Rental Cars See rental cars from $22/day. See instructions on the RER B from CDG to Paris, Orly to Paris and Paris Beauvais Airport Train for more information. Be sure to keep your Metro ticket with you until you complete your journey and exit your final destination Metro station. If your country is not on the list above, unfortunately you cannot buy Paris Metro tickets online for home delivery from the Paris Convention & Visitor’s Bureau. Extension of M14 & M13 lines in 2007 & 2008 has added 3 new stations, now totalling 300. A day ticket is called the Ticket Mobilis which is good for unlimited rides on the Metro system during operating hours for the day it is used. Nowadays, it can be seen on all metro trains, buses, tickets, and Paris city maps. Enter your email address to make sure you find the program later, in one click, on tablet or desktop computer. At each subterranean intersection you will see Metro line numbers and possibly station names which are used to denote direction of travel. To understand whether the line is going in the direction you wish to travel, you should refer a Paris Metro map, which are posted near station entrances and on all train platforms. There are no expiry dates on Paris Metro tickets so they are essentially good for use at any time in the future after purchase. Elles sont réparties par thèmes dans les trois bâtiments du magasin (27 niveaux et 45 500 m² au total). There are no slots for inserting paper coupon tickets and only have Navigo pass card readers. Zone 2…………………………………………………€22 Below is a photo of typical Paris Metro fare gates which separates public spaces from areas reserved for Metro ticket & Navigo pass card holders. It would have been an awkward situation to have two multi-use day tickets/passes, Navigo Day and Ticket Mobilis both costing the same price but not providing the same access to airports, so the RATP decided to make both equal in terms of coverage. METRO magazine serves the public and private passenger bus and rail transit, and motorcoach industry. The prices above do not include the 5€ fee for the plastic card itself, non-refundable, unlike the London Oyster card. These tickets are sold as single one-way fares or in books of 10. Paris airports are accessible via the RER train system, rather than the Paris Metro. Vous souhaitez vous rendre à votre magasin METRO dans le 18ème à Paris? is not optimized for mobile devices. These signs are also a way to verify that you’re on the correct line, heading in the correct direction. a ticket that wasn’t put through a ticket reading machine on the turnstile or fare gate) or 50€ for not producing any valid ticket at all. The gate should swing open within 5 seconds maximum. If you depict the metro lines and on a geographic map of the city, you will see a closed loop that does not represent a perfect circle. Best for: Crème de la crème designer fashion, chic home furnishings, … Paris Metro ticket machine Navigo card reader recharge pads are often circular and purple like in the below photo: Navigo card reader recharge pad on Paris Metro ticket vending machine. Parisian ‘rush hour’ With one of the busiest underground systems in Europe (and the world!) This changed when the Navigo Day Pass was introduced which did cover CDG Airport / Orly Airport (granted you purchase 1-5 zones and 1-4 zones, respectively) and cost the same as a Ticket Mobilis 1-5 zone cards. Also, check out our film about Paris made by our team while working on the map. With its 301 stations, the Paris Metro is one of the most extensive underground transportation systems in the world. (Non-express city buses means 2x-3x travel time.) These red exit gates will slam shut as you approach, preventing you from passing through and you cannot use your pass or ticket to open them. But, on the associative level, this loop is easier to remember in the form of a circle. The Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau online Paris Metro ticket sales have a delivery fee which is substantial. There is one free “delivery” option for buying Paris Visite online – pickup your Paris Visite at the Paris Visitor Bureau. To operate the lever, take hold of the handle that points toward you and rotate the lever upwards to unlatch the train car door. This means you shouldn’t use these seats during rush hours as generally the Paris Metro will be too busy to use these seats. Starting from Friday, week passes for the following week are on sale. Things to note about Paris Metro turnstiles & fare gates pictured above: The key point: choose an appropriate fare gate depending on the Paris Metro ticket or card you are holding. Paris Metro hours change very little year-to-year and the RATP has stopped producing this full schedule in 2013 so this timetable of Metro Paris times is still useful to find Paris Metro opening hours and closing time. Metro online examines trends in urban, suburban and rural mass transportation. In order to achieve this result, a 30° grid has been selected which allowed to increase the number of converging lines without interfering with the rhythm of the graphic image. Even though a few Paris Metro stations are actually outside of Paris fare zone 1, a single Paris Metro ticket is still valid for travel from inside zone 1 and ending at a Metro station outside of Paris zone 1. Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Dem. Show your ticket to an employee at a ticket window or information booth for help in this case, saying your ticket does not work. Home printing of this photo is OK and colour is recommended. Multi-day tickets aimed at tourists and visitors are known as the Paris Visite, available in 3 zone and 5 zone versions, for 1, 2, 3 or 5 day lengths. As of Nov. 1, 2019 the delivery fee for online Paris Metro tickets is 12€ for delivery to a hotel in Paris. If you want a return ticket, you simply buy two Metro tickets. To determine which exit is best for you refer to an exit map located within the Metro station, usually just after exiting the fare paid zone. Some don't have elevator, most long high stairs and some escalators. Typically, transport maps employ a 45° grid. Download or print a PDF-version of the map showing all the stations on line 4. This is done through either a lever (older) or a button (newer) on the door itself near the center of the two sliding doors of a Metro car. Le Cabanon de la Butte (589) 6 min $$ - $$$ French. Guides on Paris Airport trains, Paris Disneyland train and Paris train stations, History, facts and figures of the Paris Metro (wikipedia, en français ), Paris Regional Transport Authority, RATP (partial site available in in English ). Some notable large stations within Paris serving all three types of train transport include: Gare St. Lazare, Gare du Nord , Gare de l’Est, Gare de Lyon, Gare d’Austerlitz and Gare Montparnasse. Czech, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. If you need to use a credit card to buy Paris Metro tickets or Paris Metro pass card and the automated ticket machine doesn’t show a Visa or Mastercard symbol, then visit a ticket window to buy Metro tickets & Metro pass cards where you’ll be able to use a credit card for the purchase. This helps people understand how the Paris transport system will develop in the future. You can buy Paris Metro cards / day / week passes from any Metro station ticket window, but only a few multiday Paris Metro cards can be bought through Paris Metro ticket machines such as the Paris Visite card and Ticket Mobilis day ticket. They are reserved for exiting passengers only. The traditional Métro ticket is a small piece of cardboard (formerly mauve, now white) with a magnetic strip that costs €1,90. Within a Paris Metro station, Paris Metro tickets (but not all pass cards) can always be purchased from automated vending Metro ticket machines. Your best resource for green transit issues, bus and rail transportation safety, maintenance, equipment innovations and … If your ticket appears to have been accepted, yet the gate has not swung open, be sure you have retaken your ticket from the top of the machine and that you’re standing near enough to the gates in order to trip the visual sensor. Rush hour travel on the Paris Metro is a chance to exercise your “personal space” limits. Most Paris Metro fare gates will have a ticket slot on the front, some with a green arrow pointing towards it, indicating this fare gate is open and ready to accept magnetic stripe coupon-style tickets such as Paris Metro Ticket t+, Paris Visite, Ticket Mobilis, RER tickets, etc. METRO FRANCE, Société par action simplifiées au capital de 45 750 000€, a débuté son activité en décembre 1994. Paris Metro, RER, Bus, Tram Ticket Vending machines. Delivery fees for online Paris Metro tickets to cities outside of Paris by DHL courier cost a minimum 14,50€ to 22€ for EU countries and 24€ for USA/Canada/Australia and other countries to which delivery is possible. Street maps are posted throughout central Paris providing information on the local district (“arrondissement”). (See the discounts on Paris Visite.) Formerly (prior to 2014) the Paris Visite also came with a black folding card which required the printed name of the bearer and the ticket coupon requires the card number and date of use to be written on in pen, as to avoid ticket sharing between passengers. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Spain (except Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey and United Kingdom. Below you’ll get Paris subway maps, hours, info on tickets, day passes & Navigo week passes, zones and learn how to use the Paris Metro in this first of a series of articles. After buying Paris Metro tickets from ticket windows or ticket machines make your way to the closest fare gates or turnstiles. On rare occasion, but worth mentioning, some Metro line platforms are accessed by traversing another platform for a different line. History, commentary, and photos. Navigo pass is valid for travel strictly from Monday till Sunday, rather than any continuous 7 day period, which makes it less attractive for visitors arriving mid-week. When the Paris metro system opened 116 years ago, Art Nouveau was at its peak. Now that you’ve got tickets and passed through Paris Metro turnstiles & gates we’ll show you the physical details on how to ride a Paris Metro train such as opening train car doors, etiquette on boarding, exiting train when arriving at your Metro stop, seating and more, to help you ride the Metro like a Parisien. See the Paris metro map for line 4. The Paris tube has a wide variety of tickets available while I’ll describe in detail below: single ride tickets, books of 10 or 20, preloaded ticket cards, single day passes, multi-day passes, youth weekend passes, Monday to Sunday week passes, monthly passes and year passes. Paris Metro entrance sign art nouveau The Paris Subway / Paris Underground has over 300 Paris Metro stations on 16 lines covering the 10x10km area of central Paris. If you find yourself inserting a ticket on your left, you’re opening the next gate over to your left, not the one you’re currently standing in.