaining growth and technological development. Superintelligent systems could advise us on policy and make the progress curve for nanotechnology steeper, thus shortening the period of vulnerability between the development of dangerous nanoreplicators and the deployment of effective defenses. If you want to exchange ideas with others, or just listen in to ongoing conversations, you may want to join one of the mailing lists and newsgroups maintained by Humanity+. One is to improve current proximal probe technology. Factors such as being a person, being sentient, having the capacity for autonomous moral choice, or perhaps even being a member of the same community as the evaluator, are among the criteria that may combine to determine the degree of somebody’s moral status (Warren 1997). Le Nord Argentin : Sauvage et Authentique. In somatic gene therapy, a virus is typically used as a vector to insert genetic material into the cells of the recipient’s body. Posthuman minds might be able to share memories and experiences directly, greatly increasing the efficiency, quality, and modes in which posthumans could communicate with each other. The lower estimate, derived by Carnegie Mellon robotics professor Hans Moravec, is based on the computing power needed to replicate the signal processing performed by the human retina and assumes a significant degree of software optimization. Because of the high incidence of infectious disease, accidents, starvation, and violent death among our ancestors, very few of them lived much beyond 60 or 70. What is Transhumanism? La transhumance constitue un des aspects les plus caractéristiques des méthodes extensives d'élevage dans la région du bas Rhône-Languedoc. It may turn out to be impossible to live forever, strictly speaking, even for those who are lucky enough to survive to such a time when technology has been perfected, and even under ideal conditions. However, FM’s diagnostics are of dubious validity. This is a personal matter, a matter of the heart. Can there be much doubt that, barring a civilization-destroying cataclysm, technological progress will give us much more radical options in the future? While this scenario may not entail the extinction of literally all intelligent life, it nevertheless constitutes an existential risk because the future that would result would be one in which a great part of humanity’s potential had been permanently destroyed and in which at most a tiny fraction of all humans would get to enjoy the benefits of posthumanity. This hypothetical point is referred to as the singularity. In many cases, these weaknesses can be overcome through a scientific and humanistic education, training in critical thinking, and interaction with people from different cultures. A transhumanist is simply someone who advocates transhumanism (see “What is transhumanism?”). If people can look forward to a longer healthy, active life, they will have a personal stake in the future and will hopefully be more concerned about the long-term consequences of their actions. It should be emphasized that transhumanism is not a fixed set of dogmas. Découvrez nos Gadgets avec impression pour vos cadeaux d'affaires. they benefit a person by making her more competitive (e.g. This implies that resources could very quickly become scarce unless reproduction is regulated. One of the first professors of future studies, FM taught at the New School for Social Research in New York in the 1960s and formed a school of optimistic futurists known as the UpWingers. They were often isolated from one another, and while they shared similar views and values, they did not yet amount to any unified coherent worldview. Success in the transhumanist endeavor is not an all-or-nothing matter. You could potentially live much more economically as an upload since you wouldn’t need physical food, housing, transportation, etc. (The possibility of nanotechnology had been anticipated by Nobel Laureate physicist Richard Feynman in a now-famous after-dinner address in 1959 entitled “There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom”.) Eric Drexler and others have showed in detail how machine-phase nanotechnology is consistent with physical laws and have outlined several routes by which it could be developed (see “What is molecular nanotechnology?”). You could travel at the speed of light as an information pattern, which could be convenient in a future age of large-scale space settlements. Questions, thoughts, ideas, and such, can be sent to the same address, or to the discussion group on Google Groups. An argument can be made that the most efficient way of contributing to making the world better is by participating in the transhumanist project. How many people the Earth can sustain at a comfortable standard of living is a function of technological development (as well as of how resources are distributed). Even if we don’t get immortality, we can have healthier lives. Maybe these will become hotly debated political issues later in this century. Un libro imprescindible para comprender nuestra historia y cómo es tergiversada por enemigos y competidores (también para dominar el "relato" del presente), lo cual entra dentro de lo razonable; pero que desgraciadamente los españoles e hispanoamericanos hemos asumido como verídica. Two physicists at IBM Almaden Labs in California illustrated this in 1989 when they used such a microscope to arrange 35 xenon atoms to spell out the trademark “I-B-M”, creating the world’s smallest logo. It might be possible to use ribosomes to make assemblers of more generic capabilities. Some of the lesser existential risks, such as an apocalyptic asteroid impact or the highly speculative scenario involving something like the upsetting of a metastable vacuum state in some future particle accelerator experiment, could be substantially reduced at relatively small expense.