This significantly reduced Macrinus' popularity with the legions that had declared him emperor. [47] He sent a force of cavalry commanded by Ulpius Julianus to regain control of the rebels, but they failed and Ulpius died in the attempt. Sextia Asina Polla. KP0009DX - 200 pcs EXCLUSIVE ed. Macrinus was Roman Emperor from April 217 to 8 June 218. [26] In return for peace, Macrinus was forced to pay a large indemnity to the Parthian ruler Artabanus V.[27][28] Rome was at the time also under threat from Dacia and Armenia, so any deal with Parthia would likely have been beneficial to Rome. [6], In the spring of 217, Caracalla was in the eastern provinces preparing a campaign against the Parthian Empire. [4][5], While Macrinus probably enjoyed the trust of Emperor Caracalla, this may have changed when, according to tradition, it was prophesied that he would depose and succeed the emperor. The couple has common ancestors. They erected statues of Balbus in all of Herculaneum’s major municipal areas and voted to name the basilica Balbus had financed the Basilica Nonius. [34] In matters of foreign policy, Macrinus showed a tendency towards settling disputes through diplomacy and a reluctance to engage in military conflict, though this may have been due more to the lack of resources and manpower than to his own personal preference. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for kaustic plastik Roman general Marcus Nonius Macrinus fasces 1/6 scale Rome at the best online prices at eBay! Arria. Many of the marble busts of Macrinus that exist were defaced and mutilated as a response to the damnatio memoriae and many of the coins depicting Macrinus and Diadumenianus were also destroyed. [4] Over the years, he earned a reputation as a skilled lawyer; and, under Emperor Septimius Severus, he became an important bureaucrat. Features Deluxe Packaging New … Marcus Nonium Macrinus ; Masterclass Warrior Set ; Scottish Lord ; Secutor ; Tiberius ; Valerius ; William Wallace ; KP02 Muscular Males ; KGB Hobby Studio . He died after 170. Add new comment. [2] Africans in Britain 2000 years ago. Instead, Macrinus allowed the enlisted soldiers to retain their higher payments, but he reduced the pay of new recruits to the level which had been set by Severus. Titus Sextius Lateranus was a Roman senator active in the second century AD. According to the inscriptions on his tomb, he was originally from Brescia. As Caracalla had a tendency towards military belligerence, rather than diplomacy, this left several conflicts for Macrinus to resolve. Marcus Nonius Macrinus was from the northern Italian city of Brescia and is named in ancient Roman times as a 'proconsul of emperor Marcus Aurelius'. Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,,,2933,438801,00.html, "Tomb of 'Gladiator' Roman general unearthed",, "Tomb of Roman general who inspired Gladiator reburied",, "Tomb of the real 'Gladiator' discovered in Italy",, [7][9] In the aftermath, Martialis was killed by one of Caracalla's men. Macrinus was of Berber (Indigenous people of North Africa) descent and the first emperor to become so without membership in the senatorial class. However, while both Marcus Nonius Macrinus and the fictitious Maximus Decimus Meridius … As emperor, Macrinus first attempted to enact reform to bring economic and diplomatic stability to Rome. [43] Elagabalus, aged 14, was the chief priest of the Phoenician sun-deity Elagabalus (or El-Gabal) in Emesa. [3] [6][9][10] By April 11, Macrinus had proclaimed himself emperor and assumed all of the imperial titles and powers, without waiting for the Senate. Macrinus settled a peace deal with the Parthians, after fighting an indecisive battle at Nisibis in 217. The basilica’s interior was filled not with statues of the gods … [19] Macrinus, upon learning of his son's death, tried to escape captivity, but he injured himself in the unsuccessful attempt[50] and was afterward executed in Cappadocia; his head was sent to Elagabalus. Limited Edition of 700 Worldwide. For the addressee of many of Pliny the Younger's Epistles, see, Bust of Macrinus, from the Capitoline Museum. Description Kaustic Plastik 1/6 Scale 12″ Legions of Rome Marcus Nonius Macrinus KP009 . [13][41] Afterwards, Macrinus sent Domna's sister Julia Maesa and her children back to Emesa in Syria, from where Maesa set in motion her plans to have Macrinus overthrown. 154-ben helyettesítő consulként is működött. Your name * E-mail * The content of this field is kept private and will … The second action, taken by the Roman soldiers who had rebelled against Macrinus in favour of Elagabalus, was to destroy all of the works and possessions of Macrinus. According to the inscriptions on his tomb, he was originally from Brescia. [50] Much like Macrinus, Diadumenianus' head was also cut off and sent to Elagabalus as a trophy. He later conspired against Caracalla and had him murdered in a bid to protect his own life, succeeding him as emperor. [22] Most of the money was spent on the army; he had greatly increased their pay from 2,000 sesterces to 3,000 sesterces per year. The author of this publication would love to hear from you! He was married to Arria Ceasennia Paulina, they had 2 children. According to the inscriptions on his tomb, he was originally from Brescia. Fun Facts about the name Macrinus. Crowe fights for tomb of Gladiator; HISTORY. [19], Despite his equestrian background, Macrinus was accepted by the Senate for two reasons: for the removal of Caracalla, and for having received the loyalty of the army. [42], Julia Maesa had retired to her home town of Emesa with an immense fortune, which she had accrued over the course of twenty years. The 48-year-old has teamed up with leading historians for the protest over the recently unearthed grave of Marcus Nonius Macrinus. Marcus Nonius Macrinus van Rome ± 118-???? Four years after its discovery, in December 2012, the tomb is being reburied due to lack of funds for reconstruction. [43][44] Soldiers from Legio III Gallica (Gallic Third Legion), that had been stationed at the nearby camp of Raphanea, often visited Emesa and went to see Elagabalus perform his priestly rituals and duties while there. [13][43] On May 16, Elagabalus was proclaimed emperor by the Legio III Gallica at its camp at Raphanea. Macrinus fled the battlefield and tried to reach Rome, but was captured in Chalcedon and later executed in Cappadocia. [11][20] The senators were less concerned by Macrinus' Mauretanian ancestry than by his equestrian social background and scrutinized his actions as emperor. He served as Consul (suffectus) in 154, and several terms as proconsul thereafter. [6] Only the Senate had the constitutional power to choose the emperor from among the senators and Macrinus, not being a senator and having become emperor through force rather than through traditional means, was looked down upon. [2] According to David Potter, his family traced its origins to the Berber tribes of the region and his pierced ear was an indication of his Berber heritage. These actions angered the Armenian people and they soon rebelled against Rome. [22] This shortfall left Rome in a dire fiscal situation that Macrinus needed to address. [7], For two or three days, Rome remained without an emperor. Caracalla's aunt Julia Maesa took advantage of the unrest and instigated a rebellion to have her fourteen-year-old grandson, Elagabalus, recognized as emperor. He is believed to have in part inspired the character Maximus Decimus Meridius, played by Russell Crowe in Gladiator. Macrinus' life was one of the inspirations for Russell Crowe's character Maximus Decimus Meridius in the 2000 feature film Gladiator. [17], This article is about the Roman emperor Macrinus. In April, Caracalla went to visit a temple of Luna near the site of the battle of Carrhae and was accompanied only by his personal guard, which included Macrinus. This changed when Macrinus discovered that she was conspiring against him and had her placed under house arrest in Antioch. [42] Elagabalus himself subsequently entered Antioch as the new ruler of the Roman Empire. It was built to contain the remains of Marcus Nonius Macrinus, a proconsul and a favourite of Marcus Aurelius, who ruled as emperor from … Poss. [13][20] Macrinus remained in Antioch instead of going to Rome upon being declared emperor, a step which furthered his unpopularity in Rome and contributed to his eventual downfall. After Macrinus' death, the Senate declared him and his son enemies of Rome and had their names struck from the records and their images destroyed. Arria Cornelius (Carbo) daughter. First, their portraits were destroyed and their names were stricken from inscriptions and papyri. Daily Telegraph. Marcus Nonius Macrinus was a favourite of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, helping him achieve major victories in Europe. [6] The army backed his claim as emperor and the Senate, so far away, was powerless to intervene. He served as Consul (suffectus) in 154, and several terms as proconsul thereafter. The 1,800-year-old stone mausoleum on the banks of the River Tiber was hailed by experts as an "extraordinary discovery" and one of the most important Roman finds for decades. The only evidence for her existence is a fictitious letter written in Diadumenianus' biography in the, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, History of Antioch in Syria: From Seleucus to the Arab Conquest, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1, "Macrinus and Diadumenianius" at De Imperatoribus Romanis (by Michael Meckler of Ohio State University),, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Imperator Caesar Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus Pius Felix Augustus, This page was last edited on 26 December 2020, at 21:17. 1/6 Marcus Nonius Macrinus From Kaustic-Plastik: Code: KP0009DX + Add To My Favorite. HM George I's 50-Great Grandfather. Marcus Nonius Macrinus was born in Brescia, northern Italy Born to a distinguished local family, Macrinus became a senator at around 25 and a consul 16 years later in around 154AD Macrinus' life was one of the inspirations for Russell Crowe's character Maximus Decimus Meridius in the 2000 feature film Gladiator. Description; Reviews (0) Description. Moscow Omon Police ; King's Toys . Macrinus (/məˈkraɪnəs/; Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus; c. 165 – June 218) was Roman Emperor from April 217 to 8 June 218. Occupation: inspiration for gladiator movie, consul: Managed by: Private User Last Updated: 161 AD in the era of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Free shipping for many products! During his lifetime, he served not only as an adviser to Marcus Aurelius, but also as proconsul of the Roman province of Asia. He reigned jointly with his young son Diadumenianus. [19], Macrinus realised that his life was in danger but struggled to decide upon a course of action and remained at Antioch. Civil Officer of the Ming Dynasty ; General of Han Dynasty ; Ming … Marcus Nonius Balbus was Herculaneum’s principle civic benefactor. The declaration of hostes led to two actions being taken against the images of the former Emperors. Marcus Nonius Macrinus. [30] In 216, Caracalla had imprisoned Khosrov I of Armenia and his family after Khosrov had agreed to meet with Caracalla at a conference to discuss some issue between himself and his sons. Agnes Harris's 44-Great Grandfather. Limited Edition of 700 Worldwide. [23][24] The increased expenditures forced Caracalla to strip bare whatever sources of income he had to supply the difference. Joseph Stalin ; U-Boat Captain ; U-Boat Seaman ; WWII RAF British Pilot ; King of Figures . When Caracalla too was assassinated in 217, she is said to have starved herself to death, either voluntarily or on the orders of the new emperor, Macrinus. [18], Macrinus and his son Diadumenianus were declared hostes, enemies of the state, by the Senate immediately after news had arrived of their deaths and as part of an official declaration of support for the usurper Elagabalus, who was recognized in the Senate as the new Emperor.