", "Big Guns Assembled! Get it as soon as Tue, Jan 5. Luffy vs. Zoro the Swordsman vs Cabaji the Acrobat! Gathering into a Powerful Front! Luffy, to Marineford! ", "Destructive! Thousand Armed Cracker, An All-out Duel! One Piece is an anime series from the manga of the same title written by Eiichiro Oda. Even More Chaos! 01. Luffy, to the Rendezvous! The Straw Hat's Rescue Operation! Zoro Fights a Duel on Bandit's Bridge! The Wait is Over! Profound Mystery! Zoro and Sanji Join The Battle! The Man Who Smiles On the Execution Platform! The Straw Hat's Mighty Sea Battle! The Last - and Bloodiest - Block! Admiral Fujitora's Ruthless Pursuit! Coping with heartbreak, the shy owner of a floundering cafe finds solace in the Javanese love songs of Didi Kempot. The End of the Match?! 7-0 : 25 Aug 12: Episode of Nami: Tears of a Navigator and the Bonds of Friends (110 min) S08. Jaya, City of Gold in the Sky! Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) Friends (1994) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Poison Man Magellan Appears, A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! The Pledge of the Three Brats! ", "An Intense Battle! Luffy Gets Angry! ", "History's Strongest Collaboration vs. Glutton of the Sea", "Chopper's Fury! The Straw Hat's Great Escape Begins! Arriving at the Phantom Island, Zou! Big Mom Soaring Through the Sky, Pudding's Determination - Ablaze! [13] Funimation's uncut dub later resumed airing on Adult Swim's revived Toonami block from episode 207 onwards from May 18, 2013 to March 18, 2017.[14]. Freedom Taken Away! Master Cat Viper Emerges! The Twin’s Magnetic Power Drawing Near! As Consciousness Fades Away... Cannon Fire Sinks the Island! Leaving Punk Hazard! Nico Robin, the Woman Who Draws Darkness! The Stunning Secret of Trebol! ", "To the New World! Ordeal of String and Ordeal of Love?!? Robin's Past! Ability to Cut Steel and the Rhythm Things Have! Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat! The Strongest Family? You're the Weird Creature! Nami's My Friend! The Vanishing Straw Hat Crew! Orochi's Menacing Oniwabanshu! Sanji's Shock! Power of Fullness - New Gear Fourth Tankman! Nami and the Fishman Pirate Crew! Law's Soulful Vow! The Emperor of the Sea vs. the Straw Hats! Through the Sky They Soar! Into Big Mom's Territory! Encounter! Queen's Secret Plan! The Big News Shakes Up the New World! Devil Fruit Eaters vs. Devil Fruit Eaters! With a Rumbling of the Ground! The Trap of Certain Defeat! Gum-Gum vs. Snake-Snake, Hancock's Confession – The Sisters' Abhorrent Past. The Day the Sea Train Cried! The Motive of the World Government! Leaving Punk Hazard! By Popularity; By Role; By Section; Chart; A-Z; FILTER. Roronoa Zoro. A Kingdom of Love and Passion Dressrosa! In One Piece, we can distinguished each story arc based on each island or place. The Climax of the Intense Fight against Katakuri! Reddo Hōku Sakuretsu. ", "Everyone Together! For seasons 1 to 8, see, Shinshō Kaimaku - Saishūketsu! ", "Everyone is Annihilated! Luffy vs.the Enraged Army! ", "The Man's Pride! Pudding’s One Last Request! Ivan-san's Esoteric Technique Explodes. We're Here to Win! ", "Going into Action! One Shot One Kill! A Shocking Truth of Tiger! For the Unyielding Dream! The Moment of Big Mom's Assassination! Hard Battles, One After Another! The Princess in the Hard Shell Tower! ", "A Lead Performer! The Powerful Grizzly Magnum! Sanji's Homecoming - Into Big Mom's Territory! ", "The Rendezvous! Hordy's Long Awaited Revenge! Sanji and the Lovestruck Evil Pudding! ", "A Burning Passion! An Uproarious Deadly Battle at the Execution Ground! Showdown Between Cooks! Luffy and Reiju! Rebecca Is Kidnapped! A live-action pirate adventure story based on the bestselling manga by Eiichiro Oda. Clash with the Black Cat Pirates! Eneru's True Form is Revealed! ", "Luxurious and Gorgeous! Sanji, the Man Who'll Stop the Emperor of the Sea! Uncontrollable! Onslaught! A Shocking Truth of Tiger! Legend of the Rainbow Mist! Saikyō no Otoko - Tōzoku-dan Tōryō: Shutenmaru! Chase Straw Hat! Luffy's Training Begins! Off to the Desert Kingdom! Finally Clashing! ", "A Climactic Sumo Battle! The Numerous Rivals Struggle Amongst Themselves! Hawkings the Magician Appears! ", "Sanji Comes Back! Scramble over Robin! The Summit War - Pirate King's Inherited Will. The Friends' Whereabouts! The Usopp Pirates' Great Efforts! A Desperate Situation - Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat. Zoro's Deadly Attack! ", "The Threat of the Mole! Breaking Bad. CP9 Goes Into Action! The World Trembles - The Worst Generation Advances! The Determination of the Straw Hats! Here Comes Lucy! Another Crisis! 20 October 1999 20 Oct 1999. A Suprising Fact! Sanji's Cake of Happiness! To Live Up to the Promise! Dark Justice and Rob Lucci. Gun'yūkakkyo arekuruu shin sekai no kaibutsu-tachi, Zettai Zetsumei - Rufi Kyokugen no Shakunetsu Sensen. ", "The Capital in an Uproar! Quit Dreaming! Drifting to the Fish-Man Island! Head for the Grand Line! Coby and Helmeppo's Struggles in the Marines! Enter the Hot-Blooded Special Forces! My stock of 900gb contains all major shounen series from episode 1 till the end. The King of Animals that Overlooks the Sea! ANOTHER GEAR FOURTH APPLICATION! Arriving at the Whole Cake Island! ", "An All-out Duel! Tokubetsu-hen! Hot Full Throttle! Set Piece Penalty Own Goal; View: Overall Home Away. ", "Explore! ", "The Straw Hats Defeated?! Sanji of the Sea Restaurant! The Moment of Big Mom Assassination! Mom’s Fatal Ability! A Decisive Battle Against the Executives! Protect You to the End! Zoro and Tonoyasu's Little Trip! ", "The Straw Hats Step In! A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat! Fire at the Out-Of-Control Chopper! Returning the Sake Cup! Darkness behind Dressrosa! Proving His Merit at the Marine Dining Hall! How it Ends! A Deadly Monster Comes Flying In! Rebecca and the Sakura Kingdom! Who Will Win? The Beast Pirates, Jack! An Order to Execute Neptune Issued! Emperor Big Mom's Assassins! In the anime it post timeskip starts at episode 517 and in the manga chapter 598. Thousand Sunny! Chivalry Remains! The King of the Fish-Man Island! The Worst in the World! Bartolomeo the Cannibal! The Danger of the Fake Straw Hats! A Celestial Dragon Drifts In! Deadly Combat in the Upper Ruins! Gekitō Pīka Sen - Zoro Hissatsu no Ichigeki! The Straw Hats Go into Combat Mode, Contingency Plan. Adventure in the City On the Water! The Iron-tight Entrapment of Luffy! Deliver Princess Vivi! ", "Steady Progress! All Forces Have Gathered! Luffy and Coby Collide! Mysterious Grave Markers! Mysterious Old Man and His Super Yummy Cooking! Admiral Fujitora's Power! Luffy's Mournful Cry! Katakuri! Hiriluk's Cherry Blossoms and the Will that Gets Carried On! A Scientist of Terror - Caesar! The Gentleman Skeleton’s True Identity! The Green Room - An Invincible Helmsman, Jimbei. ", This page was last edited on 25 December 2020, at 17:16. ", "Finally, It Starts! Big Mom and Jimbei", "The Emperor's Castle! ", "The Cake Sank?! Attack of the Zenny Pirates! The Master's Inhumane Experiment! Luffy, a One-on-One at His Limit! Shuto Kaimetsu - Guru wara no Ichimi Jōriku. One Shot, One Kill - Thunder Bagua! Ten o Utsu - Rufi Ikari no Kingu Kongu Gan. Zoro vs. The Enemy Leaders Gather! The series is close to reaching 1000 chapters and 100 published volumes, which tell the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates over 9 sagas and more than 30 arcs. Luffy's greatest ambition is to obtain the world's ultimate treasure, One Piece, and thereby become the next King of the Pirates. Luffy at the End of His Tether! The Bond Between Father and Daughter! To the Friend Waiting Under the Distant Sky, I Swear to Go See Him! It's produced by Toei Animation and directed by Konosuke Uda, Munehisa Sakai and Hiroaki Miyamoto. ", "The Straw Hats Stunned! A Great Journey Through the Land of Wano's Sea Zone! Caesar Exercises His True Power! Diamante The Hero Shows Up! The Gamma Knife Counterattack! The second season of the One Piece anime series was directed by Kōnosuke Uda and produced by Toei Animation. ", "Lurking in the Darkness! Vice-Admiral Garp's Parental Affection! The Rulers of Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons, The Target is Camie! A Bunch of Animals? ", "The Rupture Human! Luffy and Law! Coming to an End! ", "Unassailable! Rebecca and the Toy Soldier! Luffy and Law! ", "Many Problems Lie Ahead! Rainbase, the City of Dreams! Watch all 48 One Piece episodes from season 1,view pictures, get episode information and more. ", "To the Reverie! One Piece is the #1 most popular anime binge-watch on Bingeclock. Bon Clay Goes to the Deadly Rescue! Luffy's Tide-turning Elephant Gun! ", "The Unheard-of! A Formidable, Unknown Warrior! Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro. Kyurosu Ikari no Ichigeki! ", "He'll Come! A Belief Worth Begging to Live for!! The Sky Knight and the Gate in the Clouds! Captive Mansherry! The Next Stop: the Great Prison! A Man's Way of Life! A Reunion at the Ruins of Oden Castle! Oda said that the timeskip was around half of the series. The Straw Hat Crew VS CP9, Power of the Devil Fruit! Sworn on a Friend's Dream! The Rendezvous! Sōgū!? Luffy vs. The Threat of the Mole! The Final Round Starts! Hordy's Long Awaited Revenge! A New Gear Four Form - Tank Man! An Adventurer Tiger! Feast of the Zombie Song! The Strongest Pirate Fleet! ", "Stop, Noah! Created by Eiichiro Oda. Great Moves by the Twirly Hat Crew! Akuma no Wana - Doresurōza Senmetsu Sakusen. ", "Get to Building R! ", "A Surprising Fact! A Rocky Road! A Gruesome Army of Headcracker Dolls! Duel! Caesar's Horrendous Experiment! Luffy's Desperate Last Attack! To the Place We Promised in 2 Years! The Big Mom Pirates Strike Back! ", "An Explosive Situation! The Ancient Weapon Pluton! Corazon's Farewell Smile! Appearing from the Sky! To the Other Side of the Rainbow! Time for Farewell! Law's Injection Shot Blasts! ", "We're Here to Win! Luffy Becoming an Apprentice?! ", "Kaido Returns! One Piece (ワンピース, Wan Pīsu) is an anime based on the manga written by Eiichiro Oda. Tomare Noa! Ace's Convoy Begins! A Show Down! The Past That He Let Go Of! Your name is Enma! Sanji and his Straw-Hat Bento! Gaimon and His Strange Friends! The series currently consists of 954 Episodes (ongoing), 4 OVAs, 13 TV specials and 14 movies. Mocha Inochi-gake no Tōsō, Shīzā Gekiha! 121. The Ninja Group vs. Zoro! The Nightmare Draws Near! Lurking in the Darkness - Assassin Attacks Luffy! The Capital in an Uproar! Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro. A Deadly Infiltration! ", "To the East Blue! The Road to Victory is for the Pirates! Tsuini Gekitotsu - Yonkō VS Mugiwara no Ichimi, Meiō Jikiden - Katakuri-sen Dai Gyakuten Kaishi, Tsuini Kikan - Yonkō o Tomeru Otoko Sanji, Otoko no Kakugo - Katakuri Inochigake Ōshōbu. The Four Seasons. Doflamingo! Fighting Bravely! ", "The First and the Second Join! Open the Second Gate! Lucy's Intimidating Attack! The Fierce Battle Coming to the End! Gladius Blows Up Big Time! Cast … A 42 B 75 C 89 D 43 E 16 F 16 G 24 H 37 I 21 J 25 K 55 L 24 M 82 N 26 O 9 P 36 Q 1 R 34 S 72 T 26 U 6 V 14 W 13 X 1 Y 14 Z 11 ALL. The 500 Million Berry Man! Capture Robin! Sanji's Life Under Threat! A Heartfelt Finale!! Shocking! [6], In April 2007, Funimation acquired the license of One Piece from 4Kids and would use their in-house voice cast in preparation for the series' DVD releases. The Man Who Will Save Dressrosa! Season 16 onward, including the Film Z and Film Gold tie-in episodes, were released on both DVD and Blu-ray. End of the Fishman Empire! The Force That Could Destroy the World! Camu, Rebel Soldier at Heart! Sanbō Sōchō Sabo tai Taishō Fujitora, Futarime no Samurai - Yūdachi Kanjūrō Tōjō. The Flag of Faith Flies Forever! The Flower Falls! Spiders Café at 8 o'Clock! Startling! The Heated Block B Battle! ", "The Rebellious Daughter, Chiffon! Law vs. Doflamingo. Tale of the Great Warrior and the Explorer! Kin'emon of Foxfire! Apis, a Mysterious Girl! Caesar`s Defeat! The Power That Will Shorten One's Life! ", "Attack on a Celestial! Zoro's Hectic Household Chores! One rumor that has been circulating suggests that One Piece the anime series will have exactly 1000 episodes, which would be a nice number to wrap up the story. Hordy! Each saga is divided into smaller story arcs. Sound (7/10) The music quality of One Piece was all right, especially considering the fact that it wasn’t blessed with a full orchestra. To Save Her Friends! Its a tough choice. A Collision! Big Mom's Great Rampage! Time to Fight Back! Shirahoshi Yūkai Jiken, Hōdi Shūrai - Fukushū Keikaku no Hajimari, Yomigaeru In'nen! Biggu Mamu Ansatsu no Shunkan. Luffy's Father Revealed! The Island Where Snow Lives! The Castle Collapses! Doflamingo Makes His Move! Decken Close Behind! A Mastermind Underground! Tense Zoro vs. Eric! The Big News Shakes Up The New World! ", "Finally Clashing! Rufi tai Kyodai Ryū! Luffy Dies at Sea?! The Seducing Woods. ", "The Flower Falls! ", "Something Has Happened to Hordy! Tekijin Totsunyū - Yakunin Habikoru Bakura-chō! Old Man Henzo of Luluka Island! Precursor to a New Adventure! Operation SOP Starts! The Identity of Ushimitsu Kozo The Chivalrous Thief! Sukue Toraware no Tonoyasu, Ichimi Ran'nyū! Full-Blast Slow-Slow Onslaught Vs. Sanji, the Iron Man of Curry! Thousand Armed Cracker! ", "A Big Collision! Anime. The Pirate Alliance's Great Advance! Sanji and Judge! Second Gear Activated! ", "Warriors' Dream! ", "Deciding to Say Goodbye! Big Opening Day Today! Luffy's King Kong Gun of Anger! ", "Coming To An End! Prince! An Island without Doctors? One Piece is a manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda and published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since 1997. Shirahoshi's Life in Jeopardy! The Worst Man in the Eastern Seas! The Kidnapping of Shirahoshi! A Sad Farewell with His Cheerful Comrade! ", "Invincible! Legendary Assassins Descend! The Detective Memoirs of Chief Straw Hat Luffy, Episode of Nami: Tears of a Navigator and the Bonds of Friends, Episode of Luffy: Adventure on Hand Island, Episode of Merry: The Tale of One More Friend, 3D2Y: Overcome Ace’s Death! The Ultimate Shadow's Destination! The Straw Hats Run! ", "Flame Dragon King! The Man Who Inherits Ace's Will! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland! Doflamingo! Proud Hajrudin! A Horrible Past! ", "Brutal Ammunition! The Rain-Summing Powder and the Rebel Army! The Judicial Island! Luffy vs. Fujitora, Head-to-Head! ", "The Little People's Princess! Luffy Rises! The Soap Trap Closes in on Nami! The Straw Hats in Danger! The Great Battle on Ice Begins! Luffy Unleashes Gatling with All His Might! ", "Pudding's Determination! Luffy and Law's Great Escape! Advance, Law! Akainu's Tenacity! Zoro and Sanji Join The Battle! A Princess Negativity and the King of Demons! Attack on a Celestial! Masayoshi no O-Soba Masuku! The Mysterious Torso Samurai. Head for God's Shrine! Luffy and Zoro Use the Strongest Combo! Monkey D. Luffy. His Name Is Sogeking! Everyone Finally Has A Bounty! ", "The Secret Revealed! Charging into the Enemy's Territory! A Man Who Talks of Dreams and the King of Undersea Search! A Navy Vice Admiral with a Fist of Love! IMDb Rating: 6.9. The Emperor Rolls Over! In Australia, the Season releases were renamed Collection 43 through 48. Luffy?! Chopperman to the Rescue! Law and Corazon's Journey of Life! Enter the Desert Pirates! The Fierce Captain Karoo! The Keeper of Whitebeard's Last Memento! A Reunion in Hell?! The Last Battle for Escape! ", "Bringing Down the Emperor of the Sea! ", "Finally He Returns! My Series. The series focuses on Monkey D. Luffy, a youthful man who, inspired by his youth idol and great pirate “Red-Haired” Shanks, sets off on a journey from the East Blue Sea to find the famed treasure One Piece and proclaim himself the King of the Pirates. Saikyō no Seibutsu - Yonkō Hyakujū no Kaidō, Fujitora Ugoku - Mugiwara no Ichimi Kanzen Hōimō, Otoko no Iji - Rufi tai Fujitora Makkō Shōbu. The Battle Ends! 113. The Vowed Bell Echoes Across the Mighty Seas! Here you fint both the broadcast episodes as the next episodes. A Decisive Battle in Midair! As of January 2020, there are over 919 episodes spanning eighteen seasons. Fierce Sword Attacks! An Order to Execute Neptune Issued! 9.6. Battle Against Giants! A Touching Reunion! An All-out Battle at the Oris Plaza! I Won't Kick Even If It Costs Me My Life! A Seriously Heated Race! Zoro Bares His Fangs! ", "No Way Out! The Town of the Beginning and the End! The Launcher Blasts! ", "Deadly Combat under the Sea! ", "A Tale of Chivalry! Beautiful Mermaids! A Disaster for Sanji! The Man with a bounty of Billion! ", "Taking Back Otama! Luffy Lands a Furious Blow! Target: Usoland! The Pirate Ship Disappears! Zen'in Shōmetsu - Kaidō Ikari no Boro Buresu! Luffy's Enraged Counterattack, Usopp's the Strongest? The Implacable Three - A Big Chase After the Straw Hats! The Ordeal of Swamp! Fierce Battle, Luffy vs. Krieg! Another Gear Four Application Activated! The Execution Begins! Invincible! I Can't Protect Anyone Unless I Win! One Piece Weekly Schedule for 2020. The Secret Weapons of the Sunny! An Uproarious Deadly Battle at the Execution Ground! Barrier-Barrier! The Boy at the Gray Terminal! The Tragic Night of Dressrosa! Storming Raindinners! One of the Four Emperors - Kaido, King of the Beasts! Several CDs that contain the theme music and other tracks have been released by Toei Animation. Zettai Zetsumei - Kyōi no Orochi Oniwabanshū, Hana Chiru! ", "Sanji's Homecoming! Break Through the Gate of Justice! The Song that Connects the Past with the Present! Luffy vs. Carbonic Acid King. A Town that Welcomes Pirates? Save the Captive Tonoyasu! To the Navy Headquarters! The Implacable New Admiral of the Fleet - Sakazuki!