What online services does Texas.gov offer? Linked sites must have a privacy and security policy accessible from their home page informing the user of what information is collected, how it is collected, how it is used, and how the user can review and correct the information. Texas.gov is committed to providing a web presence that enables full public access to Texas government information and services. Protected intellectual property must be used in accordance with state and federal laws and must reflect the proper ownership of the intellectual property. Visit the Texas Health Options website for access to extensive information about Texas health care coverage and insurance options. How can I get workers compensation in Texas? This content may take the form of digital text for Twitter and Facebook, photography images for Flickr, and videos for YouTube. A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Our nationally recognized programs bring awareness to Texas' architectural, archeological, and cultural landmarks. The residents and I would like to welcome you to Waskom, “The gateway to Texas”. The State of Texas (and its licensors and contractors) specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing the Texas.gov web site or the information it contains, including any web sites maintained by third parties that link to the Texas.gov site. Any customer support resources required by Texas.gov as a result of an external link on Texas.gov may require a fee to maintain the link on Texas.gov. Texas.gov does not sell and does not generally release (other than as provided in this policy) personally identifiable information to third parties; however, information provided to any governmental body may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act and applicable federal and state legislation. 521.001 et. If you have agency-specific questions or concerns, please contact them directly. All credit, debit, and charge card numbers, Bank account and electronic check information, Personal identification numbers (PIN) and passwords. Upon leaving Texas.gov and linking to an external site, the policies governing Texas.gov no longer apply and users are subject to the external siteâs policies. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 559.004, individuals are entitled to have each governmental body correct inaccurate information. These safe COVID-19 travel resources will help you prepare for a future fun, exciting and healthy adventure to Texas. If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on our website interferes with your ability to access the information, please email txgov@dir.texas.gov. If you are a child under the age of 13, you can use these services only if used together with your parents or guardians. We have reason to be proud! If communication that takes place on Texas.gov involves or requires private information, communication will be redirected through other appropriate channels. Any dispute arising therefrom shall be decided under the laws and in the courts in Texas. The services hosted on Texas.gov use both session cookies and persistent cookies. Texas.gov reserves the right to remove approved links if they are inaccurate or inactive, or at any time violate any of these requirements. TEXAS 6 is an eight-episode docuseries that takes place in Strawn, Texas and follows the Greyhounds, a high school six-man football team under the direction of Coach Dewaine Lee, as they attempt a three-peat for the 6-Man Football State Championship. University of Texas at Austin. Craig Wayne Boyd offers a voice full of gospel-tinged country smoke, Adam Wakefield blends a rootsy bluegrass-and-Americana rasp, and Casey James wraps it with a blue-eyed soul quality and deft blues guitar chops. If the site excessively burdens the Texas.gov customer support system, Texas.gov has discretion to remove the link from Texas.gov. We will not provide personal information about children to third parties. To protect the security of its employees, Texas.gov users, and hosted applications and services, Texas.gov complies with the following standards and codes as applicable: In addition, Texas.gov uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for secure transmissions, which are identified as such on the site. There are probably even some within walking distance of where you are right now. Sa capitale est Austin, mais Houston (connue pour sa base de la NASA, d'où était piloté le programme Apollo) est sa plus grande ville.. Elle est constituée de 32 districts électoraux dans lesquels sont élus les députés à … More. 512(c)(3)): Please note: The State of Texas (and its licensors and contractors) disclaims any express or implied warranty in providing its computer system and any materials, information, graphics, products, or processes contained therein for public use. The University provides a vibrant campus community for more than 16,000 students by blending interdisciplinary research with an international reputation for educational excellence and a faculty commitment to teaching and scholarship. The Texas.gov service that I'm trying to access is unavailable. contains offensive terms that target protected classes, is threatening, harassing or discriminatory, incites or promotes violence or illegal activities, contains information that reasonably could compromise public safety, advertises or promotes a commercial product or service, or any entity or individual, promotes or endorses political campaigns or candidates. OZZY OSBOURNE has released the new album ORDINARY MAN featuring the singles "Under the Graveyard," "Straight to Hell," "Ordinary Man," and "It’s a Raid." Event Details, Videos, Merchandise & More Entities and individuals linking to Texas.gov shall not capture Texas.gov pages within frames, present Texas.gov content as its own, or otherwise misrepresent Texas.gov content. For additional information please visit the Relay Texas web site. Many will be on display after the ship is repaired. The official website of the Texas Rangers with the most up-to-date information on scores, schedule, stats, tickets, and team news. More. All Rights Reserved. When personally identifiable information is requested, there will be an indication of whether the disclosure of such information is mandatory or optional to continue the transaction. City Hall - City of Texas City 1801 9th Avenue North Texas City, Texas 77592 (409) 948-3111 Public information requests will be handled in accordance with the Public Information Act. A session cookie is temporary and only exists during a single session during which a visitor uses Texas.gov. Questions and concerns regarding the information or services provided by a linked site must be directed to the entity or individual responsible for that site, rather than to Texas.gov. More. Video instructions for vehicle registration renewal, Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities, Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL), International Organization for Standardization, Control Objectives for Information and related Technology, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, Texas Administrative Code Title 1, Part 10, Chapter 202, Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 99), Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075: âTAX INFORMATION SECURITY GUIDELINES FOR FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES AND ENTITIESâ, Open Web Application Security Project Top 10 Vulnerabilities. Is the Texas.gov website accessible for people with disabilities? It features tools to search, filter, map, and visualize specific state agency data sets. This policy describes the privacy and security practices regarding information collected from Texas.gov site visitors. The 25-year-old earned a 12-11-3 record in 30 games with Texas (AHL) last season For more information about Living in Texas, such as assistance & benefits, education, health & wellness, and more, please visit FIND IT. The soft-rock Scots and the hardcore New York rappers have been mates ever since a riotous recording session got them banned from a studio. 127 K J’aime. Easy. Linked sites must notify Texas.gov through its site Administrator at the email address provided below if the site to which Texas.gov links becomes inaccurate or inactive. Texas.gov neither endorses the content, products, services, or viewpoints expressed by the linked sites, nor assumes any responsibility for the content of these linked web sites. Texas.gov uses persistent cookies to track visitor activity on the site to structure content and make the Texas.gov websites easy to use. WATCH. Play Video Visit the Texas Workforce Commission website to learn more about unemployment benefits in Texas, including how to apply online. If you would like your Business, Church, Organization or Event to appear on the City of Smiley website or Community Calendar, send an email to smileytx@gvec.net with the necessary information to display. Texas.gov lets you securely complete hundreds of government services online. Texas is the BEST! We use various testing tools, such as JAWS screen reader and Compliance Sheriff, to verify that Texas.gov is in compliance with Section 508. For more information about photo submission guidelines, visit the Texas.gov Flickr pool at http://www.flickr.com/groups/texasgov/. We are pleased to announce Cheech Marin and Carlos Santana in conversation, “En Diálogo”, via Zoom on Thursday, December 17, 2020, 6 p.m.–8 p.m. Tickets are $25. Mayor Meek Gives State of the City Presentation. All persistent cookies from Texas.gov will expire within twenty-five months. If you have any questions or concerns about how state agencies and local governments handle personal information, please contact them directly. Navigating government agencies can be tougher than dry brisket. Connect with care, be cyber aware! Neither Texas.gov, nor its licensors or contractors performing services in connection with the social media sites are responsible for any actions of third parties who access information posted on any Texas.gov social media site. The Official Website of ZZ Top. The Humane Society of Central Texas hosted a yappy hour to ask staff questions about animals in the shelter. Trent and Atticus’ score for David Fincher’s new film Mank is out now! You’ll find that there are things to do for everyone in Texas with amazing culture and events happening year round. Unless a governmental body is authorized to withhold the information from an individual under Texas Government Code, Section 552.023, individuals are entitled to receive the information that state agencies and local governments collected through Texas.gov.