Although he left the crew during the Water 7 Arc, he rejoined at the end of the Post-Enies Lobby Arc . '"God" Usopp' adalah penembak jitu dari Bajak Laut Topi Jerami dan mantan Kapten dari Bajak Laut Usopp. Manga pre-timeskip Once he put on the mask, he gained the confidence that enabled him to defeat Kumashi. Luffy gave Usopp the Merry and left with the rest of the crew, but both Luffy and Usopp cried over the turn of events. He used to be a huge coward an… There are four cases in which Usopp has revealed his perversion; two times during the Alabasta arc (when he saw Nami's naked body twice, the first time through Mr. 2 and the second time when he and the others peeped on her in the bathhouse), another during the Thriller Bark arc (where he ended up seeing Nami completely naked once again while she was in the bath, and pervertedly thanked her after seeing her), and the fourth time during the Fish-Man Island arc. In the anime, the Pacifista was able to associate Usopp with Sogeking, with Sentomaru commenting that his epithet, "King of Snipers" (Sogeki no Ō-sama), was ridiculous. He was then suffocated by Caesar Clown with his Gasu Gasu no Mi abilities before taking a direct attack from Caesar's "Gastanet" only to come out of the massive gas explosion with a few bruises. [34] His mother's death eventually led him to develop sympathy for Kaya, and caused him to devote his time to helping her overcome her parents' death. Since first introduced, Usopp has been cowardly, known to constantly lie and enjoys telling tall tales to both friends and strangers alike. Unlike Nami (whose cowardice is linked to just wanting to stay alive), Usopp's cowardice was the result of his fear and insecurity, especially when faced with uncertainty. Can you imagine Sanji's reaction if the dwarves will reveal a statue at the end of this arc of King Usoland with his Queen Robiland. Introduction • Gallery • Personality and Relationships • Abilities and Powers • History • Misc. Angered at being deceived for fifty years, Oimo and Kashii switched sides and swore vengeance upon the World Government and Naval forces that had been deceiving them for so long. While he understood Shinobu's frustration about the leak of Kin'emon's plans, he was still disturbed by her suggestion of silencing the captives. He was inspired by Luffy, Zoro, and Nami and decided to go out to sea, following his dream of becoming a "brave warrior of the sea". He could stop Caesar Clown from escaping by surprising him with a pair of Seastone handcuffs that he fired at him, effectively negating his Logia powers. When they met again, Sanji accidentally knocked Usopp out and later tried to make it up by calling him "buddy" but to no avail. Usopp soon came to be in awe of Sanji's strength and battle prowess and would request that Sanji be his personal bodyguard but the cook will shrugged him off (only wanting to be Nami's bodyguard). Usopp and Chopper (and sometimes Nami) are easily terrified, running like the wind when monsters and strong foes appear, and the pair will often cower behind stronger crewmates. The breaking point came over the fate of the broken Merry: Usopp couldn't stand the idea of throwing the ship he loved aside and fought with Luffy over it. In return, Franky provided a workshop for Usopp to work on his gadgets and creations, something he is more at home with. When they met, Usopp was annoyed that Sanji was giving Nami free food while Usopp had to pay for mushrooms (which he hates) to which Sanji asked why he asked for them in the first place but Nami broke up the argument. During his fight with Perona, Usopp started arguing inside his head with his alter ego over their situation. When he left the crew, he said that he felt inferior to the rest of the crew because of their courage and superhuman strength. After being saved, Robin has had great affection for Usopp once becoming an official Straw Hat. When their duel was interrupted it heavily enraged Usopp, and sought out the perpetrator. It is currently unknown if Yasopp is aware his son has also become a pirate and that he is a member of Luffy's crew, however given the fact Usopp's current bounty now shows Usopp's true name and face, it is likely that he will become aware of it (unless he was already aware of it due to him recognizing Usopp's long nose on his Sogeking poster as it was a trait he inherited from Banchina) due to the Red-Haired Pirates' tendency of keeping tabs on Luffy's (and by extension his crew's) progress as a pirate, as well as the fact that the Doflamingo Pirates defeat by the Straw Hats and their allies is headline news. Because of her defeat, she harbors a grudge against Usopp for losing her first fight. Ex vice presidente della Baroque Works ed antagonista della ciurma, si unisce ad essa in seguito allo scioglimento della sua organizzazione. Both Yasopp and Usopp are great sharpshooters, which seems to be somewhat of a shared trait. Chopper was even fooled to such an extent that he accepted an autograph from Sogeking thinking him to be a celebrity. S[7] Usopp's attachment to the crew's first ship, the Going Merry, was an important factor to his relationship with the rest of the crew. Usopp (Japonisht: ウソップ), gjatë Enies Lobby arc ishte i njohur me epitetin Mbreti i Snajperëve (そげキング Sogekingu), është personazh fiktiv në anime dhe manga One Piece.Ai është snajper i Ekuipazhit të Kapelës prej Kashte dhe ish-kapiten i Piratëve të Usopp. He will often goof off with Luffy and shares a strong, brotherly relationship with him. After meeting the giants Dorry and Brogy in the Little Garden Arc, Usopp began to want to travel to Elbaf one day and meet the proud warriors there. L'archeologa ha instaurato un profondo legame con Franky a Enies Lobby e spesso i due formano un duo formidabile, come dimostrato a Thriller Bark. [3] This name is a pun between "sogeki" ("sniper" in Japanese) and the English word "king." [22][23] Luffy was initially willing to let Usopp back into the crew but relented when Zoro reminded him that Usopp disrespected Luffy as captain and he would only accept Usopp back if he apologized. Manga post-timeskip Whenever the crew is forced to take the high risk path, Usopp panics and loudly complains about it. During Operation S.O.P. Usopp looked up at them like heroes and found their personal duels to be very moving. While aboard the Puffing Tom, Usopp used a smokescreen to catch the CP9 off guard, allowing him to quickly grab Robin to escape, although the plan ultimately failed due to Blueno's Devil Fruit abilities and Robin's traumatic fear of the Buster Call. Usopp is always in favor of doing to things the "easy way". When the crew was leaving Water 7, Usopp thought they would accept him back with open arms, but was shocked when he saw them leave without him. )[3] (former)"Usohachi" (ウソ八, Usohachi? Even when the Merry was swallowed by a giant goldfish, Usopp's belief in them did not waver that they would keep their word and let nothing stand in their way. Usopp and Sanji make quite the comic pair as seen in Skypiea and Strong World as Sanji will fearlessly charge into battle while dragging a terrified Usopp behind him. After finding out about Ace's death, he developed the courage to escape and help out Luffy through the hardship or else he will not call himself a crewmate. While Usopp has yet to be shown interacting with his father, Usopp has remained proud of him even though he took the path of a pirate. She even stated that "the long-nose" is her natural enemy when addressing Nami. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. Before the timeskip, he also used to make up stories about being the captain, referring to himself as "Captain Usopp" when talking to Chopper (to impress him), opponents, or strangers (to scare them). Usopp's weapon of choice is a slingshot which he used in combination with a variety of pellets for long-range combat. [19] It was probably left over from the mask festival that was taking place on a nearby island at the time. Due to his ingenuity, Usopp can even defeat powerful enemies with Devil Fruit Abilities such as Miss Merry Christmas and Perona. Usopp either knows about his father from stories told by his mother or from actual memories, which one it is remains a mystery.[33]. Report. Naturally Luffy won, but took a lot of damage from Usopp. Robin stopped Blueno from killing Usopp, as he wouldn't stay down. This, coupled with him getting easily distracted or confused in battle have often made him less effective than his real potential as a sniper. At that time, Usopp finally realized that he must let the Merry go, as anymore would be just causing it pain, and allowed Luffy to give it a Viking's funeral. They have also bonded over their ability and mutual fondness for engineering and both tend to the ship together, upgrading and maintaining it. Both Usopp and Franky became hostages of CP9 along with Robin until they were saved by Sanji. It seems as though you wish to save a young lady. Alive Even though they never met, Usopp has earned Doflamingo's hatred by knocking out Sugar and freeing all the toy slaves in Dressrosa, which led to the people realizing Doflamingo's true nature as well as causing him to lose control over the island. Usopp cares for Nami and did his best to stop foes like Absalom and Shiki from getting their hands on her (Usopp even volunteered to accompany Sanji to rescue Nami from Absalom out of guilt for not being able to prevent Nami from being taken, though he ended up having to face Perona instead). However, she knew he would never return and before her death she told Usopp that she was glad he had gone out to sea. While overjoyed by this escape, Usopp was once again horrified when Merry suddenly split apart, and was told by Iceburg that the ship was simply being held together by desperate measures. [24] Also when Sanji swapped bodies with Nami (thanks to the Ope Ope no Mi) and flaunted her body to the crew, Usopp became very excited. During his time spent as Sogeking, Usopp began to realize that while he was one of the weaker crew members, his role as the crew's sniper and a supporting crew member made him more valuable than he thought. Usopp Nico Robin PNG Images 132 results. He also appears to be highly knowledgeable in chemistry, being solely responsible for manufacturing the highly innovative slingshot pellets, or "stars", that he uses for ammunition. With Usopp part of the crew again, Luffy and the others were jubilant to have their cowardly sniper back. Upon Usopp's introduction, the crew only consisted of Luffy, Zoro, and Nami. However in the wake of Donquixote Doflamingo and the Donquixote Pirates defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates and Heart Pirates Alliance, the Marines have issued new bounties for the entire Straw Hat crew, resulting in Usopp's wanted poster being upgraded with his true name and face (albeit an unflattering photo of Usopp while he was unconscious), while his bounty was increased to 200,000,000 along with his new epithet, God for his role in knocking out Sugar and freeing all the Toy slaves which ultimately led to Doflamingo's years of deception being exposed. Usopp Usopp lied to them by claiming that he lied to get back at Klahadore, in order to keep them safe; although they act disgusted at first for their captain's supposed cruel jokes, they remained skeptical and knew deep down Usopp was simply hiding the truth from them. Due to his lies, Usopp was referred to as "Usoland". Through this small connection and the fact that they are the same age and, thus, at the same level of maturity, Luffy and Usopp had a very special bond from the moment they met. The former members of Usopp Pirates (Ninjin, Tamanegi, and Piman) were seen again after Enies Lobby was raided, reacting to Usopp's new bounty. Because of his own cowardly nature, Usopp is sympathetic towards the plight of Law's captured crewmates at Wano and would not fault them if they did reveal Kin'emon's plans to the Beasts Pirates as he would do the same if he was in their position. Despite their similar personalities, Nami has on rare occasions hypocritically criticized Usopp of cowardice in situations that she herself was also scared of, causing them to argue. When fighting to protect the Giants, it was one of the few moments Usopp showed absolute bravery and confidence against a superior opponent. [17], He also has a dislike for mushrooms, due to eating a poisonous one when he was younger.[18]. He took advantage of Mr 4's blind obedience to his partner command, resulting in Miss Merry Christmas taking the full force of Mr. 4's four-ton bat head on, defeating her with sheer tacticality. Sanji was the one to ultimately inspire Usopp to see the value inside himself saying that while he (Sanji) was physically stronger and could do what Usopp couldn't do, Usopp possessed skill to save Robin and could do what he "couldn't do". 4. It is said by Merry back at Syrup Village that Usopp started lying that pirates were coming to the village, hoping that his father would come back. Back at the village, his old pirate trio also await his return. Like Sanji, Usopp does find Nami attractive and does make noticed of her body a few times, like in Thriller Bark when he saw her naked he bowed and said "thank you" much to Chopper's shock. Luffy and Robin are quite obvious because Luffy is the captain and when Robin is there in a group, we can expect some historical stuff from her. These include the 5 Ton Hammer and others. Later at Onigashima, Usopp quickly spotted some lookouts before anyone else and put them to sleep with his Pop Greens. And in Tower of Justice when Jabra was about to kill Usopp, Sanji returned in the nick of time to save Usopp and then fight the Wolf-man. Usopp was the one who inspired Luffy to get up and beat Rob Lucci, revealing himself in midst of a battle and even challenged Lucci to fight while chiding Luffy for looking like he was about to die. When Monkey D. Luffy was younger, he remembers Yasopp telling stories about his son that he had left back home. Chopper was in awe of "Sogeking" and asked for his autograph. Unlike Franky who focuses on heavy arsenals, Usopp focuses on the light arsenals. On Fish-Man Island, he used different pop greens to implant a series of traps to gain an overwhelming advantage against an energy steroid enhanced Daruma, an officer of the New Fish-Man Pirates, and ultimately defeated him. After a major battle, Usopp tends to have severe injuries often caused by his determination to reach his goal. Also being the only member other than Sanji who is aware of her past, when they met Hody Jones at Ryugu Palace and were both shocked that he intends to continue Arlong's dream, Usopp was angry with Brook for Nami's sake, after Brook unknowingly made an insensitive joke about Arlong, due to not having been around back then to understand the gravity of the situation. Robin berated the sniper for trying to save her and told him she had made her reasons for leaving clear to Luffy. Straw Hat Pirates; Straw Hat Grand Fleet; Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance; Usopp Pirates (disbanded) His creative and resourceful engineering has resulted in the creation of both the Clima-Tact and Kabuto which he can further modify with dials and pop greens. The Pirate Ganzack, He can expand it to an even larger size which he dubs "Super Grow Up Kuro Kabuto" which is useful for particularly long range attacks.[17]. Usopp was very afraid of Trebol after he saw the Donquixote executive set several dwarves on fire, causing him to run away. When his "Sogeking" bounty is made public, Kaya is able to identify him and seemed proud of his accomplishment. Usopp would continuously dedicate his efforts in patching up Merry, refusing any replacement. Unfortunately, his lies backfired when he tried to protect her when Kuro put his 3 year plan into action and Kaya lost all respect for him, until the truth was revealed. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. They unhesitatingly went down to the battlefield to attack Kuro, and protected Kaya with their lives under Usopp's request. Both Sanji and Usopp deeply enjoyed Whisky Peak and slept though the midnight battle. At some point during the Alabasta arc, Nami approached Usopp and asked him to make a weapon for her, convincing him to do so by confessing her feelings of inadequacy when compared to the awesome strength of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and even Chopper. He used to be the first to come up with an excuse to avoid doing something or to avoid putting himself in danger. umairbasit. For example, he briefly lost his cool when Nami called him "Hanapp." at the underground trade port, Usopp showed a moment of weakness when he was fleeing from Trebol and nearly abandoned the dwarves. Usopp will often cling onto to Zoro's legs leading to the swordsman shaking him off. In battle, Usopp uses hit-and-run tactics and works best as part of a team where there are more physical fighters to watch his back. Ussop was shocked that Luffy befriended the ex-warlord, but supported his captain's decision to recruit him into the Straw Hat Pirates. Usopp also has an uncanny understanding of psychological warfare. Usopp sniping abilities and Robin's DF should create some nice fighting moves/combo's. Usopp is one of the more sentimental Straw Hat Pirates, and cries or loses his temper in moments of emotional stress. this scene was taken from one piece episode 166 (SUB HD) * enjoy this epic scene ! However, now he is willing to stand and fight with the rest of the crew. With this, he was able to pinpoint Sugar's location and snipe her down from such a distance. Later when he saw the others trying to save Robin, it made him feel guilty for leaving, so he stated to Sanji and Franky that he cannot help them fight for this reason. The "true" Sogeking has been known to break character on occasion, speaking in Usopp's normal voice and temporarily dropping his fearless demeanor. During this facade, he sometimes dons a deeper voice to disguise himself, which can be seen as the "true" Sogeking. The pirates had a tearful disbandment when Usopp decided to leave and become a real pirate. Though some of Usopp's lies actually help and inspire people like Chopper and the dwarves of Dressrosa. [35], Kodama initially thought Usopp had come to their workshop to become an apprentice. His marksmanship is nearly unmatched, accurately hitting Spandam and some Marines from a vast distance of over a mile out-distancing even the guns the Marines had with the wind against him. However, as the comic relief character, he is often made fun of. Usopp has outstanding marksmanship abilities with the slingshot, his favorite weapon. One of the most frequently used excuses is that he gets a disease named, for example, "Can't-get-on-this-island disease". The other crewmates often request that Chopper make cure for Usopp's cowardliness to which Chopper says it's a hopeless cause. Upon catching up with Robin on the train to Enies Lobby, he encouraged her to believe in Luffy. He is still amazed by Zoro's strength as in Dressrosa, he was awed when Zoro defeated the stone giant Pica. The best example of this is when he, Zoro, and Brook are trapped in a suspended cage in Ryugu Palace and Brook explains his newfound ability to extend his soul over long distances. This eventually came to a head with Luffy, who was persuaded by shipwrights that the Going Merry suffered terminal damage and should get a replacement at last. In his battle against Chew, a fish-man and an officer of the Arlong Pirates, Usopp threw a bottle of rum at him catching him off guard before Usopp destroyed the bottle and ignited the alcohol with a Kaen Boshi, setting him aflame before exploiting the chance to hit him hard with his hammer multiple times, defeating him.Â. Usopp Imitates Robin - One Piece Funny Scene. Occupations: Japanese VA: Epithet: Usopp saved Robin from being a toy and was tended to her after the toys revolted against the Donquixote Pirates. Usopp has on a few occasions displayed a subtle perverted side of him, that is often not noted upon. "Usopp" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest. They arrived just in time to save the Franky Family from being overwhelmed by the marines when Yokozuna gets knocked out, as well as take over it in guarding the door to the inner courthouse, keeping the marines out—but not before flinging Sogeking up to the rooftop to rejoin the Straw Hats.