Egalement, découvrez notre guide complet sur l’Argentine : culture, économie, gastronomie, vins et tango… Tous les bons plans et bonnes adresses de notre agence, spécialiste de l’Amérique du Sud depuis 10 ans. [309], The first cases of COVID-19 reached Argentine television in June. Last 15 days, After the cruise ship Diamond Princess was quarantined in the Port of Yokohama in Japan after 10 passengers were diagnosed with COVID-19 during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic,[30] among the passengers diagnosed positive was the first Argentine infected, a 61-year-old man travelling with his wife, who had no symptoms. Je passe régulièrement du temps dans des économies dysfonctionnelles. [44] On the next day, in the night of 19 March, President Alberto Fernández announced a mandatory lockdown, in effect from midnight on 20 March until 31 March,[7][8] but on 29 March Fernández announced that the mandatory lockdown would be extended until April 12. Hay 35.000 pymes que están considerando cerrar su negocio", "IMF predicts Argentina's economy will slump 9.9% in 2020", "INDEC: Economy contracted by 5.4% in first quarter of 2020", "IMF predicts deeper global recession due to coronavirus pandemic", "Informe de avance del nivel de actividad - Segundo trimestre de 2020", National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina, "Argentina's Economy Slumps 16.2%, Narrowly Beating Forecasts", "Argentina economy plunges record 19.1% in second quarter on pandemic impact", "Argentina unemployment rate hit 13.1% in second quarter - stats agency", "Unemployment in Argentina rises to 16-year high of 13.1%", "Argentina jobless rate hits 16-year high amid pandemic, lockdown", "El Gobierno cierra fronteras, aeropuertos y puertos por el coronavirus: la veda alcanza a los argentinos", "Coronavirus: Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 bonificará los costos de la importación de insumos para investigar al COVID-19", "Coronavirus en Argentina: El Gobierno permite la repatriación de hasta 700 argentinos por día y evalúa nuevos vuelos sanitarios", "Coronavirus: cierran los hoteles para el turismo local hasta el 31 de marzo", "Argentina could loosen coronavirus travel ban early, says airline trade group", "Argentina plans to resume foreign flights as soon as mid-August", "Transport minister says 'return of regular flights' may begin on October 1", "Argentina could restart international flights in October, source says", "Companies Flee Argentina, and Coronavirus Is Just One Reason", "Latam Argentina anunció que deja de operar en el país", "Argentina's economic woes send companies fleeing", "Aerolíneas Argentinas vendió más de 188 mil pasajes durante la última semana", "Sin anuncio oficial sobre el regreso de los vuelos, las aerolíneas postergaron su cronograma para el 12 de octubre", "Durante octubre, American Airlines tendrá vuelos diarios entre Buenos Aires y Miami", "Domestic flights restart in Argentina after seven-month stoppage", "Argentina limits entry to country amid new strains, rising infections", "De Argentina a México: ¿dónde se respeta más la cuarentena por coronavirus? [32] The man was finally released on February 17. Situation of abortion in Argentina. [106][107] On 13 June, a new announcement of another quick diagnosis test to detect the SARS-CoV-2 was made. Retour sur le déroulement des faits et leurs conséquences. [245] These areas, with scarce access to water and ventilation, as well as overcrowding, make complying to the mandatory lockdown difficult and facilitate the COVID-19 rapid spread. Guide de l’Argentine Production, société, ressources : découvrez les chiffres clés sur l’Argentine, pour mieux comprendre la situation économique du pays. [121][122], On 3 November, President Fernández announced in an interview with Russian news agency that government would receive an initial of more than 10 million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine by as early as December, after it would enter phase III. [19][186] The Argentina 2000 airports signed an agreement with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation to reimburse 100% of the charges originated by the air cargo that enters the country that are directly or indirectly related to the COVID-19. [39] In Chaco, the first native transmission was also confirmed. [316] Later, on 17 March, CONMEBOL announced that the 2020 edition of Copa América was postponed to 2021. The official data from this day reclassified a death that was wrongly reported as deceased. It was severely criticized by the government. [35], The Ministry of Health confirmed the country's first death from coronavirus in the country on 7 March, a 64-year-old man who had travelled to Paris who also had other health conditions. Initially 150 million doses of the vaccine would be produced to supply all of Latin America (with the exception of Brazil). Long-standing human rights problems in Argentina include police abuse, poor prison conditions, endemic violence against women, and obstacles keeping … [199] Two days later, it was announced that American Airlines would resume its daily flights to Miami since 7 October, on a special flights schedule including two weekly flights to Madrid and Santiago de Chile, three flights a month to New York City, four weekly flights to São Paulo, and flights to Lima (three per month) and Asunción (two per month). [120], A COVID-19 hyperimmune serum based on equine polyclonal antibodies was developed by Argentine biotech company Inmunova. [7] It was among the strictest measures in the region. Les agences de notation financière Fitch et Standard and Poor's (S&P) ont abaissé vendredi leurs notes de la dette de l'Argentine, estimant que le pays se trouvait désormais en situation de "défaut sélectif" après le report d'un paiement de 9 milliards de dollars. That same day, it was announced that the eased lockdown would be extended again until 20 September. [150] New restrictions include: public transportation allowed only for essential workers, prohibition of outdoor activities and stronger transit control on the streets. [108] Another SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic kit with RT-qPCR technology was approved in September by ANMAT, while a new kit under development (as of that date), would allow the joint detection of SARS-CoV-2 and the viruses that cause influenza. Accueil; Economie; L’Argentine, victime de l’inflation et de la récession. [308] Two months later, producing company Pol-Ka definitely cancelled the show due to "economic reasons", leaving Argentine television without any scripted programming. Le pays occupe une surface de 2 780 400 km 2 dont 30 200 km 2 de mer. The Hudson Institute hosted a discussion on the current political situation in Argentina with Hector Schamis, a professor at Georgetown University's Center for Latin American Studies. I am a sociology student and a supporter of Marxism-Leninism. Nine police were injured and at least 27 protestors were arrested. Habilitan nuevas actividades, pero los shoppings no abren", "Qué actividades se habilitan desde este lunes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires", "El AMBA pasa a la fase de Distanciamiento Social", "Coronavirus: qué actividades quedarán habilitadas en la próxima etapa en CABA y en la provincia de Buenos Aires", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: pocas donaciones, muchas compras y el inicio de un malestar con China", "Coronavirus: el Gobierno le pide ayuda a China para conseguir más respiradores", "Alberto Fernández prometió construir ocho hospitales de emergencia para afrontar el coronavirus", "Coronavirus: así se prepara Tecnópolis para atender a pacientes infectados", "Coronavirus en Argentina: ya son 431 los profesionales de la salud infectados", "Dengue: con más de 43.400 casos, Argentina "está lejos de la peor epidemia de su historia, "Sarampión: continúa el brote más extenso desde la eliminación de la circulación endémica", "Boletín integrado de vigilancia N507 SE31", "Por la cuarentena, la actividad se derrumbó casi 10% en marzo según Ferreres", "El déficit fiscal primario trepó 857% en marzo por paquete "anticoronavirus" y caída en la actividad", "Argentine industrial output falls 6.6% in June, less than feared", "Cash and Low Rates: How G-20 Policy-Makers Are Stepping Up", "Argentina unveils $11 bln stimulus package", "Covid-19 and debt: Argentina's make-or-break moment", "Coronavirus. Nov [211] On that day, schools of Catamarca and Santiago del Estero opened with directive, administrative and teaching personnel from the last years of primary and secondary levels, that were expected to prepare protocols to restart classes on 18 August. [165], Argentina's health system is also dealing with a Dengue fever outbreak, with more than 14,000 cases since 29 July 2019,[166] and the worse measles outbreak since the end of its endemic circulation, after 174 cases and a death were confirmed since the last year. The DetectAr testing campaign in Buenos Aires' slums included research of housing conditions and the taking of samples in common areas (such as meal centers) for RT-qPCR tests, which showed high SARS-CoV-2 prevalence. Between 1930 and 1976, the armed forces overthrew six governments in Argentina; and the country alternated periods of democracy (1912–1930, 1946–1955, and 1973–1976) with … The agriculture sector was the least affected, but overall the economic activity for the first trimester of 2020 accumulates a 5% contraction. [22] Even so, the government's responses to the pandemic were among the best received by the population in the region during the early stages of the pandemic. Le relief de l’Argentine. [125], During the first weeks of the pandemic, people across the country used to applaud from balconies, terraces and windows of their houses and buildings at 9 p.m., in order recognize the effort and work of health professionals, a demonstration similar to the ones that occurred during the pandemic in Spain and Italy. [49], On 8 May, President Fernández announced alongside the City of Buenos Aires' Chief of Government Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Buenos Aires Province Governor Axel Kicillof, that the national lockdown would enter its fourth phase throughout all the country (with the exception of the Greater Buenos Aires urban area), allowing the reopening of factories and business. ", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: los cambios de la TV abierta", "Coronavirus en la televisión argentina: qué famosos dieron positivo", "Coronavirus: cómo fue la maratón de TV que transmitieron todos los canales de aire en cadena", "El futuro de "Separadas": luego de que el elenco pidiera cesar las grabaciones, qué determinación tomó el canal", "Polka cancela Separadas y se abre la discusión sobre el futuro de la ficción argentina", "Ya hay cinco casos de coronavirus en la televisión argentina", "Por un caso de coronavirus en El precio justo, Lizy Tagliani deberá aislarse", "Entre protocolos y cuestionamientos, el coronavirus llegó a la TV", "Confirman el primer caso de coronavirus en América TV", "Update on upcoming FIFA World Cup qualifiers in South America", "La CONMEBOL Libertadores queda suspendida temporalmente", "Euro 2020 and Copa América Are Postponed for a Year", "Coronavirus forces WRC Rally Argentina to be postponed", "Three MotoGP races cancelled due to pandemic, one added in Europe", "Coronavirus. 2018 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Bonjour Nature. [247][248] This was also favored by laws suspending evictions as a relief measure for the crisis. [62] President Fernández announced on 28 August that meetings of up to ten people in the open air, maintaining two meters of distance and using a face mask were authorized throughout the country. Nov On 24 July, the trial entered its phase II–III after being approved by ANMAT. [144] Cities with population over 500,000 inhabitants are still under mandatory lockdown due to the communitary transmission of the virus. Argentina has fallen back into crisis for the simple reason that not enough has changed since the last debacle. As of this date, 65 percent of the total daily confirmed cases come from all the country except the Greater Buenos Aires area, which was the main contagion focus in the past months. L’Argentine avait remboursé la totalité de sa dette envers le FMI en 2006. [208] Later, the government announced that was evaluating how they would open the schools in the future, and that they were working on the distribution of netbooks to students that do not have access to computers, with the criteria for distributing them based on socioeconomic indicators. Argentina is a South American country with a population of 42,192,500. The charts show the development of the pandemic starting from 3 March 2020, representing changes in net number of cases on a daily basis, based on the number of cases reported in the National Ministry of Health's daily reports. Jul The official data from 2020-07-20 included a total of 4,019 new cases, from which only 3,937 correspond to confirmed cases on this day. Après un vote positif à la Chambre des députés le 11 décembre, le Sénat doit examiner à partir de […] Connaître le contexte politique de l'Argentine. News. Argentina passes 1 million cases as virus hits Latin America. The first confirmed case was from El Nueve's sports journalist Guillermo Ferro. D'après la page Facebook qui s'y consacre, le chiffre à ce jour est de 95 femmes tuées par leur compagnon ou ex depuis le début de l'année 2020. San Martín, Manuel Belgrano, El Carmen and San Pedro), Santa Cruz (Río Gallegos) and Tierra del Fuego (Río Grande). Coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). [187], Since 1 April, the government allowed the return of Argentine residents stranded abroad, with a maximum of 700 passengers per day. Argentina Economic Outlook. Mort de Diego Maradona : l'Argentine rend un dernier hommage à son idole, ... Mais la situation de Lionel Messi est suivie de près par d’autres mastodontes européens. [63] August finally concluded with 417,722 confirmed cases, 8,660 deaths and 301,182 recoveries. Argentina’s Economy Crumbles as Buenos Aires Lockdown Continues ... Argentina’s economic situation was already fairly dire—leaving the country more exposed than … [73] On the same day, it was confirmed that the Minister of Social Development, Daniel Arroyo, tested positive,[74] while the Minister of Health of Santa Fe was hospitalized in a hospital in Rosario due to a worsening of her symptoms after testing positive for COVID-19. Argentina's lower house passes bill to allow abortion. Total del país. Littoral: 4 989 km. [205][206], Schools and universities closed indefinitely after the president's announcement of the lockdown. [156], On 28 August it was announced that the eased lockdown would be extended again until 20 September. [264] Public transportation services offered a Saturday-schedule until the start of the "administrated lockdown" on 13 April. [272], As for the human rights situation, claims were made on police brutality,[273] an increase of domestic violence,[274] human trafficking,[275] and the right to freedom of movement. [271] 36 workers tested positive for the virus and 130 people had to be isolated. [15] New activities allowed in the area included opening of shops in "low concentration" areas, outdoor walks with children on the weekends, outdoor physical activities from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m., and religious services by streaming, among other measures taken by each municipality. Superficie censada y densidad, según provincia. [23], On 12 January, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, who was reported to the WHO on 31 December 2019. [37][38] The first cases from local transmission were confirmed on the next day in Buenos Aires and the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chaco, and Córdoba. As of 26 December 2020 a total of 1,578,250 people were confirmed to have been infected, and 42,501 people were known to have died because … The test, called NEOKIT-COVID-19, allows to obtain results in almost an hour and it offers a high degree of sensitivity (which reduces the possibility of false negatives) and specificity (which minimizes the probability of false positives). Buenos Aires cambió el método de registro de muertos y sumó más de 3500: ahora son 12.566", "Coronavirus: Buenos Aires cargó casi 3200 muertos y la Argentina superó los 20.000 fallecidos", Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing, Sancaktepe Prof. Dr. Feriha Öz Emergency Hospital, Yeşilköy Prof. Dr. Murat Dilmener Emergency Hospital, NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber, Kandakadu Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force, Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups, Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases, National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board (Turkey), Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, World map by countries: confirmed per capita,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles containing potentially dated statements from December 2020, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A bicyclist and a police officer wearing masks in. [16] According to Fernández, this urban area saw an increase of 147% of COVID-19 cases, and an increase of 95% on deaths due to the disease during the previous 20 days of the announcement. [17] New activities allowed include individual outdoor recreation activities, opening of local shops, car washers, clothing and footwear stores, hairdressing, waxing, manicure and pedicure shops in all neighborhoods, return of administrative staff to schools, individual prayers in temples (with no more than 10 people on the site), return of dog walkers, opening of libraries (without staying in the place), and return of professional activities, such as lawyers and accountants, at least once a week. [210] Three months later, on 3 August, the Ministry of Education confirmed that the provinces of Catamarca, San Juan and Santiago del Estero would begin a process of returning to class under a system that would involve dividing students into groups that could attend classrooms in weekly shifts. L'Argentine et les fonds spéculatifs américains n'ont pas réussi à se mettre d'accord mercredi sur la dette de Buenos Aires, qui se retrouve de facto en situation de défaut de paiement. [149], President Fernández announced on 26 June that the restrictions on movement in Buenos Aires that were previously eased, would be tightened again since 1 July due to a spike in COVID-19 cases on Greater Buenos Aires. [265], On 4 May, the government announced a new protocol that orders that public transportation will only occupy 60 percent of its capacity. [220][221] A private report estimated in November that 34% of Argentine students were allowed to attend these "rebonding" school activities, while 1% of them were in fact attending in-person classes at the time. This big jump was due to a revision on the definition of a recovery, which now included (among the discharged from the hospitals) mild cases in which the system would automatically discharge 10 days after the symptom onset date. Meanwhile, the presence in residential zones increased by 27 percent. In October 2018, a protest against the 2019 budget in front of the Congressional Palace in Buenos Aires was dispersed by riot police using tear gas. Dec [100][101][102] It began on hospitals and hemotherapy centers in Greater Buenos Aires and was later extended to the rest of the country. Called ELA-chemstrip, it was developed by Argentine scientists from the National University of Quilmes and the National University of General San Martín. [82], During the first days of November, the government announced that will acquire during December 2020 and January 2021, 25 million of doses from the Russian vaccine Sputnik V after it would enter phase III. L'Argentine a décrété jeudi le confinement "préventif et obligatoire" de ses quelque 44 millions d'habitants jusqu'à la fin du mois, afin d'enrayer l'épidémie de coronavirus. [159] Gradual openings would begin to be implemented to all educational levels, restaurants and bars with indoor services and private construction, and outdoor social gatherings would be allowed. [65][66] The Minister of Education, Nicolás Trotta, also announced that classes would end throughout the country in December as expected. Alberto Fernández pidió que el fútbol siga y se transmita por TV abierta", "#CopaArgentina El encuentro entre @Independiente y @VillaMitreBB , por los 32avos de Final, fue reprogramado para el miércoles 1 de abril, en horario a confirmar", "El fútbol se detiene por el coronavirus: los motivos de la marcha atrás del Gobierno", "A dos meses del último partido en Argentina", "Rodolfo D'Onofrio se refirió a la vuelta a los entrenamientos en Argentina: "El fútbol hoy no es una prioridad, "AFA y Gobierno diagraman la vuelta a los entrenamientos en el fútbol argentino", "Qué jugadores del fútbol argentino dieron positivo por coronavirus", "Se confirmaron 11 casos de coronavirus en el fútbol argentino tras los exámenes antes de reiniciar los entrenamientos", "Población por sexo e índice de masculinidad. Guidelines to relieve the situation for non-formal sector. This phase of the lockdown would be extended until 17 July. ", "Ya hay casi 5000 detenidos por violar la cuarentena que dispuso el Gobierno", "Cuarentena: cómo cambió la movilidad de los argentinos, según Google", "COVID-19 Community Mobility Report: Argentina", "Coronavirus en la Argentina: cómo iniciarán o continuarán el dictado de clases las 13 facultades de la UBA", "COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response", "Coronavirus en Argentina: el Ministerio de Educación evalúa un regreso de las clases por región", "Education Minister: 85% of schools in Argentina will likely re-open in August", "Trotta: "Si se mantiene la situación epidemiológica, habrá clases duales en tres provincias, "Los docentes volvieron a las escuelas y Trotta dijo que es "un paso fundamental, "Trotta: "Catamarca dio todos los pasos para poder regresar a clases de manera escalonada, "Trotta reafirmó que "no habrá promoción automática" y que las clases terminarán en diciembre", "Cómo será la vuelta a clases en CABA y la provincia de Buenos Aires", "La Ciudad habilitó a 169 escuelas privadas a iniciar actividades presenciales desde este viernes", "Confirman desde UTE el primer caso de coronavirus en una escuela desde la apertura en la Ciudad", "Kicillof ratificó clases presenciales en 24 municipios bonaerenses", "La Provincia de Buenos Aires aún no definió qué distritos empiezan las clases presenciales el lunes", "Coronavirus. Latin America and the Caribbean Region COVID-19 Situation Report No. A découvrir également – Salta, un point de départ pour visiter le Nord-Ouest de l’Argentine [109], On 31 May, it was announced that Argentine scientists were also working to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, a project subsidized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. En attendant de le retrouver, retour sur la situation de l’Argentine… et ce qu’elle peut nous apprendre pour l’avenir. [19], On 16 March, the province of Tierra del Fuego was put on lockdown, becoming the first province to do so. The last update on 12 November reported 82,038 recovered patients. The lockdown would resume to workers of private construction, medical and dental care, industry production and online commerce, lawyers, and accountants, among others, in some provinces such as Entre Ríos, Jujuy, La Pampa, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquén, Salta, San Juan, Santa Cruz and Tucumán, with the respective health protocols. Sep In the City of Buenos Aires, under the strictest lockdown, crime went down a 48 percent during the first quarter of the year, and a 56 percent during July, but violence on those crimes increased. [242][243] Police stopped patrolling, responding only to urgent 911 emergency calls. [17] Two weeks later, on 31 July, in another press conference, Fernández announced that the lockdown restrictions at that moment would continue until 16 August as there were a record of cases and deaths in the past days due to the virus. COVID-19 Information Last updated: 12/24/20 Country-Specific Information: The Department of State has issued a Level 4 (“Do Not Travel”) advisory for Argentina for U.S. citizens due to COVID-19. Oct [312] An employee from América TV was also diagnosed with COVID-19 on 18 June. [204] According to Google, since the lockdown, people movement in restaurants, shopping centers, cinemas and museums dropped by 86 percent, the presence of mobile phones on public transportation dropped 80 percent, and in offices a 57 percent.